This all may be very well true in the novel, but in no way they were able to convey it successfully in the drama. He's the embodiment of a weak fool.

The lying down part is actually funny and ironic.

I agree that the drama has not done a great job of highlighting some of TSJ's good characteristics from the novel. I attribute some of that to the script writers, and some of it to DW. No hate of course. Plenty of people obviously love his take on TSJ. But when I read the novel and the manhua, I read TSJ as having a more palpable sense of maturity, intelligence, and resolve than what I get from DW's version. 

Edit: Or maybe it's just that it feels like XL and TSJ in the novel respect each other more than XL and TSJ in the drama do...

But even in the novel, YSQ/TSJ does come across as feeling rather helpless for a pretty significant portion of the first half of the story. But he becomes a bit more decisive after a turning point that is sparked by a comment from XY in chapter 33:

Xiao Yao walked out and said, “You are kind and loving and it’s not a personality flaw, but faced with Yi Yang and Hou then it becomes a weakness.”

Jing said, “I understand. It all stops now and I won’t retreat anymore.”

Xiao Yao nodded. “That’s more like it.”

The drama hasn't gotten to that chapter yet. So maybe we'll see a slightly more resolute version of TSJ in season 2. 

That said, it sounds like they've cut the whole desert-beast story line, and I felt like TSJ's willingness to risk lying to the Black Emperor and the Yellow Emperor in order to take XY on that trip, and the insight he had to realize that XY needed to go on that trip, was one of TSJ's best moments where he played an active role in moving the plot forward. For much of the rest of the story, it felt like he was mostly quite passive. Maybe the script writers felt the same and perhaps that's why they felt it was necessary to have TSJ save himself rather than having XL save him. :/ 

The leaked script covers Jing's assassination at the hands of Hou, and Xiao Yao's suicide when she realised Cang Xuan was the mastermind. Unlike the novel, this was changed to a hallucination perpetrated by the old Xuan Yuan king, and the real mastermind was Xin Yue whose real target was Xiao Yao. In doing this, the drama merges Xiao Yao's first assassination attempt by the albatross demon with Jing's, removes the entire Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43) and every YaoLiu interaction that was covered there, including her seeing him in his true form and clinging on to him when he tried to leave. 

A travesty. 

At Qingshui town, Xiao Yao was diagnosing Zhen's illness when Fangfeng Yi Ying suddenly knocked her out, to Tushan Jing's shock.

This makes XY and TSJ look more trusting and stupid than they were in the novel. And then... does TSJ just leave unconscious XY with FFYY, hoping that she'll be okay? It's one thing to do that with Hu Zhen and another to do it with XY. Does he say anything to TSH or FFYY about XY before he goes off with TSH for the fight?

She demanded that he let Tushan Jing go. From the start, the person she wanted to kill was her lover who betrayed her, from whom she wanted to exact payment many times over. She told Tushan Jing that she had killed all Hou's men, Xiao Yao would awaken in 6 hours' time, and she had left a letter to her son explaining the wrongs his parents did, in hopes he would repay all that she owed Tushan Jing when he grew up.

So they took away the scene where the audience sees FFYY realize TSJ's strength and what she missed out on in real time during the battle AND they made it so that all of TSH's men could be taken out by FFYY, who was on the brink of death? But TSJ and all of the Tushan clan guards that were posted in QS town and that TSJ brought with him for extra protection weren't able to take TSH's men out? 

Just... what? This makes TSJ look way worse than in the novel. 

She analysed that by right Tushan Hou could no longer command support to harm anyone, so where did his faceless, powerful death squad come from.

The faceless, powerful death squad that nearly-dead FFYY was able to single-handedly eliminate?

As Xiao Yao collapsed from the poison, Cang Xuan realised that the flowers Xiao Yao fed him were not poisoned after all. When asked why, she told him that she promised their grandmother and her mother to protect Cang Xuan.

That's an interesting change. But, even though it's a dream, attributing her inability to kill CX to her promises to her mother and grandmother rather than just her feelings for CX feels like it really diminishes her feelings for CX compared to the novel. 

Cang Xuan shot up, gasping in shock and grief, only to find that he was still seated opposite his grandfather, and everything he thought happened, had not taken place. He was informed that the tea he drank was called "Consequences", and had the power to create a dreamscape that showed the consequences of what laid in a person's heart. Cang Xuan denied that he instigated Tushan Hou to kill Tushan Jing, and the old Xuan Yuan king concurred, because he would never have allowed Xiao Yao to follow Jing to Qingshui town if he was the mastermind. However, he still experienced the hallucination because he had the desire to do so. The old Xuan Yuan king told him that he should be grateful that the real mastermind was more impatient than him, and acted before he did. If that had not happened, everything Cang Xuan saw in the dreamscape would have become a reality. Cang Xuan palpitated in horror at the realisation.

