
Has it been upgraded to include pens and paper too?

Your wish is my command

LMAO even the chairs are shells hahahahahahaha

Shells, shells everywhere.

What the shell.

Ok bye.

LMAO even the chairs are shells hahahahahahaha

Shells, shells everywhere.

What the shell.

Ok bye.

hahaha We don't need multiple shells, just that one specific shell will do just fine, thank you.


hahaha We don't need multiple shells, just that one specific shell will do just fine, thank you.



i am writing an analysis on the merlin’s assasination using modern medical view. I believe that is reasonable. However i will need your help in translation from Chinese for some validation. 

Can you help me to translate the part about the blooded spelled Shell in Yang valley where XY  was placed in. the vietnamese translation said that the spiritual air radiated from the shell, covering her body 

Thank for your help.

hope that i can post the analysis tonight.

When I was catching up I read a very interesting comparison between the couples posted by @windalaa where it compares XinYue / CX / XY and TSJ / XY / XL and I read this and laughed...

16.Xinyue married Xingxuan, but the marriage was not consummated on the wedding night.

Tu Shanjing married Xiaoyao, but the marriage was not consummated on the wedding night.

If I remember correctly when CX finally consummated the marriage he was thinking of XY. Does this imply that when XY consummated her marriage she was thinking of XL.

Haha. I'm choosing to believe yes (although the though of XY and Jing... ?). And no, I got nothing to base this on except my pettiness ?

We know he just died and she was thinking of him.... If she avoid Jing that's even weirder and what excuse would she give... The person I truly loved just died so we can not be intimate...

It was just some silliness that definitely cheered me up

This is my headcanon right here.


The last articles you posted are so interesting to read, I really hope you're going to post the whole thing. Thank you again, very good analysis. 

This is the detail analysis of the Merlin's assassination. The aim of this analysis is to give detail and scientific background of XY's death, and the role of each male lead in saving her. Some events mentioned in chapter 21 and 22 was well dipicted in Eps 30 of the drama version which supports my conslusion in this analysis

Before going to the detail analysis I'd like to give you some key concluded points:

  1. XY was in the stage of clinical death before Jing arrived to the site: no pulse, no breath, cold body temperature, stiff muscles.
  2. Jing's spiritual power (力) had no impact on XY's inner body or organs. It only helped her not getting burn in the fire stage of the maze.
  3. What the powerful powered guards of CX transfer to XY is not power but "spiritual AIR" (气).  The treatment on Yan Emperor's jade bed is analogue to the nowadays breathing machine.
  4. The tremendous endless stream of power that XY received originated from Xiang Liu
  5. Her locked-up mode is similar to the hibernation mode in nature.

I will step by step go in detail of each point:

1. The status of XY after the last attack:

From Jing's observation and inspection:

He didn’t see the man but before him was a snowy ground that was dyed red with blood. A bloodied person was hanging in mid air, the body so cut up it was impossible to tell if it was a man or a woman, but her face was pristine as if carved from a crystal jade and her eyes were still opened wide.

Jing went to feel for her pulse but felt nothing. His entire body was shaking and he tightly embraced Xiao Yao and tried to use his body warmth to warm her icy cold body.

He put his hand on her back and continued to push spiritual power into her “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao……”

Jing called to Xiao Yao and leaned in to kiss her.

He kissed her cheek, but her face was still as white as fresh snow. She didn’t blush for him.

He kissed her eyes, but her eyelashes didn’t flutter like a butterfly’s wing.

He kissed her lips and sucked but her lips were tightly shut and cold and hard. She would no longer open like a flower for him so he could taste the world’s sweetest nectar.

Jing continued to kiss Xiao Yao but there was no response.

Jing’s entire body was convulsing and his tears came down like falling rain. Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, I beg of you!

No matter how much power he transferred to her, her pulse never started again.

So summary of XY prior his arrival and until the maze turned inferno:

XY had no pulse, icy cold body, very white face, stiff muscles (lips, face, eyes), no response. When a person die, it takes some time to stiffen the muscles. No pulse implies that the blood cirulation was lost or almost neligible (lower than detection limit)

Then Xiao Xiao and other guards came to the spot

When they brought Jing and XY out of the maze.

