he was weak and rescued by her, thus he depended on her. In XY's view, YSQ was the ideal candidate as her partner.

Yes, this is the dynamic of their relationship. XY is in the dominant position; she's the one who does the "rescuing" with Jing. We know that this is how Xiao Yao likes her relationships - being depended on helps her feel secure. I won't quote the novel - too lazy and don't care to + awful memory :-), but it's that conversation with her grandfather.  Her dynamic with Xiang Liu is the opposite.

In fact, XY didn't have choice. Only Jing/YSQ was willing to prioritize her over his own's wish or ambitions.

Yes, if Xiao Yao wasn't willing to brave it alone, then Jing was her only viable option. We know that due to her issues, what Jing offered is extremely attractive. Perhaps attractive enough to overlook his other flaws.

XY was surrounded by strong, ruthless and ambitious men in her family (such as Yellow emperor, Shao Hao, CX and directly Chi You). She could see that all those men's women were unhappy, had tragic ending.

Has Xiao Yao ever heard of the term "moderation?" She flops from one extreme to another. There's a thing called "spectrum", Xiao Yao - there's a whole host of men between the ruthlessly ambitious ones and the kind, overly indulgence to the point of ineffective ones. It's part of her issues of course.

YSQ's obedience is a factor that XY liked. Maybe it was Jing's manupulative tactics. But in front of XY, he always obeyed her without any hesitation.

He obeys when it's convenient for him :-)


I wondered how Jing knew about the blood oath between XY and XL.
did xy ever tell him?

Plot hole? Tong Hua forgot to include a scene to explain this?

there is no text about when she told Jing about it. However Jing knew XY planted the bug on Xuan. Probably later he asked her and she told him. Maybe after 37 year. For sure he would ask her how XL saved her

In which chapter did Jing found out that Xiao Yao shared Poisonous Bugs with Xiang Liu

There was an article saying that Jing might have eavesdropped on XY and XL's conversation while they were in the gambling hall using a water mirror. chapter 29.is it possible?

Do you have a link windiaaa?


I’m trying to find that interview or video or something where Tong Hua said she was going to make Xiang Liu the endgame, but then she thought he should remain firm in his original purpose, hence the existence of Jing - the cutout background character - existing only to be the companion of XY at the end.

Does anyone remember that? Or am I hallucinating (very possible)? 

Your dedication roasting Jing is admirable :-)

I remember an interview where Tong Hua talked about wanting to make Xiang Liu the end game, but I'm not sure if she said that point about Jing. Many of Tong Hua's interviews have been translated and scattered throughout this thread. It's going to be a challenge to comb through to find it. This board also doesn't have a way for you to find all the posts that you've made, otherwise we could narrow it down a lot more since it will likely be something that liddi translated.

Leaked script Ep19 scenes 1-15, 18-24

The atmosphere in the Shen Nong army base was solemn. All the soldiers stood stiffly in formation, waiting. Hong Jiang, suited up in old, worn-out armour stood before them while Xiang Liu stood by the side, all in white. The banners surrounding them were still the banners of the Shen Nong kingdom, and the soldiers still wore the uniforms of the Shen Nong army.

HJ (solemn): Everyone is aware of the situation out there. This battle is unlike those in the past, but is a fight to the death. Those who wish to leave may do so.

The soldiers remained stoic and tight-lipped.

HJ (sincere): Those who wish to stay, you have my gratitude. Those who wish to leave, you also have my gratitude. Wanting to live is nothing to be ashamed of. Whomever of our brothers who wish to leave, let us toast you with a cup of rice wine and give you a good send off.

Hong Jiang waited for some time, but no one made any move to leave.
Moved, his eyes reddened.
An old general, blind in one eye with the cunning look of a soldier who had seen many battles, stood in front.

BOG: The way I see it, the one who has the best reason to pack up and leave is our military advisor. Right now, the military advisor is still here, so how could we bear to go? Everyone, let's stay together! It's not that big a deal, losing one's head is merely a scar the size of a bowl!

All the soldiers guffawed.

HJ: Very well! Let's stay together, and fight!
All the soldiers (passionately): Let's fight!

Xiang Liu watched everyone with a cold expression, though there was a faint hint of warmth in his eyes.


[The battle between the Shen Nong and Xuan Yuan armies raged on the battlefield in the valley of the mountains for a year. Sporadic attacks continued, and the Xuan Yuan army dared not pursue for fear of being ambushed. While they kept to the battle strategy, Feng Long was anxious because he was worried how Xin Yue would be able to endure a drawn out war lasting 8 to 10 years.]