While I don't like the change as a whole, at least this part follows logic. 

Cang Xuan confronted Xin Yue, who mockingly admitted that Tushan Hou's men were sent by her, and her real target had always been Xiao Yao.

Seems like really bad planning on her part? It doesn't sound like anyone even tried to kill XY? It also seems odd that she would have such little concern about killing TSJ. Sure, he was responsible for interrupting XY's wedding with Feng Long, which humiliated Feng Long and her family and made it so that XY was more available for CX to pine over. But TSJ was Feng Long's friend from childhood and they had repaired their relationship. Plus TSJ and XY were about to get married - i.e., TSJ was going to take XY away from CX. So why kill them? And the outcome of her plot (TSJ dead and XY alive) made things worse for Xing Yue. In the novel, Xing Yue didn't start trying to kill XY until after TSJ died. This part of the change really doesn't feel like it follows logic. 

Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian exchanged glances, then looked at Chishui Feng Long, waiting for him to decide. Chishui Feng Long subconsciously glanced at his father ShenNong Yi, who shook his head imperceptibly to express his disapproval.
Silence fell over the room. Cang Xuan stared at Ru Shou. Well aware of the scruples the others wrestled with, Ru Shou spoke up.

RS: I am willing to lead the troops into battle.
CX (pleased): Good!

ShenNong Yi was relieved while Chishui Feng Long looked uncertain.

CX: Announce my decree. With Ru Shou as commander in chief, Ju Mang as second in command, I send troops of 100,000 men to attack...

Chishui Feng Long suddenly stood up.

CSFL: Your Majesty, I am willing to go into battle.

Everyone present was stunned, ShenNong Yi clearly surprised. Paying no regard to those around him, Chishui Feng Long approached and knelt.

CSFL: Your Majesty, please permit me to lead the army to attack Hong Jiang.
CX (in a quandary): Feng Long, this is no laughing matter. Don't be impetuous.
CSFL (kowtowing repeatedly): I have given it careful consideration, and am not being impulsive. I beg Your Majesty's approval.
CX (resigned): Your petition is granted!
CSFL: Thank you, Your Majesty.

His petition was granted, yet there was no sign of joy on Chishui Feng Long's face.

I wonder why they felt the need to change this? Maybe just to make it easier to show everything in one short scene?

Before setting out, Chishui Feng Long went to take his leave of Xin Yue and asked her to endure everything until he returned from battle. However, bitter that her father and brother apparently did not help her beg for mercy from Cang Xuan, Xin Yue told him to get out, declaring that their ties were severed henceforth.

Seems like they're really doubling down on making Xing Yue the ultimate villain. 

[The old Xuan Yuan king visited Xiao Yao, who kept herself occupied revising medical texts. She explained that her grief gave her the impetus to work on the medical texts.]

XY: In life, nothing is worse than losing one's parents during one's youth, losing one's spouse during the prime of life, and losing one's child in old age. If the medical texts could be revised sooner, perhaps in this world, there would be one less orphan, one less widow, one less lonely old person. Life and growing old is out of our control, but we have a fighting chance with disease and death. I hope that in this world there will be a little more unions, a little less partings; a little more laughter, a little less tears.

Out of the three tragedies, Xiao Yao had experienced the loss of her parents, and her spouse, yet was able to be considerate of the pain of others from her own pain, which left the old Xuan Yuan king extremely moved and proud.

Upon hearing that Feng Long was leading the army to attack Hong Jiang, Xiao Yao put down the medical prescription in shock, her expression dazed.

XYK: I know that you have some form of relationship with Xiang Liu. Cang Xuan and I have tried our best to no avail, as Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu have sworn they would rather die than surrender.
XY: I understand.
XYK: It is imperative that this war be fought. For Xuan Yuan, it is necessary; for Hong Jiang and his men, it is a form of release.
XY: I understand.
XYK: You and Xiang Liu have different stances. Some things are pre-destined.
XY: I... understand.
XYK (worried): Xiao Yao, what are you thinking of?
XY: I am remembering Qingshui town.
XYK: Cang Xuan lived there before. Rest assured, he has already commanded officials to make proper arrangements for the Qingshui townsfolk.

Xiao Yao nodded her head.

XYK (sounding her out): What are you thinking of... is it Xiang Liu?

Xiao Yao nodded her head then shook it mutely. She sat there blankly for some time. Suddenly she began to speak, as if to herself.

XY: Beyond the back door of Hui Chun clinic, there is a plot of land growing medical herbs, and not far from it is the West River. By the West River, I saved a beggar and gave him the name Ye Shi Qi. In order to get wives for Ma Zi and Chuan Zi, I entered the mountains to catch Fei Fei, encountered the white condor Furball, was treated as a spy by Xiang Liu and whipped forty lashes, and Shi Qi carried me home on his back. I was determined to take Xiang Liu down by poison, but who knew I ended up poisoning Shi Qi...

