Chapter 16: FFB- XY

The two of them arrived at the entrance to the gambling den and Fang Feng Bei took off his mask. When they stepped outside it was already dark out and Xiao Yao took a deep breath of the crisp air.

She said “I really want to know what you said to him.”

Fang Feng Bei laughed “If you hug me too, then I’ll tell you. Your beauty scheme was no use on him, but it’ll work on me.”

Xiao Yao stomped her foot “Forget it!”

She huffed off angrily and Fang Feng Bei followed behind her “Fine, I’ll tell you.”

“I don’t want to know anymore!”


“Don’t want to know!”

Fang Feng Bei grabbed her arm and tried to placate her “But I want to tell you, can you please hear it.”

Xiao Yao controlled the smile at the corner of her lips “How are you going to beg me to listen?”

“I hug you once? I’m willing to use my handsome man wiles on you.”

Xiao Yao was angry and amused and shoved him “Fang Feng Bei, you’re toying with me!”

Fang Feng Bei laughed and held onto her arm “I told him that I was once a slave in the death battle matches, yet I survived.”

Xiao Yao stood still and stared in anger “You lied to him!”

Fang Feng Bei smiled “Hope is but a lie.”

Xiao Yao’s anger dissipated but she shook her head “He is locked in a cage but he’s a very smart beast. He wouldn’t have believed you that easily. What else did you do?”

“I used the code word that only the slaves in the death match battle arenas would know.”

Chapter 38 - Jing -XY

Xiao Yao was so exasperated and yelled “I heard that before the Young Master of Qing Qiu was so quick witted and glib, I just thought they were all being mean to you! Now I totally regret it but its not because Feng Long has unlimited potential but because you’re a super meanie!”

Jing scooted next to Xiao Yao “What would make me a nice guy then? I let you hit me?”

Xiao Yao lifted her head and huffed “I don’t feel like it anymore!”

Jing stuck his head in front of Xiao Yao “How about hit me twice?”

“Humph!” Xiao Yao turned her head again.

“Three times?”

The Yellow Emperor’s laughter rang out and Xiao Yao and Jing quickly moved apart a few inches. The Yellow Emperor lightly coughed and said “I came to get a drink of water, you two continue on teasing each other.”

“Who’s teasing with him! He’s being mean to me!” Xiao Yao’s face was bright red as she ran to pour a cup of water to hand to the Yellow Emperor.

So, FFB flirted and wanted to grab intimate manner with XY while Jing wanted to be dominated by XY

So, FFB flirted and wanted to grab intimate manner with XY while Jing wanted to be dominated by XY

Very true. I don't remember Fangfeng Bei ever offering to be hit by Xiao Yao. If anything, he is very good at disarming her. Her conviction that he and Xiang Liu are two different people could not be any more wrong, though I certainly can see why she came to that conclusion.

Incidentally Fangfeng Bei spoke to Left Ear using the special language only known to the slaves of the death match arena. It was not just a code word.

Were they aware of the 15-year promise thing?

I can't imagine any of Xiao Yao's family members could look at the position that Jing placed Xiao Yao in - as the other woman (and she willingly went along with it) and think highly of him. This is not the conduct of an "honourable man".

I don't think anyone else awared of that 15-year promise. CX asked XY once about why Jing sent 15 bottles everytime, is there any hiden code behind. 

A few boxes were placed before Xiao Yao and Zhuan Xu said “That Tu Shan Jing has gone crazy!”

He opened the boxes and inside contained one hundred and five bottles of wine. From when she and Zhuan Xu arrived in the Middle Plains, it had been exactly one hundred and five days.

The first day they arrived, Jing asked to see her. But Xiao Yao needed to helped Zhuan Xu detox so she declined until she had time to see him.

Jing was very obedient and never asked to see her again. Only every fifteen days, he would send a box of plum wine exactly in the amount of the days that passed.