At the Shen Nong base camp, leading by example, Hong Jiang led the soldiers in training. When Xiang Liu came over and stood to the side, Hong Jiang threw his weapon to his bodyguard and joined him.

XL (drily): Adoptive Father is very diligent in training.
HJ (helpless): It's due to your orders, prohibiting me to go on the battlefield, so I can only accompany everyone in the training.
XL: There is a mission that requires you to do it personally.
HJ (excited): Name it!
XL: Today, I need you to lead a sneak attack on Xuan Yuan, the greater the commotion the better. It must alert Chishui Feng Long.
HJ: Alright! (puzzled) But, why tonight?
XL (calmly): The time has come.


[Chishui Feng Long, lured by the presence of Hong Jiang leading the attacks, insisted on pursuing the retreating enemies despite Yu Jiang's warning, refusing to let Hong Jiang escape. He ended up falling into an ambush and suffered heavy losses, including the death of General Chu Man.

Cang Xuan was shocked by the news and those around him questioned Chishui Feng Long's rash act. Some accused Feng Long of never intending to win the war due to being descended from the Shen Nong royal family and Hong Jiang's loyalty to the old kingdom, and recommended that the commander in chief be replaced. Cang Xuan was unwilling to do so as Feng Long's supporters would take it that he no longer trusted having someone from the Middle Plains lead the army, while his detractors would crow and say that the armies from the Middle Plains were not loyal, and even Cang Xuan no longer trusted them. In the end, he decided to go personally to Qingshui town, to which Xiao Yao also expressed her wish to tag along.

At Qingshui town, they stayed in Yu Manor. The place was replete with memories of Tushan Jing for Xiao Yao, and the realisation he was no longer there caused such pain in her heart that she almost collapsed, and had to be supported by Cang Xuan.]


In his quarters at the Shen Nong army base, Xiang Liu had one hand over his heart, the other holding an arrow. His gaze was fixed on the arrow, as if wrestling with some difficult decision, heaviness weighing on his heart.

XL (trying to be as nonchalant as possible): You are afraid? What are you afraid of?
XY: You. I am afraid of you.

Xiang Liu was stunned. After a while, his lips curved, as if in a laugh, yet not quite.

XL: Is kissing me more frightening than death?
XY (speaking hesitantly): My brother, that is Cang Xuan. One night while we were talking, he laughed at me for being a girl who still dreams after all.
XL (coldly commanded): Continue.
XY (fake laugh): Although... the possibility is remote... I am still afraid that if I was not careful, you might enter my dreams. You... are definitely not suitable to enter a girl's dreams. That is possibly far more terrifying than death indeed.

[End flashback]

XL (self-mocking, sorrowful laugh): What you said was absolutely true!

At last, Xiang Liu came to a decision. With eyes filled with sorrow, he raised his hand and his finger swept across the tip of the arrow, drawing blood. Xiang Liu appeared as if he felt nothing as he gently touched the arrow tip with his finger, carefully smearing blood on its surface. Once that was done, he did the same with another arrow.
Hong Jiang entered but was unsurprised to see Xiang Liu prepping the arrows.

HJ: We won a great victory the last time and Xuan Yuan suffered significant losses, but now Chishui Feng Long refuses to engage. I fear future battles would be even more difficult. The Xuan Yuan army is well fed and warmly clothed, so they are not concerned about stalling for time. However, dragging things out... is not a solution for us.

Xiang Liu slung the arrows over his shoulder and turned to face Hong Jiang.

XL: Adoptive Father, I am going out for a while.
HJ (surprised): What is the matter? Is it urgent?
XL (stiffly): A heaven-sent opportunity, which may never come again.

Hong Jiang was confused at his words, but he had always trusted Xiang Liu.

HJ: Then go quickly! We can talk after you get back.

Xiang Liu strode off with a cold expression on his face while Hong Jiang looked upon bemused.


[Cang Xuan and Chishui Feng Long were seated at the parlour of Yu Manor while the guards stood a little way off.

The latter was ashamed that his rashness had let Cang Xuan down, but Cang Xuan assured that their relationship was such that it would not be shaken by just a defeat. He was only curious why Chishui Feng Long acted rashly when he never lost his cool despite the string of defeats to Ru Shou during the war with Gao Xin. Chishui Feng Long wanted to say something but swallowed his words in shame. Cang Xuan told him he need not rush but tell him when he was ready, and stepped out the front door. Since Chishui Feng Long was still lost in his thoughts, Jun Yi and the rest of the guards dared not walk past him.]

