AH :
I remember Ah Heng mentioning that Chi You only had half of his power when he came to help her, but she didn't mention why. Did he seal the other half of his power himself? I guess he must have, since the Flame Emperor and Yu Wang were both dead by that point?

He did it himself. He said to everyone that he came there on his own private interest (for his lover, don't remember exactly) but he could not betray to Shen nong. So, he put nail on critical points of half body which is for Shen-nong. 

Chang Pu wanted to stay with Chang Yi (she led 5000 Ruomu soldiers, joining Chang Yi, she was leader of that group). Chang Pu and Chang Yi loved each other very much, She wanted to be his side in life and death regardless of the responsiblity to her own soldiers. Chang Yi made her unconcious and told Ah Heng and Chi you take her and her troop out of the firing battle. Most of Roumu troop was rescued (about 4000 soldiers, if I remember correctly) 

And yes, if you fall in love with another person, that is a betrayal. If you say to someone whose partner had fallen in love with another person, "It's no big deal, you shouldn't feel betrayed, as long as they still also love you", chances are high that you'll get punched in the face. The only people who wouldn't feel betrayed are those who no longer love their partner.

I think it really depends on the circumstances. 

In your scenario, the two lovers in questions are partners. That means they've committed to one another.

In this case, XY's feelings for YSQ and XL began in QS town. She may have been completely oblivious to her feelings for XL (not how I interpret it) or she may have had some inclining of her feelings but denied them / tried to suppress them at first. After breaking up with TSJ, her denial lessened a bit over time, to the point where she sent the ice crystal globe to XL in chapter 31. A bid that he did not accept. Since XY never made any commitment to XL to love him or to be with him (at least not any that he accepted), her feelings for TSJ were not a betrayal of any commitment to XL. 

Plus XL was aware of XY's developing relationship with TSJ from the start, and from chapter 22 on he actively pushed her to be with TSJ, and pushed her away from himself. The fact that XY's feelings for TSJ grew after that point... it's a bit much to call that a betrayal of XL if XL intentionally contributed to it.

Also, IMO, whether someone feels betrayed and whether they have actually been betrayed are two separate questions. 

Doesn't the Lover's bug exist for lovers to be loyal to each other?
If the Lover's bug is implanted in a married couple, then one partner loves another person, can they still be called faithful? Then what's the point of Tonghua writing Lover's bug?

and the lovers bug is not only made for xy and xl who have a secret love.
but it can also be for ordinary lovers or husband and wife.
So the words "loyal to each other" must have more meaning, not just to prove that there is still love, and you can love other people. If that's the case, doesn't this sound like rubbish?

I disagree with any interpretations of the Lovers' Bugs that focus so much on using them as a means of enforcing exclusive love (which I don't view as a requirement for the bugs to not turn into Heartbreak Bugs), or even consistent love and loyalty more generally (which I do think is a requirement for the bugs to not turn into Heartbreak Bugs).  

The Lover's Bugs serve as a tool that ties lovers' hearts and lives together, allowing lovers to save each other's lives if one of them is close to death. The Voodoo King says that this is the benefit of the bugs. 

As the Voodoo King describes it, the fact that the Lovers' Bugs will kill the hosts if they turn on each other is part of the corresponding harm of the bugs. Not the reason a person would choose to use them. 

They aren't Exclusive Love Enforcement Bugs. 

 AH :
Also, IMO, whether someone feels betrayed and whether they have actually been betrayed are two separate questions. 

It is not XY's mind or XL's mind which judges if it is betray. It is the bug's judgment and I am pretty sure that the bug is very single minded

This discussion is referred to the addition in the drama of 

"The love poisonous bug demands not only your life but your heart. You have nine lives, but only one heart. Once your heart is given, you can never take it back." 

And ".Mostly women raise it for their lovers, hoping for a love that is devoted (one heart, one mind), never betraying each other."

Some find this extra information complies with the novel content. (it gives clearer interpretation of the bug- 1 heart 1 mind as said in the original text)


Isn't what we're talking about Lovers BUG. So it has nothing to do with whether someone feels betrayed or not. But it's clear Lovers bugs don't want any betrayal. So what we're talking about is GU, not the person.

He did it himself. He said to everyone that he came there on his own private interest (for his lover, don't remember exactly) but he could not betray to Shen nong. So, he put nail on critical points of half body which is for Shen-nong. 

