
Oh no. I didn't intend to come across as some severe school teacher!

No, you‘re not. Pls take my comment as compliment that it is, because like I said before you and AH are our certified knowledgeable novel readers here :).

The beauty of this thread is that even if I may not necessarily agree with what is posted at the time, it keeps me thinking about the different opinions, and I may find myself come around after I have had time to mull it over. The challenge is keeping up with all the ideas that are shared, not to mention it is so difficult to search through the many pages for a post I may have intended to respond to at the time!

Mee too!


Just wanted to say thanks to those who responded to my question.

Thoroughly enjoyed the analysis regarding the owner of the devastation - from the get go I did imagine it was XL's because the fox is not capable of the strength and consistency of the power that came with it (he's hardly consistent in anything except being consistently a bumbling clown).

Now that I've caught up with all the scholarly analysis here, I am off to the "Xiang Liu and You (Yes, You) " thread for some fun, until more wise words come in from you guys here. I think I have 300+ pages to catch up on the other thread >.<

See you on the other thread. That‘s our thread for de-stressing and shamelessly googling the pretty all day also to roast the fox from time to time. You‘ll fit in right away.


I understand your view, but at the end of the day XL wasn't willing to offer her a future. His choice has always been death, XY knew that since the beginning. Had he giving up his plans,  the ending would have been different, no doubt in my mind. He couldn't let go of the past, the bond he had with the soldiers, his loyalty to them. He was a short term companion because that's what XL's choice was, not because that's what XY's wish was. She was afraid to let him în her dreams, but I interpret this as "She was afraid to start dreaming of a future with him" and not as "She was afraid to fall for him".  That's why she named that perfume dream while hanging out with FFB. About what yellow emperor told her, perhaps it's because of my limited english, but I interpreted that phrase differenly. I thought he meant it like " sometimes îs better to be a bit clueless, even though you are not one's first choice, if you treat him right it's not going to be hard to  grow old togheter" 

Chapter 5

"Only by giving up, bowing low, could they get a sweet wife, a cute kid, perhaps even the wealth given by the Emperor. But they still persisted to cling on to their belief, to hold onto something most people no longer cared about, to risk their lives for it.

The wheels of history were already turning but they remained stubbornly rooted in place, with their arms outstretched trying to turn the wheels back. But they were people that time has forgotten, they are going against the tide, and they were destined to be obliterated"


His choice has always been death, XY knew that since the beginning. Had he giving up his plans,  the ending would have been different, no doubt in my mind

XY/WXL knew from the beginning that he was loyal to GG army and She thought he woulddie with them (for sure GG would be gone one day) But there are a lot of analysis on the topic “if XL chose his ending as completely dead for GG army? a normal god/demon who had only one live would definitely die if he took that choice. But he had 9 lives. He also loves and enjoy life/ nature. many people said that when he decided to take the lovers’ bug  which he fully understand the nature of it, he had planned for long term accompany with WXL. He was capable of fulfilling both XY and GG army if XY committed to him



His choice has always been death, XY knew that since the beginning. Had he giving up his plans,  the ending would have been different, no doubt in my mind

XY/WXL knew from the beginning that he was loyal to GG army and She thought he woulddie with them (for sure GG would be gone one day) But there are a lot of analysis on the topic “if XL chose his ending as completely dead for GG army? a normal god/demon who had only one live would definitely die if he took that choice. But he had 9 lives. He also loves and enjoy life/ nature. many people said that when he decided to take the lovers’ bug  which he fully understand the nature of it, he had planned for long term accompany with WXL. He was capable of fulfilling both XY and GG army if XY committed to him

No, I honestly don't belive he would have been able to move on from the past. I am convinced that's not the case. He took the bug in in order to protect her, not because he thought of a future of her. That's my take on it. 

"Xiao Yao was silent before suddenly asking “Xiang Liu, why did you pick Gong Gong? Because he’s your adoptive father?” Xiao Yao didn’t know how she had the guts to ask him this question, probably because Xiang Liu didn’t seem like Xiang Liu tonight!

“Not just because he’s my adoptive father, there are also all those soldiers I fought along with and watched them die. We drank together, we went to battle together, we picked up our fallen brethren’s bodies…..” Xiang Liu looked over at the altar “For hundreds of years, do you know how many of my fellow soldiers I’ve have to personally cremate?”

