
I read several articles about Lovers gu in eps 19.When xiaoyao said that xiangliu was not suitable to enter her dream.He was ready to give up the idea of fulfilling it, so the Lover's Gu sensed the performance of opposing it. He immediately suppressed it. What the lover wanted was to be single-minded. If it was to bite back, both of them would die suddenly.

Thank you, liddi, for your interpretation, mine is the same, but I am conflicted on what to belive out of the 2 possible explanations.

I do belive that it is possible for some people to think that they are torn between 2 people at the same time, however I don't belive that someone can love 2 people in the same way, at the same time. What makes a big difference to me, aside from the bugs and the way TH chose to describe XY-XL scenes compared to the Jing-XY's ones is the fact that they didn't get to consume their wedding night. I do belive that they will get to that eventually, I mean I personally belive that with XL's death, XY is left beliving that he either never loved her that much, either that his wish for her is to make the best out of life, but up until we turn the last page I belive XL to be her true and only love in the novel. 

I concur. I don't believe Xiao Yao loves Jing and Xiang Liu the same way, and this applies to the intensity of that love. I am of the opinion her love for Xiang Liu is one that is involuntary - she loves him despite logically knowing that to love someone like Xiang Liu, who is an enemy of her family, who could die anytime in battle, is something she does not want, because she places herself squarely in the situation where she is at risk again of being abandoned. I see her reasons for refusing to let him pass air to her as twofold - the first and foremost is because she was afraid that should that happen, she was at very real risk of falling irrevocably for him, and that would mean going through a fate worse than death, living day by day in fear that one day, he would leave her and she would be left all alone again. The irony is that her very fears of falling for him were too late, because he had already entered her dreams, for her to have had those fears in the first place. The other is of course the 15-year promise that Jing exacted from her in Dragon Bone prison. Having suffered from broken promises all her life, she herself refuses to break promises she has made. These are all choices she makes soberly, rationally. Yet her love for Xiang Liu is not rational, and it remains unchanging, in spite of it all, and even if she could choose not to act upon it, it would never be erased.

Contrast that with her love for Jing. She went in rationally - testing him at every turn, setting him up to fail even though she knew he was manipulating her with the 15-year promise, and the constant reminders with the 15 bottles of plum wine. She allowed herself to accept his love, knowing that their relationship would not be censured by her family and loved ones, even though there were obstacles in their path, which were overcome one by one. His willingness to accompany her in death finally convinced her that he would never abandon her, that she would be the only person in his world especially when Xiang Liu would always have his loyalty to the Shen Nong army standing in between them; and she allowed herself to entertain the hope of a life with Jing. Hence her devastation when that was taken away from her with his presumed death, because it meant shattered hopes after she dared to allow herself to hope. In every step of her relationship with Jing, she remained calm and measured, weighing the pros and cons, before taking the next step. After Jing proposed, she was in no rush to marry him, and would put it aside to spend another 42 years researching and compiling the medical texts. As such, their relationship always had an underlying hint of sobriety and rationality. 

Long story short. To me, her love for Jing was always a conscious choice, while her love for Xiang Liu was never one she could deny, even if she refuses to admit it, until it was way too late and she was left with unrequited yearning and regrets.

Xiao Yao reminds me of Rose from Titanic. Rose never forgot about Jack just like Xiao Yao will never forget Xiang Liu ❤️ 

Oh, another thing. No one remembers the guy Rose married. But everyone remembers the guy who died tragically. And who happened to be her greatest love :)

You mean he wasn't Mr Rose? lol

But 100% agree. I definitely see the parallels between Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu with Rose and Jake. She would go on to live her life to the fullest as he would have wanted, carrying him with her deep inside her heart through it all.


Only Once Promised

Judging by your comments, do you prefer Once Promised?

I didn't like the way Jing could get XY at the end. He was passive from head to tail. All of his troubles were solved by other people, by God (meaning TH) and by fortune. He didn't fight for what he wanted to achieve. At least CX did try to get XY for himself. The fact XL could save Jing and woke him up just on time seems very superficially forced.

I'm not good at picking up loopholes, but I completely agree with what you said above regarding Jing. Reading this novel the second time, I was baffled by Tong Hua's choices in crafting this character. For the male lead that ultimately ended up with our "heroine", his character was lacklustre and lacked any oomph or standout qualities of a worthy male lead. One part of me thinks that he was not a priority for Tong Hua and he was essentially there so that our female lead could end up with someone because of romance convention. Another part of me thinks that Tong Hua was deliberate in how she wrote Jing. He was essentially a foil to Xiang Liu who she wrote with all the qualities and all the "beats" of the male lead.

