I think this point may be TH's intention. The person who married to XY was YSQ. Jing had 7 tail lost, in coma for 7 years. (7 x 7 = 49)

In Chinese "seven" is 七. It also means "a Chinese custom to hold a memorial service on every 7th day following a person's death until the 49th day".

Jing in principle "died". He lost significant amount of spiritual power, and he shaked off his duty for TS Clan. The person who could accompany XY was YSQ. That was also XY's initial intention, a companion partner.

Hmm! Jing really killed himself and took on the mantle of 17, permanently. If the only way that you can be with someone is to essentially kill off a huge chunk of yourself, what does that say about your relationship? Then again, we talked about Jing never actually addressed/recovered from what happened to him; choosing, instead to replace healing with Xiao Yao.

I just want someone to keep me company. Not someone I want to marry – I want someone I can live with, share happiness and sorrow with, fight and make up, I just don’t want to talk to myself anymore.

This sounds more like an advertisement for a housemate :-)

Did XY ever have any romantic feeling to YSQ? No! However, she was willing to marry to YSQ because YSQ met her requirement.

Therefore, in the future life in the ocean area, I don't know if XY would develop further romantic feeling with YSQ, especially when she went to XL's home, the ocean with a lot memories about her with XL

This is kind of sad, really. But it's definitely in character for XY given her trauma. Her intention, since the beginning, was always about a companion, love didn't even factor into it. I'm wondering, given the damages that he sustained (lost 7 of his tails etc.), how long do you think Jing/17 have left? Does it impact his lifespan? Because XY may not have this lifelong companion that she longs for after all.

XiaoYao has feelings for TuShan Jing, the lover's bug inside had no effect on Xiang Liu's heart?

ln drama, 19 episode, when Xiang Liu see that TuShan Jing carry on Xiao Yao, his lover's bug dot starts coming out from his heart. Why it's happening? 


XiaoYao has feelings for TuShan Jing, the lover's bug inside had no effect on Xiang Liu's heart?

ln drama, 19 episode, when Xiang Liu see that TuShan Jing carry on Xiao Yao, his lover's bug dot starts coming out from his heart. Why it's happening? 

some said that he wanted to abort his love, so the bug reacted


XiaoYao has feelings for TuShan Jing, the lover's bug inside had no effect on Xiang Liu's heart?

ln drama, 19 episode, when Xiang Liu see that TuShan Jing carry on Xiao Yao, his lover's bug dot starts coming out from his heart. Why it's happening? 

That scene is not in the novel,  but I'd assume that XL felt hurt over seeing Jing carrying XY. That's not to prove that XY betrayed XL, because it was XL bug that acted out, not hers, but I guess that for a split second his bug did try to turn against hers. 

@liddi,you asked this before. 

《长相思 1:如初见》



XiaoYao has feelings for TuShan Jing, the lover's bug inside had no effect on Xiang Liu's heart?

ln drama, 19 episode, when Xiang Liu see that TuShan Jing carry on Xiao Yao, his lover's bug dot starts coming out from his heart. Why it's happening? 

Hi. What is your view and take on this scene?

XIang Liu knew that he couldn't be with Xiao Yao for the rest of his life, so why was he accepting the lover's bug?It doesn't make sense 

So who did XY like? Jing or YSQ?

In my opinion, Jing used and borrowed XY's connection with YSQ as the foundation for his relationship with XY. He used money and support so that CX helped him to approach and have time with XY. What was his identity since XY became woman till their 1st planned wedding? He was Jing. XY saw his potential to become YSQ, therefore she gave it a trial. Her emotion relationship with Jing is similar to her observations towards Tian Er and Chuan zi's relationship. XY could compare herself with Tian Er.

I agree with your assessment of the development of XY's relationship with Jing/17 presented in this post. Tong Hua could not make the "snake in the grass" parallel between Tian Er/Chuan Zi and XY/Jing any clearer without explicitly stating it. A conscious choice because he meets the requirements rather than organic feelings. Not all that different from real life. Liddi and I touched on this in a recent post about how most characters in LFY are Tian Er, betting and hoping that if they "settled" for a relationship, they will get a "good enough" outcome.