Xiao Yao couldn’t imagine but she understood what Xiang Liu felt. Her Fourth Uncle could have survived that day, and he did love Fourth Aunt and Zhuan Xu, but he chose to die alongside his soldiers. In this world there was camaraderie so strong that one would die rather than abandon it.

Xiang Liu laughed and pointed at his head “I’ve lost count but they are all here"


Thanks for the info, liddi, so does that mean that that picture was featured on the I love you forever book? The only guy who had a picture with XY în the first edition was XL? Jing and CX got none? 



Thanks for the info, liddi, so does that mean that that picture was featured on the I love you forever book? The only guy who had a picture with XY în the first edition was XL? Jing and CX got none? 

That picture features XL and XY (not WXL). Maybe it reflects her yearning for him

After all he's not at fault for how things turned between XL and XY. Maybe it's a bit ironic, but I blame XL the most for their tragic ending, not XY, not CX and especially not jing.

I wouldn't say Jing was totally at fault, but he certainly provided the first open  ... okay, let's call it a Love Block, when he got XY to agree to the 15 Year Promise.  That clearly was a pre-emptive strike on his part, to keep her from 'giving her heart' to another man.

As far as I remember, CX didn't come out against XL, but he was the biggest ... Love Blocker, because he and XL were trying to kill each other.

XL's fault was loyalty.  And even so, he actually chose XY and her happiness repeatedly, sparing CX's life a few times and working to empower her with what she said she desired.

But the biggest problem, IMO, was XY herself and all damage, self inflicted blindness, unrealistic demands, and hypocrisy.

Oh, it seems that you blame XL for their tragic ending of their relationship. In my opinion, it's XY's requirement of a man who placed her as the utmost priority and accompanied in lifetime. Throughout the whole novel, XY was always consistent to it.

Yes.  It was XY's requirements that was a major Love Block.  But she actually wasn't consistent with it.  She repeatedly ignored her requirements for Jing.  From the beginning, she KNEW he was unreliable.  He betrayed her trust at least twice as 17.  Not even going to get into his mess as Jing.

XL didn't meet her prerequisite requirement. Therefore, in her mind she had never considered XL as candidate for her lifetime companion. She was afraid of letting him in her dream. Jing/YSQ was always beside her. Thank to her rational mind, she knew Jing/YSQ is a safer choice.

Didn't XL give her chances? In my opinion, XL gave her time and chances many times.

I think as WXL she did consider XL as a lifetime companion.  She was working with him and the resistance army.  She was concerned about his life.  She didn't have a conflict between him and CX... and that wasn't even on the horizon.

Again, I disagree strongly that Jing / YSQ was ALWAYS beside her.  He ghosted her when she first confronted CX over A Nian and her friends.  He left her to become Tushan Jing, when he was recognized her.  He left her after getting his 15 year promise and treated her as his side piece in their few meetings.  He married another woman!

And yes.  I agree.  XL did give her chances, though he wasn't open about it, either.


Hell yeah! Bells, whistles and the entire orchestra. These days, most people are already physically intimate before the wedding, but back then, with all the rules and etiquette and all the suppressed longing. Not even wild horses could have dragged me away from jumping my man's bone the minute that I could. Lol. And there's XY, sleeping her way through the wedding night *snort*. 

I missed this comment from 12 days ago, but now I'm printing it and framing it.

That's how accurate it is.

Joining this thread to read beautiful analyses and the first thing I saw they removed most of XL's scenes due to censorship? One of the biggest crimes against this story - 😭


Joining this thread to read beautiful analyses and the first thing I saw they removed most of XL's scenes due to censorship? One of the biggest crimes against this story - ?

You're here!! Welcome, welcome!!

My guys,  HLCYXNFILMS has the most wonderful YouTube channel. Those videos are a masterpiece, seriously, trust me.

This one will never not be stunning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XY-acS2UAA

Yes, unfortunately, it's not looking good for us Xiang Liu fans. Dude can't catch a break :(

I hope this is all a bad dream and we'll get something good out of it when season 2 finally drops. He deserves better.



Thanks for the info, liddi, so does that mean that that picture was featured on the I love you forever book? The only guy who had a picture with XY în the first edition was XL? Jing and CX got none? 

Yes, it was for Vol 2 诉衷情 Love Confessed. From what I was given to understand (someone correct me if I am wrong), only Xiang Liu was featured in the bonus picture of the 1st edition.


That picture features XL and XY (not WXL). Maybe it reflects her yearning for him

That is a good point. 