Scenes from the past flashed by with Xiao Yao's narration.
Tears shone from her eyes and the old Xuan Yuan king continued to listen attentively.

This whole scene just feels... meh? 

I can imagine them slapping the sad OST over it and trying to make it emotional... but idk... I guess I'll have to wait and see it on screen before passing judgement. 

Leaked script Ep17 scenes 12-20F

Leaked script Ep18 scenes 1-14

Leaked script Ep18 scenes 16-20

Thank you for the translations liddi! 

 AH :
I agree with this, except I'm not sure I would say "through Jing's hand". TSJ used XL (and the promise that XY owed him) to get what he wanted (an end to XY and Feng Long's wedding), and XL used TSJ to get what he wanted (an end to XY and Feng Long's wedding with a "transaction" that he could use as cover to explain his actions). To me, it feels like XL was the active one. The "hand" if you will. Even though they both used each other. 

While it is true they used each other, Xiang Liu initiated it by deliberately appearing in Jing's line of sight when Jing was trying to find a way to stop the wedding, as a subtle reminder that he was available for hire to do what Jing himself could not. This was mentioned by Jing himself in Vol 2 Ch16 (Chapter 33) when he described how he ran into Fangfeng Bei. Xiang Liu would never have been so easily come upon from, unless he had every intention of being seen. If he had not done so, Jing would never have thought of making a deal to buy the blood oath Xiao Yao owed him and use it to stop the wedding.  Hence, Xiang Liu achieved his goal by manipulating Jing to hire him ostentatiously through a cut and dry transaction. He on the other hand, paid for this transaction by killing his last ties to the mortal realm...

 @windiaaa041293 brings up a good point. Do you remember where in the novel does Jing find out about the blood oath Xiao Liu swore in repayment for transferring the bug to Xiang Liu?

The scene is very different in the leaked script. Jing was the one who approached Xiang Liu in Qingshui town, asking him to help stop the wedding with minimal damages, Xiang Liu refused to let him dictate how he would go about stopping the wedding, and demanded 37 years of provisions, instead of the perpetual supply that Jing originally offered.

 AH :
Just... what? This makes TSJ look way worse than in the novel.


I'll watch season 2, then :D

I wondered how Jing knew about the blood oath between XY and XL.
did xy ever tell him?

 AH :
This makes XY and TSJ look more trusting and stupid than they were in the novel. And then... does TSJ just leave unconscious XY with FFYY, hoping that she'll be okay? It's one thing to do that with Hu Zhen and another to do it with XY. Does he say anything to TSH or FFYY about XY before he goes off with TSH for the fight?

Yup. She held an arrow to the unconscious Xiao Yao's throat to keep Jing from acting rashly, and he never said anything to them about her before the fight to the death with Hou. Duh.

 AH :
But TSJ and all of the Tushan clan guards that were posted in QS town and that TSJ brought with him for extra protection weren't able to take TSH's men out? 

Oh, those were already killed by Hou's death squad. 

 AH :
The faceless, powerful death squad that nearly-dead FFYY was able to single-handedly eliminate?

It's amazing what adrenalin can do. Or is it the omnipotent powers of scriptwriters?

 AH :
her feelings for CX feels like it really diminishes her feelings for CX compared to the novel. 

And this change about not poisoning Cang Xuan in the dreamscape is perhaps supposed to imply how much Xiao Yao cared for Cang Xuan and continued to want to protect him, that she could not bring herself to harm him (even if it was due to a childhood promise). But you do have a point in that it diminishes her love for him to simply having its roots in that same childhood promise.

 AH :
I wonder why they felt the need to change this? Maybe just to make it easier to show everything in one short scene?

I think it is more to highlight ShenNong Yi (and by extension the Middle Plains clans)'s stance in not going against the Shen Nong resistance army out of the guilt and shame towards their forefathers over their betrayal of the old kingdom.

 AH :
Seems like they're really doubling down on making Xing Yue the ultimate villain. 

Yes the shortsighted Xin Yue with her poorly laid plans. The idea was for Yi Ying to kill Xiao Yao (how could they have known Xiao Yao would follow Jing there anyway?) but that was foiled by Yi Ying at the last minute. The script is just afraid to allow the male lead to go over to the dark side, so Xin Yue was the convenient scapegoat. If they were to lay everything at her door, I wish they retained the 1st assassination attempt and everything that entailed after that. 

 AH :
Thank you for the translations liddi! 

You're welcome! Two more episodes to go, but will be long, especially the last episode which does include the epilogue, except it is shown in chronological order. Fingers crossed I get those done soon.


I wondered how Jing knew about the blood oath between XY and XL.
did xy ever tell him?