If you think about it, what was Jing's standout quality? The fact that he is willing to give up everything for Xiao Yao, therefore meeting the one criterion that she wants in a companion. That was it. As you pointed out, Jing was passive from head to tail and all of the obstacles between him and Xiao Yao were solved by other people. What kind of love story is this where the "male lead" is so ineffective and incompetent? Where the "happy ending" was given to him by the other love interest? Without Xiang Liu, Jing would be dead. Frankly, he was quite pathetic. It makes me wonder if Tong Hia hates Xiao Yao to have her end up with a man like Jing. Or maybe this was Tong Hua's way of emphasizing how Xiao Yao's psychological shortcomings resulted in this poor choice.

IMO, Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao's relationship is the true love story of Lost You Forever. Jing was just the guy that she ended up with because our author didn't have our heroine healed sufficiently from her childhood trauma to stand on her own (and because of romance convention).


Sorry for the late reply. I have been catching up and I think someone mentioned that XY doesn't find out the true nature of the bugs in the drama.

To me that is a big let down and important. As it forces the topic of their hidden love and it's means that there is no reason for her to say she doesn't know they love each other. She just won't acknowledge it, both her feelings and his. The bugs are the key unbiased proof of their mutual love. It's not the same story without the true nature being made explicit.

I hope it's not another one of those we take away from XY-XL relationship to strengthen take XY only lives Jing 

We don't know yet what will happen in the drama. It's just that up to this point, according to the leak script that liddi is reading through, we haven't got any scene of Xiao Yao finding out about the nature of the poisonous bugs. Liddi hasn't finished reading through it yet, I don't think. I shared the same sentiment as you. If they remove that revealed, it's another blow to the YaoLiu's love line.

有情 does not mean "lover". It means either "have feelings" or "have love".

Could these words also be translated as "have romantic interest in/romantic thoughts about"? Usually in the context of romantic interest that is still hidden, has not yet been revealed or acknowledged?


Mmmmm...i see.

may I ask one thing?
during the wedding robbery, after XL asked xy a few questions, the next day xy suddenly forgot what happened last night, xy finally gave up trying to remember.
Is that the result of drinking too much?
Or because of something else?

I think it was implied that it was due to Xiang Liu using his demon power. I read it like he hypnotized her with his power to get her to answer those four questions. Yet, despite the hypnotism she still refused to answer the last one. It goes to show how deep her refusal to face her feelings for Xiang Liu is. So when she woke up the next morning, she didn't remember what happened.

I re-read the poem for chapter 34, thank you again, H19279 for providing the infos. IMO Lu You's talks about XL and Tang Wan about XY.

Lu You’s poem:

Rosy soft hands, good wine with a yellow seal
The city filled with the beauty of spring,
Palace walls lined with willows.
A bitter east wind, and our happiness is cut short.
My mind steeped in sorrow and gloom, years of loneliness
This is wrong, wrong, wrong

Springtime has not changed,
But the futility of our lives has withered her.
She wears rouge ― it’s wet from crying.
She carries a silk handkerchief made by mermaids.
It’s soaked with tears.
Peach blossoms fall, lie idle

On the pond and pavilion.
We still have our sacred promise
But even a love letter is hard to send.
We have nothing, nothing, nothing


Translation of the reply poem by Tang Wan:

The world feels almost nothing,
Yet a single person can feel such hatred.
Flowers fall easily in the evening rain.
The morning wind is dry,
But traces of my tears remain.
I want to write all that’s in my heart,
But I talk to the slanting railing instead.
My life is so difficult, difficult, difficult.

Now each of us is alone,
And today is nothing like yesterday.
My painful soul swings back and forth like a heavy rope.
The horns at dawn sound cold, and the night will end soon.
I’m afraid people will ask why I’m sad.
I pretend to be happy, smiling instead of crying,
My life is all hiding, hiding, hiding

If you think about it, what was Jing's standout quality?

He used to be very smart, very good at business, chess, drawing, musical playing. However, such competence is not useful for his future with XY in the sea. Probably, he could use some for entertaining. By the end of the novel, he had very limited handy experiences, significantly deminished heath. Could he cope with simple life that should be built from scratch in far away island? Could he be the pillar for the familar? I am afraid of NOT. His future life would be attached to XY and her assistants (e.g., Miao Pu and Left Ear). He could just give a hand for the common living. Huh, why do I have a feeling that he would be like a parasite to XY. 

Moreover, did Jing have any memorable events or actions in the novel where his quality standout? No, no, no. 