Please correct if I am wrong, but the only times I remember both of them walking on the waves together was in Vol 1 (when they admired the moon together), and Vol 3 (after he saved her from the the seagull demon's assassination attempt). He did bring her for strolls on the ocean's surface in Vol 2 during the 37 years, but it would have be more of him carrying her, not walking on the waves hand in hand. So based on how she is dressed in the picture, I am inclined to think that this refers to their time together in Vol 1. 


Joining this thread to read beautiful analyses and the first thing I saw they removed most of XL's scenes due to censorship? One of the biggest crimes against this story - ?

Well, that is a theory.  Of course, they did add some XL scenes too.

We've also been discussing an alleged leaked script for season 2 that liddi has been super kind to translate for us.  Most of us are hoping it's fake, or what actually makes it onto the screen will be different.


You're here!! Welcome, welcome!!

My guys,  HLCYXNFILMS has the most wonderful YouTube channel. Those videos are a masterpiece, seriously, trust me.

This one will never not be stunning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XY-acS2UAA

Yes, unfortunately, it's not looking good for us Xiang Liu fans. Dude can't catch a break :(

I hope this is all a bad dream and we'll get something good out of it when season 2 finally drops. He deserves better.

I can't believe I haven't been here before : ( thank you for letting me know!! And thank you so much for watching my edits, it truly means a lot to me!! <3

I love all the complex parts of his character, hopefully they will keep the most important elements [read: his whole story] and let us just cry for all the sacrifices he does. : ( He indeed deserves better!! 

 ANOTHER  grandpa’s perspective 

First, there are several connected plots:

Yaoliu swims together at the bottom of the sea.

The Yellow Emperor inspected the Central Plains.

Zhuan Xu and Feng Long met, and Xiao Yao met Jing Jing for the first time after her marriage.

Zhuanxu took the initiative to ask Xiaoyao how he felt after seeing Jing, and Xiaoyao said that she was actually a little happy to see him feel uncomfortable.

Xiaoyao had insomnia at night and took medicine to fall asleep.

I dreamed of Jing...
Fangfeng Bei appeared on the sea. He sat on the white seashells and looked at her with a smile. His dark hair was fluttering in the sea breeze. Xiaoyao swam towards him, but suddenly, his hair suddenly Bits and pieces turned white, and he turned into Xiangliu, looking at her indifferently. The white shells and white Xiangliu were like icebergs floating on the sea.
He with black hair, him with white hair, suddenly near and far away...
Xiaoyao suddenly turned around and swam towards the land, paddling with tears streaming down his face ... Xiaoyao woke up from her dream, and there was cold wetness beside her pillow. Unexpectedly, when I touched my cheek, I realized that it was actually full of tears.
2-10<Let the calm ground make waves>

At this point, it can be clearly seen that Xiaoyao can no longer avoid her feelings for Xiang Liu in her heart. But Zhuanxu's crisis was right in front of her, and she had no time to take care of herself.

Until Xiaoyao and Fenglong got engaged and Zhuanxu came to the throne, Xiaoyao suddenly relaxed and began to be in a daze for a long time.

Grandpa recalled Ah Le and sighed that he could have descendants like Cheng Huan one day. He said:

"When I was young, I was always full of energy and refused to give in for some things that I thought were very important. When things happened, I realized that I was wrong, but it was already too late." Huang Di looked at Xiao Yao and said sincerely, " Xiao Yao , you must also remember that sometimes, taking a step back may not mean losing."
Xiaoyao lay on the window, silent.
2-12<The smoke and water are vast, the meaning is unforgettable>

Grandpa's words may have meant that Xiaoyao wanted to accept Fenglong from the bottom of his heart, but in fact, Xiaoyao was thinking of Xiang Liu and Jing through these words.

What is the persistence that you have always thought is very important? Always hope that the other party will take the initiative instead of taking the initiative yourself, and insist that the other party pay first instead of yourself.

Things change. Jing, who she had placed her hope on, left, acquiescing to Xiang Liu's rejection and not fighting for it again. Intention and powerless, strong and no intention, only Fenglong is willing to give himself a harbor to dock.

wrong. But it was already too late. Xiang Liu pretended not to understand the hint that he wanted to travel around the world together. Before she could express her feelings, she agreed to marry Feng Long. The one who loves him has married and has children, but the one he loves has quietly moved away.

