For me, personally, the most wonderful way to love someone is to uplift and empower them, to teach them to be independent of you. Life is unpredictable, and you want the person you love to be able to stand on their own and continue on when you leave them one day (planned or unplanned).

Xiang Liu's love is also free of possessiveness. He doesn't need to be with Xiao Yao, to have Xiao Yao by his side (although that would be nice, of course) in order to treat her well. He would have done the same thing even if she didn't love him inreturn. He wants her happiness simply because he loves her, and that gives him joy.

This. Exactly.

Unthematically, Xiang Liu is a fully realized character on his own, and his ending leaves all of us who love who he is and what he represents with that feeling of not wanting to yield to the unfairness/unjust of it all

Yes. It is what we see as the injustice of someone like him loving the way he did, sacrificing so much for everyone he cared for, leaving behind only a black pool of blood at the end of it. But I believe that he continues to live on in her life, and those who knew him - Sir Bi, and very possibly even A Nian.

Another thought. Was that why Cang Xuan never liked Jing? Not just because of jealousy, but because he knew what Jing did - selling Xiao Yao out - and is capable of???

Cang Xuan never liked him because he knows Jing is shady and isn't good enough for XY.

I've said this elsewhere.  None of the men who cared for XY liked Jing, because he was practically married when he was romancing XY -- and then never could get out of it.  That was dishonorable and exactly what XY did NOT want.  CX told him in Haolin that Jing needed to clean up his ties with FFYY before seeing XY.  When Jing was introduced to Daddy Emperor, he gave him the side eye and asked him if he was the Tushan Jing who was engaged to FFYY.  As Fang Feng Bei, XL repeatedly prodded Jing about FFYY.  Even Granddaddy Emperor that FFB was a better companion for XY. 


Hm... perhaps it was poor translation on my part? Let me try and rephrase... 

涂山璟 (VO):幸好玱玹和小夭感情深厚,如果有朝一日真到了那一步,蛊还是解不了,玱玹应该会为了小夭,对相柳手下留情。
TSJ (VO): It is fortunate that Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao have a deep relationship. Should the day come when it gets to that point and the bug still could not be removed, for Xiao Yao, Cang Xuan would surely be merciful to Xiang Liu.

I don't like the way it reads, but does this make it any better?

Your translation was fine @liddi, other people understand its meaning right away. I think my brain just cross wired yesterday from too much TSJ‘s sinister character speculation that I allowed my bias to interpreted everything connected to him in worst way. And because maybe it’s so clear to me that off course CX will spare XL as long he’s life tied to XY, so I’m questioning why there was need in the script for TSJ to state the obvious in the drama, other than making him looks good. But on second thought, TSJ VO may have the opposite effect in reminding the audience that XL action in severing the PLB connection actually not only  make sure that XY is safe but also cut off his safety net (CX won’t be merciful to him anymore).  It’s truly a selfless act, that actually bring him harm in more ways. I’m sure that XL never count on PLB connection to survive anyway, but a more calculating character would cash on this connection. Always appreciate your efforts ❤️.


I agree with your analysis and it fit my understanding of XY as well. I think XY made a conscious decision to gamble on TSJ in dragon bone prison but still withholding her heart somehow, whereas after 37 years TSJ willingness to die with her so moved her (for all the wrong reasons, stupid girl) that she allowed this time her heart to be more invested as well. Before 37 years, her reaction to TSJ failure in keeping his promises (15 wine bottle delivery stopp, he keeps appearing with FFYY in social setting and they for all appearance look like the perfect couple) was getting angry and trying to distance herself from TSJ but after TSJ revival she didn’t get angry and even comforted TSJ when he accepted being appointed as clan leader although this acceptance clearly showed how TSJ basically chose his grandma over XY, or her jealousy seeing TSJ and FFYY together made her used FFB to retaliate. The XY at the beginning would be more heartless and able to cut TSJ off, but because this time she allowed her heart to be mellowed as well, she wasn‘t able to broke up with TSJ and waiting patiently instead. 

No wonder we all love XL so much, as the story progress his character evolved to be this epic awesome unsurpassable Hotness himself, while the other characters like XY and TSJ, which were awesome or endearing at first devolving to be a stupid contradictory hot mess of psychological traumas or weak inefficient and probably sinister manipulator instead. I almost forget the poor CX, I like him in the drama and he had his moments where I went ‚owww you rocks bro‘ (where he said firmly to FL and XingYue that he won‘t compromise and will punished everyone involved in XY assassination swiftly) but I‘m not that invested in his journey to the throne and his dramatic moments with XY didn‘t move me emotionally, not like that white hair dude who only need to stare and I feel all of his hidden pain, love, yearning, you name it, behind his eyes.

1- When XY said she was scare XL fall into her dream, XL react by leaving her behind shore and said: “if i treat you nice, i’m worried i may fall into your dream”. So from that day he didn’t confess or treat her nice because of scare he fall into her dream? if XY that dumb not to know his words?