He could only have learnt it from Xiao Yao, but I can't recall where in the novel that happened.

In the drama, the deal Jing had with Xiang Liu to stop the wedding did not involve him buying the blood oath. It was a cut and dry transaction which exchanged his services for 37 years of provisions.


I wondered how Jing knew about the blood oath between XY and XL.
did xy ever tell him?

there is no text about when she told Jing about it. However Jing knew XY planted the bug on Xuan. Probably later he asked her and she told him. Maybe after 37 year. For sure he would ask her how XL saved her

I think it is more to highlight ShenNong Yi (and by extension the Middle Plains clans)'s stance in not going against the Shen Nong resistance army out of the guilt and shame towards their forefathers over their betrayal of the old kingdom.

In the drama, Shen Nong Yi helped XL with provisions in the episode when XL was on boat and he transformed to a girl when WXL called for the boat ride. 


In the drama, Shen Nong Yi helped XL with provisions in the episode when XL was on boat and he transformed to a girl when WXL called for the boat ride. 

Yes. Based on the leaked script, S2 will continue to highlight the ties ShenNong Yi has with Hong Jiang and the Shen Nong army - guilt, gratitude, which ultimately changed to hatred when Feng Long was killed.

There was an article saying that Jing might have eavesdropped on XY and XL's conversation while they were in the gambling hall using a water mirror. chapter it possible?


There was an article saying that Jing might have eavesdropped on XY and XL's conversation while they were in the gambling hall using a water mirror. chapter it possible?

it is possible. He could spy/follow WXL in QS Town when they discussed that matter of transferring the bug


"There was an article saying that Jing might have eavesdropped on XY and XL's conversation" 

My thoughts exactly. It fits Jing's style, to be honest.  I don't really see him asking XY about XL or XY talking about XL with Jing. 

While it is true they used each other, Xiang Liu initiated it by deliberately appearing in Jing's line of sight when Jing was trying to find a way to stop the wedding, as a subtle reminder that he was available for hire to do what Jing himself could not. This was mentioned by Jing himself in Vol 2 Ch16 (Chapter 33) when he described how he ran into Fangfeng Bei. Xiang Liu would never have been so easily come upon from, unless he had every intention of being seen.

I agree with this. Even the "never" statement. ^^

If he had not done so, Jing would never have thought of making a deal to buy the blood oath Xiao Yao owed him and use it to stop the wedding.

I generally avoid absolutes like "always" and "never" unless I'm very, very confident that there would never be an exception. In this case, I agree that it would be very unlikely that TSJ would think of using XY's promise to XL in order to get XY to end her engagement with / wedding to Feng Long on his own. But I'm not sure it's totally impossible, given how the novel describes his intelligence. 

Hence, Xiang Liu achieved his goal by manipulating Jing to hire him ostentatiously through a cut and dry transaction.

I agree with this too. 

I wondered how Jing knew about the blood oath between XY and XL.
did xy ever tell him?

@windiaaa041293 brings up a good point. Do you remember where in the novel does Jing find out about the blood oath Xiao Liu swore in repayment for transferring the bug to Xiang Liu?

TSJ would've become aware of some of the details in chapter 8, and might have deduced additional details or discussed the additional details with WXL "off screen". 

TSJ would have observed that CX no longer felt pain when WXL felt pain (e.g., when WXL felt pain from his two broken legs in the novel / one broken leg in the drama). 

TSJ also carried WXL to the shore to meet XL in that chapter, and XL and WXL discussed WXL owing XL a favour and a debt. 


Chapter 8:

Xiao Liu opened her eyes and they were walking along the edge of the cliff. To the right was the vast ocean, waves and waves were pounding the black rocks. Xiao Liu suddenly felt her heart sense, she sensed someone was calling her. She said to Shi Qi “To the edge of the ocean.”

Shi Qi carried Xiao Liu down stone steps, through the forest, to the edge of the ocean. Standing on the cliff, Zhuan Xu didn’t stop them and instead silently followed behind.


He looked at Xiao Liu. “You got your legs broken? What did you do that sent all the Gao Xing soldiers running around like headless chickens?”

Xiao Liu suddenly remembered that Xiang Liu had the bug in him so when her leg was broken, he must have felt it. Xiao Liu laughed. “With my little measly ability? Nothing, it’s just a misunderstanding.”

Xiang Liu said, “Underneath you is the ocean.”

Xiao Liu understood what he was saying. If she jumped into the ocean then Xiang Liu would take her away. But this was Five Gods Mountain, and the Gao Xing tribe had a lot of generals who were water-based powers. Xiang Liu could come and go if he was alone, but if he had to take another person along, it would be a death sentence. And if she left, what would happen to Shi Qi?