Later Huangdi asked her to learn from A-Nian:

Xiao Yao said calmly: "It's because of you and Zhuan Xu that I don't dare to be willful and indulgent. My bloodline is bound to restrain me, so why should I deceive myself? If I say, now I go to play with Xiang Liu , will you agree?"
Huang Di was silent. , with a very complicated expression on his face, said after a while: "I won't agree. Zhuanxu will fight him to the death sooner or later. I don't want you to suffer in the future , but I will do my best to meet your other requests." "
...I know, you want to What I owe my mother, eldest uncle, second uncle, and fourth uncle are all my fault, but no matter how powerful I am , they can't guarantee my happiness. What's more, what you owe them is what you owe them. You can never make up for it, and I don't want it either!... ”
2-12<The smoke and water are vast, the meaning is unforgettable>

The most important things in this passage are "My bloodline is destined to be bound" , "If I were to go and play with Xiang Liu now, would you agree?" , and "No matter how powerful I am, I can't guarantee my happiness . " At this time, Xiaoyao seemed to show his sincerity, but he also said very clearly that "the reason why I am not with Xiang Liu is my bloodline" rather than "I don't want to be with him." On the surface, it is a rational attitude, but hidden is the emotional belonging.

And Huangdi also completely understood. "Go and play with Xiang Liu" is not a simple playmate at all. If it is just a playmate, there will be no "pain later" .

Huang Di could see clearly that the person his granddaughter had always cared about most was Xiang Liu. Decades ago, when I asked myself on Chaoyun Peak of Xuanyuan Mountain, "Is it okay if I am your enemy?" I was also referring to Xiang Liu. After all, apart from the Shennong Rebels who refused to surrender, there were no enemies for him in the world. Thinking about it again, Xiaoyao was retrieved from Qingshui Town and whose territory Qingshui Town belongs to. This enemy cannot be Old Man Gonggong, it must be the nine-headed demon.

Decades have passed, and this little girl is still thinking about the Nine-Life Xiangliu. Huang Di persuaded and helped his granddaughter think of a way to ask Zhuan Xu to try to recruit Prime Minister Liu.

" See if there is any way to recruit Xiang Liu to surrender. I know it is very difficult . Over the past hundreds of years, Qing, Hou Tu, Cang Lin, and Xiao Zhu Rong have all tried, but they were all rejected by Xiang Liu . But I still hope you will come again. Give it a try."
"Okay." Zhuanxu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why does grandpa pay attention to Xiang Liu?"
Huang Di said: "It's just a little guilt from a bad old man ."
2-12 <The smoke is blurred, the meaning is unforgettable>

What are you feeling guilty about? "Zeng Promise" tells the story of the role Huang Di played in the tragedies of his daughters Aheng and Chiyou. He never thought about sacrificing his daughter, but he did promote the tragedy, and it did indirectly cause Xiaoyao to lose her parents and be sent to Yushan. After experiencing all kinds of things in the future, she has the current personality and psychological trauma. .

Based on this guilt, he hoped that his granddaughter would not repeat the fate of his mother. Faced with this problem, the shrewd and wise Huangdi, the only way he could think of was to eliminate the obstacle between Xiaoyao and Xiangliu - stance.

He could see clearly that Xiaoyao loved Xiangliu; but the tragedy of Xiaoyao's parents was due to this natural chasm.

Behind him is Shennong; behind me is Xuanyuan. He cannot abandon Shennong; I cannot abandon Xuanyuan.
<3-3 Flowers bloom and farewell to old friends>

Aheng's words completely fit Xiaoyao and Xiangliu.

But no matter how much Xiaoyao kept thinking about it, she was already engaged to Fenglong. When we met again, at Old Man Li Rong's tavern, on the way Bei sent her back to Xiaozhurong Mansion, no matter how much she thought or didn't want to, she already understood Xiang Liu, understood Xiang Liu, and understood his choice.

Xiaoyao stopped practicing archery , perhaps because after Zhuanxu ascended the throne, Xiaoyao felt that the crisis was over and was no longer as self-disciplined as before. The whole person became very lazy, as if he had no interest in anything and didn't want to do anything. He just liked to sleep every day. When I wake up from a lazy sleep, it is often already noon. After dinner, I went to see Huangdi and sat in Huangdi's palace, listlessly in a daze.
2-12<The smoke and water are vast, the meaning is unforgettable>

When Zhuanxu's crisis was lifted and a string in Xiaoyao's mind relaxed, and nothing could occupy her thoughts, the long-suppressed emotions swept over like a flood, and Xiaoyao's heart exploded silently.

