In the novol, FFB had conversation with XY after leaving the donkey restaurant (after her engagement with FL). There they discussed why was it difficult to find an accompany partner. That part is pretty interesting. I found that the chinese words have such rich content.

definition of accompany in FFB’s opinion is

This may be the cause why he asked XY in QS town the 4th question 

In that scene, Fangfeng Bei said, "What is very difficult is to find someone with the same aspirations and interests (like-minded), with whom you can genuinely treat each other well, and make the journey more interesting."

It is possible that was the reason he asked the question, but I am still more inclined to think that he just needed to know for himself, what her answer was, knowing that from here on, he was going to methodically cut every tie between them starting with his killing off Fangfeng Bei's identity, and send her back into another man's arms. 

The Yellow Emperor is indeed smart: his posture could be interpretated as practically the equivalent of giving his blessings to XY-XL. But the truth is:

he knows that XL would never abandon Sheng Nong (chpt 31 "Only you will waste such precious things" about the ice crystal ball)
he knows that XY would never abandon CX, especially over a man because she would never replicate her mother's story
if XL do abandon Sheng Nong for XY (extremely low probability of occurrence), it can only be good for the Yellow Emperor: as he failed to poach XL numerous time himself, having his granddaughter succeed in a "beauty trap" would be very welcomed (and ironic since XL believed at one point that XY played him as WXL - and also funny because FFB admited himself "Your beauty scheme was no use on him, but it’ll work on me."). If Sheng Nong lose their great general and strategist, it would sign the end for them. Also, having his granddaughter having her happy end with the man she loves would make up for the Yellow Emperor's "little bit of regret.”  

Great observations! 

The leaked script does not show that the old Xuan Yuan king ever saw the finished product of the crystal globe, only that he was appalled at Xiao Yao's extravagance for this particular "project". So there is no indication he knew whom it was for. The novel hints at this far better.

Love the 美人计 allusion! It would definitely be the coup of the century if love for Xiao Yao finally convinced Xiang Liu to swear fealty to Cang Xuan.

Basically, they are in a win-win situation either way, because he knows his granddaughter. So grandfather is very first YaoLiu shipper by all accounts. Unfortunately, they had to contend with one very stubborn, very loyal Nine-headed Demon...

Ironically, by adding the scene of him admitting that he took her right to choose between him and XL, they just confirmed that he sees XL as a threat/rival for XY right from the beginning. Kinda diluted their attempt to push XiaoJing as the  only 1:1 pairing. 

Hmm... should I feel a little happier that the butchered script with its stretches in logic falls apart for every single one of the male leads? Still, I continue to hope that a miracle happens and S2 will be just as good as, if not better than S1. Please let it be so.

It is possible that was the reason he asked the question, but I am still more inclined to think that he just needed to know for himself,

What I mean is the verb he used in the 4th question. It isn't who do you want to live or stay or be with but accompany (recall her wish)


In that scene, Fangfeng Bei said, "What is very difficult is to find someone with the same aspirations and interests (like-minded), with whom you can genuinely treat each other well, and make the journey more interesting."

It is possible that was the reason he asked the question, but I am still more inclined to think that he just needed to know for himself, what her answer was, knowing that from here on, he was going to methodically cut every tie between them starting with his killing off Fangfeng Bei's identity, and send her back into another man's arms. 

He is actually the best match. They are like-minded and he actually treated her very well, sincerely (proof: as FFB or during 37 year under the sea). Her life in Xuan Yuan town or in Middle Plain became eventful and interesting thank to him. He helped her spirit escape from the loneliness while in coma

It is sad for them that they have no fate to be together.

Love the 美人计 allusion! It would definitely be the coup of the century if love for Xiao Yao finally convinced Xiang Liu to swear fealty to Cang Xuan.

Basically, they are in a win-win situation either way, because he knows his granddaughter. So grandfather is very first YaoLiu shipper by all accounts. Unfortunately, they had to contend with one very stubborn, very loyal Nine-headed Demon...

And somehow, the truth is the beauty trap definitely worked on XL: for XY, he gave up on killing CX several times:

  1. he didn't kill WXL who kept him physically from killing CX, 
  2. he let go of CX during the Yu Jiang/FFB dual assassination attempt on CX despite being totally able to kill him without killing XY (or, as XY was blocking CX with her body, FFB didn't want to risk hurting her)
  3. (only in the drama) he gave up killing CX when he was leaving the residence of the Yellow Emperor in the Zhe Province with XY despite being a "crack archer" able to shoot a flower bud from miles away (or CX-XY using a stratagem to sow confusion, he didn't want to risk hurting her. Not sure her Gao Xing Princess identity really helped XY against FFB. But still, here again, he was totally able to aim right)

Whether XL gave up killing CX out of love for XY (so she wouldn't lose her most precious family member and -debatable- support in life, but also a powerful and devoted protector because by the 3rd assassination attempt, XL ought to know that XY is Qi Yo's daughter and would need a special protection), we really can't say for sure. 

