
"So I'm increasingly convinced that
What Xiaoyao said: if someone cannot love and live freely, So death is a form of release.if XL comes and chooses her, then Xiaoyao can love and live freely. If XL doesn't come then death is a form of letting go" 

Yeah, I belive  that's my take on it too. She killed herself, but she couldn't die because XL revived her yet again. After she woke up and saw the sunlight from the window and the  peach blossom, she wasn't sure where she is, but obviously she knew that she's somewhere on land, thus she got angry at  XL. 

Her first thought I belive was that XL saved her, but unlike last time, she was on land, not underwater and he wasn't there to take credit for it. Just then she saw a white figure and she almost forgot to breath, implying that she did hope that the one rushing towards her was XL. She got dissapointed and after she figured out that she's on Jade Mountain she still wanted to confirm if it was indeed the royal mother who saved her. After she realised that XL didn't even bother to save her,  let alone take her away as he did last time, she asked herself what's the point în living like this, if she can't live and love freely. This thought I belive came after she woke up and not before her attempt at killing herself. She try to killherself as a punishment for CX, but she took the decision to become the royal mother because of XL. 

If she wanted too, she did have the option to go to the ocean by herself, the ocean wasn't under CX's power, but instead she decided to become the royal mother. Why? She could have live freely în the ocean, but instead she pointed to the fact that she can't live and love freely. 

I belive her suicide was her last attempt în forcing XL's hand, either he lets her die, either he takes credit for the bugs and admits his feelings too. I mean if he doesn't care about their emotional connection, why would she care about their life and death connection? 

Hi all

I have been in lurking in this thread for some time, diligently reading every post before deciding to comment here! Oh boy, it was sure a fight against time but very very interesting reading through all the contributions. I now have the other XL/TJC threads to finish up lol.

Wanted to join in and say hi. Like you ladies, I've fallen deep for this XL (and also TJC) character, but I have no outlet in real life as no one around me seems to have watched the show. My husband is simply not interested in the show nor to hear me go on and on about another guy lol, so I have been keeping everything in my heart and mind.

I am constantly tortured by the selflessness of XL, and lured by the attractiveness and talent of TJC. He's so popular now I cannot keep up with everything. 

I've got some questions that popped up from time to time, but seems like I can only remember 1 now -_- 

Can you ladies see if you can help me understand this:
Why does XL seem so inadept at expressing his feeling towards XY? Even TJC said in an interview that its not that XL didnt want (cant recall if he used this word exactly) to express his feelings, its that XL didnt know how to. Things like reaching out to pat XY's head seemed like an awkward action for XL. 

But thing is.. XL was living as FFB for a long time before he met XY, and is very attuned to coaxing ladies. Even if its the first time he has fallen in love, XL shouldn't be that awkward? 


Writing without writing": The author deliberately leaves a certain detail or character relationship blank, does not mention it at all or mentions it in one stroke. You may ignore it at first glance, but after careful reading, you can get something that the author did not explicitly say. information. This technique is often used when there is an obvious intentional omission of plot details or the presentation of character relationships.

"Not writing" is just a way of expressing blank space. In fact, it ultimately comes down to "writing". Therefore, a typical writing technique without writing should have at least three characteristics: first, there must be clear traces of intentional blank space, so that people can at least notice that the lack of narrative here is an anomaly; second, it must be found elsewhere Support for the above-mentioned "writing without writing"; last point, generally speaking, the possible reason for the blank space here can be inferred from other details of the writing. Only in this way can the writing without writing be logically tenable in the entire text, instead of being a rootless piece of writing that can be interpreted at will.

For example: Tong Hua used a lot of "writing without writing" on the plot details of Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu.

. I mean if he doesn't care about their emotional connection, why would she care about their life and death connection?

Also, it could be that she doesn't care anymore what could happen to him. Because in a way, it serves him right. XY tried many times to break the bug connection but XL has always been uncooperative.

He didn't respond to XY invitation:

"I want to know when you have free time to go to Jiu Li with me so that we can find the Voodoo King to remove the bug”

He mocks her:

"Xiang Liu smiled until his eyes were slits “I don’t want to know!”" [how to break the spell between us]

He lies:

“You’re lying! Back then you broke it from Zhuan Xu and moved it over to you. How come you can’t do it now?”

(Even though it seemed to be XY's strong intuition/deduction, it turns out that XL does admit at the end of the novel -more clearly in the 2019's edition- that he indeed had lied)

He threatened her because of the effects of the bug connection:

"Xiang Liu said in a half sincere half joking way “Then you stop giving yourself a heartache in the future. If you keep causing trouble for me, maybe I’ll decide to kill you!”

"Xiang Liu’s body was slowly sinking into the water “Other than checking on how my wares are doing in your body, what else do you think I want?”

It's true that she didn't tried hard enough to break the connection herself but still, XL with his obnoxious behavior, asked for it.


