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 AH :
Ooh you're so close to the end! I'd love to read any thoughts or insights you have that you're up for sharing after you finish. ^^

I would love to discuss it when I finish reading. It's a slow process (I always read a lot slower in Chinese than English) but such a fascinating read so far, keeping me utterly invested in the world-building, politics, vividly drawn characters with their different, shifting loyalties. More than the romance, I love the bonds between siblings, bosom friends, comrades, even opposing sides - be it heartwarming, poignant, or chilling, and there are various scenes that remain vividly in my mind still. The battles are a breathtaking read - one of my favourite is when Shen Nong's Ze Province was under threat of being flooded by Yi Peng, and for once, all the Shen Nong great generals worked together to divert the waters back to the three rivers, while General Yin Long, himself from Xuan Yuan, blocked the waters in his true dragon form for as long as he could, despite the fact that he was protecting the enemy city and its people. That scene moved me to tears, to see how they worked like clockwork when their people's lives were at risk, so I was doubly sad to see them revert back to their splintered positions once the threat was averted.

 AH :
To be fair, I suppose he didn't specify that that peace and tranquility had been totally uninterrupted.

True. It certainly was not totally peaceful, but I think he discounted the skirmishes between lesser factions, and there was no significant war between the two main powers.

 AH :
The vague references and general lack of details about his death always made me curious.

Qing Yang thought that Third Prince Hui was responsible for Yun Ze's death if I remember correctly? And then Consort Tong Yu and Ninth Prince Yi Peng thought that Qing Yang killed Third Prince Hui? And Yi Peng contributed to Qing Yang's death, but didn't find out that he had succeeded until Ah Heng killed him?

Did Third Prince Hui try to kill Qing Yang (because he was the Crown Prince) and accidentally end up killing Yun Ze instead?

No. From what I see, Third Prince Hui plotted to kill Yun Ze from the start during the Dian tribe uprising. Qing Yang was not there to begin with. As for why, it has to do with the poison his mother Consort Tongyu indoctrinated in him and his brother Yi Peng from their childhood, placing them squarely in enmity against Xie Zu's children. 

Hui was the first prince born after the Yellow Emperor became king, so that, and the fact that his mother was Consort Tongyu meant he was particularly favoured. When Xuan Yuan were at war with the Dian Tribe in the southwest, Hui tagged along with Yun Ze, and later claimed that Yun Ze accidentally fell into a volcano, which Qing Yang did not believe.

"Xuan Yuan and the Dian tribe from the southwest were at war. Your Royal Father, originally intended to send Qing Yang for the expedition. Yun Ze knew Qing Yang detested such matters. so he volunteered instead. Your Royal Father had Yun Ze bring Xuanyuan Hui along in order to train Xuanyuan Hui. Yun Ze won a great victory on the battlefield, and the Dian king surrendered. However, during the surrender, the Dian tribe suddenly went back on their word and chaos broke out. There were many volcanos in Dian territory and Xuanyuan Hui claimed that Yun Ze accidentally fell into a crater while leading his troops to break through. Qing Yang refused to believe it and when he found Yun Ze's remains, he accused Xuanyuan Hui of causing Yun Ze's death and asked the Yellow Emperor to conduct a thorough investigation. The Yellow Emperor deployed heavy troops to guard Zhi Yue Palace and forbade Qing Yang from approaching Xuanyuan Hui. Qing Yang then forced his way into Zhi Yue Palace and injured Xuanyuan Hui, after which the Yellow Emperor ordered Qing Yang to be imprisoned in the waterless quicksand for half a year until Qing Yang admitted his mistake. When Qing Yang was released, he was so emaciated he was only skin and bones, barely recognisable in human form."

-- Once Promised Vol2 Ch4  (originally Chapter 7), Xie Zu's recollection of the past to A Heng

Over a thousand years later, the eighth Flame Emperor Yu Xiang demanded that Xuan Yuan returned the lands that they occupied from Shen Nong. With the Yellow Emperor's refusal, war was declared and Yan Zhuan (Zhu Rong) was sent to take back the lands. The very first battle was decisive in determining to the morale of the kingdom, but instead of sending Qing Yang whose ice and snow powers would be able to counter Yan Zhuan's fire formation, the Yellow Emperor sent Hui instead, because he could not allow Qing Yang to become too powerful politically. Yan Zhuan attacked the western border of Xuan Yuan and surrounded Tong Er Pass, a location which was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Initially Hui continued to defend the city, refusing to engage in offensive warfare, but in the end, due to provocations from the opposing army, resentment from within his own ranks, and his own eagerness to win, he chose to go on the offensive with the encouragement of two of his men, and chase the supposedly fleeing Shen Nong army. As a result, he was trapped within the fire formation Yan Zhuan set up in the open grasslands and was burnt alive, while his army was wiped out, and Tong Er Pass fell to the Shen Nong army.