Xiaoyao no longer practices archery, which is a hint.

Archery is undeniably a close connection between Yao and Liu, but after Xiang Liu expressed his attitude, Xiao Yao seemed even more confused about the future. Giving up practicing archery was like breaking a connection with Xiang Liu. On the other hand, if she kept practicing archery, she might think of Xiang Liu from time to time. But she didn't want to think of him anymore. I wonder if she would often recall that Xiang Liu asked her "Are you leaving" under the lilac tree ? But when she hinted that she "really wanted to see it" , she remained "silent" . Lilac, the pain of first love, a love destined to be hopeless.

Zhuanxu came to her and asked her:

"Xiaoyao, how are you doing? Are you happy?"
Xiaoyao said: " No, you didn't do anything wrong. It was me who made the mistake. "
"Xiaoyao, tell me."
Xiaoyao remained silent. .
Zhuan Xu sat next to Xiao Yao and whispered: "Xiao Yao, what can't you tell me?"
Xiao Yao finally said : "After I separated from Jing, I felt bad and couldn't sleep well, but I I thought it was nothing, it had always been normal, but after you came to the throne, I didn’t know why, but I suddenly felt very tired and felt that nothing was interesting to watch. Without the pressure of having to get up and work hard the next day, I couldn’t sleep well at night. I often thought of and During the days when Jing was in Qingshui Town , she often thought of the days when we were young in Chaoyundian. I like those times, but I don’t like that I always recall the past. No matter how beautiful the past is, the past is the past . I don’t understand why I am so It's useless to be weak, I don't like myself now..."
2-12 <The smoke and water are blurred, the meaning is unforgettable>

This is what Xiaoyao told Zhuanxu.

On the surface, Xiaoyao was talking about Jing, which also aroused Zhuanxu's thoughts about Jing. Losing Jing was a big blow to Xiaoyao. Understanding from Zhuanxu’s perspective:

Xiaoyao seems to be free and uninhibited, but because of her childhood experience, in fact, Xiaoyao longs for a stable family more than anyone else , otherwise she wouldn't have been able to find a home for herself as Wen did in Xiaoliu.
Xiaoyao put all her expectations on Jing. Jing's departure became the straw that broke the camel's back . Xiaoyao couldn't bear it anymore. It was clear that she could no longer bear it, but at that time, the battle for the crown prince in Xuanyuan was at its most dangerous. For Zhuanxu, Xiaoyao still turned a blind eye to the hurt in her heart. She didn't collapse until Zhuanxu was safe.
Zhuanxu felt sad and hated Jing for the first time. Xiaoyao's trust and expectation required unimaginable courage and effort. That was building a house on numerous wounds, but Jing shattered Xiaoyao's trust and expectations.
2-12<The smoke and water are vast, the meaning is unforgettable>

But if that's all it is, then the plot before and after is very incoherent. Read it carefully. The first part is a silent farewell to Fangfeng Bei. The second part is about Zhuanxu marrying Xinyue three years later. A Nian persuades Xiaoyao to return to Wushen Mountain. She once wrote to Xiang Liu and proposed to cure the poison, and then stayed in Wushen Mountain. Thirteen months later, he was captured by Zhuanxu.

It can be said that this passage neither inherits the past nor initiates the future, it is very jumpy. Although we did see Xiaoyao's sadness and depression, she only told part of the reasons.

Xiaoyao said, "I made the mistake myself . " What went wrong?

Later, I said that I don’t like myself now, and I often think of the days when I was with Jing in Qingshui Town. But we know that Jing is not alone in Qingshui Town. Those colorful memories of the days in Qingshui Town, those brilliance that can be engraved into life, the person that I want to find with high specificity when I feel lonely, is Xiang Liu.

Combined with the previous article in this chapter, "It was only when things changed that I realized I was wrong." She knew she was wrong and had been passively waiting to be chosen, which led to today's situation. Those who have no intention, and those who have no intention, all leave her. One wrong step after another made her unhappy. She lived like an ostrich in her memories, but she knew she couldn't live like this forever.

But Xiaoyao could never talk about Xiang Liu in front of Zhuan Xu.

