Introduction of electronic books by tonghua in 2019

长相思 2


何谓相思?思而不得,最相思。 相爱是两个人的天长地久,相思却是一个人的地老天荒。 《长相思 2:诉衷情》 最好的年华,总在不懂得珍惜前就已消逝;最深爱的人,却在来不及用心前悄然远离。在等待中错过,在失去时追悔,却不知失去的便不再有,错过的就再也无法找回。爱情也许经得住生死分离的考验,却敌不过信任的阻隔。小夭和玱玹终其一生彼此视若生命,但他们该如何在几方势力的夹层中求得生存,玱玹在面对一次次的抉择之时又将小夭置于何地?璟和小夭又如何在重重阻隔下守护相守的诺言,如何面对万般阻拦仍能坚持初心不变?相柳又是如何一次又一次在危急关头救小夭于水火,又为何一次次用冷硬的面孔武装自己,小夭看到的一切都是真的吗?一切自有答案。

Sauvignon Blanc 2
Tong Hua

What is lovesickness? Thinking but not realizing is the most lovesickness. Falling in love lasts forever for two people, but missing each other lasts forever. "Sauvignon Blanc 2: Confession of Heartfelt Love" The best years always pass before you know how to cherish them; the person you love the most quietly leaves before you have time to take care of it. Missed while waiting, regretted when lost, but did not know that what was lost is no longer there, and what was missed can never be found again. Love may withstand the test of separation between life and death, but it cannot withstand the barrier of trust. Xiaoyao and Xuanxuan have regarded each other as their own life throughout their lives, but how can they survive among several forces? Where will Xuanxuan put Xiaoyao when faced with choices again and again? How can Jing and Xiaoyao keep their promise to each other despite numerous obstacles, and how can they remain true to their original aspirations in the face of all obstacles? How did Xiang Liu save Xiaoyao from fire and water in critical moments again and again, and why did he arm himself with a cold face again and again? Is everything Xiaoyao saw true? Everything has its own answer.

Almost the same as the introduction of the e-book in 2013, only the last sentence was changed from how to choose the right person and the person you love, to whether what xiaoyao saw was true?

No. I meant it says literally "grass snake dust line" but I translated what the term represents. Sorry if I am confusing everyone ?

EDIT: Not sure why emojis don't show up on my post except in edits. One of the mysteries of life.

Thank you for the clarification, liddi.

Emojis have not been working for a while for me. They show up when you compose and when you go back to edit, but not in the actual post.

No idea who wrote the introduction to the novel, but it is definitely a blatant hint to readers to read between the lines, and not take everything at mere face value. The real question where do we draw the line between what is truly hidden in plain sight, and pure flights of fantasy. Not for the first time, I wish Tong Hua would clobber us over the head with exactly what she was trying to hint, which would certainly put a stop to all the fan wars... or not?

I am glad that we get some kind of "official" confirmation that the story is not simple like some people would claim, that Tong Hua is playing with real/unreal in the way that she writes - much like the theme of Dream of The Red Chamber, an apparent writing inspiration for her. As to how far we take the analysis. It's a case of YMMV, isn't it? As long as we're not imposing our head cannon on others, I say analyze away.

And I doubt anything will put an end to the fan wars. Some have straight up refused to entertain the idea that Tong Hua is being "sneaky" in her writing. People will believe what conforms to their already established view - confirmation bias is a real thing.

However, Yang Zi did not say that Xiao Yao never loved Xiang Liu. What she said was that she never knew how much Xiang Liu loved her, and that they were aware from the start that their opposing stance meant they were fated not to be able to be with each other.

The following is a quick transcript from 14:42mins onwards focused on Xiang Liu topics:

Thanks for translating this liddi! ❤️

I always wanted to know what Yang Zi said in this interview. I saw clips of this on Twitter but never the full translation.


Thank you for explaining it.
There is no doubt that LYF is almost the same as Dream of the Red Chamber in its writing technique. Tonghua admits herself that she imitated it.

I agree. It is heartbreaking. And it applies not just to unrequited love, but the irrevocable loss of the loved one, with no hope of ever seeing or hearing them again.

And this is pretty much Xiao Yao at the end of Lost You Forever, isn't it? With Cang Xuan, there is at least hope of being able to see Xiao Yao again. But Xiao Yao will never see Xiang Liu again, she will never hear his voice again, and she will never get the chance to express her feelings to him. Not only will she have to suffer from the pain of unending yearning, she will also suffer from the regret of the words that were left unsaid. That regret is going to torment her for years to come. 

Tong Hua is cruel to Xiao Yao. She didn't want to give Xiao Yao the same ending as her parents, but is this ending actually better?

The FTF is also reprentaive for XY’s knotted heart towards her real parents. She undertood White Emperor but she still had hatred to her mother and Chi You. it was only when she met her mother, seeing her father’s love and ahe understood her parents, then Shao Hao took it out. It is symbolic for removing all the knot in her heart of feelings abandoned.

I really like this symbolic take on the Face Transforming Flower. It goes with my little analysis. Could I add it to my analysis of Xiao Yao's healing journey? Will give you full credit of course.

