
So I have read through that scene in Chapter 32. This was the one where Xiang Liu warned Xiao Yao about revealing his identity, right?  And as a warning he caused her to experience pain? Given the context, I think that it's possible that it was actual physical pain that Xiang Liu was inducing. I'm thinking about Xiang Liu saying that a powerful Voodoo master can control poisonous bugs to kill someone miles away. Given Xiang Liu's ability and the way that he's able to control their shared Bugs, I think it's possible for him to control it to cause physical pain. 

i think that pain differently. This is a pair of bug with equal strength ( male and female bug). It is not mother- child typed bug that the one who raised mother bug can control the child- bug thus influenced the host.

i don’t think XL could control her bug . He could only control his own bug. Thus, he had to suffer the same pain in order to make her hurt. 

How did he generate that heart pain? there are 2 options:

1. that is his own pain due to losing her. He normally blocked the pain transfer ( suppressed his bug to send signal to XY’s bug—> her bug re-generate the pain). But at that moment he did not do so.

2. He made the bug to  bite back by having thought of “changing heart, stop loving”

the pain that XY suffered is very similar to her pain and reaction when she heard of XL’s death, meaning losing him forever 

You guys are being too hard on Jing, don't you think?

Lol I mean cut him some slack

I know he cant compare to our white haired god , but still ...

Having a partner who defer to you on every decision can look romantic at the beginning but it’ll going to be annoying in long term imo. Imagine having to constantly answering to questions like: what do you want to eat dear, what should we do now dear, where are we going now dear? Do you want to stay here longer or should we continue our journey tomorrow dear, etc =/. It’ll drive me bonkers in no time LOL.

I feel like Jing is the type of man that young girls/women with minimal experience, still highly romantic would find attractive. He can woo you with his zither playing (the ancient version of a guitar), poetry readings and all the gentlemanly "gallant" gestures like catching the candle wax for you while you sleep (just moved the damn candle, you fool). It's all very romantic, but all very impractical. They are definitely nice things to have, but they need to be part of something more substantial. Deferring to your wishes may seem highly considerate at first, but as the reality of day-to-day living creeps in, and all the decisions fall on you, it won't be so romantic anymore. If he doesn't have an opinion or won't make any decisions while you're dating; he won't miraculously develop these abilities after. Don't be fooled, ladies.

And we haven‘t even dive onto how tiring and scary it can be psychologically to have your partner attaches/ties his whole existence and self worth on you. When you angry with him, it‘ll feel like you kick a puppy and you‘ll feel guilty, it‘ll mess up with your head in the long run as well, as you don‘t don‘t feel like you can be angry or dissatisfied with your partner when he‘s been so accommodating and self sacrificing.

For someone with Xiao Yao's issues, these things are probably really reassuring and wonderful. For other people, it's incredibly suffocating. The burden and responsibility of being someone's reason for being are immense. Their self-sacrificing martyrdom will leave you feeling horribly trapped and frustrated because as you point out, you feel that you can't be angry or dissatisfied with them. These things can easily turn into manipulation and control tactics.


You guys are being too hard on Jing, don't you think?

No, not really :)


You guys are being too hard on Jing, don't you think?


He’s a fool.

And he ain’t real. Just words on a page. Or rather, hanzi on a page.

Thank goodness.

Pity that Xiang Liu also isn’t real. Because if he was…


i don’t think XL could control her bug . He could only control his own bug. Thus, he bad to suffer the same pain in order to make her hurt. 

I think so too. I think the bugs were biting him because he was letting XY go. This kind of matches with what was shown in drama with XL, XY and Jing on the beach. 

"I think it's possible for the Lovers Bugs to attack if they sense the host has "a change of heart" - be it falling out of love with the other person, falling in love with another person or deliberate rejection of the love that they feel for their Bugs' partner. I see the Lovers Bugs as parasites and the romantic love between the hosts as the food that they need to survive. " 

I think what HeadInTheClouds said about the bugs being parasites feeding on love makes sense. If this is the case, these bugs sound possessive; even letting go out of selfless love makes these bugs attack. Chapter 43 is my biggest reason for not being aligned on the "loving both people" theory. But the nature of these bugs also do not sound very conducive to this theory. 

@windiaaa041293 I think @H19279's translation should give you a good idea of the article.

