The year 2024 is coming, Enjoy the mortal firework and
Best wishes to everyone!

As the new year counted down, Little Zhu Rong led them up to the rooftop to watch the fireworks.

There were soldiers on all four corners of the Castle releasing specially made fireworks which flew high in the air and turned into beautiful flowers. The entire sky was like a colorful garden.

The humans were on the streets releasing their own fireworks which didn’t fly as high but were amusing and everywhere there was laughter and joy.

This was the scene of world peace and the happiness of no warfare.

Xing Yue whispered in Xiao Yao’s ear “My dad is especially fond of fireworks. Every year he hand selects the fireworks and to make it beautiful enough he would even pay for it himself.”

Xiao Yao looked up at the fireworks and thought that it must be just as beautiful right now in Qing Qiu. Jing was likely with his grandmother and watching fireworks with a lot of people as fireworks exploded in the sky. Right now in the mountains outside of Qing Shui Town, it was likely pitch black and freezing cold. The soldiers would be sitting around fires drinking coarse wine and singing national anthems. Xiang Liu was likely dressed all in white and accompanying General Gong Gong as they walked through each and every encampment. (Chapter 21)

P/S: whenever XY thought about the situations involved Jing and XL, XL was always placed latter. It was not because he was less important than Jing. It was because XY always hid him deep down; she wanted to use Jing as the cover for the more one nearer to her heart. It is usually said that "save the best for last!", isn't it?

Happy New Year to all my lovely ladies in the Academic thread :-)

For XL, in my opion, the moment in dragon beach was too early for that decision. CX at that time was still hostage in Gaoxin. And CX was still underdog in Xuan Yuan.

I agree that at that point in the story, the situation was not that precarious for Shen Nong's army. Gao Xing and  Xuan Yuan were still controlling each other so Shen Nong could fly under the radar. It was Xiao Yao returning and lending her status to help CX that quickened the situation. If she remained as WXL, they could have been together for a few hundred years before XL would need to make any decision about living or dying with Shen Nong's Army. 

During their second meeting, XY talked about short-term companionship so XL might have thought that he would at least be able to give her a few hundred years, more than her human companions could. However, when he accepted the Lover Bugs, he knew that it would tie their lives together and I don't see him condemning her to die with him. I guess, at that time, things were too up in the air for any concrete decisions; he might have thought that there would be plenty of time to figure things out.


Many people said that after 37 years under the sea, he made that decision because he experienced the feeling of losing the most loved one and he did not want her to experience it.

I think this played a role. 

I personally still hope that he only made such decision in chapter 29: after CX became king of Xuan Yuan and XY despite losing Jing decided to engage with FL (the person that she did not love). He understood well the situation at that time: the ending fate of Shen nong would be coming much sooner and XY's choice.

What do you mean XY's choice? And how do you see XY's decision to marry FL impact XL's decision?

Personally,  I feel like he knows XY's fear of abandonment and loneliness really well. Through the Lovers Bugs connection, he could probably sense her fear and doubts despite her confession with the crystal ball. Her engagement with FL served as a reminder that she wasn't fully committed to their relationship. I think this kept him away.  And her refusal to answer the 4th question once again showed her continued fear and shaky commitment. And he wasn't wrong, since she did a U-turn and reconciled with Jing soon after. 

They would always remind her about him. Besides, I strongly believe that memory about him still haunted her in her dream.

All of the things that you listed, plus the fact that she will be surrounded by the ocean which will be a constant reminder of XL. Everything around her will remind her of him. Xiao Yao used Tian'er as a model in the hope that like Tian'er, she will also have a content and satisfactory life. What Xiao Yao failed to factor in is that Tian'er didn't marry Chunzi while having another man in her heart. If she'd never met Xiang Liu, then perhaps her life with Jing would have been content enough, but she met him and loved him so despite having someone by her side, she will always feel lonely because she'd experience having someone who actually understood her. True loneliness is being next to someone, but they don't understand you and you don't feel connected to them. This will be XY's life with Jing.