In the past, Xiao Yao could drink all this wine. But she was helping Zhuan Xu detox so she didn’t dare drink. She put it all away and now the wine cellar had hundred of bottles.

Zhuan Xu took out a bottle “What kind of promise involves fifteen between you two? I notice Jing likes to play with fifteen as if reminding you of something.”

Xiao Yao opened a bottle and gulped it “A few months of no wine, I sure miss it.”

Zhuan Xu played with the bottle in his hand and casually said “Missing wine is fine, don’t miss the person.”

Xiao Yao made a face at him “Send word for me that I can see him now.”

Zhuan Xu stared at the bottle in his hand and his lips were pressed in a tight line. (Chapter 18)

CX had never liked Jing. Since the beginning he already detected Jing's sneakiness, manipulativeness. He didn't Jing since Jing didn't clear up FFYY before approaching XY. XY and Jing had date in obscure places. He was not compatible with moral obliquity. Later, XY had certain feeling for Jing, CX was also jelous with Jing. And when Jing's betray cause a big blow for her, CX really hate Jing since he made her heartbroken and sorrowful. Another reason CX didn't like Jing is he thought Jing was weak, just using his money to approach XY and Jing had no ability to protect her.

One more thing... about the sea blue spider web... he really wants to replace XL, but in a manipulative way, like the fairy tale of a butterfly trapped in a spider web... scary!

CX had never liked Jing. Since the beginning he already detected Jing's sneakiness, manipulativeness. He didn't Jing since Jing didn't clear up FFYY before approaching XY. XY and Jing had date in obscure places. He was not compatible with moral obliquity. Later, XY had certain feeling for Jing, CX was also jelous with Jing. And when Jing's betray cause a big blow for her, CX really hate Jing since he made her heartbroken and sorrowful. Another reason CX didn't like Jing is he thought Jing was weak, just using his money to approach XY and Jing had no ability to protect her.

One more thing... about the sea blue spider web... he really wants to replace XL, but in a manipulative way, like the fairy tale of a butterfly trapped in a spider web... scary!

Yes, I agree with everything you guys are saying. Most of Cang Xuan's reasons for disliking Jing are the same reasons why I dislike him.

The parallels.... First that fox who imprisoned XY when she was a kid and now the spider..... Such a sneaky and manipulative person....


13-5-31 來自微博


Apart from the words above, Tonghua also added this image to her post

note: When the second book was released, it only printed XL and xy pictures. Then Tonghua also posted it on Weibo. I think this is one of Tonghua's clues.
Those who don't want to admit it say the reason Tonghua posts/only prints XL and xy pictures is just because XL is Tonghua's favorite character..but I don't think that's the reason.


13-3-15 來自微訪談


@26度-晴:向@桐華tonghua 提問: #長相思#雖然這裡談的是長相思,可是我還是忍不住要問,孟鈀是真的死了嗎?雲中歌看了好多遍,真的好希望陵哥哥是假死或孟鈀只是掉進了河裡,這樣的話雲歌就不是一個人了進入本場微訪談

Note : Meng Jue and Xiang Liu died from thousands of arrows piercing their hearts, and neither of them had any bones. The news of their death was told by a third person.
Tonghua Weibo said that Meng Jue didn’t know whether he was dead or alive. Well...
there is always hope.


13-5-31 來自微博

In Tong Hua's post dated 31 Mar 2013, the text accompanying the Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao poster in Vol 2 is quoted from the novel:

小夭默默看着漫天烟花。青丘此刻想必也是如此美丽,璟大概搀扶着奶奶,和众人一起看着缤纷绚烂、漫天绽放的烟花;而清水镇外的茫茫大山中,应该是黑暗的,萧瑟寒风中,士兵们围着篝火,就着粗劣的烈酒,唱一曲故国的歌谣。相柳大概一身雪白的衣,陪着洪江  ,默默地穿行在黑暗中,从一个营地巡逻到另一个营地。

Xiao Yao quietly watched the fireworks all over the sky. It must be just as beautiful right now in Qingqiu. Jing likely had his arm around his grandmother as they watched the colourful, glorious fireworks exploding all over the sky along with everyone else. Meanwhile, it should be dark in the vast mountains outside of Qingshui town, with soldiers huddled around the bonfire in the bleak cold wind, drinking coarse wine as they sang songs of their motherland. Xiang Liu was likely all dressed in white, accompanying Hong Jiang as they walked in the darkness, making their rounds from one encampment to the next.

