Anyway, I forgot to ask if those posters are authentic and official by Tencent or drama production?



It looks like it came from here, and it looks valid


Yes, I believe these are official, as they were released by the official weibo for LYF drama on 8/28, with this message.


Google translate:
Seeing things and thinking about people】If you ask how long you will miss each other, it will not last until you meet each other. A wave of exquisite lovesickness bookmarks are presented to you. Come and check them out, lovebirds.

It makes me think they were also playing with the end of the show and the fans having lovesickness until we can see season 2.  ;p

The specific post:


Here are the other posters, if you think they should be added to the poetry thread.  :)

They've been uploaded twice in the LYF s1 photo gallery. :(   Feng Long and A Nian got one.

Cx: Sitting alone and leaning on the moon tower, the wine fills my heart with sadness, turning into tears of excitement and longing."Su Muzhe Nostalgia" by Fan Zhongyan of the Song Dynasty.

Jing's poster

Jing : The exquisite dice is decorated with red beans, and I miss you deeply. ——Tang Dynasty Wen Tingyun's "Xintiansheng Yangliu Branch Ci"


As far as I'm concerned, children didn't ask to come into the world. It was the adults who made this decision, so it's the adults who must bear the responsibility to do their best for these little ones. You don't have to be a perfect parent, 'cause there is no such thing as a perfect parent. But, abandoning your child when you are able/capable of taking care of them...yeah, I'm going to judge you. Nothing turns me off a man faster than finding out that he's a deadbeat dad who doesn't try to have a relationship with his children. 'Cause that tells me that his character is in the pit. Why would I want anything to do with a man who couldn't even treat his children right?

So for me it was incredibly hard and unromantic that XY and Jing set off to explore islands while this child is left with retainers. It only goes to show poor character and values and in the end, I've concluded that they deserve each other and XL dodged a bullet by resting in peace. LMAO.

There's nothing romantic about these two and their sick, co-dependent relationship. Your choices reflect your character and your values. These two and their choice in this instance told on them - shitty-ass human beings who are more concerned about themselves. Jing is a deadbeat dad through and through. He started as a dishonourable man, "two-timing" his fiancee with his side-piece and ended the story as a deadbeat dad, who ditched his child for his side-piece-now-wife. This is the perfect man and dream husband? The bar must be in hell!

And I just realized that once again, Jing broke a promise. He made an implicit promise to this child to be his father, only to ditch him once it's no longer convenient for him to do so. Why would any woman with sense rely on this man???? Luckily for Jing, Xiao Yao's psychological deficiencies prevented her from seeing his true character. Or maybe she sees it, but she just doesn't see any problem with it. Bloody sad.

 So yes, these two deserved each other and XL dodged a giant ass bullet. I've said that I'm not a YaoLiu shipper. I believe that they have mutual love, but XY is a hot mess that I would be concerned for any male friends or relatives to be involved with.



Did the book cover (version 2013) include this Yearning poem or other lovesickness poem?

@Kokuto, you may check the folder made by @Windiaaa

Good catch!  Will do.


Vol 1 如初见 As When We First Met (Lost You Forever)

Back cover

Everlasting yearning, everlasting yearning. If asked when the yearning will end, it will be at the time we meet. Everlasting yearning, everlasting yearning. Whom do you wish your yearning to be given to, The one whose love is weak will not know....

-- 晏几道 Yan Yi Dao, 《长相思·长相思》"Everlasting Longing"

Translated by liddi ^^

So, XY's poster is also the poem on the back of the first book.  Nice!  Thanks again for putting together all the pieces.

They've been uploaded twice in the LYF s1 photo gallery. :(   Feng Long and A Nian got one.




Reference: 苏幕遮·怀旧原文、翻译及赏析、拼音版及朗读_范仲淹_古诗文网 (gushiwen.cn)

"Su Muzhe Nostalgia"

Fan Zhongyan (Song Dynasty)


The sky is blue, the ground is yellow, and the autumn colors are in waves, with cold smoke and green on the waves. The mountains reflect the setting sun, the sky catches the water, and the grass is ruthless, even outside the setting sun.

Depressing the soul of the hometown, chasing travel thoughts, unless every night, good dreams leave people to sleep. The Mingyue Tower is high and rests alone, and the wine enters the sadness and turns into tears of lovesickness.