Actually, the one who is left behind, is more miserable than the dead one since she has to live with a forever broken heart, sometimes with guilty feelings etc...

XL did his best to minimize the potential damage to XY, but he couldn't control XY's feelings and reactions. Who knows, maybe she will continue to engage in willful ignorance and self-deception so that she doesn't have to face the painful truth..

What do you mean XY's choice? And how do you see XY's decision to marry FL impact XL's decision?

In the novel, the wedding with FL was held after their engagement about 6.5 years. XY started making the ice-crystall ball after her engagement about 2.5 years, meaning after the last meeting with white-outfit FFB about 2 years. Therefore, XL did not aware of her desire to be with him by the last meeting in Zhiyi.

XY's choice that I mean here is her intention of having a stable life, and not choosing him XL. By that last encounter with FFB (it was an incident encounter, not re-planned), XY's responsibility to CX could be considered as completion. CX became King of Xuan Yuan. Her role to help CX was fulfilled. She could think for her own life. She could have declined the engagement if she wished without much trouble since she was backed by 3 emperors. 

Xiao Yao asked “Can one never forget a person for an entire life?

“Depends on the person. If you are talking about Jing, then I think it’s highly possible.”

“Do you mean he can’t forget me, or I can’t forget him?”

Fang Feng Bei smiled “However you want to interpret.”

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows and angrily said “There are a lot of good men left in the vast wilderness!”

“There are plenty of good men, but there isn’t many who will really put you inside his heart.”

“What do you mean? So I shouldn’t marry Feng Long?”

“I don’t mean anything. You asked me so I honestly told you my thoughts.”

“Xiang Liu, I really don’t know, what is your heart thinking deep down inside?”

“You and me are travelers who have crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever we meet we are each other’s companions to enjoy the world is all! Why do you care what I think deep down inside?”

Xiao Yao mocked herself “Yes, it’s my over thinking! No matter what you feel deep down inside, none of has anything to do with me!”

Xiang Liu stared down the dark alley and said nothing.

XL knew that XY at that moment had awareness of the bugs as Lovers' bug for lovers. She still questioned his feeling and she somehow still proceeded with the marriage plan. His words in the restaurant repeated her view about him - women should not  follow him. In their conversation after leaving the donkey meat restaurant, they were not talking about Jing. XL understood well that XY implied him. XY at that point was about to let go her true feeling to XL. XY didn't care much of "happiness" or " interesting life", she just needed someone beside her. Then FL could be ok choice. As Yellow Emperor once said to her “Actually you think too much. People need to pretend to be clueless sometimes. If you pick the right person, treat him well and it’s not hard to grow old together.” FL might be busy and could not spend a lot of time with her but definitely they could have grown old together. 

Personally, I don't think XL made 100% decision of cutting off with XY at that point. I think he might have some reluctance (about 20%). XY's resistance to answer the 4th question is the last drop to seal his decision. 

I also have a question to all of you: What would XL have done if XY hadn't sent him the ice-crystal ball? 

Who knows, maybe she will continue to engage in willful ignorance and self-deception so that she doesn't have to face the painful truth..

Yes, that is how drama XY move on. 


True loneliness is being next to someone, but they don't understand you and you don't feel connected to them. This will be XY's life with Jing.

A perfect example of this was when she was in the Shen Nong army first area and Jing was applying medicine for her, she kept talking about her experience and he didn't engage. How lonely is it that you open such a hurt chapter and the other person isn't engaged. 

She won't feel loneliness in traditional sense with Jing but she will feel emptiness not being able to connect.

What do you mean XY's choice? And how do you see XY's decision to marry FL impact XL's decision?