So we see, "Xiao Yao remained silent" and "Xiao Yao finally spoke . That was her dearest and most trusted brother, but she couldn't say it, and she couldn't deceive him, so just like Wen Xiaoliu, she thought about it for a long time and only selectively said something that could be said. Even though her brother thought she was only sad because of Jing, he didn't reveal any secrets related to Xiang Liu.

After Zhuanxu married Xinyue, Xiaoyao felt that Zhuanxu had been taken away by Xinyue, and she was further away from Zhuanxu.

Xiaoyao's problem of not sleeping well at night still persists . She usually doesn't get up until noon. After eating, she goes to Yiqing Garden to stay. She doesn't swim either . She sits alone by the water and stares blankly at the water.
One time, Emperor Jun walked into Yiqing Garden. It was already dark, but Xiaoyao was still sitting by the water . With her spiritual power, she probably couldn't see the night as day.
Emperor Jun asked: "You have been meditating by the water every day for several months. What have you come up with?"
2-13 <Wish to Return to the Path Without a Cause>

Swimming can bring happiness to Xiaoyao, but Xiaoyao no longer swims.

In the past, Xiaoyao was always in a state of offense and defense, so he studied poisons tirelessly and practiced archery unremittingly. Since losing Jing and Zhuan Xu ascended the throne, with nothing to lose and nothing to protect, Xiao Yao suddenly became discouraged and completely gave up on archery . Apart from making poison for Xiang Liu, she no longer studied poison techniques .
2-13 <There is no reason to return to the path>

I gave up archery in the front, and stopped thinking about poison in the back.

She had always wanted to use her own abilities to protect Zhuanxu, but when Zhuanxu came to the throne, she had nothing to protect, and she was not even willing to put in the effort to protect herself. I remember when she first returned to the Five Gods Mountain, after being pushed by A Nian, she became alert and "cannot slack off" and continued to study poisons.

At this time, is Xiaoyao really just losing Jing and Zhuanxu?

What we all know is that archery, poison, and swimming all point directly at Xiang Liu. Why didn't the author write that Xiaoyao no longer chewed chicken feet and duck necks, no longer drank green plum wine, and no longer drank mulberry wine?

On the bright line is the depression caused by losing Jing and Zhuan Xu. The dark line is the sadness that the love between himself and Xiang Liu has never come to fruition. When Xiang Liu said, "In fact, for a general, the best ending is to die on the battlefield," she understood his choice, but what about the heart? How to control the heart?

The days on top of Xiaoyue are very free and relaxing.
Zhuanxu said that Shennong Mountain is the same as the Five Gods Mountains, but that is not true. The Five Gods Mountains have no memory, but Shennong Mountain, Zezhou, and Zhiyi all have too many memories of the past. No matter where I go, I can remember the past.
Xiaoyao didn't know whether she didn't want to face the past or was really lazy. Anyway, she didn't want to go anywhere. Zhuanxu suggested that she open a medical clinic in Zhiyi like she did in Wushen Mountain, but Xiaoyao was not willing.
Every day, Xiaoyao only gets up after the middle of the day. After getting up, she flipped through medical books one after another. She felt a little more energetic only when she was refining the poison.
Huang Di saw that she was really depressed, so he kindly suggested: "That boy from the Fangfeng family is called Fangfeng Bei, right? I think you guys are playing well, but why haven't you played together in the past few years? You can ask him to accompany you around." " Huang Di didn't say it was okay, but when he did, Xiaoyao became even more depressed. He didn't even want to take poison , and sat on the porch all day long in a daze.
2-14<Chasing the past makes me miserable>

There is a hint here, Zezhou .

The most important moment of Zezhou in the story is when the Yellow Emperor went to Zezhou for inspection, Zhuanxu was assassinated by two uncles, and Xiaoyao protected him with his archery skills. Is this the past that I don’t want to recall? Obviously not. I'm just afraid that when I think about it, it's still the highlight moment in my past experience.

Shennong Mountain and Zhiyi both have memories of Zhuanxu, Jing, and Fangfengbei, but Zezhou only has memories of Fangfengbei.

Every few days, she would go to Fangfeng Bei to learn archery and go to Zhiyi and Zezhou together . Fangfeng Bei is indeed a libertine who has been eating, drinking and having fun for four hundred years. He is still very familiar with Zhiyi and Zezhou . He can find out what delicious and interesting things are in every corner. The two of them work together and enjoy the trivial and simple joys in life.
Zhiyi and Zezhou are far away from Wushen Mountain and Xuanyuan Mountain. Both Emperor Jun and Emperor Huang seem a bit far away. Very few people have seen Xiaoyao's true appearance. As long as he puts on the clothes of the Central Plains and smudges his skin color to look dull Some, and then used makeup to cover up the peach blossom birthmark, and she became an ordinary girl with pretty good looks.
2-2 <Wind Dew Stands at Midnight>

So we can almost be very clear about what memories Xiaoyao doesn’t want to face. She missed him, but didn't dare to think about him. There were memories related to him in every corner.