Xiao Liu smiled. “Thank you, but I’d rather not owe you too many favors.” Xiao Liu said to Shi Qi, “Go back.”

Shi Qi stepped off the rock and walked back. Xiang Liu merely smiled at Xiao Liu turning down his offer. “Don’t forget, the debt you owe me. A dead person can’t repay it.”

Xiao Liu laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m a coward, I’ll be around for you to collect.”

So TSJ knew that WXL owed XL a debt of some kind by that point, and might have been able to deduce that it was related to the poisonous bug that was no longer transferring WXL's pain to CX. He might even have guessed that the poisonous bug was now in XL (and that XL had come because he felt WXL's pain), and that XL had agreed to the transfer in exchange for WXL owing him a favour of some kind. 

It's also possible that WXL may have given TSJ more details about all of that later / "off screen". 

CX was also present to hear the favour / debt conversation. In chapter 21, CX found out that when WXL removed the bug from CX, WXL had transferred the bug to XL. He asked XL why, because he couldn't understand why XL would agree to the transfer, and XL didn't enlighten him. CX didn't seem to immediately recall the favour / debt conversation from chapter 8.


Chapter 21:

Xiang Liu said, “In Qing Shui Town, Wen Xiao Liu planted a voodoo bug on Xuan. To remove the bug, Xiao Liu transferred it into another person.”

Zhuan Xu stared at Xiang Liu and raised his hand. “Everyone leave.”


Zhuan Xu asked, “Is the voodoo bug in you?”


“Why?” Zhuan Xu could understand Xiao Yao wanting to remove the bug from him and moving it to another. What he couldn’t understand was why Xiang Liu agreed to let Xiao Yao move it into him.

Xiang Liu coolly replied, “That is between Xiao Yao and me.”


The novel specifies that CX does not tell Feng Long about the bug connection between XL and XY. 

XY mentions the bug connection between her and XL to CX in chapter 22, seemingly without first finding out that XL had told CX that the bug had been transferred to XL, which seems a bit strange. But if she was comfortable mentioning it to CX in the context of explaining how XL saved her, she might also have been comfortable discussing it with TSJ in the same context. XY also mentions the bug connection between her and XL to CX in chapter 25, on the day of TSJ's wedding to FFYY. 

We know that Xing Yue tried to fill TSJ in after he woke up ("Xing Yue explained everything that happened in the last thirty seven years and focused on the Tu Shan clan."). Since Feng Long didn't know about the bug connection between XL and XY, Xing Yue probably didn't know about it either. But it's possible that XY may have given TSJ additional details later on / "off screen". They also might have discussed in chapter 23 in the context of dealing with TSJ's grandmother and her poisonous bug. 


Chapter 22:

When she woke up, Xiao Yao felt the light in the room was dim which meant it was dusk already. In the light floral fragrance, Xiao Yao stretched and then Zhuan Xu’s voice reached her, “You’re awake?”

Xiao Yao sat up and saw Zhuan Xu standing in the trees looking at her.

Xiao Yao leaped off the pallet and rushed into his arms. “Gege!”

Zhuan Xu refused to hug her and instead wanted to push her away. “I’ve been missing you and thinking of you every single day, but you come running to see another man the moment you get back.”

Xiao Yao grabbed his arm and wouldn’t let go and tenderly called out, “Gege, Gege, Gege…………”

“Don’t call me Gege, I don’t have a little sister like you.”

Xiao Yao pitifully stared at Zhuan Xu. “You really don’t want me anymore?”

Zhuan Xu pouted. “It’s not that I don’t want you, it’s that you don’t want me!”

Xiao Yao tried to explain. “I heard Jing was near death so came to see him first.”

“Then you’re not worried about me?”

“How can I not worry? When I was unconscious I often thought of you. When I entered Zhi Yi Castle was when I lessened my worry, and the first person I asked Xing Yue about was you.”

Zhuan Xu remembered the way Xiao Yao was when she was gravely injured and immediately his annoyance vanished. He sighed and pulled Xiao Yao into his arms. “You scared me to death!”

Xiao Yao knew how he must’ve felt and patted his back. “I’m fine now.”

Zhuan Xu asked, “Want to go back to Sheng Nong Mountain with me?”

Xiao Yao bit her lip. “I want to wait for Jing to wake up first.”

Zhuan Xu looked at Jing sleeping on the pallet and wearily said, “Fine, but……:” Zhuan Xu rapped her hard on the head, “No more sleeping with him on the same pallet. If people see it they’ll think no man wants my little sister and she’s throwing herself at a man.”

Xiao Yao stuck out her tongue but obediently said, “Yes, Gege!”

Zhuan Xu asked Xiao Yao how Xiang Liu saved her.

Xiao Yao answered “I was unconscious the entire time so I don’t know the specifics. Likely due to the voodoo bug connecting us, so his life was the thread that kept me alive, and then he used a certain type of voodoo blood spell and exchanged his life to continue mine.”