"Xiao Xiao inspected Jing and Xiao Yao’s pulses and her face fell “Master Jing is still alive but the Princess…..she has no pulse.”"

Below is her forensic report:

Xiao Xiao immediately reported “The Princess’s hands and feet were cut by sharp blades, her left leg pierced three times, her right leg pierced three times. Her left arm cut twice, her right arm cut twice. Her abdomen was sliced three times. And her entire body was embedded with countless sharp daggers. This was the vengeance of using blood to avenge bloodThe final maze attack was a fire inferno. Based on all the injuries on her body, there was also a wood and a fire power expert involved. Preliminary evidence suggests three people created the maze together but it was one elaborate plan intended to kill her.

The conclusions from 2 of the best doctors in DaiHuang all agreed that XY was DEAD. Her organs were still a kind of alive because she got a lot of spiritual power* pumped inside her body to keep it run. Once it stopped, she would be completely dead.

The doctors replied “She’s dead. There is still life coursing through her because of the unending transfer of power into her body, but the moment that ends her body will be completely dead.”

Actually, Tong Hua already wrote that She is dead. We, as reader over thought since we read the feeling of XY's mind later (e.g., the process of heart beat, unending stream of power etc..)

"Xiao Yao felt that the last thing she saw before she died was a thick wall of cherry blossoms flying towards her. It wasn’t scary and instead was so beautiful!

Such dazzling cherry blossoms wrapped around her body like a cloud and after the sudden sharp pain, as the blood from her body quickly seeped out, everything turned numb." (Chapter 22)

I quite admired TH. What she wrote of XY's death in chapter 21 and 22 matches all the symptoms for the modern term of "clinical death"# - loss of blood circulation and breathing. Here, TH just indicated that XY was "dead". Why don't we believe that? It is very straightforward, isn't it?

(*) I will clarify which kind of power in the subsequent part

(#): reference for clinical death:

2 -3: this part explains what is needed to save XY. This will helps to clarify if Jing's power and others contributed to save XY

Before going to detail of XY case, we should know how to tunnel/compare the modern medical terms with the ancient fairy terms commonly used in books or drama. There are 2 terms which sometimes are translate incorrectly.

[ Líng lì ]: Spiritual force or power

[ língqì ]: Spiritual AIR 

It is usually said that a cultivator can absorb the spiritual air (灵气 ) in earth and heaven , practice the fairy art and convert it into spiritual power (灵力 ) in his body.

, is similar to air (Oxygen, specifically), and body energy or nutrition stored in human body, respectively in modern terms.

Nowadays, we know if a person is falling into clinical death- to rescue that person, the blood circulation and breathing needs to be restored. What maintains the living in any animals as well as human being is the metabolism in each body cell. What is the most critical element for human metabolism. It's oxygen (or air which contains 21% volume of oxygen). People can survive without eating and drinking for a few days but if we have no air to our body, we will die within minutes or hours in some exceptional case. The most essential role of breathing coupled with blood circulation is to provide oxygen/air to our body.

Now let's look at XY's case.

When XY had no pulse - meaning she had very low or no blood circulation, her blood could not transport air to body cell. Hence, AIR is the most essential thing that her body needed, not power. Jing gave her power ().


"The five rushed over and saw a man holding a woman tightly in the center of the flames, he was transferring spiritual power to her and her body was not scorched by the flames but he was completely burned to the point of passing out."

It was an inferno, there was little oxygen in the air, causing difficulty in breathing. Xiao Xiao and other guards could not stay there for more than half ancient hours (12 hour per day - meaning 1 ancient hours = 2 modern hours)


"The flames licked them from all sides and they could only use all their power* to hold off the flames and at most they could withstand only half an hour inside."

(*)- Sorry but the English translation here misses a phrase "隔绝了其他灵气 "

This is the Google translation with correction for the term air and power in the Chinese text, respectively

There is fire all around, and the fire spirit fills the entire world, isolating from other spiritual air*. The five secret guards can only rely on their own spiritual power to fight against the fire. Indeed, as Xiaoxiao speculated, they can only last for half an hour at most

In simple interpretation, it's fire all around, there was little air for them to breath....