Personally,  I feel like he knows XY's fear of abandonment and loneliness really well. Through the Lovers Bugs connection, he could probably sense her fear and doubts despite her confession with the crystal ball. Her engagement with FL served as a reminder that she wasn't fully committed to their relationship. I think this kept him away.  And her refusal to answer the 4th question once again showed her continued fear and shaky commitment. And he wasn't wrong, since she did a U-turn and reconciled with Jing soon after. 

It's so heart breaking everytine I read about XY lack of commitment because poor XL willing without asking anything in return gave her the ultimate commitment by tying his heart and life with her. 

Anyways back to topic at hand. I do see the FL engagement decision impacting XL decision to back off as it told him she was willing to sacrifice her happiness to help CX. This sounds odd but that's a bigger sacrifice for XY than dying as it means she is going to be lonely with someone she doesn't love or connect with for your long long immortal life. The engagement also meant CX will succeed as he has the central region support and so marked the beginning of the end for rebels.

I think the 4 the question was the last time he was remotely open. Open is wrong word but last chance of ever for him thick twice on the decision on which he had already started. I don't see any other opportunities she could have have made him think twice even for a split second after that point at all. 

I definitely don't see the 4th question as when he made the decision as he has already started distancing himself and hasn't seen her much. The 4th question was for himself to hear her say that she wants him. He always wanted her to say it's him she wants with all the questions. I am on the fence on if he would change his mind if she did say she wanted to be with him. I honestly doubt it as he is a pretty determined person and had already started taking action.

Not sure why this post is so long.

XY's choice that I mean here is her intention of having a stable life, and not choosing him XL. By that last encounter with FFB (it was an incident encounter, not re-planned), XY's responsibility to CX could be considered as completion. CX became King of Xuan Yuan. Her role to help CX was fulfilled. She could think for her own life. She could have declined the engagement if she wished without much trouble since she was backed by 3 emperors.

I think I understand what you mean. Xiao Yao could have chosen XL, but instead, she chose to get engaged to Feng Long when she didn't have to. For Xiao Yao, the fear of XL's ending and I guess him being the enemy of her family prevent her from fully committing to exploring the possibility of their relationship. I think that your interpretation is fairly congruent with mine - that XY's fear and lack of full commitment were factors that kept XL away. 

XL knew that XY at that moment had awareness of the bugs as Lovers' bug for lovers. She still questioned his feeling and she somehow still proceeded with the marriage plan.

These are good points. It pointed to her wanting a stable life rather than taking a chance with XL. Given the fact that she has the Poison Bugs Manual, I think it was highly likely that after learning about the bugs from Jing's Grandma's servant, she would have known exactly what they were. The journey to see the Voodoo King was for further confirmation and a way to break the bugs. But I guess for Xiao Yao, that was not enough. 

Xiao Yao asked “Can one never forget a person for an entire life?”

“Depends on the person. If you are talking about Jing, then I think it’s highly possible.”

“Do you mean he can’t forget me, or I can’t forget him?”

Fang Feng Bei smiled “However you want to interpret.”

This is an interesting exchange. The fact that she has to question if it's her or Jing that can't forget the other person. Does she not know herself? Why would she need someone else to tell her her own feelings? And of course, the rest of the exchange was her wanting Xiang Liu to tell her not to marry Feng Long. As always she doesn't want to be the one to take the first step because she's hugely insecure. Ultimately she couldn't let go of her feelings for XL and sent him the crystal ball. And yet, she still didn't cancel her engagement with Feng Long. That's her weighing up gains and losses and leaving a backup plan for herself.  

XY didn't care much of "happiness" or " interesting life", she just needed someone beside her. Then FL could be ok choice. As Yellow Emperor once said to her “Actually you think too much. People need to pretend to be clueless sometimes. If you pick the right person, treat him well and it’s not hard to grow old together.”

This is just a sad way to live. She needs therapy. She needs to do some hard work on herself before getting into a relationship. 

Personally, I don't think XL made 100% decision of cutting off with XY at that point. I think he might have some reluctance (about 20%). XY's resistance to answer the 4th question is the last drop to seal his decision.