In chapter 29, TSJ and LJC watch XY at the gambling den through the water mirror. XY and FFB leave the gambling den together, but while they were still in a corridor inside the gambling den they have a discussion where XY mentions the bug connection between them and her promise to XL. TSJ and LJC later end up at the same restaurant as XY and FFB. It's not certain, but it seems quite likely that TSJ would have overheard XY and FFB's conversation about the bug and the promise in the corridor either by watching them through the water mirror or perhaps by getting that information from his astral fox, which TSJ used to help XY gain entrance to the gambling den earlier in the chapter. 


Chapter 29:

The gambling den didn’t allow in just any customer and in the past Xiang Liu was the one who brought Xiao Yao so this time coming alone the two guards were prepared to toss her out. They were about to talk when suddenly a small white fox appeared on top of Xiao Yao’s head and angrily scratched at the air with its claw.

The two men politely offered her a dog faced mask and opened the door to show her into the long corridor. Xiao Yao put on the mask and entered the den. 


Xiao Yao didn’t know that in another room, the Li Jie tribe leader Li Jie Chang was sitting before a water mirror watching her every move with interest. He said to Jing, “Who is that girl? Last time when you hid out at my place getting drunk for days, it couldn’t have been because of her?”

Jing said nothing and just watched Xiao Yao. The water mirror reflected the flower, it could only be viewed and not touched.


Xiao Yao walked out of the gambling den with Fang Feng Bei chuckling at her. “You seem in a pissy mood. But in this day and age, I can’t imagine anyone in the vast wilderness who dares make you upset.”

The two arrived at the end of the corridor and Xiao Yao sniped back, “As far as the edge of the sky, as close as right before my eyes.”


I want to remove the voodoo bug linking us. The Tu Shan Madam had a doctor from the Jiu Li tribe who said that…….our bug might be the legendary Lover’s Bug. This bug is used by lovers…..and you and I…’s not suitable!” Xiao Yao mockingly said, “Last time you said you were annoyed by the bug so I want to know when you have free time to go to Jiu Li with me so that we can find the Voodoo King to remove the bug.”

Fang Feng Bei stared at Xiao Yao and under the dim light of the gambling hall his sliver of a smile felt cold.

Xiao Yao added, “Even if the bug is removed, I’ll still be good for my promise.

Xiang Liu coolly said, “Fine, wait until I have time.”

The two silently left the gambling den and Xiao Yao handed her mask to the guards before exiting with Fang Feng Bei.


Fang Feng Bei took Xiao Yao to a small alley and before they even got close she could smell the mouthwatering aroma.

Pushing open the tattered wooden door, inside was a rundown house with an one-armed old man holding a giant ladle standing in front of a big pot. 


In the quiet out-of-the-way alley, Li Jie Chang was walking and nagging, “Look at you! When the woman was there you didn’t even have the courage to show your face before her. Then you watched her leave with another man and can only look despondent.”

Jing said sadly, “What can I do if I show up before her?”

Li Jie Chang pushed open the wooden door, “Let me tell you, there are only three moves you need to deal with women. Rush up to her and toss her over your shoulder, take her home and deposit her on the pallet, take her clothes off and jump her! It’s a done deal just like that! You have to do as I tell you and I guarantee she’ll docilely follow you.”

Xiao Yao heard such ridiculous bravado advice and burst out laughing.

Li Jie Chang heard her laugh and scowled. “Which gal dares mock me? I’ll cart you home tonight!”

Xiao Yao laughed. “Try carting but don’t break your back!”

Li Jie Chang laughed out loud as he walked into the courtyard and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei. He first greeted Bei and it was clear from his tone of voice that they were quite familiar with each other.

Chang then turned back to chuckle at Jing. “It sure is a small world!”

Jing stood there stiffly not moving while Li Jie Chang boldly sat down at another table and said to the old man, “Bring the meat.”


Since TSJ confidently says, "I remembered that you promised to do one thing for Xiang Liu as the price for breaking the voodoo bug in Zhuan Xu." in chapter 33, which includes specific details (e.g., that the promise was to do "one thing") that TSJ would not have gotten just from the conversations that he overheard and the things he would've been able to deduce, I am inclined to think that XY must have discussed the details with TSJ at some point, even though that conversation is not described in the novel as far as I can tell. 

The scene is very different in the leaked script. Jing was the one who approached Xiang Liu in Qingshui town, asking him to help stop the wedding with minimal damages, Xiang Liu refused to let him dictate how he would go about stopping the wedding, and demanded 37 years of provisions, instead of the perpetual supply that Jing originally offered.

I'm not a fan of these changes. 