Just then, an arrow shot through the air aimed directly at Cang Xuan's chest. It was Xiang Liu atop a white condor, laying in wait in mid-air for the opportunity to assassinate Cang Xuan.
One after another, shields with spiritual power appeared in front of Cang Xuan. However, the spiritual power of the arrow was astounding, shattering each shield in its wake. Fortunately as it reached the last shield, the spiritual power of the arrow was depleted, and shattered along with the shield.
Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, no one expected that Xiang Liu had a backup plan with a second arrow hidden behind the first arrow. In a split second, the second arrow followed on the heels of the first.
Cang Xuan's pupils dilated. The arrow was too swift and his qi movement was sealed, so he could not dodge it even if he tried. Xiang Liu stood in midair, bow drawn, eyes coldly fixed on Cang Xuan. The guards rushed to save Cang Xuan, but however fast they were, they were no match for the speed of Xiang Liu's arrow. At the critical moment, Chishui Feng Long surged forward with no regard for his own life, and took the arrow in Cang Xuan's stead.
Xiang Liu nocked another arrow and prepared to draw the bow. By then Cang Xuan was surrounded by guards and soldiers. Seeing that the chance had passed, he nudged the white condor and left.
Cang Xuan cradled the wounded Chishui Feng Long, fury etched on his face.

CX: Xiang Liu, I will take your life!

Amid the cries of the condor, Xiang Liu's white robes flew as he receded into the far distance.


[Cang Xuan brought Chishui Feng Long to Xiao Yao. The wound was not fatal, but suddenly his skin gradually turned black. Xiao Yao realised then that the arrow was poisoned. Despite feeding him with antidotes, nothing worked and the poison spread from his limbs towards the heart. As they stared at Xiao Yao, her limbs grew cold and her voice shook.]

XY: This time, Xiang Liu came with the intent to kill. He used... his own blood as a poison.
CX: Xiang Liu's blood?
XY: Xiang Liu has been using various poisons to cultivate his powers for a long time. No poison in this world can take him down, because... his blood is the world's greatest poison.

Cang Xuan's heart sank, his face ashen.

CSFL: Even you can't find an antidote for it?
XY (shaking her head apologetically): Poisons I created from the world's spiritual herbs could not take Xiang Liu down. (grieved) I don't have an antidote for Xiang Liu's poison.

By then, Chishui Feng Long's limbs were totally black, and the poison had reached his heart.

CSFL (smiled): The poison is too lethal. Even if you knew the antidote, you would not have enough time to concoct it!
XY (tears of guilt): I'm useless! I'm too useless!

[Realising his friend gave his life for his own, Cang Xuan was filled with guilt and grief. Aware his end was near, Chishui Feng Long begged Cang Xuan to forgive Xin Yue, admitting his own part in covering up her wrongdoing. Cang Xuan looked him in the eye, enunciating his promise that Xin Yue would be safe for the rest of her life, honoured by all the consorts in Zhi Jin Palace. When Cang Xuan spoke of his gratitude for Feng Long's trust and support when he was at his lowest ebb, and how he always considered him his confidante and dearest friend, Chishui Feng Long finally confessed with his dying breath that it was Tushan Jing who first saw Cang Xuan's potential and convinced him to throw his support behind him.

Reports came in of Hong Jiang leading attacks on them while broadcasting Chishui Feng Long's death, undermining the morale of the troops. To boost morale, Cang Xuan personally led the troops to counter the attacks, flanked by Yu Jiang and Xiao Xiao while Xiao Yao stayed back and arranged for Chishui Feng Long's body to be escorted back home. Xiao Yao instructed the dazed Chishui Xian to set up a formation to protect the body, allowing the family one last look; Jiao Ping to embalm the body, and Lao Sang to prepare the coffin. She then reminded them to be circumspect due to the complicated ties between the noble families, and for ShenNong Yi to be the first to be notified. 

The arrangements took a whole day, and by nightfall, Chishui Feng Long's body was laid out in the coffin, his face peaceful as if he was merely asleep. She recalled his last words, that Xin Yue was the one who colluded to kill her and Jing, and was filled with grief and anger. Then her heart constricted in fear when she thought that if were not for Feng Long, the one in the coffin would have been Cang Xuan.

Just then, Chishui Xian and Jiao Ping approached her, convinced that there must be a spy among their ranks who leaked Cang Xuan's location. If not, Xiang Liu could not have attacked with such timely precision.