I'm starting to think the same, as well. Both of their individual decisions impact the other, but XY's reluctance and fear to fully commit played a role, IMO.

I also have a question to all of you: What would XL have done if XY hadn't sent him the ice-crystal ball?

I think this comes down to just how reluctance/conflicted XY feels about marrying Feng Long. If she was super reluctant and XL could sense that through their Bugs, he probably would have come to get her out of a decision that he knew she would regret. But if she had put her hope for XL aside and accepted her decision to marry Feng Long, he probably would have let her be.

A perfect example of this was when she was in the Shen Nong army first area and Jing was applying medicine for her, she kept talking about her experience and he didn't engage. How lonely is it that you open such a hurt chapter and the other person isn't engaged.

She won't feel loneliness in traditional sense with Jing but she will feel emptiness not being able to connect.

The interesting thing is that by this point, Jing (or rather Shiqi) has been by her side for 3 years, and yet she'd never once shared any personal stories with him. He was essentially there as some kind of butler/maid - there was no emotional connection or intimacy. Before this scene, it was XL who stripped her of her armour which prompted her to lean on Shiqi. This is of course the manifestation of her trauma, XY's relationship with XL forced her to face her trauma, which prompted her to run to Jing to avoid/escape. 

Another interesting thing is that she told him about the monkey that she caught and forced him to listen to her. The monkey didn't understand her and killed itself to get away from her incessant chatter. Is Jing supposed to be like the monkey - listened, but doesn't understand or respond?

Her lack of connection with Jing appears to be sustained throughout the novel. If I recall correctly, Jing usually hears about her past/experience by being around while she talks to someone else, she doesn't typically approach or volunteer information with him. The best example of this was when she found out about her real father. The person that she talked to was XL, not Jing - her fiancee by that point.

It's so heart breaking everytine I read about XY lack of commitment because poor XL willing without asking anything in return gave her the ultimate commitment by tying his heart and life with her.

This is the tragic irony of the whole thing. XY wants someone who will never leave her; by taking on the Lovers Bugs, XL has essentially vowed to tie his life together with hers - not even death would have been able to tear them apart. By this point in the story, she would have a very good inkling of the nature of the Lovers Bugs as well and yet, this wasn't enough. Wasn't she the one who was so moved and touched that Jing was willing to die with her? And here's XL who did die for her (and she suspected that) and has tied his life to hers - what the heck more does she need? A sky-writing of his confession? For him to go all in first? He already went all in! Is this her trauma or is she just selfish and greedy?

I do see the FL engagement decision impacting XL decision to back off as it told him she was willing to sacrifice her happiness to help CX. This sounds odd but that's a bigger sacrifice for XY than dying as it means she is going to be lonely with someone she doesn't love or connect with for your long long immortal life

Hmm! I forgot about this aspect of her marriage to Feng Long. Although their conversation outside of the donkey meat seller place would have told him that it wasn't something that she was set on. As always she waiting for more certainty as I mentioned in my reply to H19279. 

I think the 4 the question was the last time he was remotely open. Open is wrong word but last chance of ever for him thick twice on the decision on which he had already started. I don't see any other opportunities she could have have made him think twice even for a split second after that point at all.

I agree that he'd already heading down that path. With each one of their interactions, the window closed a little more until it fully shut after she refused to answer the 4th question. There were a few major turning points in their relationship that could have shifted the course of their relationship:1) Outside of the Dragon Bone Prison; 2) after 37 years and 3) the 4 questions. Her refusal to answer that question told him all that he needed to know - she couldn't be honest with herself and face her own emotions. If she couldn't even do this, how would they be able to deal with all of the obstacles of being together?

I am on the fence on if he would change his mind if she did say she wanted to be with him. I honestly doubt it as he is a pretty determined person and had already started taking action.

Yeah, I don't think there is a clear-cut answer to any of these discussions. But it's a good way to help us make sense of what happened and get some kind of coherence understanding.