I have not read any clear confirmation that Qing Yang plotted Hui's death. However, the fact that Consort Tongyu could openly accuse Qing Yang in the presence of the Yellow Emperor, it implied that even the Yellow Emperor himself suspected this to be the case. I am not sure though how he could have orchestrated Hui's death in those circumstances (unless the two men who encouraged Hui were his own men), but I find it hard to believe Qing Yang would have sacrificed the entire Xuan Yuan army just to kill Hui. 

What I do remember is that when news of Hui's death arrived and Consort Tong Yu babbled in grief "Hui'er will be fine", Qing Yang was reminded of a similar scene over a thousand years ago with regards to Yun Ze's death, and his reaction could either be taken to be chilling satisfaction that vengeance had been exacted, with Hui dying the same way Yun Ze did; or cold mockery that the karma was served.

As they were talking, Third Consort Tongyu jumped down from the luan carriage, her hair dishevelled, her shoes of different colours. It was obvious that upon hearing the news, she did not even bother to groom herself but rushed over to verify it.

She ran up shouting, "Your Majesty, they're spreading false information, they're spreading false information..." When she saw Qing Yang, her eyes immediately narrowed with blazing fury. "You, it must be you! Is this your plot? I knew long ago that you would definitely want to kill them. You want to avenge Yun Ze, it was you who killed Hui'er..." She cried and screamed, rushing over to hit Qing Yang, but was quickly restrained by her attendants.

Zhu Yu turned pale with shock, but Qing Yang acted as if nothing happened, bowed respectfully to Consort Tongyu before leaving gracefully.

Behind him, Consort Tongyu's shrill cries remained, "Hui'er will be fine, Hu'ier will be fine..."

How familiar those words were--

Over a thousand years ago, Mother stood before him with a deathly pale face, murmuring repeatedly, "Yun Ze will be fine, Yun Ze will be fine..."

Mother clutched his hand desperately, as if begging him to tell her "Yun Ze will be fine."

How he wished he could tell Mother that "Yun Ze is fine," but he could not say anything. He could only kneel before her in silence, repeatedly, heavily kowtowing.

Mother's body weakly slid down as if bonelessly, and she collapsed to the ground, sitting slumped.

He placed the last fragment of Yun Ze's skull in front of Mother.

Mother cradled the skull in her arms, not crying or moving, just gently stroking it with her hands, lips moving. Upon listening carefully, Mother was actually humming a lullaby. "Little bunny hops, little horse runs, Mother's little treasure doesn't hurt..."

He remembered how Yun Ze was extremely afraid of pain as a child, crying loudly whenever he bumped or knocked into something. Mother always held him, softly singing this lullaby. But Yun Ze, who was so afraid of pain, ended up being burnt alive.

Qing Yang's eyes grew increasingly cold, the corner of his lips tightening.

The news that the entire Xuan Yuan army was annihilated and a prince died in battle reached Gao Xin, throwing the entire court into chaos.

-- Once Promised Vol1 Ch13

Apparently, the song that plays during the waiting scene where they both wear red is The Waiting That Can't Be Waited For. Quite apt.

That is heartbreaking. This time, she was the one who waited but he never came, though the bleak, self-imposed loneliness is very much his. 

I read that the S1 special edition also replaced the background music when they both watched the moon over Gourd Lake, changing it from "Lament of Love" to "The Wait that cannot be Waited For". I personally prefer Lament of Love in that scene though, which I feel more fitting.

It's a slow process (I always read a lot slower in Chinese than English) but such a fascinating read so far, keeping me utterly invested in the world-building, politics, vividly drawn characters with their different, shifting loyalties. More than the romance, I love the bonds between siblings, bosom friends, comrades, even opposing sides - be it heartwarming, poignant, or chilling, and there are various scenes that remain vividly in my mind still. The battles are a breathtaking read

I so envy you for being able to read the original text! But thank you for sharing your translated excerpts and summaries. They are much appreciated! 

Xuan Yuan and the Dian tribe from the southwest were at war.

Over a thousand years later, the eighth Flame Emperor Yu Xiang demanded that Xuan Yuan returned the lands that they occupied from Shen Nong. With the Yellow Emperor's refusal, war was declared and Yan Zhuan (Zhu Rong) was sent to take back the lands.