Whateverway, in the drama (episode 9), XL said so himself "If I don't kill him today, he will definitely kill me one day". By letting CX live, and thus allowing him to succeed his grandfather, XL precipitated his own downfall as a result.

@,liddi Thanks again for the leaked script. Much appreciated.

After reading the latest, once again I am disappointed in XL HJ relationship. I am very glad his approve Father saw he was off but it also implies he doesn't know XL has FFB identity. How does he makes such a big scene and Daddy doesn't wonder. How close are they that he doesn't tell his dad about FFB that he has for hundreds of years and living a dual life.

I found something interesting, "happiness destroys bones and ecstasy gnaws at bones"

Aheng held his hand tightly: "Actually, Shaohao and I are not what the outside rumors say. The love between me and him is just for my father and King Gaoxin to see. He has promised me that one day he will allow me Choose to leave......"

"Shh!" Chichen felt upset when he heard Shaohao's name. He felt like a male animal wanting to fight to the death to defend its exclusive right to mate. He put his finger on Aheng's lips and signaled her to stop talking. , "These three days belong only to you and me, don't mention anything else. I will wait for you under the peach blossom tree during next year's Peach Blossom Festival. If you come, we will discuss how to do it in the future."

Ah Heng smiled and nodded.

Chichen kissed her, and the peach blossom rain began to fall again.

At dawn, when Aheng woke up, Chichen was no longer beside her. Thinking of what happened last night, she suddenly pulled up the quilt and covered her head, but she couldn't help but laugh secretly. It turns out that this is, it turns out to be ecstasy and bone- crushing happiness.

She was feeling shy and happy for a while, when she heard bursts of laughter coming from outside the bamboo house. She hurriedly put on her clothes and played with Chi Chen in the pool without knowing it.

With just one leap, you can jump into the sea and swim happily. But Xiaotian just didn't want to. He clenched his fists tightly and competed with himself. 37

The singing of the sharks came from the end of the sea. Xiaotian's heart moved. He stood on the bow of the boat and looked far away. Under the silver moonlight, he saw someone in white clothes and white hair coming on the sparkling waves.

He didn't speak, and Xiaotian didn't speak either. The two of them were on the same boat and the other off the boat, listening to the singing of the sharks together. The singing is like the sound of nature, floating on the vast sea, ethereal and pure, touching the soul, like an affectionate call in the dark, like the sigh when ecstasy corrodes the bones, making the soul sink with the singing.

Xiaotian, how do you know what the sigh of ecstasy is like?

The singing stopped, and Xiaotian said softly: "It sounds so good!"

Xiang Liu said lightly "Huh".

The shark's singing was the sound of nature, but not many people in the world could hear it. At this moment, Xiaotian felt that her and Xiang Liu's hearts were infinitely close, and it seemed that there was nothing she could not say. Xiaotian said: "My father is Chichen


What I mean is the verb he used in the 4th question. It isn't who do you want to live or stay or be with but accompany (recall her wish)

相伴一生 is to accompany each other for life, which basically means to spend your life with, living and being with that person - going on life's journey together. Her original wish was to have someone to rely on 相依.  Not quite the same, but it comes to the same thing - lifetime companionship.

He is actually the best match. They are like-minded and he actually treated her very well, sincerely (proof: as FFB or during 37 year under the sea). Her life in Xuan Yuan town or in Middle Plain became eventful and interesting thank to him. He helped her spirit escape from the loneliness while in coma

It is sad for them that they have no fate to be together.

Yes, Xiang Liu without the added responsibilities of the Chenrong army was the perfect life companion for her. He told her before that as Fangfeng Bei, he had always been himself sans the armour, and this was the real person, unfettered, enjoying life without the need to possess it, that is so similar to Xiao Yao:

Xiao Yao hugged her knees, gazing at the stars in the sky, listening to the sound of waves lapping against the rocks.
After Xiang Liu had finished eating, he said, "Let's go back."
Xiao Yao did not move, looking reluctantly at the ocean. If it was possible, 
she really wanted to spend her whole life roaming freely like this.
"Xiao Yao?" Xiang Liu walked up to her.
Looking up at him, Xiao Yao said with a smile, "Don't you feel that today is like a stolen day? Living in the present with no tomorrow!"
Xiang Liu was stunned for a moment and did not answer.

-- Vol 2 Ch9   (Chapter 26)


@,liddi Thanks again for the leaked script. Much appreciated.

After reading the latest, once again I am disappointed in XL HJ relationship. I am very glad his approve Father saw he was off but it also implies he doesn't know XL has FFB identity. How does he makes such a big scene and Daddy doesn't wonder. How close are they that he doesn't tell his dad about FFB that he has for hundreds of years and living a dual life.

From the script, we get the impression that Xiang Liu keeps everything he sacrifices from all those he love - be it Xiao Yao or even Hong Jiang. I don't think Hong Jiang is unaware of his dual identity as Fangfeng Bei, as he had been coming and going to Zhi Yi city for hundreds of years. However, it is not surprising that Hong Jiang, isolated deep in the mountains, would not know the details of any uproar that Fangfeng Bei had caused, nor of his death. 