With her back facing them, Xiao Yao touched her heart, mixed emotions on her face. As she recalled how her heart hurt to the point of almost collapsing at Yu Manor, she realised that it was she who inadvertently brought about this chain of events.]

XY (VO): The bug... Xiang Liu knows I am in Qingshui town.

She slowly turned around, sorrow and fury in her eyes.

XY: This spy... I will not give him any more opportunity to reveal any more information.

Jiao Ping and Chishui Xian stared uncomprehendingly.

[Xiao Yao confronted Xiang Liu at Gourd Lake, and tried to kill him but could not bring herself to do it. He demanded her blood to create healing pills due to the intensifying war, and she finally severed ties with him. After she passed out from loss of blood, he brought her back, where she was found by Miao Pu. Cang Xuan arranged for A Nian to bring Xiao Yao back to Xuan Yuan mountain to recuperate]



[At Shen Nong mountain, Cang Xuan updated the old Xuan Yuan king about everything that had transpired. When asked how Xiao Yao was injured, Cang Xuan admitted he did not know, but the wounds** were self-inflicted, with no signs of a struggle. It was almost certain that this was somehow related to Xiang Liu. The old Xuan Yuan king reminded him that while Feng Long was alive, it was not important how he treated Xin Yue. However, with his death, Cang Xuan needed to show her marked favour.]

** In the previous scene, Xiang Liu was described to have completely healed her slash wounds. Not sure if this was an oversight, or they were referring to her loss of blood

[News of her brother's death devastated Xin Yue, and she bitterly regretted losing her pride and freedom, becoming vindictive and bitter over a man who cared nothing for her, to the extent of causing the death of the brother who truly loved and cared for her. Since her position as queen was secured by her brother with his life, she vowed to be a good queen - not Xuan Yuan Cang Xuan's queen, but the queen of the Shen Nong and Chishui clans.]


[Cang Xuan drowned himself in wine as he came to terms with the realisation that the person to whom he felt gratitude and admiration all this time was actually Tushan Jing. The man certainly lived up to his reputation, unparalleled in intelligence and strategy, not only determining the course of the world, but everyone's place in it, even he himself was not spared. The one who acknowledged his potential from the beginning was Jing. However, the man was now dead. He gave the order for Lirong Chang to continue searching for Tushan Jing regardless of the cost, to either bring him back alive, or his corpse if he was dead, saying that his mother told him to always repay any debt of gratitude, and to exact vengeance where there is vendetta. He had always been impartial in dispensing rewards and punishment, and his conscience was clear.]


[Cang Xuan issued the decree appointing Lirong Chang and Chishui Xian as generals leading 100,000 strong troops each as reinforcements for Ru Shou. Ru Shou was given the command to spare no effort in launching swift, decisive battles to kill Xiang Liu and wipe out the Shen Nong resistance army.]


[A Nian brought Xiao Yao to Jade Mountain at Xiang Liu's behest, where he severed the lovers bug connection at the cost of two of his lives.]


Plot hole? Tong Hua forgot to include a scene to explain this?

@AH found a possible explanation in chapter 8 when XL came from the sea to the dragon bone prison beach to help WXL who was carried by YSQ.  XL said to WXL that he should not die because dead person couldn't pay the debt. WXL said no worrry, he kept his promise

 AH :
On the one hand, the promise and reminders are annoying from a reader's perspective. They do feel a bit manipulative / a bit like a trap.

But on the other hand, we know that TSJ thought to himself that he would understand if XY took back her promise after her true identity and form were revealed. We also know that he thought to himself that he didn't want to use her kindness, and instead wanted to genuinely earn her love.

None of that changed his actual actions/behaviour

 AH :
Also, XY could have chosen not to make her side of the promise

What Xiao Yao does is a reflection of her character. What Jing does is a reflection of his. One does not change or minimize the other. Jing should have never asked for that promise to start with. His action was not honourable. He was not a free man, I don't care if he didn't love FFYY, he was not free to ask any woman to wait for him.  And any woman who agreed to his proposal is a fool with equally questionable character. His behaviour is not all that different from a man who is in a "supposedly" unhappy marriage, running around with a side piece.  

 AH :
and she was upset when TSJ stopped sending reminders / stopped contacting her entirely (which he partly did because XY complained about the reminders and TSJ didn't want to pressure her). XY wanted TSJ's attention, and she wanted to feel wanted.