@liddi...^^please correct me if wrong..


Your explanation is correct. I looked up the flower language of hibiscus and sweet-scented osmanthus, and it turns out there is a difference between the two. Hibiscus flowers symbolize perseverance, perseverance, courage and eternal love. Osmanthus is another name for Osmanthus, which symbolizes friendship, victory, loyalty and friendship and is often given as a gift to friends. Comparing the two, the meaning can be said to be very clear. He loved the smell of herbs when he was still in elementary school. After practicing archery, a hibiscus flower suddenly appeared. Combined with willow hair dye, hibiscus leaves were used to wash hair in ancient times and buried deeply. Readers must do their own digging until their hearts, traumatized by the ending, are at peace.


I really like this symbolic take on the Face Transforming Flower. It goes with my little analysis. Could I add it to my analysis of Xiao Yao's healing journey? Will give you full credit of course

Just go ahead. i look forward to your analysis 

Thanks for translating this liddi! ❤️

I always wanted to know what Yang Zi said in this interview. I saw clips of this on Twitter but never the full translation.

You're welcome! It was a very quick transcript, so I might revisit later in case I missed out anything but I think the gist of what was said is pretty much there.

But Xiao Yao will never see Xiang Liu again, she will never hear his voice again, and she will never get the chance to express her feelings to him. Not only will she have to suffer from the pain of unending yearning, she will also suffer from the regret of the words that were left unsaid. That regret is going to torment her for years to come. 

That is based on her not even knowing the full extent of what he really did for her. If she ever found the crystal globe tucked away inside the big-bellied doll, how much more pain will she have to endure. And something Xiang Liu tried his best to shield her from, so as to minimise her grief.

And I doubt anything will put an end to the fan wars. Some have straight up refused to entertain the idea that Tong Hua is being "sneaky" in her writing. People will believe what conforms to their already established view - confirmation bias is a real thing.

Unfortunately true. One can always hope for a miracle.

Thank you very much for sharing the parallels of Zhen Shi Yin's family in Dream of the Red Chamber. The  same "snake in the grass, lines on dust" technique, also referenced in the introduction to Lost You Forever, is confirmation that there is more to the story than meets the naked eye.

it is during Yang Zi's live broadcast "Xiao Yao's tea gathering"

This live has any link with  eng subtitle..???


That is based on her not even knowing the full extent of what he really did for her. If she ever found the crystal globe tucked away inside the big-bellied doll, how much more pain will she have to endure. And something Xiang Liu tried his best to shield her from, so as to minimise her grief.

i hope when she settled down, she would felt curious and wonder why a low spiritual power person like her could play with the big belly doll comfortably.  Fuxang wood had strong fire nature. There must be water element somewhere to balance, inhibit the fire element of Fu xang wood


it is during Yang Zi's live broadcast "Xiao Yao's tea gathering"

This live has any link with  eng subtitle..???

The link I provided does not have any subtitles. I have done my best to transcribe what I see are relevant Xiang Liu points.


The link I provided does not have any subtitles. I have done my best to transcribe what I see are relevant Xiang Liu points.

Thanks a million for [email protected] 

@liddi...^^please correct me if wrong..


This is my version:

Your interpretation is correct. I just looked up the flower language of hibiscus (木槿花) and osmanthus (木樨花), and it turns out that there is indeed a difference between the two. Hibiscus represents resilience, steadfastness, courage and the eternity of love. Osmanthus (also known as 桂花), represents companionship, victory, loyalty and stedfastness and friendship, and is often given to friends. When comparing the two, the implied meaning can be said to be very obvious. When she was Xiao Liu, she loved the fragrance of medicinal herbs. After her archery lessons, hibiscus flowers suddenly appeared. Combine the fact that Xiang Liu dyed his hair, with hibiscus leaves could be used to wash hair in ancient times, [the meaning] is very deeply buried. Readers should dig [the hidden details] for themselves until they are able to find some modicum of comfort for the heart which is traumatised by the ending.

Thank you, liddi, for the translation. I belive she also said in a different interview that if she knew how XL felt, the ending might  have been different or something like this. 



That is based on her not even knowing the full extent of what he really did for her. If she ever found the crystal globe tucked away inside the big-bellied doll, how much more pain will she have to endure. And something Xiang Liu tried his best to shield her from, so as to minimise her grief.

i hope when she settled down, she would felt curious and wonder why a low spiritual power person like her could play with the big belly doll comfortably.  Fuxang wood had strong fire nature. There must be water element somewhere to balance, inhibit the fire element of Fu xang wood

As readers, we wish for her to know the truth, because it assuages our pain if only a little. But for Xiang Liu, that would mean, as Sir Bi said, destroying all that he had carefully planned and given his lives for. He had gone to his death, at peace that everything he did set out to do for the woman he loved came to fruition, and she was now secure in every aspect he meticulously prepared for her. Was it then fair to Xiao Yao, having to live with the regrets for the rest of her life, when his last wish for her was to have a lifetime of carefree peace and happiness? I don't know...