Hmmm. Complicated. 

Chang Pu wanted to stay with Chang Yi (she led 5000 Ruomu soldiers, joining Chang Yi, she was leader of that group). Chang Pu and Chang Yi loved each other very much, She wanted to be his side in life and death regardless of the responsiblity to her own soldiers. Chang Yi made her unconcious and told Ah Heng and Chi you take her and her troop out of the firing battle.

That sequence of events with Chang Pu makes sense. I didn't realize Ah Heng was able to speak with Chang Yi before he died, and that she rescued Chang Pu, who was with him, after that. That really shows that Chang Yi also could have survived, as XY thought in chapter 35. According to her, he chose to stay behind because he didn't want to abandon his sense of camaraderie with his soliders. Was that because some of his men couldn't escape? Or by staying behind, did he and a small number of other soldiers make it possible for most of his men to escape / be rescued?


Chapter 35:

Xiao Yao couldn’t imagine, but she understood what Xiang Liu felt. Her Fourth Uncle could have survived that day, and he did love Fourth Aunt and Zhuan Xu, but he chose to die alongside his soldiers. In this world there was camaraderie so strong that one would die rather than abandon it.

@H19279 @windiaaa

I too am of the same opinion. It's not about the person, it's about the bug. I see the bugs as an exchange of hearts, you give me your heart and I give you mine. 

It is not XY's mind or XL's mind judge if it is betray. It is the bug's judgment and I am pretty sure that the bug is very single minded


Isn't what we're talking about Lovers BUG. So it has nothing to do with whether someone feels betrayed or not. But it's clear Lovers bugs don't want any betrayal. So what we're talking about is GU, not the person.

Yes, the bug or the spell itself is the decider of when the hosts have turned on each other to the point that it would cause the bugs to turn into Heartbreak Bugs. But according to what criteria? 

It sounds like you take the view that the bug in XY is constantly assessing whether all the love and affection that she had in her heart for other people was purely platonic or not, and if it detected any romantic feelings for another person that rose to the level of love (and not whatever lesser feeling you view her as feeling for TSJ), the bug would then turn into a Heartbreak Bug. And if XL's efforts to push XY towards TSJ had resulted in her feeling romantic love for TSJ, it would have killed them both. That seems quite silly to me. 

I don't know exactly what would constitute the hosts "turning on each other" to the point where the bugs would turn into Heartbreak Bugs, since it didn't happen in the novel (edit: and XY kissing and wanting to marry YSQ was not enough to trip the trigger). But IMO, a host merely having some romantic feelings for another person in their heart (while still having the necessary romantic love for the other host) would be a silly trigger. I wouldn't view that as one host turning on the other in every case. 

This discussion is referred to the addition in the drama of

"The love poisonous bug demands not only your life but your heart. You have nine lives, but only one heart. Once your heart is given, you can never take it back."

And ".Mostly women raise it for their lovers, hoping for a love that is devoted (one heart, one mind), never betraying each other."

Some find this extra information complies with the novel content. (it gives clearer interpretation of the bug- 1 heart 1 mind as said in the original text)

The bugs in the drama require a separate analysis. The details are too different. 

That said, "Mostly women raise it for their lovers, hoping for a love that is devoted (one heart, one mind), never betraying each other." can be interpreted in more than one way.

That could mean that most women who raise the bugs do so for its main benefit (the ability to save each others' lives) and perhaps for its mixed harms / benefits (sharing each other's pain and emotions / being alerted when the other host is hurt) and hope that their relationship with the other host is strong enough (i.e., that their lover will be devoted to them and never betray them) so they will never have to face the harm of the bugs turning into Heartbreak Bugs. Rather than interpreting it to mean that mostly ruthless and vindictive women raise these bugs for their lovers hoping that their love will be devoted, but also wanting to have the bug at the ready to kill her lover if he ever does betray her. 

 AH :
edit: and XY kissing and wanting to marry TSJ was not enough to trip the trigger). But IMO, a host merely having some romantic feelings for another person in their heart (while still having romantic love for the other host) would be a silly trigger. I wouldn't view that as one host turning on the other in every case

I remember you used to say that if her love for XL unchanged then it still fulfilled the requirement of the bug. However, you believe it's still possible to love other one.