You love to make poison, and I am the only one in the world who can taste the poison you make; you love to swim, and I will take you to the sea, which is our common home; you yearn for freedom, and I will go out and swim with you in the world of heaven and earth. To others, we are passers-by A, B, and C, but to each other, we are people who can be recognized by the other party at a glance even if we change our identities and appearances.

It's fascinating, can you post the rest of the article? 

Love also the articles about the writing techniques...very enlightening!

Thank you @windiaaa041293


It's fascinating, can you post the rest of the article? 

Love also the articles about the writing techniques...very enlightening!

Thank you @windiaaa041293

Of course, with pleasure. Wait until I finish doing my homework.. ^^


No, that's not it. She did care. As AH pointed out, when she sent Miao Pu and Left Ear off, before killing herself, she did wish them a happy life, the life that XL, XY and Jing couldn't have. I don't know, but I am sure that TH didn't write anything about XL before XY's death for a reason. There's no doubt în my mind about that. I am not a writer, but I did read quite a few books în my life and I can tell when something is a miss, especially because TH, as a writer, is quite focused on the details. 

Also, I disagree completely that she wanted that bug out.  That whole conversation they had on the sea that you posted wasn't really about her pleading with XL to break the spell, but about her asking XL for a confirmation / confession. As in "you knew all along what type of bugs are they? Is it true you have feelings for me too? If you don't love me, than why do you still want to keep the bug? Tell me what do you want then, you don't love me, but you keep the bug, you love me but you keep pushing me away, if I die, how could you live? "

" Seeing Xiao Yao going to chase after Xiang Liu, Jing couldn’t explain the feeling but he rushed forward instinctively and grabbed Xiao Yao as if afraid she would vanish from his life."

Come on, she knew very well how XL managed to break the spell on CX, she was just testing him to see if that's what he wants. Why didn't she ask Jing to do the same as XL did when he took the bug in?


Thank you too for the all the articles you posted, I find them so very interesting, I feel like I am re-reading the whole novel with a new set of eyes! 



No, that's not it. She did care. As AH pointed out, when she sent Miao Pu and Left Ear off, before killing herself, she did wish them a happy life, the life that XL, XY and Jing couldn't have. I don't know, but I am sure that TH didn't write anything about XL before XY's death for a reason. There's no doubt în my mind about that. I am not a writer, but I did read quite a few books în my life and I can tell when something is a miss, especially because TH, as a writer, is quite focused on the details. 

Also, I disagree completely that she wanted that bug out. 

More precisely, in this section, Tonghua uses the writing without writing technique.


Of course, with pleasure. Wait until I finish doing my homework.. ^^

:) Take your time, and good luck with your homework :)

@blabla100 @windiaaa041293 

Ah yes, the subtext part. I already got it of course but still, the characters are still accountable for what they say. The literal text still has its own parallel life. Actions should follow words. The text at face value merely highlights the fact that XL doesn't really want to make the effort to break the connection.

Finally, have the time to put in my 2 cents essay :-)

The heart turned to sleeping mode - stop beating

So, When Jing transfered power to her, she was already in hibernation mode (modern term may called it as clinical death). ---> He came after she had received the unending power. ---> It is likely that stream of power came from other person.

Xiao Xiao and other guard came later ---> CX's guards can't not be the origin of that power stream either.

Only one option left: It could be only from XL.

This is my interpretation as well. Except instead of her heart stop beating after going into hibernating mode, it slows down to being undetectable. CX was the only one that "sense" that her heart was still beating gently/softly. 

The order for me is XL supported her heart - XL transferred power to keep her heart beating/alive - XL guided her to hibernate - Jing came and transferred power - CX's people came and transferred power

 AH :
We know that power is TSJ's power (and not the power of CX's people yet), because it is described as so sad and devastated.

I agree to rule CX's people out, but why are we ruling Xiang Liu out already? Because the power is described as sad then it has to come from Jing? I'm not sure I follow. Isn't that what we're trying to establish? Who this sad power comes from?

 AH :
And when TSJ arrived, XY had no strength left. Her heart was beating even more faintly and was about to stop completely, despite the guidance of XL's heart through the bug connection. So TSJ could not detect a pulse. That's when he transferred his power to her.

 AH :
Jing went to feel for her pulse but felt nothing. His entire body was shaking and he tightly embraced Xiao Yao and tried to use his body warmth to warm her icy cold body.

It makes more sense to me that her pulse/heartbeat was undetectable and her body was icy cold because she had already gone into "hibernation" mode. Before that, her heart was still beating weakly.

 AH :
Chapter 22:

She really had no strength left, so that even the weak sole flame that was keeping her heart beating was too much to sustain. Even with another heart guiding her heart, still the heartbeat grew weaker.

Suddenly power coursed through her, unending streams of power that allowed the weak heartbeat to continue beating.

