First season and first half of the second season of My Dearest is very good, the drama as a whole îs pretty well done, but I belive it could have been shortened by a few episodes. It is a little dragging at the end, but that's a thing when it comes to kdrams. 

i watched the sequel, maybe read the sequel book too. It is a kind of official Fanfic isn’t it ?.

Yeah! Kinda like Wide Sargasso Sea was a prequel to Jane Eyre written a century after the original.

Will XL give XY any chance if he reincarnated? I think only when XY did extreme things or in very very special circumstances .

Reincarnated or resurrected? At their very last meeting, after he killed the Lovers Bugs, he said that he never wanted to see her again. He didn't even say this lifetime, just never again which means that even if he gets reincarnated he doesn't want to become entangled with her. If you see Xiao Yao has some karmic debt that he has to pay or a karmic lesson he has to learn, then he has fulfilled both those things so even if they met again, no fate no karmic tie between them. He's probably better off, to be honest. 

Resurrection, on the other hand, would suggest a potential continuation of their relationship. Do you think he meant what he said about never wanting to see her again? And what about Xiao Yao and Jing? Under what circumstances will XL agree to re-kindle things with Xiao Yao? A big part of me wants him to leave Xiao Yao behind and find himself someone who isn't so fearful and cowardly. 

Similar to this end of LYF, that ending of GWTW is the most memorable for the book and her characters .

It has been long enough since LYF, that if TH released a sequel resurrecting Xiang Liu and had him and Xiao Yao ending up together, I don't think anyone would complain. Right now we just have to rely on fanfictions. 

P/s : I watched a movie about Michell and production of GWTW and some documentaries about the movie. It was the first novel that i read multiple times. My sister bought a new released edition as reward when i passed entrance exams for university more than 20 years ago

You must really like this novel. It has been a really long time since I read the book or watched the movie. I don't tend to re-read books, but given the changes in perception after reading LYF, I'm thinking about re-reading some old favourites. It's a bit scary since I might end up disliking characters that I used to like, or even just dislike the book. 

P.S. Did you do a second post of your Xiao Yao's lies series? I saw the first and third one, but can't seem to find the second.

There is no turning back for Rhett, it is game over with Scarlett

I agree. I don't see Rhett returning to Scarlett either. Much like I see Xiang Liu as being done with Xiao Yao by the end of the novel. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.


I think the whole drama will be full of tragedy with 5 minute happy ending. I am fed up with the way they prolonged A Yin’s first arch. as shown in the trailer, have to wait for eps 27 to see Feng Yin waking up

I'm only on episode 10, so everything is still cutesy. I haven't read the novel, but it sounds like they changed many things. I did a rewatch of Love Between Fairy and Devil. At least Little Orchid was decisive about her love for DongFeng Qing Cang.


P.S. Did you do a second post of your Xiao Yao's lies series? I saw the first and third one, but can't seem to find the second.

if i remember correctly  

2nd is the one she told about her mistakes that she lost the one she loved/liked.  (because she put that lines while speaking about Jing, FfYY and herself in their relationship . I found it is not really lies but bullshit way to mislead listeners/readers

1st one was about XL was her suffering 

3 rd one was about twining hair, each strand was longing


Wow.  Granddaddy Emperor has totally lost it.  Gone from weaving an empire to weaving a basket.

Was there a basket weaving scene in the "leaked" script?

The stylish for LYF Season 2 really loved purple. The photo below is FFB's outfit in the scene when he and XY came to the donkey meat seller for dinner (the scene in chapter 29). Jing and Lirong Chang later also came to the same restaurant. I had watched a BTS clip of this scene (which focus on Jing but I saw FFB and XY passing the screen in this outfit). However, in the novel, FFB wore white robe in this scene. After that they walked back to Xiao Zhurong's masion and farewell each other. XL just said " You go inside"

Xiao Yao quietly stood there waiting, but she didn’t know what she was waiting for.

Xiang Liu cold voice spoke “You go inside!”

Xiao Yao smiled and curtsied to him before turning to knock on the door. The door opened and Xiao Yao stepped inside while Xiang Liu continued to stand outside, white robe black hair, tall and proud, like the white snow on the black mountains in the North, even if it was covered with flowers it would still look imposing.

Xiao Yao couldn’t take another step and stood rooted in place staring at him as the door slowly closed and Xiang Liu disappeared from sight.

@liddi said that this scene was changed in the leaked script. Addition to the action between XL and XY, the change of the color of XL's robe also influence XY's perception.

The image of white FFB standing ouside the door: imposing but like a mountain in the north together with the content of their conversation during the event gave XY the impression that they didn't have much chance seeing each other and XL chose to be a general with best ending in the battlefield, and the mortal world could not keep FFB in. This event in the novel marked the start of her serious depression which lasted till chapter 31. And It also linked to her miseable time, dream that XY talked with Jing about her mistakes that she lost the person she liked/loved.


