AH :
I've just gotten to a place where I know I'm pretty happy with the novel.

That's something called maturity. A mythical quality I can only aspire to obtain one day, even though it's not likely I'll ever reach this level of enlightenment in my lifetime, even if I lived 500 years.


So given all the changes made from the novel, who was this show actually made for? Like, who is its target audience? It's not a show for the Chinese general public -- it's a web series xianxia. It doesn't seem to be for fans of the novel because if Chinese fandom is to be believed the majority of those people are not happy with the changes made in the leaked script. If Chinese fandom is also to be believed the people who read the novel who care enough to watch the show are by majority XL and/or XL/XY CP fans. I'm just confused as to who this show or at least season 2 was made to appeal to? 

A lot of c-ents like yaojing actually so maybe the changes were made for them? Idk though because XY was going to end up with jing no matter what so changing a lot of XL and XY's parts wasn't that necessary to me tbh. 

Xiang Liu's part in fulfilling 2 out of the 3 things Xiao Yao wants is travesty.

Tbh, I'm not happy about this either. And I'm also not happy about them diminishing XL's role in XY's life but honestly, I think I'm coming to accept it because what else can I do? 

I feel like for s2 I'm going to wait for all the episodes to air so that I am not experiencing heartbreak after heartbreak as the episodes slowly air. 

Side note though, the biggest annoyance to me about the script change is the whole whitewashing of xuan and making it a "dream sequence". I'm sooo annoyed. I loved his psycho phase and the ending chapters with him and XY. The intensity of everything was so good and according to the leak, it's now gone. I'm annoyed. 


So given all the changes made from the novel, who was this show actually made for? Like, who is its target audience? It's not a show for the Chinese general public -- it's a web series xianxia. It doesn't seem to be for fans of the novel because if Chinese fandom is to be believed the majority of those people are not happy with the changes made in the leaked script. If Chinese fandom is also to be believed the people who read the novel who care enough to watch the show are by majority XL and/or XL/XY CP fans. I'm just confused as to who this show or at least season 2 was made to appeal to? 

Hey Atmospheres!

No idea. It certainly wasn't for me lol. The one good, extraordinary, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious thing I got from the show was learning of Tan Jian Ci's existence. That already improved my life quality by 200% percent.

Other than that, we should just go with the flow. Some friends here enjoy the angst, like our beloved, intelligent AH. My bestie Kokuto likes some pain too, though she's not really believing these leaks.

Others like Elise, Liddi, Dramadoggy, Imagine, Fancy, Blabla, FeiFei, including yours truly, and a bunch of others that I'm sure I'm forgetting are just trying to survive with the scraps that are thrown to us. I hate it, and I'm so tired of hearing myself saying that I hate it. I just hate everything lol

Idk though because XY was going to end up with jing no matter what so changing a lot of XL and XY's parts wasn't that necessary to me tbh.

Yeah, that's just rubbing salt in the wound. Many of these people will soon move on to another drama, and the dummy emotional ones like me who'll remember this forever will be left wondering why we even bothered to start watching it in the first place.


I never cared it was a loosing game, I‘ve read the novel before I started the drama, I knew the end and I embrace it and still love them together the most ??‍♀️

Such a late reply, but this person GETS IT.

I go back and forth between who I want her to end up with in the end but who she ends up with isn't a huge deal to me. 

The bigger issue is making it seem like the only one she's ever liked strongly is Jing.

 I liked how the novel made it seem like at some point in time she has had feelings for all 3 of them. 

And I really loveddd her fight with Xuan as well as her fight with XL tbh. I also really liked her speech to Xuan about Jing but it looks like that's out now too because of the changes.  I guess now I can only hope for one of two things, either that this leaked script is fake or that the changes don't take away from what they built in season 1. 

Also, I remember someone saying that Xuan fans will be happy about the changes? I doubt it. A lot of us were actually super excited for his rain of terror tbh. 


That's something called maturity. A mythical quality I can only aspire to obtain one day, even though it's not likely I'll ever reach this level of enlightenment in my lifetime, even if I lived 500 years. 

Maturity... resignation... probably one of the two ^^

Other than that, we should just go with the flow. Some friends here enjoy the angst, like our beloved, intelligent AH. My bestie Kokuto likes some pain too, though she's not really believing these leaks.

Can't say I'm particularly enjoying any of the angsty changes from the leaks. But I do have the good angst from the novel to fall back on ^^

Tbh, I'm not happy about this either. And I'm also not happy about them diminishing XL's role in XY's life but honestly, I think I'm coming to accept it because what else can I do? 

Yep. Right there with you.