Yup. She held an arrow to the unconscious Xiao Yao's throat to keep Jing from acting rashly, and he never said anything to them about her before the fight to the death with Hou. Duh.

 AH :

Maybe it will make sense in context (like it will be obvious that TSJ perceives TSH to be a greater threat to XY than FFYY or something), but just based on this info it seems really out of character for TSJ to willingly leave XY behind (unconscious!) when XY was in danger like that, even if his life was also in danger. 

Oh, those were already killed by Hou's death squad.

 AH :

It's amazing what adrenalin can do. Or is it the omnipotent powers of scriptwriters?

 AH :

But if I'm reading it correctly, TSH's death squad took all of the Tushan clan guards out... but then FFYY was able to turn around and take the entirety of TSH's super effective death squad out all by herself? Even if she was perfectly healthy (in the novel she was close to death), that seems like quite a stretch, doesn't it?

I think it is more to highlight ShenNong Yi (and by extension the Middle Plains clans)'s stance in not going against the Shen Nong resistance army out of the guilt and shame towards their forefathers over their betrayal of the old kingdom.

 AH :

Ah, that makes sense.

Yes the shortsighted Xin Yue with her poorly laid plans. The idea was for Yi Ying to kill Xiao Yao (how could they have known Xiao Yao would follow Jing there anyway?) but that was foiled by Yi Ying at the last minute. The script is just afraid to allow the male lead to go over to the dark side, so Xin Yue was the convenient scapegoat. If they were to lay everything at her door, I wish they retained the 1st assassination attempt and everything that entailed after that. 

 AH :

I'm forgetting who Yi Ying is?

Edit: I'm so used to calling her FFYY, I legit forgot the full version of her given name. ^^"

Chapter 43 (the first assassination attempt and its aftermath) was fantastic. Possibly my favourite chapter. But I also love chapter 44 (the second assassination attempt) because it feels like it exemplified many of the ways that XL had set XY up to ensure that she would be protected when he was gone.

When she falls, XY thinks to herself that she could survive in water (e.g., in chapter 43 her assassin didn't know that XY wouldn't drown when the coffin sank into the ocean thanks to the under-water-breathing-ability that she got from XL), but she couldn't survive a fall from the air (i.e., from a great height over land). Even though XY thinks of Jing telling her to not die (I can't even remember when he said that?) we know for sure that XL told XY to not die in chapter 43. And what she does next seems way more XL-like than TSJ-like. She snaps the neck of her winged mount (that was dying and in pain) without hesitation and uses it to cushion her landing. 

Then she uses her archery (and the bow and arrows that he commissioned for her) to kill six top-notch assassins all by herself, with just three arrows. 

Then she used her poison skills (which weren't given to her by XL, but he certainly contributed to the amount of time she spent practicing and enhancing her poison skills) to help Left Ear take out six more (iirc) top-notch assassins. She also uses logic to outsmart more of their pursuers. Not really XL-related, but it's one more thing I liked about the chapter. 

Left Ear also did a ton to protect XY, and I give XL some of the credit for making sure that Left Ear became XY's bodyguard. That chapter also referenced the fact that Left Ear wanted to protect XY because he wanted to pay FFB back for giving him hope over the years when he was in the death match arena. 

So I'm very sorry to see that chapter cut, even though XL's direct role in it was pretty minor. 

 AH :
Chapter 5 - XL took WXL to TSJ to ask him to procure medicine for the remnant army. Later, TSJ asked XL for help with rescuing WXL from CX, and YSQ brought WXL to the hunter's lodge near the remnant army's military base (basically XL's territory). TSJ doesn't try to keep WXL and XL apart. 

Jing asked XL to rescue and hide WXL since he knew that CX could not find WXL if XL brought him into Shen-nong camp. 

Xiao Liu continued “A few days ago I was mulling over why you were so free with your time lately and actually spending every day with me. Then I realized you weren’t taking care of me, you were waiting for Xuan. Jing wanted me to hide in the mountains because he knew that you guys had been battling with the Xuan Yuan army for hundreds of years and they still couldn’t track you down. If you wanted, there was no way Xuan could have found me. But you guessed his real identity, and you knew he wouldn’t let me live, so you used me to set a trap with the intention to kill him.


 AH :
Chapter 6 - When TSJ finally tracks injured WXL down, XL leaves the cave first to avoid meeting him. TSJ doesn't actively try to do anything to keep XL and WXL apart. 

Jing brought WXL back to Yu's masion. Anyway, XL didn't have th demand to see WXL often

 AH :
Chapter 8 - TSJ asks WXL not to leave QS town, but that has nothing to do with XL and he doesn't do anything to try to physically stop WXL from leaving. However, later in the same chapter, TSJ asks WXL to make a palm promise. WXL promises not to let another man into her heart for 15 years. TSJ promises to break off his engagement and return YSQ to her in 15 years. 