This word borrows the scenery to express feelings and blends the scenes. It depicts the vast and vast scenery of the river and the wild where the blue clouds, yellow leaves, cold waves, green smoke, fragrant grass, setting sun, water and sky meet with colorful brush and ink, and outlines a clear and vast scenery. The autumn scenery picture expresses the deep feelings of being unable to sleep at night, leaning against tall buildings alone, drinking alcohol to relieve worries, and missing home.

The whole word is low-pitched and revolving without losing the spirit of serenity and virtuousness. The upper part rewrites the scene, with a grand and vigorous atmosphere and a profound artistic conception, which sets the background for the lower part of the lyric; Intentionally profound. Its main feature is that it can express the low-pitched and revolving melancholy with a deep and vigorous pen, showing the soft and charming side of Fan Zhongyan's words. In "The Story of the West Chamber", "blue clouds in the sky, yellow flowers in the land, the west wind is tight, and the north geese fly south" is a famous sentence in this poem.

This poem was written by Fan Zhongyan when he served as the Xuanfu envoy of the Fourth Route of Shaanxi to resist the Xixia army. At that time, he personally took command and went to battle to command the retreat of the enemy.

In the battlefield, riding a horse galloping, what I miss most is my hometown, and I pretend to express my feelings in words.

The ten poems of Fan Zhongyan, a famous writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, show the pattern of life and make people worship after reading them - iNEWS (inf.news)  

Fan Zhongyan: A poem "Su Muzhe" is full of nostalgia, and the literati's character will go down in history - iNEWS (inf.news) 

"Su Muzhe Nostalgia"

Fan Zhongyan (Song Dynasty)


The sky is blue, the ground is yellow, and the autumn colors are in waves, with cold smoke and green on the waves. The mountains reflect the setting sun, the sky catches the water, and the grass is ruthless, even outside the setting sun.

Depressing the soul of the hometown, chasing travel thoughts, unless every night, good dreams leave people to sleep. The Mingyue Tower is high and rests alone, and the wine enters the sadness and turns into tears of lovesickness.

That is beautiful... melancholy and Romantic, in the movement, not as in romance novel, and it fits CX so well.  He can see the land he rules.  And yet, he sits alone, like a tower, sad and drinking over lovesickness.  Perfect!

A Nian got one.

折桂令 -  春情 (Inchoate Passion)

Author: Xu Zaisi

平生不会相思,                 All my life I had not known lovesickness; 
I have only just learned to be lovesick,
便害相思。                            yet already I am suffering from lovesickness.
身似浮云,                            My body feels as a drifting cloud,
心如飞絮,                            my heart as willow catkins in the air,
气若游丝。                            my breaths as gossamer.
空一缕馀香在此,             There is but only leftover incense,
盼千金游子何之。             to wonder the whereabouts of the aristocratic wanderer.
证候来时,正是何时?   And when the symptoms come, when do they come?
灯半昏时,月半明时。   When the lamp is half-dimmed, when the moon is half-lit. 

Translation Notes

This poem is written from the perspective of a young woman who is experiencing the first stirrings of romantic pining, longing, yearning. However, the use of the first person in the translation is something I, as the translator, decided upon. The original poem in Chinese does not have an explicit subject, but translating without an explicit subject would be very unnatural in English.

This poem is a 曲 qu, a type of classical Chinese poetry form consisting of words written in one of a number of certain set tone patterns based on the tunes of various songs. Hence, 折桂令 (Zheguiling) here is the name of the tune this poem is meant to be sung in, and 春情 (Inchoate Passions) is the title of the poem.

Translation: Xu Zaisi’s “Zheguiling – Inchoate Passions” 徐再思〈折桂令 · 春情〉 – 花輕似夢 Weightless (wordpress.com)   

That is beautiful... melancholy and Romantic, in the movement, not as in romance novel, and it fits CX so well.  He can see the land he rules.  And yet, he sits alone, like a tower, sad and drinking over lovesickness.  Perfect!

All of the poster has the word yearning (or lovesickness) [相思 - xang si] however, each poem express different type of yearning which fits each character. 

This poem is written from the perspective of a young woman who is experiencing the first stirrings of romantic pining, longing, yearning. However, the use of the first person in the translation is something I, as the translator, decided upon. The original poem in Chinese does not have an explicit subject, but translating without an explicit subject would be very unnatural in English.

This poem is a 曲 qu, a type of classical Chinese poetry form consisting of words written in one of a number of certain set tone patterns based on the tunes of various songs. Hence, 折桂令 (Zheguiling) here is the name of the tune this poem is meant to be sung in, and 春情 (Inchoate Passions) is the title of the poem.