So when they brought Jing and XY out. Xiao Xiao found no pulse on XY. She ordered to supply XY with spiritual AIR because she knew AIR is needed (not power). XY body could absorb air directly. She was dead or too weak to absorb and convert spiritual power


Xiao Xiao put her hand on Xiao Yao’s back and said to the guards “Back to Sheng Nong Mountain immediately. Even if it's useless, from now on we have to keep transferring power* to the Princess. Tell Miss Xing Yue that the Princess is gravely injured and to bring us the best doctors in the Middle Plains but seal all the information.”

(*): Again, the English translation fails to use the correct term.

After arriving in Shen Nong, XY was placed on a special bed which helped the collection of spiritual AIR, guards kept transferring spiritual AIR to the bed. Basically, this bed is analogue of the breathing machine nowadays.

" 经过几个暗卫的努力,他们终于分开了璟和小夭,现在小夭平躺在一张特殊的水玉榻上,据说是当年炎帝用来疗伤的榻,水玉能汇聚灵气,护住身体。一个暗卫盘踞坐在榻头,手掌贴在透明的水玉榻上,在给小夭输入灵气

After the efforts of the guards, they finally separated Jing from Xiao Yao and she was placed on a special water jade pallet which was used by the Flame Emperor to heal because the water jade could collect all the spiritual power to protect the body. The guards took turns sitting at the head of the pallet and placing their hands on the water jade to transfer power to Xiao Yao"

(*): Again and again, the English translation fails to use the correct term. It is spiritual AIR not POWER in the original text in Chinese.

And thank to this effort, her body, organs functioned little which made her body got warmer and softer. However, as the doctor said, once they stopped this action, she would be completely dead. At this moment, she was a kind of vegetable human.


Xiao Yao had no life but with the power being continuously transferred to her, her body remained soft and warm rather than cold and stiff. Even though no pulse could be detected, but Zhuan Xu felt that her heart was still beating slightly

Keep in mind that ZX/CX refused to believe that she died. He felt her body warmer, softer; so, that is his belief - her heart still beating slightly. Maybe the heart actually bit slightly (thank to the supplying of spiritual AIR or the endless power mentioned in chapter 22)

(#): : origin air, basic air, life sustaining air

(%): TH used spiritual power here? What is this? ZX's guards was sending spiritual air. Did she also hinted the contribution of unending power here. Or just because she didn't want to repeat the word "air" that she used in the beginning sentence for life (haha, life is strongly attached with air). I don't have full text of chapter 21 and 22. So I can't not judge if the translation is correct or not. But I also recognise that TH, herself, later mixed up in using this two words.

By this point, in my opinion, Jing's power didn't help XY in restoring any internal activity. Jing's spiritual power in fact just protected XY from the fire. However, it would be much better if he had brought her out immediately instead of holding her there, dying together with her.

The action of CX's guards as XL said later indeed helped to keep her body "alive" enough until XL could save her later with his blood.

Xiang Liu calmly said “She’s almost out of time.” If it wasn’t for so many powerful people transferring power# to Xiao Yao, even by the time Xiang Liu rushed here it would have been too late. It was by Zhuan Xu’s seemingly pointless effort that he managed to secure a lone shred of chance for Xiao Yao.

Note:(#): I don't have full text of chapter 21 and 22. So I can't not judge if the translation is correct or not. But I also recognize that TH, herself, later mixed up in using this two words. Or he knew/hinted, mixed up with his power (that actually came from him)

In Chapter 48 when XY committed suicide, she was kept in a blooded spelled shell to maintain her "alive" - keeping her heart beating. In the vietnamese translation, it said that water based spiritual Air encapsulated her body. The English translation does not provide this vital information which again confirms the essence of AIR in keeping XY "alive". The role of the shell is similar to a breathing machine in current medical care. As I understand from the Vietnamese text, the shell was spelled with water based spiritual power and rom that spiritual Air emitted, covered XY body.

"The inland sea of the Yang Valley nestled a crystal cave, and inside the cave an all white sea shell floated on the surface. Blood streaked magic chants were written all over the white sea shell and Xiao Yao silently laid within the magical spell. A strong water power was collected to envelope her like a misty blue fog, making her seem ethereal. Zhuan Xu reached out to try and touch her but was afraid of interfering with the magic so reached his hand back but continued to stare at her. ...