Let's also not forget that XY, by her own free will waited for 43 years to set a wedding date with Jing, even though Jing wanted asap for them to get married.
To me, this is a strong indiator of just how much Xiao Yao "loves" Jing and committed to their relationship. This has got to be a serious case of cold feet. And no I don't buy her bulls*** excuse of completing the Medical Manuals. And after the manual was completed it was Jing who had to remind her 'cause it was so important that she forgot about it (*sarcasm). And getting drunk on the wedding night. Do these behaviour screamed a woman madly in love and desperate to marry the love of her life to you? It's not one thing, it's a combination of things that paint a particular picture.

So, XY suffered terrible depression after she realized that FFB started to step away from her life in chapter 29. Her mood was improved when she stayed in Gaoxin for 13 months but then it got worsen when CX forced her to returned to Shen nong (Chapter 31). The depression lasted more than 4 years until Yellow Emperor showed her Emperor Jan's diary about how he tested herbs and plants. And XY found the meaning and interest in learning medicine in proper way. So she took medicine courses, spending time on the note of Emperor Jan. 2 years later, FL asked her for fixing the wedding with the reason that his parents and grandfather wanted to have grandchild. XY didn't take any excuse to postpone the wedding as in Jing's case althought she didn't love FL at all. 

There can be several reasons:

  • She felt she may lose FFB but maybe still kept some hope on XL. So this loss is less painful than the complete loss of XL after 1 month in QS  town. Thus she needed a lot of time to heal her heartbreaking pain.
  • She knew that she could dictate the relationship with Jing and he would "obey" her choice of wedding. On the other hand FL and XY were more like alliance in their engagement. FL helped CX and XY needed to fulfil the deal to FL. 
  • In both case, the wedding ceremony was only set when she had no reasonable excuse to postpone . 

In general, XY just prefered having a companion person beside her. Knowing that person available upon her request was enough for her. She did not have any demand on itimacy with that guy. In that period of 43 year engagement, the only event that was written by the author is XY was crazily chasing a strange guy on busy street then later she was proud and happy that he turned out to be XL. Thus, you can imagine what kind of her "love" to Jing? Maybe the life with YSQ in QS town was also applied in her relationship with Jing during that 43 years: "Everything returned to normal and every day was just like before – it was so calm it was boring, it was so boring it was peaceful, it was so peaceful it was happy" (Chapter 2)

2nd is the one she told about her mistakes that she lost the one she loved/liked. (because she put that lines while speaking about Jing, FfYY and herself in their relationship . I found it is not really lies but bullshit way to mislead listeners/readers

Thanks for the link. I'm doing a re-read of the book to get a clearer look at the hidden details. I find that Xiao Yao lies by omissions or by half-truths, there are moments when I don't even trust her internal dialogues. It makes me question what is deliberate by the author or if I'm reading too much into things. 

@liddi said that this scene was changed in the leaked script. Addition to the action between XL and XY, the change of the color of XL's robe also influence XY's perception.

A FFB in white would highlight that he is Xiang Liu and that he is saying goodbye to his FFB persona as he prepares to embrace his final destiny as Xiang Liu. Such a drastic change in outfit colour takes away from the symbolic imagery. 

I am re-reading wuthering heights and Cath-Cliff's bond is so similar to XY-XL's one. Even Cath's reasoning to marry Linton is basically the same as XY to marry Jing. 


I am re-reading wuthering heights and Cath-Cliff's bond is so similar to XY-XL's one. Even Cath's reasoning to marry Linton is basically the same as XY to marry Jing. 

So my constant use of Heathcliff/Catherine in my discussion of the Lovers Bugs is not so out of place :-)? Can you elaborate a bit about what you see as the similarities here? I have not re-read Wuthering Heights for a decade.

There can be several reasons:

She felt she may lose FFB but maybe still kept some hope on XL. So this loss is less painful than the complete loss of XL after 1 month in QS town. Thus she needed a lot of time to heal her heartbreaking pain.
She knew that she could dictate the relationship with Jing and he would "obey" her choice of wedding. On the other hand FL and XY were more like alliance in their engagement. FL helped CX and XY needed to fulfil the deal to FL.
In both case, the wedding ceremony was only set when she had no reasonable excuse to postpone .

I think these are all possible. Xiao Yao was always in a dominant position in her relationship with Jing; with Feng Long, as you said, it was a political marriage, and wasn't Cang Xuan needing Feng Long to become the leader of his clan and the marriage to Xiao Yao was aimed to help with that? And yet, she sent the crystal ball to Xiang Liu, hoping for what exactly?

In general, XY just prefered having a companion person beside her. Knowing that person available upon her request was enough for her. She did not have any demand on itimacy with that guy.