Not sure why this post is so long.

Heh! Because this is the Academic thread where essays are encouraged. Have you not seen all the long posts that I made??

Going to have to catch up later, but wanted to wish everyone here a Happy New Year!  You guys have really made me think and appreciate Lost You Forever, the characters, Tong Hua, and YOU so much.  Thank you and looking forward to 2024 with you!


Another interesting thing is that she told him about the monkey that she caught and forced him to listen to her. The monkey didn't understand her and killed itself to get away from her incessant chatter. Is Jing supposed to be like the monkey - listened, but doesn't understand or respond?

you're right..i read an article that discussed this monkey metaphor and yes it was Jing

"May you be happy and worry-free for the rest of your life"

Many say that this is TH's skill in writing. Many interpret the sentence above to mean "I love you"

What do you think?

you're right..i read an article that discussed this monkey metaphor and yes it was Jing

Do you have a link to this article? I would be interested in reading it. Thank you. 

"May you be happy and worry-free for the rest of your life"

Many say that this is TH's skill in writing. Many interpret the sentence above to mean "I love you"

What do you think?

Isn't the sentence supposed to sound like "I love you"? I'm sure I read that somewhere. 

And whenever I think about this sentence, I feel really sad.

Part 4: Ambiguity on Xiao Yao's words

As we know, Xiao Yao's thought or words usually entangled different stories and people which can cause ambiguity. This analysis aims to clarify what she really meaned in the following text after she was captured by CX and saw Jing being unconscious because of helping her run away in chapter 8.

Below is the original text in Chinese and 2 versions of translation done by Kaola and Google Translate respectively. The translation by Google translate gave more detail information than the translation by Kaola. 


Xiao Liu’s legs were in excruciating pain and he leaned on Shi Qi and murmured to himself “If I knew it was so painful to run, I would have chosen not to run. But if I didn’t run, then I would have never known that you would do anything for me. But what shall I do now? It would have been better had you not helped me. I could have easily severed my longing and hope. Or when we were surrounded back there, it would have been better had you not told me to run away by myself. Xan Tian Er’s life is a struggle, and when a man thinks he is helping her by easing her struggle, he is putting her into a different kind of struggleShe is now struggling with the fear that he would leave her one day and she’s left struggling all alone again. Which of the two struggles is harder? Perhaps most women choose to struggle with a man easing her load, at least there is some happiness, some hope that the man won’t let go one day. But I’m not like that! I would rather be roasted all alone, struggle all alone, because at least my hands are free. Pain makes me hope for escape, a man’s hands make me fear he’ll let go. I would then reach out and hold onto him tightly, collect all the happiness tightly. Right now Xan Tian Er is able to save herself because I helped her. But who will help me? The Gods can help humans, but who will help the Gods? No one! I still feel it’s safer to hide in my shell. I’ve suffered so much in my life already, I don’t want to suffer more, I don’t want to be hurt more…..”  (Kaola Translation)

Xiaoliu's legs were in severe pain. He leaned against Shiqi and murmured to himself: "If I had known that I couldn't escape despite all the hard work, I might as well not have escaped. But if I didn't escape, how could I know you are willing to fulfill my wish? But what should I do now? If you don't agree to help me, I can happily cut off my thoughts. If only you didn't let me escape alone when I was surrounded just now. Sang Tianer longed for a man to save her, but in fact, a man could not save her at all. The man gave Sang Tianer a few drops of honeyturning one kind of pain into another kind of pain. For Sang Tianer, life is a stove burned her every day, causing her painThe man seemed to have picked her up to save her from the pain, but in fact the man only changed Sang Tianer's pain from the pain of being burned to the fear that the man would let her go and be burned again. Which of the two pains is more painful? Maybe many women will choose the pain of being held. At least there are a few drops of honey occasionally. At least they are not being burned. At least they can hope that the man will never let goBut I won't! I would rather be burned and suffer every day. My hands are free, and the pain will make me think about escapingBut when I am hugged by someone, I will use both hands to hold him tightly because I am afraid that he will let go. I would forget to think because of the few drops of honey he gave me. In fact, she was the one who finally saved Sang Tianer, not a man! Sang Tianer has me to help her, but who will help me? God can help humans, Who will help the God? Obviously not! I still think it is safer to hide in a hard shell. I have suffered too much in my life, and I don’t want to suffer anymore or get hurt again..  (Google translation) 