Oh, that's very interesting. I always had the impression that the great war between Shengnong and Xuan Yuan (the one that ended with Chi You and Ah Heng's final battle) began and continued directly as a result of the Yellow Emperor's conquests and expansion of Xuan Yuan Kingdom leading him to invade Shengnong as a whole. 

But it sounds like there was a period in time where Xuan Yuan's wars of conquest and expansion led to Xuan Yuan taking control of some territory that had historically been controlled by / been part of Shengnong and then there was a period where there was no active warfare, and it was Yu Xiang of Shengnong who re-initiated hostilities / really kicked off the great war between the two kingdoms that led to Shengnong's demise (albeit, in an attempt to reclaim territory that had previously been taken from Shengong)? 

I placed so much of the blame for the great war (and the remnant army's subsequent fight) on the Yellow Emperor, but it sounds like a portion of the blame belongs with Yu Xiang for re-initiating and escalating the hostilities?

 AH :
I asked the user where she found it. I'll update here if she responds. 

Another user shared a link to this video

The first poster pointed me to the same video, so no further leads.


That is heartbreaking. This time, she was the one who waited but he never came, though the bleak, self-imposed loneliness is very much his. 

I read that the S1 special edition also replaced the background music when they both watched the moon over Gourd Lake, changing it from "Lament of Love" to "The Wait that cannot be Waited For". I personally prefer Lament of Love in that scene though, which I feel more fitting.

Just finished watching the Moon over Gourd Lake episode and Lament of Love was PERFECT.

I'm pretty sure that whole scene with them in their wedding attire and him in his shell and her on the beach is going to be heartbreaking regardless.

 AH :
I placed so much of the blame for the great war (and the remnant army's subsequent fight) on the Yellow Emperor, but it sounds like a portion of the blame belongs with Yu Xiang for re-initiating and escalating the hostilities?

The following passage is extremely informative in explaining the political landscape of the Great Wilderness leading up to the start of the Xuan Yuan-Shen Nong war. Although Yu Xiang is partially responsible for initiating the war, it was only a matter of time before Xuan Yuan launched full scale attacks on Shen Nong anyway, in line with the Yellow Emperor's ambition to conquer the world, not to mention the abundant resources of the Central Plains, which Xuan Yuan as a nation lacked. Shen Nong was already at risk because Yu Xiang was a weak ruler whose throne was not secure, so the war against Xuan Yuan would also serve to rally support for him and establish his precarious position:

A Heng immediately sat up straight, pondered seriously, and asked, "Why did Yu Xiang decide so quickly to attack Xuan Yuan? He has only been on the throne for a few months, and his position is not yet secure."

Shao Hao replied, "It's precisely because his throne is insecure that he has to mobilise troops."

A Heng was very surprised and quickly asked humbly, "Please tell me more about it."

"Since the establishment of the Xuan Yuan kingdom, due to barren lands, they have been expanding eastward, occupying a lot of territory belonging to the Shen Nong nation. The royal family of Shen Nong is located in the heartland of the Central Plains, where Xuan Yuan's encroachment does not affect their interests directly. However, the various vassal states of Shen Nong suffered great losses. They hold deep grievances against the Xuan Yuan clan. Suppressed by the previous Flame Emperor's moral authority and revered reputation, they dared not start a war. But with Yu Xiang, they have no such scruples and will surely unite to request military action. Yan Zhuan, Hong Jiang, these generals who truly control military power will definitely fan the flames and add fuel to the fire. If they win, they can win the hearts of the military and gain support from the lords of various vassal states. If they lose, they can blame Yu Xiang for incompetence. Under such pressure from the court officials, Yu Xiang's position on the throne is unstable at this time. His personality lacks decisiveness, so he can only be manipulated by the court officials."

A Heng sighed, "Everyone thinks that emperors can do whatever they want, but they don't realise that emperors are also constrained everywhere. But..." She hesitated.

"But what?"

In order to learn news about Chi Chen, A Heng could only grit her teeth and said with feigned calmness, "But Yu Xiang has Chi Chen assisting him. Chi Chen's temperament would not allow himself to be manipulated or controlled."

Shao Hao remained composed, his tone unchanged from before. "You're right, but it's not his turn to take charge yet."

A Heng felt disheartened. It was true, Chi Chen now only held a title, but actually had no real position, and could not influence the situation in the court at all.