  • As YSQ, when WXL needed his collaboration to deal with CX and Ah Nian, he run away.
  • As Jing, first he betrayed WXL and "sold" Xiao Liu to CX when he confirmed to be YSQ instead of TSJ in front of CX. And after that trapped XY in the selfish 15 year promise.
  • In the assassination event, when he saw XY died, instead of bringing her out of the maze and tried the best to save her, he just transfered the spiritual power recklessly, without thinking. And then holding her in the fire to die with XY (of course thank to his power transfer, her body was protected). But he was weak and surrendered. While CX and XL tried their best to save XY, he slept for 37 years
  • He was woken up by XY but could not solve his family issues. Instead, he betrayed her, took the role of clan leader, trapped by FFYY and married YY.  All time sorrow. 
  • He hired other person to sabottage XY's wedding (to his best friend - FL). What kind of moral is that?
  • His grandmom died, XY helped him with FFYY-TSH's affair. Then he could be back with XY. 
  • For 42 years of engagement, he was like her pet, domestic assistant. TH even skipped to write anything for most of that time (only mentioned an event 8 years from their engagement but it involved XL)
  • And just before the wedding, he disappeared again for 7 years. He was absence while many important events to XY and others progressed. 
  • At the end he was back, shook his responsibility off and married XY. However, he didn't get a proper wedding night and their marriage was not consumated. 

Throughout the whole novel, his most outstanding status is ILDE. He first appeared in chapter 1 as badly injured person and in the last chapter he disappeared with XY's group as a permemant, handicapped, unhealthy man (due to losing 7 tails and limp issue.)

Where the "happy ending" was given to him by the other love interest? Without Xiang Liu, Jing would be dead. Frankly, he was quite pathetic. It makes me wonder if Tong Hia hates Xiao Yao to have her end up with a man like Jing.

So, all Jing wanted is to be by XY. That was enough to make him "happy". However, would he be loved or just be liked or sympathized by XY? Did XY marry him because she loved him or because she needed him as a companion partner? I fully agree with you and @Liddi about her psychological status until XL's death. Her decision was made under the scare of being abandoned.I had made a brief analysis about XY-Jing relationaship (Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao’s Story and Romance - Page 353 - Lost You Forever - MyDramaList). She had affection to him, but in my opinion, it was not love. The description about XY in the character diagram just says "Her lifelong wish is to have someone who wholeheartedly protects each other for life 相护. In the end, she marries Tushan Jing". No single word about what type of feeling for him. I just rewatched eps 33 when Jing woke up from 37 years of coma. XY was emotionally said "But they all abandoned me for various reason. I'm really very happy that you can't abandon me". And keep in mind that drama XY showed much more feeling, emotion to Jing than the novel XY. LoL. She just needed companionship. What kind of "happy ending" ahead of them. Below is the scenery when they left. 

On the day of parting, the weather was sunny and breezy, and it was officially a day for a long journey.

White Emperor and Ah Nian sent them to the official road, the road is lined with green willows on both sides, many people fold the willows here to say goodbye, and from time to time there is sound of  poignant/mournful flutes and whimpering cries.

Did TH hint a bright future was waiting for them. The atmosphere of the scene is similar to a funeral or sad farewell. This scenery is opposite XL's bright departure moment: 

Xiang Liu looked over at Xiao Yao one last time before flying East towards the rising sun.

As the light rose over the horizon, he left like the wind with his white robe billowing, as magical as an otherworldly being. 

XL was going to his ending - death. But the scenery was bright and his image was so unreal as if he was going to heaven. Who felt really "happy" at the end of the book? CX just simply stepped out of the book with no special signal/scene, although he was the main lead. Maybe his lonely posture sitting by Ah Heng's tomb was the more memorable than his leaving after XY's wedding.

TH may dislike XY since she let XY wake up from her trauma, psychology problem too late. She was just surrounded by a few people who had their own goal. Among them only Jing met her criteria. How could a person in XY position have such limited social network. She was lonely person even when among family and friends. She did not feel compatible with socializing. And the one who understood her most, her soulmate could not be considered as friend in her mind. "Her lifelong wish is to have someone who wholeheartedly protects each other for life 相护". She married Jing. Would he be capable of protecting her? Would it bring her happiness, make her life road interesting and enjoyable? XL gave her a piece of advice about companionship: 


It's not difficult to find someone to go with, but it's hard to find someone who shares the same interests, treats each other wholeheartedly, and can make the trip interesting. 

Did Jing and XY share the same interest? Could Jing understand XY? Did Jing had qualifications to experience what makes XY happy (for example, discovering under the sea)?