-- Vol 2 Ch4  (Chapter 21)

I remember the equivalent scene in the drama had Xiang Liu drinking alone apart from the soldiers, his lonely figure contrasting sharply as always with the joyous New Year celebrations that went on everywhere else - Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan in the Middle Plains, Jing and his family in Qingqiu.


13-3-15 來自微訪談


@26度-晴:向@桐華tonghua 提問: #長相思#雖然這裡談的是長相思,可是我還是忍不住要問,孟鈀是真的死了嗎?雲中歌看了好多遍,真的好希望陵哥哥是假死或孟鈀只是掉進了河裡,這樣的話雲歌就不是一個人了進入本場微訪談

This post dated 15 Mar 2013 is actually part of a Q&A:

Q: Although we are discussing Lost You Forever here, I cannot help but ask whether Meng Jue is really dead? I have read Song in the Clouds many times and really wish that Ling gege faked his death, or Meng Jue only fell into the river. This way, Yun Ge would not be alone.
TH: I don't know.... I also hope that he is alive, and could meet him again in the pugilistic world many years later.

I really wish this were true too. Unfortunately, unless Tong Hua ever revisits the universe and gives us the 4th novel, we have no hope of Xiang Liu surviving. Not to mention he disintegrated into a pool of black blood before everyone's eyes.

@liddi,I really wish this were true too.









I highly doubt Tonghua will ever revisits this universe, I belive she is quite content with how the public reacted to the story and all the controversy that followed, but oh well.  There are many things left unspoken and that's why it's hard to get some closure out of it, but it is what it is and unless Tong hua comes out and explain these things herself we will probably never know her real intentions, but as I said, I highly doubt this will ever happen. 

For her to say lyf has a happy ending is like saying CX never wished for XY to stay by his side forever, XY never loved XL nor XL ever loved her, AhNian was content to keep carrying on as XY's substitute in CX's life and Jing was happy to end up as XY's companion.  IMO none of these characters got to live their love, I know Tonghua said that love îs not everything that matters în life, but at the end of the day LYF is still a romance story and for many of its readers love does matter the most, so to quote XY -  what bullshit best ending, did they really do themselves right?  I personally really wish they would have fought more for love too. 

Oh yes, I know Jingers belive XY and Jing got their happy ending, but let's be serious, none of the characters achieved their goals without losing love on the road, should I actually belive Tonghua made an exception for them? She herself labeled Jing as a companion and XL as the soulmate throughout the book, idk în which universe companion weights more than soulmate. 

For her to say lyf has a happy ending is like saying

Did she say LYF has a happy ending?  I know she said it wasn't a tragedy, which isn't the same thing as a happy ending.

I know Tonghua said that love îs not everything that matters în life, but at the end of the day LYF is still a romance story and for many of its readers love does matter the most,

Is it a romance story, though?  Yes, it's a story with a romance element, but I don't think if it was a regular romance story with a happy ending, people would still be talking about it.

I personally really wish they would have fought more for love too.

I also wish for this.  It is one of the things I struggle with repeatedly.  I so wish that XY could be less afraid and fight for love.  But that's not the character as she was written.

Oh yes, I know Jingers belive XY and Jing got their happy ending, but let's be serious, none of the characters achieved their goals without losing love on the road, should I actually belive Tonghua made an exception for them? She herself labeled Jing as a companion and XL as the soulmate throughout the book, idk în which universe companion weights more than soulmate.