Shao Hao continued, "The current Flame Emperor, Yu Xiang, has only the benevolence of the previous Flame Emperor, but lacks his wisdom and decisiveness. The general opinion in the Great Wilderness is that the previous Flame Emperor appointed Chi Chen as Grand Governor-General to compensate for Yu Xiang's character shortcomings. But I believe the previous Flame Emperor had a deeper intention."

"A deeper intention?"

"Tens of thousands of years ago, Gao Xin's national strength was far superior to that of Shen Nong. The Third Flame Emperor of Shen Nong was a very far-sighted, courageous monarch. He abolished the fiefdom of princes with the same surname and implemented the fiefdom of princes with different surnames. Regardless of whether one was of the Shen Nong royal family or not, whether deity or human, as long as one made contributions to Shen Nong, one could be granted a princedom and enjoy the taxes of the fiefdom. Because of the reforms of the Third Flame Emperor, many heroes emerged from Shen Nong, and the national strength became increasingly powerful, gradually surpassing Gao Xin. However, over time, the drawbacks of a feudal system of princes with different surnames gradually became evident. The various vassal states inherited power for generations, intermarried with each other, and had intricately intertwined power dynamics. They inevitably favoured their own people, making it easy for those of noble birth to become generals and high-ranking officials, while those from humble origins found it difficult to advance. There were often extraordinarily talented individuals among the lowly classes, but due to the outdated system, they not only lacked opportunities to demonstrate their talents but were also frequently bullied by frivolous aristocratic youths. They must have suppressed a lot of potential power in their hearts, and once this power is unleashed, it will be very formidable!"

Hearing this, A Heng gradually understood what Shao Hao was getting at, and she picked up where he left off. "Chi Chen comes from the lowly class. For those talented commoners without established roots, Chi Chen represents their hope of making significant contributions and rising above others. They will naturally gather around Chi Chen, serving not just him, but by extension Yu Xiang as well. With the infusion of these fresh blood, the nation of Shen Nong can be revitalised again. That is the true intention of the Flame Emperor!"

Shao Hao smiled and nodded, though it was not clear whether he was praising A Heng for her quick grasp of the situation, or admiring the Flame Emperor's brilliant stroke of genius. "Chi Chen has an unrestrained character and disregards conventional rules, but he deeply values friendship and loyalty, and is brave and resourceful. He is precisely the wise leader these people have long been waiting for. Sooner or later, they will devote their lives to him. Wherever the sword points, thousands of troops will be mobilised. Only then will Chi Chen be a true Grand Governor-General."

A Heng was moved by what she heard, feeling both joy and worry. "Shen Nong is located in the Central Plains, with fertile land, abundant resources and a large population. If another wise ruler who can make the best use of its resources and talents rose up, no foreign enemy can shake the Shen Nong kingdom."

Shao Hao's expression became solemn. "The population of Gao Xin is not even half of Shen Nong's. Shen Nong has diverse terrain with passes everywhere that are easy to defend and hard to attack. In contrast, Gao Xin is made up of plains stretching thousands of miles, relying only on the protection of rivers as a natural barrier. The day Shen Nong crosses the river will be the day Gao Xin falls."

A Heng was also in a sombre mood. Although Xuan Yuan had complex terrain and changeable climate with many defensible passes, the land was barren and resources were scarce. Despite Father's concerted efforts in governance, repairing river embankments and opening up fertile fields over the years it still could not compare with the Central Plains where crops could be grown twice a year.

Shao Hao sighed softly. "In fact, all of these can be overcome. Gao Xin's greatest crisis lies in a system that has not changed for thousands of years, venerating lineage and family background, prohibiting intermarriage between families of different social classes. Political affairs are firmly controlled by descendants of the royal family, as well as Qing Long, Chang Xi, Xi He and Bai Hu these four tribes, causing how many talented individuals from the deity, demon and human tribes to leave with resentment in their hearts? Your Royal Father's first meritorious minister Zhi Mo is a demon from Gao Xin who was despised in Gao Xin because of his humble origins. Yet he assisted your Royal Father in achieving Xuan Yuan's hegemony, and was bestowed the title of 'Teacher of the Emperor'."

A Heng and Shao Hao's hearts were heavy as they pondered the future fate of the two nations.

A Heng asked, "If Shen Nong officially declares war on Xuan Yuan now, Gao Xin probably would not take part in the war, right?"

Shao Hao replied evenly, "We won't! I would really like to know what kind of strength Xuan Yuan has accumulated over the past few millennia. Now with Shen Nong taking the lead to test them, Gao Xin will of course sit on the sidelines and watch. Even if the Yellow Emperor came to lobby for Royal Father's support, I will strongly advise against it!"