Xiao Xiao said “The Miss gave herself a strong dosage so when we found you both, she was already dead and stopped breathing. But then Yin discovered there was a weak heartbeat in her so we brought both of you here to Yang Valley. Yin knew how to save Your Majesty but not how to revive the Miss, but then the Empress brought over this blood magic covered white sea shell and said to put the Miss inside and it will help. Yin tried it for a few days and discovered it really did help, it continues to maintain the Miss’s weak heartbeat.  "

EDIT: Thank you Liddi for helping me with the original Chinese text of extract in chapter 48 



4.- Whose is the strong, endless stream of power? And XY's locked-up mode

I hope that I can convince you that the spiritual power that Jing send her was not suitable in the early stage of XY's "death". Perhaps, the power can be helpful when her body was restored to a certain level.

Now look at what XY observed and felt from her side. The text in chapter 22 is the view from her mind or her soul. That was the memory in her mind when she was in the endless darkness. That is what she felt after she regarded herself "DEAD"

She could vividly sense her heart slowly weakening, but just as it was about to stop, she heard another heart beating. It was strong and powerful, leading her heart so that it wouldn’t completely stop.

... Xiao Yao felt that she heard Xiang Liu snarking at her: Just this and you’re going to give up?

Xiao Yao retorted back at him: What do you mean just this? If you’ve been poked so many holes in like a sieve, air passing through both top and bottom, even if I don’t want to give up I have to give up.

XL, via the Lovers' bug could guide her heart, motivate it, thus her heart could keep beating. However, it got weaker and weaker. In the novel there were some scenes where XY's heart beat increased sharply by XL. So why did he do the same in this case to keep her heart beating. The reason is that that kind of regulation via the Lovers' bug only works when XY had enough power. Like running a car, you cannot speed up if the fuel is almost empty.

She really had no strength left, so that even the weak sole flame that was keeping her heart beating was too much to sustain. Even with another heart guiding her heart, still the heartbeat grew weaker.

In the drama, this moment corresponds to the scene somewhere in the minute 19:30 till minute ~21 of Eps 30. If she died completely then XL would also die and their bugs would also die with them. On the drama, we saw the moment when bugs on both XL and XY flying out of their heart.

Then XY told about the unending stream of power coursed through her

Suddenly power coursed through her, unending streams* of power that allowed the weak heartbeat to continue beating

(*)源源不絕 [ Yuányuán bù jué : flowing forever, continuously without stopping, rushing endlessly, coming in droves, continuing endlessly, an endless stream, an endless stream [1]

Some one has said Jing's power was not such strong. He was high grade god but not specialized in combat or martial art. Moreover, his strength diminished due to 3 year tortue  by TSH.  That kind of strong power matches someone like XL more.

The endless stream of power rushed into her which gave her enough power to keep her heart beat and make further step- locked herself up. We all doubt if it is possible that XL could transfer that power mentioned in chapter 22. He was thousands miles away.

In the drama (around the minute 21-23 of EPS 30) we saw XL deployed certain magical spell on his heart. After that, the bugs withdrew back into their heart. And then CX felt her hands got warmer

Actually, the unending power coursing through XY was first mentioned in Chapter 21 by the Doctors. Jing had got burnt and  had separated from XY. These 2 doctor that Xing Yue invited told her about the unending power coursing through XY which kept XY away from dead.  Jing had no connection to this power.  Can it be from CX's guards.? No, because they were transfering sth else and XY could not sense their emotion.

The doctors replied “She’s dead. There is still life coursing through her because of the unending transfer of power into her body, but the moment that ends her body will be completely dead.”

I strongly believe that his part corresponds to the moment the endless power stream coursed to her body, in her heart more specifically. Since the bugs concentrated in the heart, the feeling throught the bugs can even more clearly, magnified.

We have proof on the drama that XL "transfered" the power from distance via the bugs. 