In one of her conversations with her Grandfather, Xiao Yao said that she wants to find someone to accompany her, not to get married, but to live together so that she doesn't have to talk to herself. In those times, if you're not married there's no expectation of intimacy, so it appeared that physical intimacy isn't high on Xiao Yao's list of priorities. Xiao Yao doesn't seem to put a lot of stock into love and marriage. She sounds like she is looking for a housemate. If we go by what she's looking for then it's no different than what she had with 17 when they were in Qing Shui Town. That was also the same conversation about her wanting to be with people weaker than her so she feels in control. 17 is perfect in all aspects - a biddable companion.

Maybe the life with YSQ in QS town was also applied in her relationship with Jing during that 43 years: "Everything returned to normal and every day was just like before – it was so calm it was boring, it was so boring it was peaceful, it was so peaceful it was happy"

But doesn't Xiao Yao enjoy exploring the world and enjoying new experiences? I can't help but think that she'll become so bored with Jing. He'll tag along on her adventures with that permanent smile on his face, agreeing to whatever she wants, but isn't actually experiencing things with her.

there are moments when I don't even trust her internal dialogues. It makes me question what is deliberate by the author or if I'm reading too much into things. 

Her internal dialogues also consisted a lot of lies since she deceived herself too. It is part of author's delibration to write A but to mean B. So readers must trace back what was the real definition of A. 

But doesn't Xiao Yao enjoy exploring the world and enjoying new experiences? I can't help but think that she'll become so bored with Jing.

XY liked advantures. However, as similar to observing the scenery, in her opinion, it was not the scenery but the people that made the scenery meaningful. XY and Jing basically shared no comon interest or hobby. He could be her tag, serve her need, do whatever she told him but their background and experience was very different. He couldn't understand her story. Remember that WXL told YSQ many stories, he listened but kept quiet. Another example is XY liked water, swimming. But Jing didn't. XY didn't like chess, painting or playing zither. Instead of teaching XY systematically like the way FFB taught XY archery, Jing spoiled XY and let her do whatever she wanted (e.g., let XWL made bad move while playing chess with Xuan, played the zither himself during the music lessons and gave her super simple piece of music so that she could demonstrated it for FL and Xing Yue). They spent most of the time together in Cao Ao or in Shen-nong Peak. They hardly went outside to Zhiyi. Even when XY, Jing and CX went out to Zhiyi on the annual first fullmoon festival (15th lunar january), it was XY to show them where to eat.  


I am re-reading wuthering heights and Cath-Cliff's bond is so similar to XY-XL's one. Even Cath's reasoning to marry Linton is basically the same as XY to marry Jing. 


So my constant use of Heathcliff/Catherine in my discussion of the Lovers Bugs is not so out of place :-)? Can you elaborate a bit about what you see as the similarities here? I have not re-read Wuthering Heights for a decade.

The last time that I re-watched Wuthering Heights (1992 - [1]) was more than a decade ago and about 2 decade for the book. 

I don't know if you guy knew it but a long, long time ago, there was a japanese drama or film which was inspired from Wuthering Heights . I watched it but could not remember the name. 


So my constant use of Heathcliff/Catherine in my discussion of the Lovers Bugs is not so out of place :-)? Can you elaborate a bit about what you see as the similarities here? I have not re-read Wuthering Heights for a decade.

I am only halfway through, more than 10 years since I last read it for me too, altough it's been always one of my favs, even more than her sister's Jane eyre and definetely a lot more than Jane austen's pride and prejudice, that one is not really my cup of tea. Here is a QUOTE that IMO sums up pretty well XY-XL's lover bug too. 

"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being"


I am only halfway through, more than 10 years since I last read it for me too, altough it's been always one of my favs, even more than her sister's Jane eyre and definetely a lot more than Jane austen's pride and prejudice, that one is not really my cup of tea. Here is a QUOTE that IMO sums up pretty well XY-XL's lover bug too. 

"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being"

Are you reading the novel in its native language, English? I read those classics which were translated into my native language. It would take me some more time to read those novel in English. 

I watched drama Jane Eyre when I was a kid and decided not to read the book althought I heard the novel eventually was better critical received than Wuthering Heights. Once, I read "Sense and Sensibility" in english and it was not so enjoyable. Reading Dan Brown's works in english is easier. LOL


I read everything in my own language, except the books that don't have a translation, it's a lot easier and faster. Reading anything in english is more tiresome. 

Jane Eyre is also a very good novel, I have seen quite a few adaptations, but it's still worth reading it, altough the dark gothic style of Wuthering Heights hits me differently.  Jane Austen îs not my thing, neither Dan Brown. My biggest love îs Dostoievski, but I also love the bronte's sister's and Agatha Christie.