I feel like for s2 I'm going to wait for all the episodes to air so that I am not experiencing heartbreak after heartbreak as the episodes slowly air. 

Smart. I'm usually good about waiting to start things until they've fully aired, but I don't think thats going to happen with S2 for me. If S1 is any indication... ^^"

 AH :
After stabbing himself in the heart and using one of his nine lives to kill the poisonous bug in his heart (severing his connection with XY without killing her), obtaining XY's blood to create a jewel that could be used to revive TSJ so he could reunite with XY, and pushing XY to cut all ties with XL, XL returns to the Sheng Nong resistance army.

In the end, XL makes a last stand with the final remnants of the Sheng Nong resistance army and disguises himself as Gong Gong. In the last battle, it was 100,000 Xuan Yuan soldiers against 1,000 Sheng Nong soldiers. Despite being heavily injured, not even the strongest Xuan Yuan warrior could defeat XL. He was finally killed when 10,000 arrows were fired at him at once. Only when he died and his true demon form was revealed did General Ru So realize he had been tricked, but the general was relieved rather than angry because XL was his army's most challenging enemy who had killed more of his soldiers than anyone else. General Ru So respected XL and prevented his soldiers from approaching and desecrating his body, which was lucky for them because his body dissolved into poisonous black blood that destroyed every living thing on the island where XL died. Anyone who tried to desecrate his body would have been killed.

AH, this was from 3 days before I arrived in this MDL Kingdom. You were so graphic LOL

Thank you for all the trigger warnings you've been giving me since I've been here hahah I'm honored.

The bigger issue is making it seem like the only one she's ever liked strongly is Jing.

That's all the Jingers keep parroting. "But the only one she's ever loved was Jing". LOL, please, take a seat.

Even in the main comment section, when someone asked who the FL's love interest was, they all ran to say it was only Jing. Or the only official one lmao

I swear, it's difficult to remain sane.


I have no problems with the novel even if it devastates me with all the what-ifs because it is so exquisitely written and everything falls into place. I tend to keep a very open mind with regards to adaptations and remakes as well, but the potential disappointment in S2 challenges my limits. I think the hard part is that we are left with such a long gap in between seasons that there is no closure one way or another. If I had to see a trainwreck, at least let it be a quick death so that I can move on.


Yes the dream sequence is a cop out. It gives me the impression that they are afraid to go to extremes and push the limits, which is why Cang Xuan, who by all intents and purposes is a good king and will propagate the medical journals that Xiao Yao initiated, cannot be irredeemable, while Xiao Yao cannot be allowed to have romantic feelings for anyone else at the same time except with the man she marries. 


Based on S1 alone, it is a good drama, faithfully adapted with an excellent cast who delivers their roles beautifully. I have seen the uproar from Chinese book fans who are dissatisfied even with S1, but I think for the most part, I truly enjoyed it. If the changes in S2 are to be believed, then I think it is ultimately a YaoJing vehicle, which would make at least 1/3 of the fandom happy. YaoXuan should not be too badly off either while YaoLiu were probably meant to join Xiang Liu as the target for Ru Shou's sea of arrows.

AH, this was from 3 days before I arrived in this MDL Kingdom.

I do recall someone popping into this thread shortly after that and saying they'd created an account because we weren't talking enough here ^^

You were so graphic LOL

Someone who knew that XL was going to die asked for the specifics!

Thank you for all the trigger warnings you've been giving me since I've been here hahah I'm honored.

Credit still goes to Kokuto for starting that ^^

who by all intents and purposes is a good king and will propagate the medical journals that Xiao Yao initiated, cannot be irredeemable,

I keep deleting this part from my mind because this was such an admirable thing that she did and it's now given to Xuan? For what. Ughhh they took my psycho away and XY's greatest accomplishment. 

I tend to keep a very open mind with regards to adaptations and remakes as well, but the potential disappointment in S2 challenges my limits. I think the hard part is that we are left with such a long gap in between seasons that there is no closure one way or another. If I had to see a trainwreck, at least let it be a quick death so that I can move on.

Yes the long pause has given us too much time to obsess over the details. Sometimes that helps enhance the enjoyment but a lot of the time it probably hurts it. 

If the changes in S2 are to be believed, t

In interviews, the actors have been telling novel readers that s2 is different so that's enough for me to believe that even if the leaked script isn't accurate, there will still be drastic changes and tbh people are probably going to lose their minds.

I think people who haven't read the novel might be okay, but it depends on how drastic the change from s1 characters to s2 characters are tbh. 

I'm also wondering how they are going to handle the whole going to war with GX/HL thing and what actually happens during the wedding scene.