Can we explain it based on the text? The bug allows one person to feel the hurt on the other host. It can be understood that if bug on XY gets impact from her pain, the bug on XL gets the same impact (staying in the same potential level), making him feeling the same pain. What if XL sent the spiritual power into his own heart, his bugs absorbed the energy. Thus, XL's bugs would be excited to the higher energy level. Thus, XY's bug would reach to higher energy level too. From here there are 2 explanation

  1. Subsequently, the bug released energy while returning to ground energy level. Maybe many of you are not familiar with this phenomenon. But this is similar to the excitement of electron and return back to ground level with releasing energy (Haha, I have background in Chemistry)
  2. The excitement of the bugs made XY feel like a stream of power through her 

Another point to support the assumption of that XL was the source of this power is the emotional feeling. XY could feel the emotion conveying in the power stream. She knew the heart beat motivation came from XL yet the owner of the power stream. The reason is that XY didn't know that her bug was Lovers' Bug which allowed the hosts to feel/share their feeling. She didn't know that XL and she also had heart connection. In her near clinical death status, her normal senses faded: hearing, no seeing, no feeling. However, she could sense the feeling because of the bugs.

She couldn’t hear it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t even feel it, but she felt sad because the spiritual power was so sad and devastated. Even the power was crying and Xiao Yao couldn’t even imagine how heartbroken the owner of the spiritual power was.

Generally, XY hardly felt XL's feeling or heart. That is because XL using his strength to block the transfer. Only one time she felt his heart just in a moment was when they were inside the shell. He was very relaxed at that time, watching her having nice dream, catching her thought about the meaning of the shell etc. In this case, it was critical situation. XY suffered a lot of pain, he would feel the same pain. He had to guide the bugs and his lover was in the border between death and live. He probably did not pay attention on suppressing the emotional transfer. Therefore, she could feel it.

Keep in mind at that time her relationship with Jing was just warmed up. She had feeling for Jing but it was not love yet. To sense Jing's emotion, it required her to use normal senses. And her senses were not available anymore.

Why can't XL feel sad and devastated? Why can't his power be crying? Why do readers think the crying power have to come from Jing? It's a prejudice from reader or an example of TH's deceiving technique

XL loved XY so much, She is his lifetime love. And she was dying. He was not next to her but he felt everything (the pain, the heart beat, the wound etc..). He felt her life was fading away. He could try his best from  far distance but he could not know if he could be on time to rescue her. He also had emotional trait, not always cold. He didn't have time, intention and energy to hide his real feeling in this critical case. XL could be sad and devastated. His power could cry for losing her.

TH wrote that Jing was heartbroken, he cried, screaming etc. They all match the emotion of the endless power. But in fact the emotion that XY felt was not his. Most of us was trapped by TH. She was so good at "grass snake, red dust" writing method.  She already gave hints here and there. But I believe many have understood this source of power diffrently (Jing), while she meaned XL. This is a genius example.

NOTE: In the drama, the moment of XL applied spiritual energy was placed during XY's treatment in Zijin Palace/Shen nong mountain. In the book, the moment when the endless power coursed to XY and she turned to hibernation mode can be earlier such as right after Xiao Xiao brought her out of the fire. For sure that it is before the moment when the doctors examined XY

5. What is the locked-up mode mean?

XY, after receiving power that kept her heart beating, "She could only follow the guidance of the other heart and slowly locked herself up. Just like a flower blooming, the reverse process was to return to being a bud, into a seed, back into the soil, laying in the Winter to wait for the Spring to arrive"

TH described the transition of XY's body mode, like a reverse process of a flower back to a seed. It resembled the hibernation in plants (seeds) or animal in the most precise way. Her body turned to hibernation mode, so that it required much lower energy, very little biological activity (i.e., metabolism), no further damage to the cells, body organs compared with when they had to work as in normal alive body. She was like a vegetable person but her mind (or nowadays we regard it as brain) was alive. What is the modern definition of biological death now? It is when brain is dead. XL helped and guide her to the hibernation mode but kept her alive since her brain/mind was still alive.

Acknowdgement: Special thanks to Liddi for her Chinese excerpt of Chapter 48 and nathsketch for the photo attachment tutorials.

Reference: the Chinese text used in this essay was refered to [1]

[1] Nguồn linh lực khóc than là của ai (1) – Cửu Mệnh Tương Liễu (

[2]Excerpt of chapter 21 and 22 from Read Lost You Forever Chapter 22 (

Clinical death - Wikipedia

ENG SUB [Lost You Forever S1] EP30——Xiang Liu sacrificed his life to save Xiaoyao. - YouTube

Why does XL seem so inadept at expressing his feeling towards XY? Even TJC said in an interview that its not that XL didnt want (cant recall if he used this word exactly) to express his feelings, its that XL didnt know how to. Things like reaching out to pat XY's head seemed like an awkward action for XL. 