Note: Since this excerpt is WXL's monologue to himself, he knew that he was in fact a woman, he used pronoun "she" and "her" to indicate himself. Thus I will also used she or her to indicate WXL in the analysis 

For the excerpt, I color-coded the sentence for orginal struggle in life in greenwhat a man could bring in purple and the other subsequent pain or reaction in red and WXL decision in black

As mention in the reference [1,2], WXL treated YSQ as a member in Hui Chun Clinics, as equal as his treatment to Mazi or Chuanzi. YSQ lived in Hui chun Clinics, helped WXL housework, learned about medicine and followed WXL everywhere. However he was very timid. That was their relationship in the first 2-3 years since YSQ's arrival. WXL only started to talk more and paid extra attention to YSQ after he encountered Xiang Liu (XL). XL forced her to open up about herself, that "I am just someone who has been discarded. I have no ability to protect myself, I have no one to rely on, I have nowhere to go". This is her fear, her pain that she hid in her protective shell and XL peeled it open. "Xiao Liu didn’t dare to move but the beads of cold sweat came down and there where unshed tears in his eyes because the hard protective shell placed in the last tens of years got forcibly peeled open."(Chapter 2)

Therefore, the hard shell that WXL mentioned in the above excerpt in Chapter 8 is the one that WXL thought of in chapter 2 which shielded her fear of being abandoned, having nobody to rely and nowhere to go. WXL's conclusion after comparing Tian Er's decision in life and her preference was that she thought it was safer to hide in the hard shell meaning she chose to "be burned and suffered everyday" as before. She hid her fear behind that hard shell, and she was free and she used the pain as the motivation to think to improve her situation. The way she had been living was shared with her grandfather later (in chapter 16) as following:

“Before I came of age I was already pretending to be a man. When young ladies are just noticing guys I was trying to just survive. I was alone for so long that really I just want someone to keep me company. Not someone I want to marry – I want someone I can live with, share happiness and sorrow with, fight and make up, I just don’t want to talk to myself anymore. But I’m scared because think about it, my own grandfather, mom, dad, they all abandoned me before. How can I trust someone won’t abandon me. I took in lonely elders and orphans because I know they need me so they won’t abandon me.

Xiao Yao chuckled “People think I am kind but really I’m just weak. When I’m with those who are weaker than me, I feel like I am in control and am needed so I won’t be abandoned. That is when I feel safe.

The text in green depichted her usual life where she hid her fear behind the hard shell, she took underdog people such as elder (Lao Mu), orphans (Mazi, Chuanzi), injured begger (YSQ) as her temporary companion to overcome the loneliness. In Chapter 2, when XL peeled that shell opened, her fear was exposed and she felt vulnable. WXL started talking about her past to YSQ; she got some comfort from YSQ and she started to have some hope to rely on him. She wished that YSQ stayed as YSQ forever and YSQ ought to listened to her as long as he was still YSQ. WXL enjoyed YSQ's care. Her request to ask YSQ to help her dealing with Xuan in chapter 3 as well as her reaction after his disappearance when she needed him showed that WXL had expected YSQ as someone that she could rely on. "Xiao Liu walked into the courtyard and sat down on the stone step and Shi Qi walked behind him. Xiao Liu smiled at the sunset and loudly sighed. He was wrong, he should never rely on another." " He was angry because when he relied on someone it was to turn around and discover that person wasn’t there. He was angry at himself for having this pathetic hope." Therefore, after that incident, WXL realised that she could not rely on YSQ, should never rely on anyone.  And after that YSQ apologized her, she treated him as before, similar to the way she treated Mazi or Chuanzi. 