Also, one of the initial reasons (not the only reason, of course) she agreed to learn archery from FFB was that she wanted TSJ to hear that she was hanging out with another man. She wanted TSJ to be jealous. She maybe even wanted him to say or do something about it.

That abominable leak script is having competition; I'm getting quite a cardiovascular workout from these reminders of Xiao Yao's questionable behaviour/character :-). Good gosh, woman. Entangled with an engaged man; using another to make said man jealous. Someone gives this girl a good smack. Can't use the trauma shield to excuse this behaviour. Oh, and can't use XY's behaviour to excuse Jing's.

 AH :
Because of her trauma, XY wanted someone who was incapable of letting her go. It's difficult to relate to and definitely not healthy, but that's what she was looking for in a romantic partner.

Yes! We all know that Xiao Yao has "psychological shortcomings" and her decisions come from that, the author herself confirmed that.  At least we're all on the same page that this is not healthy. 

Jing doesn't cling to Xiao Yao or try to come between her and Xiang Liu at every interaction, and I don't think anyone claimed that. Jeeze, can you imagine if Tong Hua had written him like that, he'll be the most pathetic character ever.  But him holding onto her, refusing to let go despite paying lip service to this and that is true. And in some of those crucial moments, he sure was quick to prevent her from running after XL.  

The constant surveillance behaviour is creepy as hell regardless if he interrupted them or not or if Xiang Liu deliberately let him hang around or not - he's still skulking around, watching, probably to see if the situation is serious enough for him to intervene - like that time on the boat coming back from the Voodoo King. If my partner displayed this behaviour, we'll be having some strong words and a reckoning because he's either controlling or insecure, maybe both and neither of those traits is attractive. In modern times, Jing will probably be bugging Xiao Yao's car and phone, probably installing those tracking apps on her phone. *Shudder*

I don't know if I should be happy to be reminded of how many moments of Jing's creepy stalking behaviour there were.

 AH :
Although, IMO, XY also didn't keep her promise to not let another man into her heart for 15 years.

Again, XY's behaviour doesn't change or minimise Jing's. And, again, that promise should never have been asked for. Don't make promises unless you're sure that you can keep them. Intentions mean less than nothing without follow-through and the road to hell is paved with them. This is Jing - good intentions, but shoddy follow-through. He should have sorted out his engagement first before trying to have a relationship with Xiao Yao, but because he was scared of losing her he placed her into the role of the third party. Selfish? Dishonourable? Absolutely.

 AH :
I don't view TSJ's decision to "hire" XL to end XY's wedding with Feng Long as a selfish one or one that makes me think less of him. I believe that he thought XY was forcing herself into that marriage (which she was), and that the marriage would have made her miserable (as it likely would have).

I don't believe for a moment that it was all out of selfless care for Xiao Yao's happiness without a tinge of selfishly wanting to leave the opportunity open for himself. If he was about placing Xiao Yao first, he would not have asked for that 15-year promise to start with.  He said it himself later on that he couldn't let her marry another man.

In modern times, Jing will probably be bugging Xiao Yao's car and phone, probably installing those tracking apps on her phone. *Shudder*

Isn't his astral fox a magical tracking app?

I agree with everything in your post above.

I don't view TSJ's decision to "hire" XL to end XY's wedding with Feng Long as a selfish one or one that makes me think less of him. I believe that he thought XY was forcing herself into that marriage (which she was), and that the marriage would have made her miserable (as it likely would have).

I don't believe for a moment that it was all out of selfless care for Xiao Yao's happiness without a tinge of selfishly wanting to leave the opportunity open for himself. If he was about placing Xiao Yao first, he would not have asked for that 15-year promise to start with. He said it himself later on that he couldn't let her marry another man.

I don't think it was selfless on Jing's part either.  Regardless, it's controlling and presumptuous and completely wrong for him to decide what would make XY happy and arbitrarily trash her life 'for her own good.'  XY is a grown a$$ woman.  She can make her own decisions about her own life and happiness -- even if they end up being wrong.

So, does the same apply to XL?  If he ruined her wedding because he thought she was making a mistake and was going to be unhappy, then yes.  BUT, I don't think that's why he did it.  It's not how he handles their relationship -- whether he agrees with it or not, he accepts her decisions.  So, his opinion (which in the drama appears low) of Jing doesn't matter.  He provides the option of Jing, because it is what XY wants.

IMO, he's in a different situation, because I think XY asked XL for help, when she sent him that crystal globe.  I know others don't agree, but I still think taking her away from the wedding, was his answer to her half a$$ed confession, and he was giving her a chance to admit her love, but she still couldn't do it.