Beside others' explanation, I think there are some other reasons:

In Qing Shui Town, he knew that he loved WXL. That the period when he could expressed his true feeling for WXL. Especially after the bug was successfully planted on him. He could confirm that WXL also had some feeling, attraction to him. But it was quite awkward circumstance, wasn't it? WXL was in the form of a man. How to express love to a man. He needed time to be closer, to have more contact. But then WXL was taken away shortly after.

When WXL became XY - Princess of Haoling and Xuan Yuan, she said she was afraid of letting him in her dream. Affectively mean she was afraid of loving him. FFB can be charming, flirting to woman. But in the end if he didn't leave Shennong army, he could not accompany her for long term. He could have been selfish to express his feeling. But that also means he forced XY to choose or compromise her desire. And he knew that XY was not willing to choose him. She chose the easy route with Jing to achieve her goal in life - a long term accompany. XY had psychology issues. She always thought of bad, negative outcome when she received good things. XL, Jun Emperor loved her wholeheartedly. But she could easily consider their manner, their work for her from negative lenses. Thus, XL always masked or covered his good work for her as transactions. 

i am writing an analysis on the merlin’s assasination using modern medical view. I believe that is reasonable. However i will need your help in translation from Chinese for some validation.

Can you help me to translate the part about the blooded spelled Shell in Yang valley where XY  was placed in. the vietnamese translation said that the spiritual air radiated from the shell, covering her body

There is no reference to any place by the name of Yang valley in the novel. From what I see, it should be referring to  归墟 Guixu sea but Xiao Yao was never at Guixu sea after the Plum Forest assassination. She was only at the crystal cave in Guixu sea following her suicide attempt when she poisoned Cang Xuan, just before Xiang Liu broke the lovers bug connection in them for good.

I believe the Yang valley is actually supposed to refer to 汤谷 Tang Gorge. The word 杨 Yang is written similar to 汤 Tang, so I can see why it was mistakenly called Yang valley. The prologue says this:

The other two men: Shen Nong was stationed at the Central Plains, protecting the peace of the four directions; Gao Xin was stationed at the east, protecting Tang Gorge where the sun rose, and Guixu, the Eye of all waters.

I presume you are referring to this segment of the novel:



A white seashell floated on the surface in a crystal cave on Guixu sea. The seashell was covered with blood spells, and Xiao Yao laid silently in the centre of the written spells. Abundant water spirit energy gathered to envelope her like blue mist, lingering and flowing, making her appear ethereal. Cang Xuan reached out his hand, wanting to make sure she was still there but then withdrew his hand for fear of breaking the formation, and could only stare at her without blinking.

Xiao Xiao said, "The Young Lady gave herself a strong dose of the poison. When we found Your Majesty, she had stopped breathing. However, Yin discovered that she still had an extremely weak heartbeat, so we rushed Your Majesty and her here to Guixu. Yin knew how to save Your Majesty, but did not know how to keep the Young Lady alive. In the end, it was the Empress who brought this seashell covered with blood spells, and said it might help if we put the Young Lady inside. After several days' observation, Yin found that the seashell really did work, and had kept the Young Lady's heart beating. Yin wanted to find the person who set up the formation on the seashell, but Her Majesty said that the seashell had been stored in the Royal Depository on Five Gods Mountain for many years, and it was not known which of the ancestors accidentally collected this treasure. Even the Gao Xin king would not know, and she only came upon it by accident.

-- Vol 3 Ch15  (Chapter 48)

灵力 [ Líng lì ]: Spiritual force/power/energy

灵气 [ língqì ]: Spiritual AIR

It is usually said that a cultivator can absorb the spiritual air (灵气 ) in earth and heaven , practice the fairy art and convert it into spiritual power (灵力 ) in his body.

灵气 , 灵力 is similar to air (Oxygen, specifically), and body energy or nutrition stored in human body, respectively in modern terms.