I think some of us believed something similar, the only difference that whole heart is devoted for that one love. And action generated from rational mind may not trigger the back-fire of the bug. 

Actually the more I read, the more I found the feeling XY for Jing was not love from heart. That feeling, need of him came from her need her hope for long term accompany which was originated from her fear of being abandoned. I said in the past that I found many event with Jing could be driven from her brain/mind. But it's hard to deny a kind of love when she half-conscious and called for Jing when seeing hibiscus flower in chapter 44. Later,  @windiaaa041293 told me that hibiscus linked to XL (first I didn't believe). I did digging myself and found the hibicus linked to FFB, she called Jing but she got relieved after hearing the heartbeat. throughout the running with Left Ears, she only thought of XL and FFB. When she woke up, no asking of Jing.

She carried the claim pearl lamp everywhere. It was placed next to her bed. She closed it before sleeping everyday. Whom did it remind? does the sound when closing it similar to the sound she heard during 37 years when everyday XL came and left. 

The sorrow and depression that she suffered from chapter 25 till chapter 31 was from whom? Because Jing betrayed her trust. FFYY got pregnant so her hope shattered or also because FFB said she graduated, didn't need to take lesson and later FFB told her woman should not follow him, best ending for soldier was on battle field and when they farewelled he looked cold, lonely as mountain in the north. (she had feeling of losing FFB). She tried to forget the pain by going to Gaoxin (seemed to get better but CX forced her to go back). She had full memories with FFB in Zhiyi, Zhe province (not with Jing) thus she didn't go anywhere, being lazy the whole day and became completely off mood when Yellow emperor asked about FFB.  

XY told Miao Pu that she never dreamed of Jing? But a moment before she woke up from a dream and felt as if someone opened the window. She said 'Jing, is that you (or sth like that)". She dreamed of someone who came from the window - it was FFB. So she covered up her secret by using "Jing". She cried after dreaming and many time became more sorrow after dreaming. Who did she dream of actually? So, we have to be very careful with what XY said because she had mouthful of lies.  

Wasn't the Voodoo king's explanation very clear.
You claim that you gave your heart to Jing, but you planted lover Gu with someone else. Then why are you still alive?
Look how panicked the Voodoo king is.

without any additions from the drama series, I think the scene with the voodo king is very clear.

 AH :
Rather than interpreting it to mean that mostly ruthless and vindictive women raise these bugs for their lovers hoping that their love will be devoted, but also wanting to have the bug at the ready to kill her lover if he ever does betray her. 

never betray EACH OTHER, not only betray her. I don't think the conversation focused on the sharing pain. It's XY's misunderstanding of the bug which she aimed for contain XL due to her reckonlessness. Witch king also empharized on the good aspect of the bug is to save life, helping each other. 

why did men rarely raise it? they are allowed to marry multiple women. and normal woman is supposed to be loyal to her husband. Maybe Jing would like to have one. =))

Can't CX do it with xinyue,but he only has xy in his heart.The brain can deceive but your heart can't.
This is literature, not real life, everything can be learned from The writing techniques, it's all about metaphors and foreshadowing, isn't that to give clues.

We finally reach the death scene, which incorporates his internal monologue from the epilogue, with minor changes to make up for the chart of the ocean not being adapted in the drama. 

I have read the narration of this scene in the novel countless times in the past, but revisiting it after the leaked scenes of the Shen Nong army brings fresh tears to my eyes. What the leaked script did well was to give a voice to Hong Jiang and the previously faceless Shen Nong soldiers, providing glimpses into their lives, leading up to the last day, so much so that now their deaths hurt that much more. 

And Xiang Liu's death will never not hurt.

Leaked script Ep20 scene 14 - Xiang Liu's death scene

The desolate slopes of the mountain in the wilderness outside Qingshui town was strewn with dead Shen Nong soldiers, blood-splattered, torn banners mounted on the corpses. All around was the brutal, bloodied aftermath of war.

On the peak of the mountain, the Xuan Yuan soldiers closed in on the last man standing, Hong Jiang. Although he had tremendous spiritual power, he had reached the end of his tether, and was covered in wounds. Ru Shou stood at the side, personally directing the battle formation. The general beside him stared at the stubborn resistance of Hong Jiang with a lament of regret.

General: We have cornered Hong Jiang for six days and six nights. Who would have thought he is still able to fight.