Your dedication roasting Jing is admirable :-)

I remember an interview where Tong Hua talked about wanting to make Xiang Liu the end game, but I'm not sure if she said that point about Jing. Many of Tong Hua's interviews have been translated and scattered throughout this thread. It's going to be a challenge to comb through to find it. This board also doesn't have a way for you to find all the posts that you've made, otherwise we could narrow it down a lot more since it will likely be something that liddi translated. 

You know me, when I like something, I really like it. But when I don’t…

Yeah, I tend to confuse things I’ve read with things that are just  my own thoughts. I’ll try to search some keywords on Google. 

It would be so good if there was a history of all our comments. 

Someone in the comment section of Season 1 just asked this.  Anyone know the answer?


I love whenever FFB would ask Xiao Yao" who do you want me to be?" While she never answers I feel like in her heart she wanted him to be and know he is Xiang Liu. For novel readers does he say the same line multiple times in the novel? And is there any meaning behind it?


Someone in the comment section of Season 1 just asked this.  Anyone know the answer?


I love whenever FFB would ask Xiao Yao" who do you want me to be?" While she never answers I feel like in her heart she wanted him to be and know he is Xiang Liu. For novel readers does he say the same line multiple times in the novel? And is there any meaning behind it?

I was trying to find it with some keywords but I failed. I know the answer is somewhere here in those 400+ pages.

Leaked script Ep19 scenes 1-15, 18-24

Thank you so much liddi!

I'm glad we are FINALLY getting some scenes with Hong Jiang and XL together -- and the army.  I think this is much needed to get XL's pov and why he makes the choices he makes.  I like that the one soldier uses XL's presence as a reason to stay.

Though it also brings up the idea that XL could have led those that wanted to live. :(

[A Nian brought Xiao Yao to Jade Mountain at Xiang Liu's behest, where he severed the lovers bug connection at the cost of two of his lives.]

Can't remember if it was made explicit in the novel, but it makes sense for it to cost him two lives - one for each bug :-(

HJ (solemn): Everyone is aware of the situation out there. This battle is unlike those in the past, but is a fight to the death. Those who wish to leave may do so.

This is a good addition. It made clear that they all knew what they were heading towards and that HJ wasn't just some fanatic who didn't care about his soldiers.

BOG: The way I see it, the one who has the best reason to pack up and leave is our military advisor. Right now, the military advisor is still here, so how could we bear to go? Everyone, let's stay together! It's not that big a deal, losing one's head is merely a scar the size of a bowl!

They've come to depend on him and he's their leader as much as HJ. If he had left, it would have been a huge blow to their morale. And yes, he could have left and no one there would have been able to criticize him for it. But the selfless ninny isn't going to do that :-(

Thank you for all the translations, liddi. We still have the death scene - I don't know if I can read it without feeling sad :-(


I was trying to find it with some keywords but I failed. I know the answer is somewhere here in those 400+ pages.

There was that scene where FFB came to her bed wounded and the last time they have that exchange.  And once he reveals he is XL, she says something like it was a lifting of weight as it was always meant to be, and yet another burden.


You know me, when I like something, I really like it. But when I don’t…

Yeah, I tend to confuse things I’ve read with things that are just  my own thoughts. I’ll try to search some keywords on Google. 

It would be so good if there was a history of all our comments. 

I remember somewhere that Tong Hua said she tried to write the book so that XL survived, but the character wouldn't allow it -- or something to that effect.  I don't remember her saying he was supposed to her romantic end game, however.


Someone in the comment section of Season 1 just asked this.  Anyone know the answer?


I love whenever FFB would ask Xiao Yao" who do you want me to be?" While she never answers I feel like in her heart she wanted him to be and know he is Xiang Liu. For novel readers does he say the same line multiple times in the novel? And is there any meaning behind it?

Yes, he said that line at least 3 times. from chapter 15 to chapter 17. She had a doubt that he was XL because each time he asked that, the connected activity reminded her of XL. I remembered 3 occasion: outside the death arena when he said he might have been slave; one during practicing after the day that she changed her mind and stay with Jing instead of going out with FFB.. He looked at her and she thought he was going to fly and bite her neck, This time he added another question: the friend that you wanted to poison? and the last time when he enter her boudoir at night.  

The meaning of his question, I think that he wanted her to acknowlege XL. But she didn't. It's her typical contradictory. To others, she said she didn't regard XL as friend. But in this case (without the subject) she said he was her friend.