Yes, Tong Hua used two different words to name the spiritual energies that were used on Xiao Yao; there have been a few careful Vietnamese readers who pointed this out in their analysis of this particular scene. Tong Hua would not have differentiated between them unless she had reason to do so. A lot of translations, both English and Vietnamese are not careful enough to pick up this discrepancy. I'm really interest to see if there are any differences between these words from @liddi's perspective.

We've been discussing endlessly the various methods that Tong Hua used in this story to disguise or hide in plain sight what she's actually trying to convey. You really have to read carefully.


I saw the term spiritual air - or it is called spirit which is different from spiritual power/energy 灵力. I don't see the corresponding word in your english text. I see "water spirit" stands next to "spiritual air [qi] " - 水灵灵气. In the vietnamese translation, it is translated as " the water based spiritual air" 


The seashell was covered with blood spells, and Xiao Yao laid silently in the centre of the written spells. Abundant water spirit energy gathered to envelope her like blue mist,

That the excerpt which I means. In Vietnamese it was also Guixu (Quy Khu) sea. but the English translation that I have written as 

The inland sea of the Yang Valley nestled a crystal cave, and inside the cave an all white sea shell floated on the surface. 

The word used in the novel is 解 undo. And yes, he pointed out that she kept harping about undoing the lovers bug, but she never asked him whether he could kill them:

Thanks @liddi. I cracked my brain trying to find a suitable English word, neutralized/removed was the best that I could do. Translation really isn't easy

By this abovementioned scene, she had already met with the shaman king, and was well aware of the true nature of the bug, and that the bug cannot be removed according to the shaman king. Yet, she still asked Xiang Liu about removing the bug. Did she really think that Xiang Liu knew better than the shaman king, or it was perhaps more to see how he would react, knowing now that she is aware what kind of bug they shared.

Talking about the scene with the Shaman King; didn't XY dismiss everything that he said as rubbish and that she can find a way to undo the Lovers Bugs? And yet, here she is asking Xiang Liu what to do. She really is a bullshitter. Maybe because XL was the one who removed the bugs from CX, so she thought he would know something different. However, I wouldn't dismiss the second possibility. There are numerous times throughout the novel when she tries to probe XL's thoughts and feelings. Their whole conversation following her engagement to Feng Long is a good example of it. I almost feel sorry for her since XL shut her down with his "blase" attitude/answers. 

I also think that sometimes she used Jing to try and understand XL's actions and as a way to reject/deny her feelings for XL. Girlfriend is a bit of a mess ?

I believe the Yang valley is actually supposed to refer to 汤谷 Tang Gorge. The word 杨 Yang is written similar to 汤 Tang, so I can see why it was mistakenly called Yang valley. The prologue says this:

In the legend, Tang Gorge is the place where the sun rises (Sun = Yang). Perhaps, it is the reason for such translation

At the blazing hot peach forest, Jing summoned water spirits to create a water formation, which is his power. There is no mention of him summoning wood power here: 

Thank you liddi! Yet another super helpful translation to make it all clear. ^^

I saw the term spiritual air - or it is called spirit which is different from spiritual power/energy 灵力. I don't see the corresponding word in your english text. I see "water spirit" stands next to "spiritual air [qi] " - 水灵灵气. In the vietnamese translation, it is translated as " the water based spiritual air" 

My interpretation of the two words differ from yours:

灵气 - spiritual energy

灵力 - spiritual power

气 can be translated as "air", "breath" or "energy". In this case, I don't feel that it is viewed as "air". Rather, it is the fundamental energy which pulsates within the element that it belongs to

力 means "strength", "power" or "force". For this situation, it is the power that is derived from the energy of the element.

Hence, 灵气 is the spiritual energy, from which 灵力 spiritual power is derived.

As for my translation of  水灵灵气, I guess I could have translated it as "the spiritual energy of the water spirit", but chose to call it "water spirit energy" just to be concise.

So to take the example of the text you quoted:

There was no trace of 
life [force] in Xiao Yao, but due to the continuous transference of spiritual power, her body remained warm and soft, rather than cold and stiff. Although no pulse and breath could be detected, Cang Xuan could feel that her heart was still beating weakly.

Here, it was spiritual power transferred to her, which would help her body to stay alive.