Ru Shou had other things on his mind, his eyes expectant, as if he had not heard what was said. Chishui Xian hurried over with a group of soldiers and gave her report.

CSX: Great General, my pursuit along the Southwest direction revealed no sign of Xiang Liu.

Just as she finished speaking, Gou Mang led another group of soldiers and hurried over.

GM: Great General, my pursuit along the Southeast direction showed no trace of Xiang Liu.

Yu Jiang and Li Yuan rushed over along with their soldiers.

YJ: Great General, We have completed the search in the Northeast and Northwest. There is no sign of Xiang Liu.
RS (meditative): If Xiang Liu wanted to escape with his life, he would have left long ago, and not wait until now...

Ru Shou turned to look at the ambushed Hong Jiang with a contemplative expression. As Hong Jiang's spiritual powers depleted, the soldiers surrounding him drew closer and closer. In no time, they would break through Hong Jiang's defenses and take him down. Suddenly, Ru Shou sensed something was off.

RS (shouted out the order): Stop! Everyone retreat immediately.

Puzzled, all the soldiers came to a halt before making their retreat warily. A regretful look flashed across Hong Jiang's face.

RS: Prepare bows and arrows. Attack only from afar, do not approach.

Gou Mang, Yu Jiang, Li Yuan and Chishui Xian each occupied a position with their troops, armed with bows and arrows, sealing off any means of escape for Hong Jiang.

RS: Xiang Liu, we come face to face at last after battling for so long. Why don't you reveal your true form to us?

Hong Jiang revealed his true face. It was Xiang Liu indeed. His awe-inspiring reputation struck all the soldiers with such terror that they drew back involuntarily.

RS: It is you after all.
XL: Great General has extraordinary intelligence and resourcefulness. I am impressed.
RS (wry smile): In the presence of Xiang Liu, I am ashamed to lay any claim to intelligence and resourcefulness. If we were evenly matched in terms of circumstances and military might, I cannot compare to you. (solemn) Now, the Xuan Yuan Great army is everywhere, and there is no means of escape. Why don't we set aside the past, and have a good talk. As long as you are willing, I am authorised by His Majesty to promise you a princedom, a life that is carefree and unfettered.
XL (his eyes coldly swept over the dead bodies of the Shen Nong soldiers that covered the ground): Back then, if Gao Xin and Xuan Yuan had been locked in a fight to the death where the Gao Xin kingdom was destroyed, would Lord Ru Shou have surrendered when Cang Xuan offered great rewards in exchange for your fealty?

Glancing at the bodies of the dead Shen Nong soldiers, Ru Shou fell silent.

XL (faint smile): Since Lord Ru Shou, you yourself could not do it, why take the trouble to make things difficult for me?

Ru Shou looked at Xiang Liu wordlessly, respect, admiration and regret in his gaze.

XL (noting the Xuan Yuan soldiers all around him, sighing): As expected from the Gao Xin king's top disciple, Lord Ru Shou's powers of observation are exceptional! If you had been just one step late, all the soldiers would have been trapped in my kill formation.

On the heels of his words, Xiang Liu smiled and gathered his spiritual power. Snowflakes danced in the air, and a blood line formation resembling the squares of a chessboard emerged. Each time he bled from his injuries, he used his own blood as a medium to set up a formation, planning to wipe out Ru Shou and his men in one fell swoop. Thousands of blood lines criss-crossed each other as if it were alive, strangling everything in its wake from rocks to vegetation, not sparing even a blade of grass.

The soldiers who cornered "Hong Jiang" earlier were filled with terror, and scrambled to retreat.

RS (yelling): Fire!

Ju Mang, Yu Jiang, Chishui Xian and Li Yuan commanded their armies and tens of thousands of arrows were released. Some were caught in the blood lines and destroyed, others passed through the blood lines and hit Xiang Liu. However, his ferocity did not diminish, but intensified. His six-headed demon form appeared in the sky while the blood lines transformed into a criss-crossing formation that spread outwards, killing many Xuan Yuan soldiers. In an instant, howls and screams resounded across the land.

RS (yelling): Fire!

Their faces tense, Gou Mang, Yu Jiang, Chishui Xian and Li Yuan commanded their armies to continue shooting the arrows.

Countless arrows breached through the formation, hitting Xiang Liu, and the six heads in the sky collapsed one after another in death, a tragic sight.