I don't think he ever intended to confess anything at that time. He came after her because he was furious, believing she lied and played him for a fool with the sob story about being abandoned with no one to rely on, no way to protect herself, and nowhere to go to, which ultimately resulted in him willingly accepting the lover's bug. Remember that she was that close to dying at the time had she not been able to convince him that she was not lying. Her answer as to why she preferred to drown than allow him to pass air to her hurt him immeasurably, but he continued to treat her well - first as Fangfeng Bei, then even after she knew the truth about his alter-ego, and they enjoyed wonderful times together. He only started distancing himself after the 37 years under the ocean, but even then, they shared tender, intimate moments which were also peppered with repartee.

2- Chapter 45, When XY said she never wanted to see XL again later in chapter 48 XL also said he never wanted to see XY again, did he believe her words or he wanted to make her not see him and he is successful? but why did he say he didn’t want to see her again?

He should be well aware of how she really felt - their connection via the lovers bug would have accorded him heightened awareness of her emotions. However, I believe he truly did not intend for her to see him ever again, because he needed to prepare her for his death, so as to lessen the pain she would inevitably feel when the time came.  He wanted her to believe in her heart that their ties were well and truly severed. Which was why he put her to sleep and sealed her consciousness after he saved her the 2nd time so that she would not be aware that he did come to save her and destroy the lovers bug in the process.


In addition XY really like her new body but she keep on holding herself to jump into the sea, why? that a sign she accepting prison rather than freedom? XL also gave her a map of the sea, is she so dumb not to notice he did a lot for her? i don’t know to me TY isn’t a smart person. 

Did she really not know? She was not a fool. She just chose to live in denial, because it was far easier to do so than face the painful consequences of loving him, knowing they have no hope of a lifelong future together. It was only those rare moments when she mustered the courage to take the first steps towards him, but he would shut her down every time.

I want to ask if the storytelling stone in QS town can see the past, say if one day XY went back to QS town and ask to see XL, would the stone be able to tell her what XL done for her? Something TH missed in her ending. It just seems like there are many missed dots and she really fail to complete this novel satisfyingly. 

There was never a storytelling stone in the novel. This was just a plot device used by the drama to narrate the chain of events and explain the backdrop of the world and its history.

By the way though there is no evidence but it easy to conclude  that XL made another human stand next to XY on the crystal ball but some Jing fans said this was already made by XY when she send him the crystal ball attached with the message implying she is getting married now so he should move on.

No. The novel stated clearly that the crystal globe she sent to him only had a mermaid with one hand on heart, and another hand outstretched to a merman who stood on the waves. Then in the epilogue, in the crystal globe he gifted back to her in the big-bellied doll, we see that this time, there was an additional man who stood beside the mermaid, holding her outstretched hand, while the merman remained on the waves. So it was clear that the man was added by Xiang Liu, an indication of the lifelong companion he ensured she would have in his place.

I saw in trailer XY was wearing red waiting outside the DBP and one where she was wearing white holding lantern I believe, in the novel show she wears white while waiting outside DBP, does the leak script mention what these 2 images are for what scene? Alsoi don’t know if anyone notice but the lantern she’s holding look like half a shell (which more relate to XL - XY)?

Xiao Yao was wearing her wedding dress, waiting for Jing to return after he went missing before their wedding. The one in white was of her meeting Cang Xuan on Chao Yun peak with the poisoned poinciana flowers, where she would poison him and commit suicide after finding out he was behind Jing's death.  I don't believe she was holding a lantern, but a container for the poinciana flowers. It may look like a half-shell, though I thought it looked more like a lotus. 


I had read your analysis on XY-Jing-Tianer twice and I fully agree with everything you said. That is exactly what I belive too. 


I don't believe she was holding a lantern, but a container for the poinciana flowers. It may look like a half-shell, though I thought it looked more like a lotus.

as i understood from the book and decorations used in the past, it’s the lamp holder in the shape of lotus flower.

i think i saw the poster in which Yang Zi wearing in red sitting outside something which looks similar to tge dragon bone dragon. however in the novel she was in Shen Nong peak at that time. poster just illustrates her connection to Jing. but not real scene. however it is strange since she faced to the sea. it mimics the 7 days waiting by the sea but that time she wore in white

Thanks Liddi for your explanation. If XY was wearing red waiting for Jing then that scene does mimic the 7 days wait for XL because it was taken outside DBP (like what H19279 says). 

All something came up on my mind again, as we all know XY and XL hearts trusts each other and despite XY keep avoiding her feelings etc…. Why on earth would she wrote XL name on the suspected list of names she thinks may contributed to killing Jing? Was it because of his actions or words on chapter 45 that made her think like that as she obviously would not think it’s CX. But what will happen if he is the one, can she kill him? I mean she can’t even bear to kill XL when she know he wanted to kill CX. 

And like that one month in QS town, though there was no pov on XL I felt like he wanted to tell her something after he snatch her from the wedding or he was waiting for something from her. I feel like he hurting himself as he kill of FFB because I believe he knew she wanted to spend her life with him as FFB. 