At the end of the year, Flame Emperor Yu Xiang sent envoys to Xuan Yuan to meet with the Yellow Emperor, asking for the return of lands occupied from Shen Nong. The Yellow Emperor refused the Flame Emperor's request.

At Zi Jin Peak, the Flame Emperor announced to the Shen Nong court that they would wage war against Xuan Yuan to reclaim the lands that were seized through deception and plunder.

The entire court was filled with fervour and excitement. The young men were eager to cleanse their ancestors' shame with their own blood. This desire could not be realised under the Seventh Flame Emperor, but would be fulfilled under the young Eighth Flame Emperor.

Yan Zhuan was appointed as the General of the Western Expedition, commanding five hundred deities, three thousand demons and fifty thousand humans to reclaim the lost lands from Xuan Yuan.

The first battle was crucial for the morale of the entire nation. It was a battle where only victory was allowed, and defeat was not an option. A Heng expected her father to send Eldest Brother Qing Yang to lead the three armies against the enemy forces. To her surprise, the Great General commanding the Xuan Yuan army turned out to be Third Brother Xuanyuan Hui.

-- Once Promised Vol 1 Ch13

Just finished watching the Moon over Gourd Lake episode and Lament of Love was PERFECT.

I know right? It was quiet, tranquil, with such aching longing... the perfect complement to that scene. 

I'm pretty sure that whole scene with them in their wedding attire and him in his shell and her on the beach is going to be heartbreaking regardless.

Yes. Dong Dongdong's music direction has been spot on in S1, and I trust he will continue to weave his magic in S2.


I know right? It was quiet, tranquil, with such aching longing... the perfect complement to that scene. 

Yes. Dong Dongdong's music direction has been spot on in S1, and I trust he will continue to weave his magic in S2.

Exactly.  Lament for Love was subtle but stabbed you right in the heart with, as you said, aching longing.  The Wait That Will Not Wait is also emotionally heart rending, but the Moon Over Gourd Lake was the start and needed something without words that worked on a primal level.

Definitely looking forward his music during season 2 and what he does with the new songs.

the clip for iconic scene when Jing picked flower for XY in front of Hou


Haven't commented, but wanted to say I'm loving all the Once Promised discussion and translations (thanks liddi!).  Reading them, I'm stunned that they did that book first.  It's got so much more magic and battles and CGI.  I'm not so sure that the LYF crew could do it now.  They seem like two very different stories.


the clip for iconic scene when Jing picked flower for XY in front of Hou


Iconic? More like notorious. 

I'm surprised that they left it in the drama. 

I'm always surprised that there are people who not only finds nothing wrong with XY and Jing's behaviour here, but think it's something that is positive. 

Man. I really dislike both of these characters. 


Iconic? More like notorious. 

I'm surprised that they left it in the drama. 

I'm always surprised that there are people who not only finds nothing wrong with XY and Jing's behaviour here, but think it's something that is positive. 

Man. I really dislike both of these characters. 

I should have placed "iconic" instead. haha that is the title of that clip. Shame on them (the characters)


Haven't commented, but wanted to say I'm loving all the Once Promised discussion and translations (thanks liddi!).  Reading them, I'm stunned that they did that book first.  It's got so much more magic and battles and CGI.  I'm not so sure that the LYF crew could do it now.  They seem like two very different stories.

If you talked about CGI and special effect, it is all possible to interprete those magic stuffs if the production is willing to pay the effort, creactivity and price. One of my favourite is Ancient Love Poetry which was produced in 2021, it still stands on top list of the best CGI .

Honestly, CGI of LYF season 1 was not good. 


If you talked about CGI and special effect, it is all possible to interprete those magic stuffs if the production is willing to pay the effort, creactivity and price. One of my favourite is Ancient Love Poetry which was produced in 2021, it still stands on top list of the best CGI .

Honestly, CGI of LYF season 1 was not good. 

Right.  Spend the money, but I don't get the impression that they would go in for that, otherwise we'd have gotten the fighting the whirlpool scene, and the big big battle with XL and CX when his identity was revealed to XY.

The CGI wasn't the greatest, but it was used sparingly, and to good effect for the landscapes, IMO.  I'm okay with it not being used much in LYF and avoiding the overdone stuff in xianxia.


the clip for iconic scene when Jing picked flower for XY in front of Hou


NGL ... I'd rather see a Beloved Ru Shuo clip ... even with A Nian.  But I am biased. ;p