This totally fits A Nian.  Right down to the Inchoate Passions.  lol

In Love Me Love My Voice one of the characters composed the music for a song, and her club mate used an ancient poem for the lyrics.  It was one of the most beautiful songs in the OST.  


All of the poster has the word yearning (or lovesickness) [相思 - xang si] however, each poem express different type of yearning which fits each character. 

Yes, I noticed that.  They even used the logo in the lines of poetry.  Very cool.

Jing : The exquisite dice is decorated with red beans, and I miss you deeply. ——Tang Dynasty Wen Tingyun's "Xintiansheng Yangliu Branch Ci"

Do you have the text in Chinese. It would be easier to look for the whole poem with the original text. 

I had difficultity to seek the poem for Jing and Feng Long. The author of FL's line has more than 10 poems which follow Patrige sky song 


Do you have the text in Chinese. It would be easier to look for the whole poem with the original text. 

I had difficultity to seek the poem for Jing and Feng Long. The author of FL's line has more than 10 poems which follow Patrige sky song 



Fenglong : 


——[宋代]辛弃疾 《鹧鸪天·送欧阳国瑞入吴中

The plum blossoms are like snow and the willows are like silk. Try to listen to other words to comfort lovesickness.——[Song Dynasty] Xin Qiji's " Partridge Sky: Sending Ouyang Guorui to Wuzhong "

So I saw an interview where TH said something like Jing was XY's lover. What should be understood? Jing was the one who XY loved or Jing was the one who loved XY.

I just take this to mean that their relationship is not merely friendship. This is true, after the 15 years promise things, they are in a romantic courtship with an understanding of eventual partnership/marriage. Anyone who read the novel knows they married in the end, so there's no surprise. 

There's an implication that if someone is your lover then it means that you love them. That's a fair assumption. There are many posters here who think that Xiao Yao also loves Jing as well as Xiang Liu. The thing is those who pushed this interview are pointing to it as proof that Xiao Yao only loves Jing and that Xiang Liu is one-sided towards Xiao Yao. 

It says that Jing is XY's lover. It doesn't say XY is Jing's lover. They assume it means mutual, as in they are lovers of each other.

I'm not quite sure I understand the distinction between the first two sentences, Kokuto. These two characters are in a mutually agreed upon romantic courtship so they are each other "lover" per the common usage of that word. Whether you think XY loves Jing or how much she loves him etc. differed amongst posters in this thread.




Thank you Windiaa041293. I found the poem

This is the poem on the poster for Jing

新添声杨柳枝词二首 - Two Songs of New Voices and Willow Branches

温庭筠〔唐代〕Wen Tingyun (Tang Dynasty)

一尺深红胜曲尘,天生旧物不如新。(胜曲尘 一作:蒙曲尘)


Translation according to 新添声杨柳枝词二首原文、翻译及赏析、拼音版及朗读_温庭筠古诗_古诗文网 (gushiwen.cn) 

When the red silk cloth is covered with dust, it takes on a dull yellow color like koji, and since ancient times, old things have not been as pleasing as new things.
Although you and I have a heart-to-heart agreement, there is resentment in my heart after all, because you already have others in your heart(Part 1)

Lighting a candle in the middle of the night deeply reminds you, this journey is far away, my heart is with you, remember not to forget the return date.
Like exquisite dice inlaid with red beans, do you know this deep-rooted longing?

Brief analysis

"Two Songs of New Voices and Willow Branches" is a set of seven-character quatrains. The first poem uses dusty red silk and acacia peach pits to express the hatred of the abandoned woman, and in terms of art, it adopts the techniques of metaphor, suggestion, and homophonic pun, which strengthens the lyrical effect and makes the language expression more subtle and tactful. The second poem uses the lamp at the bottom of the well and the dice of the long line of Go to express the woman's attachment to her loverand the whole poem adopts the technique of homophonic puns, which is very consistent with the woman's identity and mentality, creating a deep and subtle poetic environment. This group of poems is full of the atmosphere of folk life, the words are shallow and profound, and they are full of artistic appeal

What interesting the orange text in the poem! This poem reflects Jing perfectly.

For sure, TH played some role in selecting the lines on these poster.  This is similar to her style of naming the chapter titles of LYF novel

Thank you to H19279, windiaaa and Kokuto for all the posters and information about the poems.