
There are several poems that reference it. Which one are you referring to? 

One of the most famous is 相思 Lovesickness / Yearning by Tang poet 王维 Wang Wei:

Red beans grow in the Southern kingdom
New branches grow in the spring.
I hope that you will gather more
These that represent the greatest yearning.

I personally know red beans very well, it being a symbol of love and yearning for my husband and I during our courtship days when we were both in different countries at the time.

Honestly i don’t know this plant and the meaning. In my mind red bean is the one to make red bean paste dumpling fillings. Recent years i heard that youngsters in China eat red bean on 7/7 (?) for luckiness in love.

Back to this poem. i just google and found this one which was translated in Vietnamese. the author was one of the 4 greatest poets in Tang Dynasty. There are like 10 different translation version of this poemương-Duy/Tương-tư/poem-ZuhtW0ezMbN2A85uOj1eNg

This has always bothered me but I never got there chance to find quotes to post ...

To me, what touched her about Jing and what Jing gave her, XL had. What she feared would happen to XL actually happened to Jing.

THIS.  It was annoying as heck to see this.

Ultimately XY and XL was not together not because of her criteria but her own actions of not facing her feelings till it was too late and XL already committed to give her what she chose.

Yep.  I agree.  Though XL didn't exactly help either, once he got rejected.


THIS.  It was annoying as heck to see this.

Yep.  I agree.  Though XL didn't exactly help either, once he got rejected.

I remember a quote in the novel which was adapted to “Ancient love poetry “ 

"Master, the most regrettable in life is “too late”"

We should blame XL how could he love such selflessly? Why did he respect 100% her 3 wishes? Why did he have to devote all of his lives to Shen-nong army? 

I guess only TH can answer it, TH said his fate is "must die" since the beginning of writing. 

Therefore, TH let Jing survive many killing attempts in a magical way. And Jing's obstacles just disappeared by its own with the help of Gods. Because Jing must survive to help the female lead to have someone to rely. Although I don't know who will rely on who in dangerous situations. Good luck to XY-Jing for their life ahead.

XL said he never wanted to see her again when he left Jade Mountain. So, if he was reborn or resurrected, he would not want to meet her. From now on, XY and Jing should take care for themselves. There will be no hidden bodyguard behind their back.

In the article that @Liddi shared about red beans there is this picture...similar to the cover of the book.

The picture on the cover actually looks more like the bright red berries of 南天竹 Chinese Sacred Bamboo (Nandina domestica), which however has no lovesickness meaning attached to it.

It looks similar to the bouquets that the main cast received when they finished filming...

cr. YaoLiu twitter

is xiaoyao ever feel that xiang liu loves her?

IMO it was XL who never choose her. I still don't quite understand why do people think that XL was ever willing to give up his duty, his past and his plans to run away with XY and live happily ever after.  I have never felt that he ever put this option on the table for her. I mean,  if that was the case, than why would XY be scared to commit to him? Obviously she has feelings for him, obviously Jing kept breaking his promises, so what exactly stopped her, if not XL own choice? I personally belive that her so called denial, because IMO she was aware of her feelings for him, was just a defense mechanism that she relied on in order to protect herself from the heartbreak that XL caused her. He was never willing to let go of everything to be with her. Since the beginning his plan was to go down with his soldiers and she knew it. That's why he wasn't suitable for a girl to start dreaming about him, because sooner or later he would have ended up dead, so instead of having and losing, she would rather not have at all. 

why do people think that XL was ever willing to give up his duty, his past and his plans to run away with XY and live happily ever after.  I have never felt that he ever put this option on the table for her. I mean,  if that was the case, than why would XY be scared to commit to him?

No, He would not leave Shen-nong army behind. He would stay with them till the end. Certainly is it. He made that decision before XY stepped in his life. 

The thing is he has 9 lives. So why should he spend all of his lives for Shen-nong. He was capable of fulfilling his ideology as well as staying with XY. 