Why on earth would she wrote XL name on the suspected list of names she thinks may contributed to killing Jing?

XL worked for Shen nong Army. Jing was killed in the area nearby Shen-nong camp. Killing jing may cause some political issues. And she had to list all the suspects. Unfortunately she trusted CX so much that she didn’t put him in her list. and i don’t know writing XL name is a kind of subconscious longing thought of him. 

By the way though there is no evidence but it easy to conclude  that XL made another human stand next to XY on the crystal ball but some Jing fans said this was already made by XY when she send him the crystal ball attached with the message implying she is getting married now so he should move on.

No. The novel stated clearly that the crystal globe she sent to him only had a mermaid with one hand on heart, and another hand outstretched to a merman who stood on the waves. Then in the epilogue, in the crystal globe he gifted back to her in the big-bellied doll, we see that this time, there was an additional man who stood beside the mermaid, holding her outstretched hand, while the merman remained on the waves. So it was clear that the man was added by Xiang Liu, an indication of the lifelong companion he ensured she would have in his place

The book stats when she made it, it was just the mermaid and the merman. That's clear cut.

I took the globe as her silent declaration that he is in her heart and she wanted him to take her hand. The note was her out if he rejected her. Her plausible denial that it was just a last gift before she gets married and nothing more. 

I can't remember if this has been discussed but after the wedding robbery, before she left he said he got what he wanted so she can go. What exactly did he want?

Part of me says it's about her talking to TE and gaining new perspective and hope and then guiding her to find Jing. However, at the back of my mind does what he truly want to know is his place in her heart and thus the question and her leaving after the question.

I don't believe for one second it was the supplies even though at a superficial level it may imply that.


I can't remember if this has been discussed but after the wedding robbery, before she left he said he got what he wanted so she can go. What exactly did he want?

Part of me says it's about her talking to TE and gaining new perspective and hope and then guiding her to find Jing. However, at the back of my mind does what he truly want to know is his place in her heart and thus the question and her leaving after the question.

I don't believe for one second it was the supplies even though at a superficial level it may imply that.

The main objective of the robbery is to prevent her from marrying unsuitable guy. Then destroyed her reputation so that later only someone who really loved and cared for her would like to marry her. No more political marriage . 

About 1 month stay in QS town:

i think he just wanted to give her enough time to settle down, sort out her emotion and ready to face the life ahead. 

maybe he also wanted het to see Tian Er’s life. However he could not control what Tian Er would tell her. Learning that Chuan Xi and Tian Er  had a happy life would bring her some motivation. 

He also could see her reaction and attitude to XL when FFB wasn’t there anymore and that they could part away from each other. He knew from the drinking and questioning event that she was still willing to get married to YSQ. He gave her reason to see Jing.

Last, maybe he just desiresd a bit of time to be with her. That would be the last chance for him to be next to her.

About the note and the crystal ball, I can't check it right now, but if I remember correctly the note said something like "please accept it with a smile". I don't know how does it sound în chinese, but to me this sounds more like a plea to accept the ball / its wish, as in please don't reject me,  rather than please accept the ball as the last poison I will make for you.

Also, about her stay în QS Town, there's that dream she had, when she dreamed about Jing, but when she opened up her eyes, all she could see was white. I am really not sure what to make of this, but I am certain there is a meaning behind it. 


About the note and the crystal ball, I can't check it right now, but if I remember correctly the note said something like "please accept it with a smile". I don't know how does it sound în chinese, but to me this sounds more like a plea to accept the ball / its wish, as in please don't reject me,  rather than please accept the ball as the last poison I will make for you.

my translation said “ i will get married in 2 months. this is the last gift for you. Please accept it”


my translation said “ i will get married in 2 months. this is the last gift for you. Please accept it”

Yea, I think koala's translation is the same. I don't belive it's too important, but the way I see it, the note is both an ultimatum and a plea for him to accept the offer of the ball. 

Xiao Yao giggled and assured him “Being heart connected isn’t all that intimate. At most Xiang Liu feels some of my pain whereas I feel nothing from him. This doesn’t count as having our hearts as one.”

Xiao Yao really is a master at willful ignorance and self-deception. At this point, she was already aware that the reason she couldn't feel anything from Xiang Liu was because he was suppressing that side of the connection. And being heart connected is not intimate???? What is she smoking and where can I get some, 'cause that stuff is potent?

Actually Jing wasn’t bothered by the hearts connected, he was worried about the life being linked. This worry was something he couldn’t discuss with Xiao Yao so he continued to let her assume he was bothered by their emotional ties.

Xiao Yao and Jing's differing concerns about the Lovers Bugs connection remind me of studies that suggested that men are more bothered by physical/sexual cheating, whereas women are more concerned about emotional cheating. Jing is OK with Xiao Yao's emotional connection with Xiang Liu as long as he (Jing) can physically have her; Xiao Yao is more concerned about Jing being upset about the emotional connection between her and XL.