To summarize XY-Jing relationship, I think the conversation in chapter 22 reflects it best, not only during the novel but also in their future. And when XY could stand up from her trauma, be free and develop herself, Jing would still attach to her. His attachment is the bill, the debt that she had to pay for her cowardice in the past beside her yearning for XL

Jing didn’t care and said “Xiao Yao, I hoped to be your husband, to openly be able to have you. But you are a Princess and only the identity of Tu Shan Jing can match up to you. So that is why I was reluctant to throw away the only chance I could openly marry you. But I was wrong! I don’t want to be Tu Shan Jing anymore, if I can’t openly have you it doesn’t matter. Even if I have no position in your life, if all I am is your slave, then that is fine with me. I just want to be by your side and look after you.”

Xiao Yao forgot Jing Ye and asked “Jing, do you really see me as important as your life?”

Jing said “No, I see you as more important than my life. Xiao Yao, you resented me for saying I wasn’t good enough for you yet I refused to let go. Actually, I know that you can go on just fine without me. I know that Fang Fang Bei is more suitable for you. But I can’t let you go, as long as I am alive then I can’t! I’m sorry, I’m sorry…..”

Xiao Yao clamped her hands over his mouth “You idiot! All I want is someone who would hold me tightly and never abandon me no matter what!” Xiao Yao’s forehead was pressed against Jing’s forehead “You can’t let me go, I really like that!”

I’m afraid people will ask why I’m sad.
I pretend to be happy, smiling instead of crying,
My life is all hiding, hiding, hiding

The last 3 sentence of that reply poem from Lu You's ex-wife (Tang Wan/Yuan) are

怕人寻问,             afraid of being asked,
咽泪装欢。            swallow tear pretending happy.
瞒,瞒,瞒!        conceal, conceal, conceal

The word 瞒 normally means conceal or hide someone in the dark. However, I checked Chinese-Vietnamese dictionary which gives full meaning of this word. One of the meanings is deceiving which is more suitable in this context. 

Phoenix Hairpin (钗头凤) — Translations of Lu You’s poem and Tang Wan’s reply poem | Classic Chinese Poetry by Jean Yuan and Vickie Fang 

By the way, which source of the translation did you quote the poem?

I re-read the poem for chapter 34, thank you again, H19279 for providing the infos. IMO Lu You's talks about XL and Tang Wan about XY.

Okay, now I want to jump off a cliff.  What a sad, depressing poem.

Moreover, did Jing have any memorable events or actions in the novel where his quality standout? No, no, no.

He played some role in helping XY get closure with her mom right? I can't remember reading many memorable moments with Jing, but Jing begging Grand Emperor to tell XY about her parents was one redeeming moment.  


He played some role in helping XY get closure with her mom right? I can't remember reading many memorable moments with Jing, but Jing begging Grand Emperor to tell XY about her parents was one redeeming moment.  

His brain went online after he eavesdropped on XL and XY's conversation at Lirong's house. Didn't XL let him hear it on purpose, so he could learn?


He played some role in helping XY get closure with her mom right? I can't remember reading many memorable moments with Jing, but Jing begging Grand Emperor to tell XY about her parents was one redeeming moment.  

you should take that one in certain context. The one who inspired him to do so is XL. When the rumor of XY's biological spread, Jing or CX could not comfort her at all. XY went to the donkey restaurant Li rong veteren to ask about Chi You but he had died. It was XL said that She knew her mother and she should trust her mother and her mother's choice. Jing was standing outside the room, listening to the conversation. Later he thanked XL for comforting XY. 

Of course, Jing was smart so he could guess that White Emperor knew the truth from the begining and it's was the emperor who hid XY true face from birth. The conversation between Jing and White Emperor showed that the emperor did not care of his analysis as well as his polite, praise words. The only thing that convinced White Emperor was "XY was grow up and she needed to know the truth". Does it resonate what XL had said to XY? who could tell her the truth of XY's mother?

Did he contribute anything during the journey in the desert? No. White Emperor had to help both XY and him. When they came to the peach forest, XY also wanted to cover and protected him. . Ah Heng's first impression of him is dissatisfatory. Why him? Is there someone else who is good to you (XY)? He followed XY to Jiuli. However, thank to his presence, the voodoo king could not explain XY in detail about the lovers' bug due to awkward situation. 

He brought XY out for travel, pampering her that made her feel like a kid. Did FFB help her to discover Xuan Yuan or the Middle Plains before? Jing mimiced FFB's activity with XY again? XY-FFB were true companionship, equally enjoyed the discovery. In case of Jing, he worked as planner, took care of everything like a tour guide operator. 

Xiao Yao clamped her hands over his mouth “You idiot! All I want is someone who would hold me tightly and never abandon me no matter what!” Xiao Yao’s forehead was pressed against Jing’s forehead “You can’t let me go, I really like that!”

Me saying Xiao Yao has issues is an understatement.... She lets all of Jing's bad qualities slide and forgives him for breaking that 15 year promise because he's the only one who won't abandon her. She's settling for him for sure!