She couldn’t hear it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t even feel it, but she felt sad because the spiritual power was so sad and devastated. Even the power was crying and Xiao Yao couldn’t even imagine how heartbroken the owner of the spiritual power was.

Xiao Yao wanted to see who was so sad but didn’t have the strength.

She couldn't hear, see or even feel - these descriptions suggest that her 5 normal senses were gone - shut off due to her being in hibernation. If it was Jing's power she would have "feel" in the sense of bodily sensation of the power being pushed into her body. But that was not the case. Instead she "feels" the emotions of the person transferring the spiritual power to her. If you recall our discussion on the Lovers Bugs turning the metaphorical attunement between lovers into a literal connection that allows them to actually feel/experience the other person's emotions, it makes sense to me that this is what's happening here - XY experiencing the XL's devastation through the Lovers Bugs connection. XY and Jing do not have this connection and since she wouldn't be able to even physically feel his power - through what method would she have experienced/felt his emotions? 

In addition, the spiritual power was described as unending/neverending/torrential - i.e. it's incredibly powerful. The words that are used here are typically used to describe the movement of a body of water. XL has water power (ETA: I actually don't know what type of power Jing has),  but even if Jing has water power, between them XL is the only one whose power can be described using such words. These words are not suitable to describe Jing's power.

 AH :
Likely yes, as XL's reaction is shown first in the novel, followed by CX's reaction and then TSJ's reaction. But given the nature of TSJ and CX's sensing abilities it's possible that CX or TSJ may have sensed something before XL.

I know you stated that it's possible, but frankly, if I even entertain this possibility then I might as well just completely throw out the concept of the Lovers Bugs. It's completely useless if even its most basic function - the connection between the two - is usurped at the most crucial moment.

BTW, Jing came to the site first because Qingqui is nearby the site (1 hour or less from Ziyi).

Geographically, Jing was the closest, then CX, then Xiang Liu. I believe that Xiang Liu was the first to be aware of XY's states through their Lovers Bugs connection. He would have experienced her pain when she was first attacked, long before her "death" from the arrows of petals.

Even though Jing was closest, it would have taken him 1.5-2 hours to find XY. He first went to Xing Yue's house, then the party before tracking XY to the forest. Given the injuries that she sustained, I find it hard to believe that XY managed to survive without any help (besides XL's helping her heartbeat) in the time that it took Jing to get to her. The way that XY recalled her experience also suggested that things happened quickly, rather than a long period between her heartbeat weakening and experiencing the devastated spiritual power.


@blabla100 @windiaaa041293 

Ah yes, the subtext part. I already got it of course but still, the characters are still accountable for what they say. The literal text still has its own parallel life. Actions should follow words. The text at face value merely highlights the fact that XL doesn't really want to make the effort to break the connection.

XL uses the bugs as an excuse for why he keeps saving her, while XY use them as an excuse to why she keeps looking for him. When she doesn't know what to tell him, she brings the bugs into the discussion. 

Chapter 43

"Xiao Yao didn’t understand why Xiang Liu cared about her life or death.

Xiang Liu coldly said “I just don’t have any interest to die with you! If you want to give up, then first find the way to break the voodoo bug link.”

Chapter 38

Xiang Liu wearily asked “Miss Xi Ling, what do you want?”

“I…..I…..” Xiao Yao actually didn’t know what she wanted so she got tongue-tied. She finally said “Help me break the voodoo bug spell and you can pick your price!”


We know he just died and she was thinking of him.... If she avoid Jing that's even weirder and what excuse would she give... The person I truly loved just died so we can not be intimate...

It was just some silliness that definitely cheered me up 

She can continue to get drunk as a wheelbarrow like she did on their wedding night :-)

Yes, I fully support leaning into our pettiness and silliness ;-)


Well when Jing went missing believed to be dead, that didn't stop her to have some sort of intimacy with XL, lol. 

Our female lead's behaviour is very questionable at times. Can we chalk it up to her "childhood issues"?

@blimarch @blabla100

After Xy found out that it was a lovers bug.
xy told ffb that xy wanted to get rid of the bug, on the grounds that the two of them were not suitable as lovers.. actually xy just wanted to know the truth..here they were tugging at each other.

When Xy found out the truth from the Voodoo king, Xy wanted to hear XL's explanation directly about the truth of the lovers bug.

Xy: If I die, can you live?
If XL answers, yes..I will die. That means XL also loves XY.
note: if xy doesn't care about their relationship. xy just asks: if you die, can I live?

But unfortunately, XL already knows the tricks that xy uses, and XL with his behavior makes me annoyed... xy doesn't get the answer...

Actually, Xy doesn't really care whether she will die or live with XL.
xy has accepted her fate of being connected to XL. She doesn't mind at all..
the half truth is that xy is about to start a new life, and wants to relieve cx and Jing's worries.

the other half of the truth is that it's just an excuse so she can look for xl..LOL.