Exactly.  Is it really a happy ending when you've erased every bit of your life and identity and power, only to be a powerless companion for a woman who will always have another man imprinted on her eyes?

 AH :
I wonder if a parallel can be drawn with XL here?

True Form / Hated Form / Monster Form

They both tried to reassure / comfort each other when their true forms were revealed.  XY when he had to revert to his 9 headed form to save them underwater.  XL when XY learned about her true father.

 AH :
When XY first encountered FFB and wondered if he was XL, she was disappointed at the thought that she might have seen one of XL's many false faces instead of XL's true face. She wonders if XL might be someone like her, a person who wants to have a true self and a person who isn't interested in false transformations.

Not sure about this, but it reminds me of when XL was trying to get XY to admit to being a woman in the hot spring after she was wounded when she stepped between XL and CX.  And when XY tried to make a joke about it, XL gave up and said he wasn't interested in her fake body.  I always thought that this was an odd thing for a shape shifter to say, and a missed opportunity for XL ... but seen in context of your observation ... it makes more sense.


"Did she say LYF has a happy ending?  I know she said it wasn't a tragedy, which isn't the same thing as a happy ending."

Oh perhaps, I don't recall her exact words, so I think you are right. Yes, it is a difference between saying it has a happy ending and it's not a tragedy, lyf has a little bit of both I guess, altough the way I see it I am not sure that the gains outweight the losses. 

"Is it a romance story, though?  Yes, it's a story with a romance element"

 Well for Tonghua i think it is more than a romance story, but let's be honest, most readers and viewers are drawn to this story because of the romance. I personally didn't really care much about who gets to rule the world or about the traumas that each character had. The politics are TH's weakest link IMO and the choices they made out of fear have their purpose up to a point. I personally wanted to see how these characters fight their fears, go against the flow, but instead they all reached a point where they got what they wanted, but gain nothing worth living for. Or în other words be careful what you wish for because you might get it. 

"I so wish that XY could be less afraid and fight for love"

I know you don't agree with my take, but as I said before, I personally belive XY did try at one point to fight for love, but XL kept cutting her wings. Sure she could have done more, I wish she would have done more, go against everyone and everything, XL would probably still rejected her, but be ambitious for once. She kept saying her biggest fear is to be abandoned by the people she loves, but all I could see is her giving up on herself for the people that loved her. Couldn't she be selfish for once? She wanted someone to put her first, but she herself wasn't able to do that. Yes, her romance with XL would have been doomed, but at least I'd have seen her becoming true to herself. Ending up with Jing as a companion is unfair for both of them. But idk, for me love is important. 


For her to say lyf has a happy ending is like saying CX never wished for XY to stay by his side forever, XY never loved XL nor XL ever loved her.

I watched in a reel, where Yang Zi said that, Xiao Yao never LOVE  Xiang Liu.... 

Really...And now  I have to believe it.... 

I just want to clarify  because I'm a bit confused about what you are saying here.

Are you saying that it can't be true for Tong Hua to say that LYF has a happy  ending, because the ending is not a happy one?

As for Yang Zi. She's also a reader of the novel, just because she plays Xiao Yao, that doesn't means that her interpretation is definitive or "correct". 

What's it that you think you have to believe? That Xiao Yao loves Xiang Liu? 


For her to say lyf has a happy ending is like saying CX never wished for XY to stay by his side forever, XY never loved XL nor XL ever loved her.

I watched in a reel, where Yang Zi said that, Xiao Yao never LOVE  Xiang Liu.... 

Really...And now  I have to believe it.... 

I really doubt YANGZI said that, perhaps it was something taken out of  context, do you have the link to the reel? 

If she didn't love XL, then the lovers bugs would had kill them. It is obvious you are a Jing fan and that's perfectly fine, but I can't help but wonder why do Jingers always forget or minimize the bugs, they are quite an important part of the story after all.