And somehow, the truth is the beauty trap definitely worked on XL: for XY, he gave up on killing CX several times

Very true.

(only in the drama) he gave up killing CX when he was leaving the residence of the Yellow Emperor in the Zhe Province with XY despite being a "crack archer" able to shoot a flower bud from miles away (or CX-XY using a stratagem to sow confusion, he didn't want to risk hurting her. Not sure her Gao Xing Princess identity really helped XY against FFB. But still, here again, he was totally able to aim right)

I am more of the opinion he did not want to hurt her because she was working closely in tandem with Cang Xuan during that fight, and any attempt on Cang Xuan meant risking her life in the process.

Whether XL gave up killing CX out of love for XY (so she wouldn't lose her most precious family member and -debatable- support in life, but also a powerful and devoted protector because by the 3rd assassination attempt, XL ought to know that XY is Qi Yo's daughter and would need a special protection), we really can't say for sure. 

I doubt it had anything to do with fearing that Xiao Yao would lose her support in life. If the script is to be believed, when Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao were ambushed after their audience with their grandfather, Xiang Liu had no idea yet that Xiao Yao was actually Chi Chen's daughter, so him staying his hand was more out of fear of endangering Xiao Yao. Later on in the novel, after Cang Xuan became king, Xiang Liu continued to target him up to that last attempt in Qingshui town where Feng Long died. He already knew Xiao Yao's true parentage by then, and that did not stop the assassination attempts. Perhaps we can argue that it was because he knew Jing was alive, but I think when it comes down to it, he would kill Cang Xuan either way, because it meant keeping his comrades alive for one more day.

I found something interesting, "happiness destroys bones and ecstasy gnaws at bones"

The novel describes it thus:

He said nothing and Xiao Yao did not speak as well. Both of them, one on the ship, the other beside it, listened to the song of the merpeople together. The song was like the sound of nature, spreading out on the vast ocean, ethereal and pure, stirring the soul, like a call of profound love in the dark, like a sigh of ecstasy that melted the bones, overwhelming the soul with the song.
When the song ended, Xiao Yao said softly, "So beautiful!"
Xiang Liu quietly concurred.

-- Vol 3 Ch4   (Chapter 37)

This takes place right after she finds out the true nature of the bug that they share from the Bai Li shaman king. 

I love this scene because these are rare moments when they both let their guard down, drinking in each other's presence as they shared yet another beautiful moment together. They heard it before when they first chanced upon the mating mercouple after she found out she could breathe underwater, but this is especially meaningful because this time they tacitly acknowledged the bond that tied their hearts and lives, the reason the bug never retaliated against them.  Jing, allowed to listen in from the shadows, would have understood this better than anyone too, hence him pulling her back when she tried to chase after Xiang Liu, fearing that she would disappear from his life if he let her go.

However, I am still not quite convinced that this indicated she had experienced the sigh of ecstasy physically first hand. Rather it could refer to her emotional response, hearing the song with the person with whom she was intimately close to, deep down in her heart.

This takes place right after she finds out the true nature of the bug that they share from the Bai Li shaman king. 

I love this scene because these are rare moments when they both let their guard down, drinking in each other's presence as they shared yet another beautiful moment together. They heard it before when they first chanced upon the mating mercouple after she found out she could breathe underwater, but this is especially meaningful because this time they tacitly acknowledged the bond that tied their hearts and lives, the reason the bug never retaliated against them.  Jing, allowed to listen in from the shadows, would have understood this better than anyone too, hence him pulling her back when she tried to chase after Xiang Liu, fearing that she would disappear from his life if he let her go.

It was such a beautiful and tender moment. Because it was right after seeing the shaman king and finding out the nature of the bugs, it highlights the close bond between them. 

However this was replaced by a sea walk in the leaked script... Was this soon or a while after she found out, I don't know.  This change basically downplays the bond and what they shaman king mentions about being connected. Sure they talk about the bug but there was nothing to show that it's actual very real between them.

I love the original allot and very sad that most of my favorite scenes are not there.


I would argue that her sending him the crystal ball is a conscious declaration of /invitation for commitment to him. One that he, unfortunately, rejected. But, if he had accepted, she would have been committed to being with him. So they have consummate love. Well, maybe not on XL's part since he couldn't/wouldn't commit, but certainly on XY's part.

Because I'm childish and petty, I cackled at the name fatuous since the definition of the word is silly and pointless. I have to say, I never sensed the passion between XiaoJing despite the intimate scenes.

Thanks for an interesting read.

I see it as the opposite. I see her sending it as her declaration of love and her testing out and asking for his commitment. No actual commitment has been made.

She hasn't pledged herself or made promises to have only him in her heart. If she cancelled the wedding and sent him that, then that's commitment.. saying I will stay true to you because I love you.

Yes, I also laughed at the irony of the name of XY - TSJ live... Fatuous.... It was a very apt name!


Thank you again, liddi, for the translation! S2 doesn't look bad, but it doesn't look great either. I am not too excited, but I am curious to see how everything will play out on screen.