However, if he chose to confess to her and still fought against her family, what could he offer to the princess? Only his heart and let her decide? She once clearly said he was not suitable to step in any girl's dream. Did it hurt him? He had his own dignity. He was there as FFB for many years, she didn't choose him. And assume if later (when Jing was married) he confessed again and they were in love. However, that would place XY in very difficult situation: the two most important and loved ones for her fighting until one had die. Sir Bi said that his heart is as clear as crystal. He always thought which was best for her first even though he had to compromise himself. I sometimes think that what would happen if XY answered his 3rd question.  Thing would have been different. In the book he tried to touch the mermaid's hand in the crystal ball, didn't he? He had that thought. 

Assuming the best scenario he understood that in her mind, XL is the answer (there are still debates if XL or FFB is the answer). But XY refused to speak it out; she was willing to marry YSQ. What does it mean? In XY's point of view, love was not the most important. XL could see that she would be fine with YSQ.  and because he was selfless, he let it be as she wanted.  And he did his best to help her to get her 3 wishes  

If XY had not become Princess of Gaoxin and Xuan Yuan, if XY stayed as WXL in QS Town, then the story would be different. I think that is  one of his motivations when he accepted the Bugs

If XY was like her mom and XY was similar to her dad, they stayed together, then the story is repeated. And TH didn't want to write the same story. 

I personally belive that her so called denial, because IMO she was aware of her feelings for him, was just a defense mechanism that she relied on in order to protect herself from the heartbreak that XL caused her. He was never willing to let go of everything to be with her. Since the beginning his plan was to go down with his soldiers and she knew it. That's why he wasn't suitable for a girl to start dreaming about him, because sooner or later he would have ended up dead, so instead of having and losing, she would rather not have at all. 

Fully agree.  Her rational and emotional sides often warred, and she would bury her feelings for him under a veneer of denial and bravado. On the other hand, despite all her rationalisations, she could not help the tender physical interactions when she was with him, being involuntarily flustered in her heart and mind time and again, mustering the courage to take the first step to declare her feelings and ask him to take her away, waiting for him to come for her time and again in vain, deep down inside believing without a shadow of a doubt that he would be there anytime she was in danger. She was a mass of contradictions, and rarely said or did what she meant. She loved to throw the words "I hate you!", but at the end of the day, she finally had to face the full brunt of her feelings, when she knew the man she thought would always be there, was well and truly gone, and there was nothing to stem the outpouring of pain that came from that knowledge, the only balm being to go to the place which was his, their home, even if he was no longer there.


@liddi.. make me not stop laughing,We have to remind xiaoyao of her promise!!

While the novel doesn't specifically say so, we can imagine it to have happened here, after Xiao Liu met Jing to obtain the medicines for the Shen Nong rebel army:



Xiao Liu stood silently for a while, then said to Xiang Liu, "I'm going back to bed. See yourself out!"

Xiang Liu grabbed hold of his collar and hauled him back, "Until I get the medicines, you are staying with me."

-- Vol 1 Ch5

And in Ep8, the drama does have Xiao Liu walking backwards in that scene, even if it was due to Xiang Liu dragging him along.... so I guess Xiao Liu did make good on his promise in that sense!

IMO it was XL who never choose her. I still don't quite understand why do people think that XL was ever willing to give up his duty, his past and his plans to run away with XY and live happily ever after. I have never felt that he ever put this option on the table for her. I mean, if that was the case, than why would XY be scared to commit to him? Obviously she has feelings for him, obviously Jing kept breaking his promises, so what exactly stopped her, if not XL own choice? I personally belive that her so called denial, because IMO she was aware of her feelings for him, was just a defense mechanism that she relied on in order to protect herself from the heartbreak that XL caused her. He was never willing to let go of everything to be with her. Since the beginning his plan was to go down with his soldiers and she knew it. That's why he wasn't suitable for a girl to start dreaming about him, because sooner or later he would have ended up dead, so instead of having and losing, she would rather not have at all.