So when Huangdi suggested that she go to Bei, she "didn't even want to do the poison . " Making poison for Xiang Liu has almost become a daily habit. Later, when he didn't study poison techniques, he still made poison for him, but now he doesn't make poison anymore.

She once tested Xiang Liu and said that she would not give you poison after marriage, because giving poison after marriage is almost equivalent to spiritual cheating.

But when Huangdi said that she was even more depressed and unwilling to do the poison.

Fangfengbei? Fangfengbei is Xiangliu! It has been four years. He has never looked for me again. I have not replied to the letters I sent him. I tried to stimulate him by removing the lover's poison, but he has not responded. All my thoughts and hints have fallen into stone. Every poison in the past is a thought of mine, happy or unhappy. I always want to tell him and listen to him. But now, he doesn't pay attention to me at all. Who should listen to these thoughts of mine?

Obviously, four years ago, he already told me his choice.

Because Xiaoyao avoided talking to Xiang Liu, Zhuanxu had always thought that all of Xiaoyao's problems were due to Jing. So when Xiaoyao began to concentrate on studying medicine and slept better than before, Zhuanxu's perspective was " Xiaoyao Yao's illness was caused by Jing. Although she never mentions Jing now, it is obvious that after so many years, she still has not forgotten Jing."

But from an outsider’s perspective, is this really the case?

Because Zhuanxu liked Xiaoyao, he was in the middle of the situation and the authorities were obsessed with him. He wanted to have the right to be with Xiaoyao for the rest of his life, so he would keep an eye on whoever had this right. How could he possibly think of Xiang Liu? All he saw all the time was Xiaoyao and Jing, and it was Jing who he talked to Xiaoyao. As for Xiang Liu, he knew clearly that she was his enemy and Xiaoyao was his sister. It was impossible for him to abandon him or have too many entanglements with his enemy.

But Huangdi was an outsider. What Zhuan Xu couldn't see, he could see clearly.

When Zhuanxu regretted that he had pushed Xiaoyao to Jing and Fenglong again and again, and when he felt miserable because he was not qualified to possess Xiaoyao, Huang Di clearly knew what Xiaoyao had been feeling in his heart these years. miss who.

On the day Xiaoyao agreed to marry Fenglong , Huangdi didn't mention Jing or even Fangfengbei to him. Huangdi told Xiaoyao that Xiang Liu refused to surrender.

Huang Di had already left, but turned around and came back. He saw Xiao Yao leaning against the window, staring at the end of the night, in a daze.
Huangdi coughed slightly, and Xiaoyao woke up as if from a dream : "Grandpa, you haven't gone to bed yet?"
Huangdi said, " I asked Zhuanxu to try to surrender the Nine Life Prime Minister Liu. "
Xiaoyao couldn't help but stand up straight , Staring at Huangdi.
Huang Di said: "In these years, I have tried all the strategies and methods, but he has rejected them all."
Xiaoyao looked towards the end of the night, his expression neither happy nor worried.
"Zhuan Xu listed the Liangwang Peak in the northernmost part of Shennong Mountain as a forbidden area. The people guarding the peak are all Zhuan Xu's confidants. You should know why he did this. Although Xiang Liu saved your life, you don't owe him anything
.Yao smiled and said, "I know."
Huangdi said, "You should rest early."
2-14 <Chasing the past, Kong Meng is sad>

Huang Di: "You should know why he did this. Although Xiang Liu saved your life, you don't owe him a single thing." - I know why Xiang Liu saved you because he only needed a mountain peak that he might not be able to get. He is setting boundaries with you and doesn't want you to feel indebted. I also know that you care about him and who you have been thinking about all these years, but Xiang Liu has already made his choice. He did not choose you, so give up.

Xiaoyao: "I know." - I understand what you mean and what he thinks.

In the four years after the separation in front of Xiaozhurong Mansion, Yaobei never saw each other again.