At last, Xiang Liu died, but his expression was unmoved, his body remained upright, standing tall.

There was destruction everywhere they looked, and fear was etched on all their faces, not daring to move, warily fixing their eyes at Xiang Liu.

GM (softly): Senior brother, is he... is he dead?
RS (with great respect): He is dead.

Ju Mang and the rest breathed a long sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had fallen off their shoulders.

GM: As expected of the Nine-Headed Devil, despite being besieged by Senior brother for six days and six nights, at the last moment, he still almost wiped us out.

One of the soldiers howled in grief.

Soldier: Tear Xiang Liu's body into a thousand pieces as a sacrifice to our comrades who died in battle!

Chishui Xian stared at Xiang Liu, eyes filled with hatred, intending to advance. Many of the soldiers also started to move.

RS (shouted out the order): Get back here! (stern) No matter what your vendetta is with Xiang Liu, he is an enemy worthy of respect. Anyone who dares to desecrate the body will be punished according to military law!
CSX: Yes.

Chishui Xian drew back stony-faced along with the rest of the soldiers.

Ru Shou faced the body and bowed in respect. As he rose, he noticed poisonous black fog emitting from Xiang Liu's body, dissolving all in its path.

Chishui Xian and those who intended to desecrate Xiang Liu's body earlier were terrified and thankful for their narrow escape. Yu Jiang's face reflected his fear as well.

RS: We can't stay here for long. Retreat immediately!

With that, Ru Shou led his army and evacuated from the area.

GM (lament): Xiang Liu had the intelligence and sufficient cruelty. It's a pity... it's a pity!

The only one left on the slope of the mountain was Xiang Liu, white robes torn and bloodstained, quietly standing in the midst of the poisonous black fog billowing on the ground. Xiang Liu's face was peaceful, his eyes downcast with lips curved in a faint smile, gazing at something between his fingers. A spotless, crystal-clear pearl was held between his fingers, his eyes filled with tenderness.

The black fog grew thicker and thicker, dissolving everything in the vicinity. Xiang Liu's body slowly collapsed, and the pearl between his fingers transformed into a string of tears, falling down drop by drop on Xiang Liu's face.

XL (VO): Xiao Yao, I still remember our first encounter at the outskirts of Qingshui town. You were grinning cheekily, with a mouth full of lies. The only truth you said was, "I have no ability to protect myself, no one to rely on, no place to go." With decades of archery skills, you now have the ability to protect yourself, and need no longer only be able to use your own body to protect those you wish to protect in times of danger. With a lover you wish for, you now have someone to rely on, and need no longer be alone, with solitude as your companion. Part of your body flows blood from a nine-headed demon, so you can freely roam in the vast oceans; you now have a place to go, and need no longer be pursued by others, with no place to call home. Xiao Yao, from here on, I can no longer watch over and protect you. You must look after yourself well. Wishing you a lifetime of carefree peace and happiness!

In the army camp, Wen Xiao Liu telling Xiang Liu he had no ability to protect himself, no one to rely on, no place to go.
Fangfeng Bei standing high in the sky, watching Xiao Yao use her body to protect Cang Xuan.
Fangfeng Bei teaching Xiao Yao archery on the mountain plains at the outskirts of Xuan Yuan city.
At the road in Qingqiu, Xiang Liu deliberately frightened Xiao Yao away with his ferocity, watching her retreat step by step into Tushan Jing's arms.
After discovering that she could breathe normally under the ocean, Xiao Yao swam freely and leisurely with Xiang Liu.
[End flashback] 

XL (VO): Xiao Yao, I still remember our first encounter at the outskirts of Qingshui town. You were grinning cheekily, with a mouth full of lies. The only truth you said was, "I have no ability to protect myself, no one to rely on, no place to go." With decades of archery skills, you now have the ability to protect yourself, and need no longer only be able to use your own body to protect those you wish to protect in times of danger. With a lover you wish for, you now have someone to rely on, and need no longer be alone, with solitude as your companion. Part of your body flows blood from a nine-headed demon, so you can freely roam in the vast oceans; you now have a place to go, and need no longer be pursued by others, with no place to call home. Xiao Yao, from here on, I can no longer watch over and protect you. You must look after yourself well. Wishing you a lifetime of carefree peace and happiness!

My heart stil aches whenever I read this part