XY is scared to commit because he's the enemy of her family and she especially didn't want to be put in the position of choosing between two people she loved.  XY could never bring herself to confess first.  In this world, there was no guarantee that anyone, general or not, wouldn't end up dead.  Like Jing. Twice.  XL had a better chance than anyone to live than anyone, since he had 9 lives.

I disagree on two counts as far as XL choosing her.

-First, I don't think he planned on running away.  He planned on honoring both of his commitments, and  could have honored his commitment to her as she wanted, had XY not lied about her identity and been discovered.

-He isn't suicidal.  He enjoys life and even says as long as there are views like he shares with XY, life is worth living.  He knew as long as he had hope, he could do almost anything -- which he told Left Ear and later XY when they were visited the fighting arena.

-We have the alleged casting sheet that says he envisioned a future with XY once her.

-He willingly accepted the Poison Love Bug.  I believe you think it was only to protect her, but I disagree strongly with that take, especially since the chief requirement was that he love her.  He knew what she wanted, a lifetime lover and companion, and made that commitment when he accepted the bug.  Then she and CX screwed him over when her identity was revealed.  Why else would he be so angry and confused?

-Second, though we've all said, even myself, that he chose his commitment to Gong Gong and his army OVER XY, that's not exactly true.  He DID choose XY, but as so many of his interactions with her, he chose to love her in his way, NOT the way she expected.  When did he put the army over her?  He actually put her over the army at least twice, when he didn't kill CX because she was there.   He loved and protected and comforted and empowered her, and gave her the three things she said she wanted -- but she never said she wanted him.  He honored his commitment to her fully, before he honored his commitment to Gong Gong with his death.


is xiaoyao ever feel that xiang liu loves her?

Yes. The most conclusive evidence would be when she finds out about the true nature of the lovers bug which was planted in both of them successfully, which would already have told her that Xiang Liu does love her, else they would have suffered the retaliation of the bugs long ago. The 37 years under the ocean, one which she was fully conscious showed her the tender side of Xiang Liu he never revealed to anyone else. The quickening of his heartbeat she felt through the lovers bug connection during the rare times when he let his guard down and allowed her to sense what he actually felt. The forehead kiss he gave her after she wept and confided about her father being Chi Chen, which she wrote off as her being mistaken. Despite him being deliberately aloof or cruel time and again, there were more than enough clues to tell her that he does love her, even though he finally forced her to sever ties with him the last time they met after Feng Long was killed.

by the way, of the 3 questions asked by XL, can it be assumed like this?

It's like putting a test paper in front of Xiaoyao.

The first three questions are yes or no questions, there are three names of two people, just tick whether they like it or not;

The last question is a multiple choice question. After searching for a long time, it turns out that the questioner doesn't include the answer in the options, how do I answer it?

 (I mean the last one is FFB and XL)


by the way, of the 3 questions asked by XL, can it be assumed like this?

It's like putting a test paper in front of Xiaoyao.

The first three questions are yes or no questions, there are three names of two people, just tick whether they like it or not;

The last question is a multiple choice question. After searching for a long time, it turns out that the questioner doesn't include the answer in the options, how do I answer it?

The last question wasn't a multiple choice question.... unless you count all the men she cared for being options.  In which case, the answer was one of the choices.


While the novel doesn't specifically say so, we can imagine it to have happened here, after Xiao Liu met Jing to obtain the medicines for the Shen Nong rebel army:



Xiao Liu stood silently for a while, then said to Xiang Liu, "I'm going back to bed. See yourself out!"

Xiang Liu grabbed hold of his collar and hauled him back, "Until I get the medicines, you are staying with me."

-- Vol 1 Ch5

And in Ep8, the drama does have Xiao Liu walking backwards in that scene, even if it was due to Xiang Liu dragging him along.... so I guess Xiao Liu did make good on his promise in that sense!

I admitted defeat, laughed again.LOL


The last question wasn't a multiple choice question.... unless you count all the men she cared for being options.  In which case, the answer was one of the choices.

I mean the last one is FFB and XL.

We know that the FFB identity is dead, and XL will not give up on his troops, so why should xy think about it, while the answer itself doesn't exist.