Xiao Liu hurried back to his room, the hard shell around his heart already sealed shut again. It was his moment of softened pity that caused him to be confused for a while but now he was back to thinking clear again. Every person arrived alone on this Earth and would depart alone. There was no one to rely on. How much hope and reliance one had today, was how much pain and suffering one would endure down the road. Rather than that happening, it was better to not have it to begin with.

Since Shi Qi temporarily couldn’t go back, then he’ll let him stay for now. A temporary companion, and this brief period in what was a long life would one day be forgotten. (Chapter 3) 

WXL took Tian Er's story as the foreshadow of her own case. Tian Er's story is about the choice between suffering the current life struggle or taking a man to rely on. Tian Er's 12 years in brothel house was struggle, burned her everyday and made her heart hard  “Twelves years as a prostitute and my heart is cold and hard." (Chapter 4). It was the same to WXL. She was abandoned, chased, imprisoned, tortured since a kid. She also had a hard shell around her heart. Tian Er said that Chuanzi gave her hope to bring her out of the brothel (her suffering), make her heart soften, marry her.

Tian Er lowered her head and her voice was soft “A cold and hard heart can keep out the pain, but also keeps out the joy. I really want a man to turn me back twelve years ago, let my heart soften so that I can cry and laugh. If Chuan Zi is that man, then I will treasure him more than my own life.” (Chapter 4)

Did WXL recognise the similarity to her own heart? XL managed to soften her heart twice. Her life since his appearence became much more interesting and vivid. He understood her past experience, engaged her story and her mood. She an he competed in swimming. He took her to see the magnificent scenery. What XL did/gave to WXL was "a few drops of honey". However, beside sweet moments, XL was also ruthless to her (e.g, hurt her when she suggested to betray Gong Gong (GG), threw her in the lake etc). If WXL regarded him as her solution for her problem - taking him as her company, she was afraid of losing her self-control (holding him tightly, fogot to think) and of that he would let go one day. WXL knew very well the position of GG and Sheng Nong army in XL's heart. He would never abandon GG and his army to be by WXL. Both XL and WXL could predict the trend of history and Sheng nong army would eventually be defeated. Then, WXL would be abandoned again which she scared most (she would "get hurt again"). It was not Jing in herparallel story which was compared with Tian Er's case. Jing had never soften her heart or given "her drops of honey". YSQ disappointed her when she needed him (in chapter 3) and she did not hope to rely on him from that point.

 Eventually, her decision is not taking the man to rely on, she wanted to be herself despite suffering and facing the "burning" life. WXL didn't want to go with CX to meet White Emperor for several reasons and one of which is she wanted a free  life like as WXL, she didn't get along well with protocol attached to princess status. She knew that it would be almost impossible to get back the free life as WXL once she returned to princess identity. 

“I’m willing to spend time with them. But I’m lazy now and don’t want to be the Gao Xing Eldest Princess. But knowing my dad, my grandfather, Zhuan Xu’s personality……even Ah Nian that clueless one knows that it’s pointless to go up against them.” Xiao Liu sighed “If I didn’t reappear it would be fine, but I’m here now so they will never allow me to return to being Wen Xiao Liu. I ran away before not because I was angry at them, it was also because I knew that once I returned to my real identity, it would be harder to leave here than to ascend to the Heavens.  (Chapyer 10)

So, what kind of expectation that WXL had for Jing that she tried to cut-off that expection thread? 