After getting married to Tu Shanjing, her first love who she had been in a serious relationship with and had made a promise to, Xiaoyao was miserable for a year. However, Zhuanxu's crisis was still unresolved. Xiaoyao could still keep her spirits up and wait until Xiang Liu took her with her. After playing at the bottom of the sea for two days and one night, my insomnia immediately disappeared and my dreams were all sweet.

As for Xiang Liu, he never made it clear about his relationship with her, and time and time again put his affection in the name of transaction. However, Xiao Yao lived an extremely decadent life after the last separation - no longer practicing archery, no longer swimming, no longer He studied poisoning techniques and even stopped making poisons. He was in a daze every day.

So what exactly has she been doing during these four years?

She is quitting Xiang Liu. Remove the art of archery, the desire for water, and the art of poison one by one from your life.

She made poison for Xiang Liu, and she was also poisoned by Xiang Liu.

But it’s so hard to quit him! It was so difficult that she almost exhausted all her strength and mental energy. It was so difficult that she couldn't even rationally pretend to be nonchalant and live her life as normal.

Even though she hadn't seen him for four years, she still went to great lengths to send an ice crystal ball to Xiang Liu before they got married.

Huang Di was stunned for a moment when he saw what Xiao Yao had made. He walked into the room and looked at it carefully for a while. He didn't ask anything, but just sighed: "You are the only one who is willing to waste things like this!" Xiao Yao stared at the ice crystal ball
. , said: "The last time."
2-14 <Chasing the past, empty and sad>

Huang Di understood it completely. The sea, the male and female mermaids, and the outstretched hand could not be more obvious. Because Huang Di knew from the beginning that Xiao Yao had feelings for Xiang Liu, he would not think that Xiao Yao was just a work of art like Zhuan Xu did when he saw the picture of koi playing with lotus. He just watched this young and passionate heart bloom. The outcome was ultimately a matter between Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu.

"the last time". But I still want to try it one last time.

For the last time, I will use the rare treasures I collected to make a poison for you. I once thought that if I could let go of you, this poison would never be given out again. But after four years of hard work, I still can’t let go.

Then for the last time, ask what you think. For the last time, put the choice in your hands.

I can't quit you, please help me. Let me marry Honglong and quit you completely. Or, take me away.

There are other bystander perspectives:

Emperor Jun saw through Xiao Yao's girlish heart through the 狌狌 mirror, and after seeing the tragedies of Aheng and Chiyou, he did not want his daughter to make the same mistakes again.

Chishui Xian only saw an ice crystal ball. As a woman, she almost immediately understood the sincerity hidden in this ice crystal ball that cost countless efforts.

It was not until the end that A-Nian helped Xiang Liu rescue Xiao Yao, and perhaps he guessed who her sister was waiting for on the rocks outside the Dragon Bone Prison. The gossip about the wilderness that she heard was not completely fabricated.

After Xiangjun witnessed Xiang Liu erase Xuan Xunjing's memory and kill Gu with his own eyes, he may have really understood why Xiang Liu raised the corners of his lips and raised his eyebrows when he said, "The person Xiaoyao misses most is Tushan Jing." Smile" instead of showing regret and helplessness.

It wasn't until Xiaoyao wanted to beg him for Xiangliu for the only and last time before they got married that Zhuanxu figured out that Fangfeng Bei, who had been with Xiaoyao touring Xuanyuan City and the Central Plains, was Xiangliu, and that the person who taught Xiaoyao the peerless archery skills was Xiangliu. Liu, Xiang Liu rushed to Shennong Mountain to save Xiao Yao not really because of a mountain that he might not be able to get at all. Xiao Yao disappeared with Fang Feng Bei for a few days, but in fact he was with Xiang Liu. His sister was sad and heartbroken in those years. There is also a reason for Xiangliu to be decadent. It was also Xiangliu who took away Xiaoyao at Xiaoyao and Fenglong's wedding. It turned out that Xiaoyao said that Fangfeng Bei died and it was Xiangliu who made this identity disappear... His sister is worthy of being her. My sister, her behavior is exactly the same as mine, hiding and protecting what she really cares about. It turns out that I have been following the wrong person all these years.

They just passed by the world that belonged to Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao. Without seeing the whole picture, they were already moved by the true love of having you in their eyes, in their hearts, and with blood splashing on their hearts. This is a silent but deafening love that has a beginning, an end, a contract, a vow, a token, and witnesses.

"Deep love is a tragedy, and one must die to read it."