In addition, the author clearly used black shaddow/reflection [1]

The text "晴为黛影 Qing is Dai's shadow/reflection" is a reference to Dream of the Red Chambers - a comparison between 晴雯 Qingwen (Jia Baoyu's maid) and 林玉 Lin Daiyu. There are several schools of thoughts. While Qingwen is said to be somewhat similar to Lin Daiyu in appearance, there are scholars who say that the comparison emphasises more on their dissimilarities and their unique traits. In addition, the author uses the writing technique of using one character to allude to another. For example Lin Daiyu's face changed when she read the lament about their lack of fate in the poem Jia Baoyu wrote in memory of Qingwen who died tragically. This would be a foreshadowing of Lin Daiyu's own fate, who would die of illness on the day Jia Baoyu was tricked into getting married to someone else. 

there are scholars who say that the comparison emphasises more on their dissimilarities and their unique traits.

That makes sense as a reflection often reverses the person looking into the mirror.  The idea of mirror reflections and shadow selves is universal and one of my favorites, though it is often used with the protagonist and antagonist.


You guys are being too hard on Jing, don't you think?


Lol I mean cut him some slack

The Fox roasting is usually minimal in this thread.  The other one, however ....  O_O


I know he cant compare to our white haired god , but still ...

Nothing compares to our Supreme Lord Xiang Liu, Hydra of Sexual Tension.  ;p

I think so too. I think the bugs were biting him because he was letting XY go. This kind of matches with what was shown in drama with XL, XY and Jing on the beach.

I don't know.  I don't think XL ever let go of his love for XY.  The only thing he let go is his chance to have a future WITH her.

Speaking of the bugs and them feeding ... which I'm not sure of, but they are definitely multiplying from what someone posted from the novel when XL killed them.  I posted this in the season 2 gallery, and just realized it also showed all the bugs floating in the lake -- as well as XL missing one head.

I don't know.  I don't think XL ever let go of his love for XY

with regard to the event in chapter 32 when he threatened her not to reveal he was FFB, he could trick the bug to bite back, creating heart attack to XY. When he stopped it (meaning thinking of "changing his heart"), the pain was over. At this point, he was determined that there was no future for both of them together. 


I don't know.  I don't think XL ever let go of his love for XY.  The only thing he let go is his chance to have a future WITH her.

Speaking of the bugs and them feeding ... which I'm not sure of, but they are definitely multiplying from what someone posted from the novel when XL killed them.  I posted this in the season 2 gallery, and just realized it also showed all the bugs floating in the lake -- as well as XL missing one head.

The leaked script describes it thus:

XL: Silly girl, to even dare to recklessly plant the lovers bug that connects hearts and lives! "The sycamore trees on the ground will grow old intertwined, the mythical jian bird in the sky will not fly alone, the mandarin ducks in the water will die together." The lovers bug connects our hearts and lives, and is impossible to remove. Back then, I was able to remove the bug from Cang Xuan only because he did not willingly accept the bug, so you never properly plant the bug in him in the first place. I however, was wholeheartedly willing, and allowed you to properly plant it in me. You kept asking me to remove the bug and I kept telling you it was not possible. You never believed me, but I was not lying. I really cannot remove it.

Using his finger as a knife, Xiang Liu slashed two cuts on Xiao Yao and his own palms.

XL: I may not be able to remove the bug, but I can kill it (sly smile) Don't blame me for deceiving you. Who told you to only ask me whether I could remove the bug, but never asked whether I could kill it.

With a smile, Xiang Liu held Xiao Yao's two hands in his. Their palms were joined, blood and flesh intermingling and Xiang Liu began to chant the bug spell. As he chanted, glowing lights emerged from their bodies like countless fireflies flying around them. There were fireflies all over the night sky and the lake surface. The lights on the surface of the water, and the reflection beneath complemented each other perfectly, what was real mixed with what was not. It seemed that lights covered the sky and the depths of the water, as mesmerising as a dream.

From behind Xiang Liu emerged the reflection of the nine-headed demon's true form, except there were only eight heads left, one life having been sacrificed to save Xiao Yao years ago. A razor sharp dagger made of ice appeared in Xiang Liu's hand. Ruthlessly, he stabbed the dagger into his own heart, and one of his heads disappeared in agony. Xiang Liu pulled out the dagger and blood gushed forth from the wound, spilling on to the seashell and Xiao Yao's body. His seven-headed form was visibly weakened.

I don't know.  I don't think XL ever let go of his love for XY.  The only thing he let go is his chance to have a future WITH her.

Yes, I did not mean he let go of the love. He was being selfless and was letting XY go even when he still had love in his heart.