WXL said it was not the man who helped Tian Er, it was actually herself (WXL) who helped Tian Er.  "In fact, she was the one who finally saved Sang Tianer, not a man! Sang Tianer has me to help her, but who will help me? God can help humans, Who will help the God? Obviously not!". WXL had asked Jing to helped her escape QS town. In fact, she just wanted to see Jing's reaction, she had expected that Jing would not help her so that she could happily to cut off her "牵念" (which means constant thought, concern, worry) for Jing. From chapter 2 till chapter 7, there many occasions that WXL used Jing to mediate her pain or disappointment caused by XL [1]. WXL may hold the hope that Jing would play the helping role as WXL to Tian Er. "But if I didn't escape, how could I know you are willing to fulfill my wish?" It is clear that her main purpose is to escape and continue old styled life. If Jing could be YSQ forever, he would be ideal to keep company with WXL since he could live relatively long (same deity), he was rescued by her, and dependent on her. 

Last, WXL's feeling for YSQ until that moment when they were captured by CX was not love, she did not choose YSQ as someone to rely on (as lover/husband). As a man - WXL - she just needed a reliable person to keep company so that she could talk to, share sorrow and happiness, fight and make up. Even later, when she agreed to the 15 year promise with Jing, she was just moved by him for a moment but she didn't believe in him which was mentioned when XY talked with CX about Jing in chapter 47. 

Xiao Yao said “Jing clearly saw what kind of person I am. He knows I won’t give first, won’t take a chance, so he told me that he will give first, he will take a chance. When he said that, he already did so much for me. But I was touched then yet not believing in him completely. I thought it was possible to do it for a time but impossible to do it forever. People’s hearts change, today’s real is not tomorrow’s reality!  (Chapter 47)

Note: Jing said he will give first after WXL agreed on the 15 year promise that Jing would return her YSQ in 15 years and she would not let another man enter her heart in that time.

[1] YSQ/Jing's chronicle prior to event in the Dragon Bone Prison


Isn't the sentence supposed to sound like "I love you"? I'm sure I read that somewhere. 

Many interpret the sentence above to mean "I love you"

I read the same somewhere.

That phrase in Chinese is 安乐无忧 = [ān][ lè ][wú][ yōu] = [ān][lè wú][yōu] = I love you

? A sky-writing of his confession? For him to go all in first? He already went all in! Is this her trauma or is she just selfish and greedy?

It's so heart breaking everytine I read about XY lack of commitment because poor XL willing without asking anything in return gave her the ultimate commitment by tying his heart and life with her. 

I found a quote to explain this. XY is a kind of person who never gave first and took chance first. She was really pessimistic and negative thinking person. Therefore, she had lacking in committment. Poor XL already gave his whole heart first, took a life-time committment to her from the beginning but he did not tell her. His 9 heads lost the verbal battle to Jing's single mouth. 

Xiao Liu said “Shi Qi, I’m not like you. I’m not a businessman but I know that I am a ruthless person. I am ruthless towards others and even more ruthless towards myself. Do you know that?”

“I do.”

Xiao Liu laughed “Do you really?”

Shi Qi said “I know you never give yourself hope so you don’t trust first and won’t give first. You have a true heart but if the other doesn’t appreciate it, then you won’t give it. I’m willing to wait, wait until you’re willing to hope.” (Chapter 8 - Right after XY agreed on the 15 year promise)


Xiao Yao said “Jing clearly saw what kind of person I am. He knows I won’t give first, won’t take a chance, so he told me that he will give first, he will take a chance. When he said that, he already did so much for me. But I was touched then yet not believing in him completely. I thought it was possible to do it for a time but impossible to do it forever. People’s hearts change, today’s real is not tomorrow’s reality! But Gege, after what you went through, could you still say that you will give first, you will take a chance? Are you even willing to do that?” (Chapter 47)


Do you have a link to this article? I would be interested in reading it. Thank you. 

Isn't the sentence supposed to sound like "I love you"? I'm sure I read that somewhere. 

And whenever I think about this sentence, I feel really sad. 

Oh, it was a long time ago and I forgot the link. I read it on, originally I wanted to discuss it in our thread, but I was afraid of being said to be biased towards XL and too roasting jing.LOL