Jing's missing just short time before the wedding date made a big blow to XY. Her reaction and emotion after his missing proved that she did have affection for Jing. It exactly matched her prediction with Tian Er; as time passed, the false feeling became true. Did she love him oronly like? It is subjective for each individual. However, with regard to her reaction when XL rescued her in the sea (chapter 43), it can be said that her "love" for Jing was not deep at all. There are several discussion on chapter 43 already.

Yes, she does have affection for Jing. It's natural to develop affection for people that you have chosen to cultivate a relationship with. How far back are these discussions on chapter 43? I think I missed them.

When XY returned to the ocean, taking the first step to really overcome her trauma as @Liddi and @HeadInTheClouds mentioned, she would grow, maybe back to WXL typed person but a better of version of WXL, a vivid, brave WXL yet no more burden from trauma of abandon. Compared with WXL-YSQ in QS town time, XY role would become even more dominant because the sea is more compatible for her but not for him. He would be more dependent on her.

As their relationship is predicated on XY's "psychological shortcomings", once she has healed/overcome them, what will happen to their relationship? Such a change in the relationship dynamic will potentially create problems. Jing has effectively "killed" himself and made XY his "raison d'etre", this was something that appealed to XY, but once XY has healed this will feel suffocating. 

Tong Hua wasn't wrong when she said the ending of LYF is "not a tragedy", 'cause it sure isn't a happy ending.


Hi. What is your view and take on this scene?

i feel like he gets hurt because JING can comfort her what he COULDN'T 


XIang Liu knew that he couldn't be with Xiao Yao for the rest of his life, so why was he accepting the lover's bug?It doesn't make sense 

Because he loved her, and it would be a way for him to be able to protect her and always keep her safe, considering he was the only one who could effectively offer protection, unlike any of the other guys. 

The moment that was no longer possible and his end was near, he had to kill the bugs.

And because he's awesome :D <3


i feel like he gets hurt because JING can comfort her what he COULDN'T 

Hmmm not really. In my humble opinion, Jing can never comfort anyone. He can only cause heartbreak and he's always making Xiao Yao suffer because of his unresolved issues. I mean, she did spit blood because of him. That's hardly comforting.

To be fair, it's only Xiang Liu, and later on, Fangfeng Bei who can offer the comfort Xiao Yao needs. Taking her on fun dates, taking her shopping, distracting her mind from the things that make her sad. Also saving her life repeatedly.

One of them hurts, and the other one heals. 

Just like the fox who tortured her and the snake who kept her company when she was a child and was lonely. The exact same thing.


XIang Liu knew that he couldn't be with Xiao Yao for the rest of his life, so why was he accepting the lover's bug?It doesn't make sense 

He accepted the bug that was already half planted in CX, XY told XL that she is planning to remove the bug from him and the only way for her to do that is to have it planted in someonelse, but it couldn't have been just anyone,  because if there is no love between partners, the bugs would kill both the host and the recipient. I am sure XL already knew XY has fallen for him, so at that point în time it was the safest option. 


XIang Liu knew that he couldn't be with Xiao Yao for the rest of his life, so why was he accepting the lover's bug?It doesn't make sense 

My view on this (based on the drama):

He represents the “brief companionship” WXL mentioned. So, he thought he still have the chance but things change once she resume her identity. The whole “brief companionship” became impossible as they are now truly on the opposite sides. By that time, it was too late.


Jing has effectively "killed" himself and made XY his "raison d'etre", this was something that appealed to XY, but once XY has healed this will feel suffocating.

i found both CX and Jing just obsessed with XY. 

CX is stronger than Jing. He still had a whole world to rule and power is his beloved partner. At the end when XY disappeared from his life forever, CX probably still survived.

Jing would be XY’s housekeeper assistant at most. they had nothing in common. Maybe XY would have more fun with Left Ear and Miao Fu.  

About Jing’s lifespan: 

the evil 8 tailed Fox had significant degradation in spiritual power due to 1 tail loss. Thus he had wanted to eat XY (dissolved her spiritual power into her blood so that he could take full potential). Jing lost more than 70% of this power.

i remember after the robbery, XY met Jing and he had suffered sickness (over some years) at that time he was predicted of only 100 year living ahead if his sickness was not cured.

a healthy deity such as Yellow emperor could live for 5000 years or more.  jing could not surpass 1500 years (i guess). 

A little pause in our studies because you guys need to see this beauty from his studio's account:

Xiang Liu is alive! Even tiny Chubbies are with him *sobs*

He's like a painting ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