Maybe you missed the posts related to Jing helped WXL leaving and told him that he was TSJ so CX could not do any harm to him but later he accepted to be YSQ in front of CX so that CX could kill him easily. WXL had to return because of his safety. TSJ didn't want WXL to escape successfully. Because he knew once WXL disappeared, he could not find her back since he had never seen her true face and WXL could change his face without any traces. There are many discussion about the 15 year promise already

 AH :
The reason she turns around and goes back to TSJ is that she remembers the promise she made to CX.

Chapter 16, Jing felt that he did not have right to ask XY about her relationship with other. Keep in mind that he went to CX's house many day. After the meeting with CX, FL, Xing yue, he didn't leave but went to XY's room and stayed there the whole night. He drew the scenery of the rock by the sea to remind her the promise in the Dragon Bone Prison. Actually he had sent her plum wine to remind her but then had to stop because there was spy in his house

 AH :
Chapter 18 - TSJ follows FFB and XY and watches them, but does not interrupt them.

Fang Feng Bei whispered right against her ear “Someone is hiding there spying on us.” 

Xiao Yao concentrated and threw the arrow from her hand. A shadow moved and a person stepped out from behind the tree. (Chapter 18)

It's really creepy and spying action, not like he was exposing himself like in the drama. 

He kept sending plum wine to XY again: 15 bottle every 15 days (to remind the 15 year promise). He reminded XY to clean the hair with hibiscus leave which XY told him during the meeting in Xuan Yuan. 

 AH :
Using his astral fox that way was a bit manipulative, but he left the decision to meet him or not with XY.

indeed, because none could stop that astral fox. And he  himself could not force her to meet him but the astral fox represented him and he used it to make pressure on her. It kept following and staring at XY the whole time.

The entire day, no matter what Xiao Yao did, the little white fox followed her. He stuck to Xiao Yao to the point that she literally couldn’t even muster up the energy to be angry anymore.

That night Xiao Yao sat face-to-face with the little white fox.

Xiao Yao had her head in her hands deep in worry, the little white fox stayed all day and all night. Jing that idiot couldn’t have been waiting in Cao Ao Summit this entire time, could he? Xiao Yao was in a pique and thought – if I never show up, can you really wait forever? There is no one who can wait an entire lifetime in this world!

The little white nine-tailed fox rested his head on his little clawed paws and stared at Xiao Yao with his black bright eyes, as if he was also very mopey. (Chapter 19)

 AH :
At some point, TSJ started following them, but he didn't interrupt them. After XY said that she wished that she could have been the one to save XL from the death match arena so he could always be FFB, XL changed his behaviour so TSJ would step forward and XL scared XY backwards into TSJ's embrace.

Do you think that he just came across and saw them at some point? He either did it by himself or by his network servants and friends. He followed them. XL awared his presence thus he changed his attitude to push XY away from him into Jing. 

 AH :
Chapter 29 - TSJ helps XY pick up boxes she dropped. She almost cries and runs away to the gambling den. TSJ watches her from behind the water mirror there, but doesn't interrupt even when she leaves with FFB. It seems to be a coincidence that Li Jie Chang takes TSJ to LJC's uncle's restaurant,


There was an article saying that Jing might have eavesdropped on XY and XL's conversation while they were in the gambling hall using a water mirror. chapter it possible? 

After encountering Jing, XY walked without thinking through many streets and somehow she reached the casino. Jing followed her  all the time (the astray fox above her head that signaled the casino guards to let her in). Later he could watch her on a water mirror. If  watching a lot of Wuxia drama, we may know that such mirror is similar to our CTTV camera and it could show many places within the building. Thus, there is high chance he also watched her talking with FFB on the connection room/hall to the exit door.  He and Li rong Chang later ended up in the same restaurant. That could be following, too. 

In the same chapter, during the party after CX got the throne, he got drunk and played XY's song with zither which was known by FL and Xing Yue too althought XY was engage with FL by that time.  

 AH :
Chapter 35 - TSJ doesn't interrupt XL and XY (even when XL kisses XY's forehead). TSJ thanks XL for helping XY and even creates a path for XL to escape safely.

He stayed ouside thus he could not see XL's flash kiss (in a dark room). He heard the conversation and he learnt from XL how to comfort XY. XL said XY knew her mom and should trust her and her choice. Thus later, before the war between Xuan Yuan and Gao xin broke out (he could predicted that) he brought XY to meet White Emperor in chapter 37. He could only got White Emperor's attention and persuade him when he said XY grew up and she should know the truth about her mom. White emperor was the only one who knew it best. I found White emperor was too kind to bring him along the trip in the desert. He had to spend spiritual power to protect XY and Jing. If he had just had to protect XY and himself, his injury might have been less serious.

The other chapters, I think you (@AH) listed well