AH :
So they took away one of XY's achievements too :/ It was one of the most noble and selfless things she did in the whole novel.

And it gave some insight into her priorities. It seemed to suggest that she wasn't ready to leave ZX or to become the Tushan clan leader's wife too quickly. And, to his credit, TSJ didn't rush her. 

Very true. Her initial foray into medicine was for self-preservation, to find ways to bring down those who sought to harm her, but finally, she found her calling in its practice and did her research in earnest for the benefits it would bring to those who have need of it. 

That is one thing I truly loved about how Tong Hua's characterisation of every character - no one character arc is solely driven by romance and love, but each has his/her own purpose and identity, be it lofty ambitions or a longing for a simple life, which is ironically a far greater luxury. 

There are still 14 episodes in between where Xiang Liu last left Xiao Yao in Ep3, up to Jing's supposed death and everything that entailed. From the brief summary provided by the original poster, the script will also cover Xiao Yao and Jing working together to expose Hou and Yiying's treachery,  followed by Cang Xuan's deliberate reveal of Xiao Yao's real identity, and waging war on Haoling. From Yang Zi's past interviews, she felt S2 was even more heartbreaking and memorable than S1. I hope that whatever we are left with, lives up to the hype rather than leaving us with a bitter aftertaste. 



Now I am very curios to know what other novels of this writer did you enjoy and în what order.  I wanted to read Scarlet heart, but I couldn't find the complete translation and Ballad of the desert, but to be honest I didn't enjoy the drama much, it might be because of the cast, I like each one of the  actors but separately, so at this point it's pointless give the novel a go. 

Which drama didn't you enjoy much? Was it Scarlet Heart or Ballad of the Desert? I love the cast of Ballad of the Desert, but did not enjoy the adaptation at all, and it didn't help that the drama had to be dubbed twice to replace names of actual historical figures with fictitious names. 

I have not read all of Tong Hua's novels (certainly not her modern ones), but of the ones I have read, 步步惊心 Scarlet Heart was my favourite for many years, until Lost You Forever came along, which is ironic since it meant I loved her 1st and last historical novels best. Just received my copy of 曾许诺 Once Promised, so will try to embark on it some time after I am able to tear myself away from Lost You Forever. 


Ballad of the desert, I think the cast didn't work well for me, the adaptation was ok, but it did feel a bit cheesy sometimes. It is an old school drama so they did have different standards back then, altough Scarlet heart îs older and I don't remember being chessy. The ost and the visuals were great and the serious moments were also very nice depicted, so I guess it was the cast that didn't really impress me. 


It's obvious that if that is the final script, XL's fans are at loss.  YaoJing ship îs still sailling hard and it doesn's seem as if they made to many changes to their arcs / flow of the story, and CX  îs another story, but chances are that many of CX shippers will actually find the changes  better rather than worse. Honestly, if that is the final script (and I am already convinced that it is) I won't even mind to have this whole thing cut at 21 episodes.  I even regret starting this or spending time reading the novel because I don't feel like I have any closure whatsoever. I love tragedies when done right, but I don't see anything right with this ending, it just left me frustrate. I have yet to watch goodbye, my princess, but for all I know that's an tragic ending done right. 

I'm still kind of holding on to the fact that Tong Hua won't let her story be ruined like this. But other than that, we're usually always at a loss :(

“There are still 14 episodes in between where Xiang Liu last left Xiao Yao in Ep3, up to Jing's supposed death and everything that entailed.”

And those episodes cover the ice crystal ball, her wedding, the interruption, the aftermath, reconciling with TSJ, CX getting married, XY’s identity being revealed, XY meeting her mother, the war with Haoling, and XY getting engaged to TSJ?

I assume the script does not include XL comforting XY in chapter 35, and kissing her quickly on her forehead before he leaves? Also, quite importantly, the scene where he talks about burying and remembering all of his dead comrades.  

 AH :

I'll still be a fan of the novel, no matter how they handle S2. If you're not a fan of XL's end in the novel, it sounds like the fanfic liddi posted might give you closure.

i second the vote for the fanfic. Unfortunately im still on hsk4 and not enough knowledge to read a novel yet but the novel provided the closure i need. 

i wish someone here does a proper translation of it as i had to use machine translation to read (which translates xiangliu’s form into a sardines/mackarel 😂) and in some parts i dont really understand what was going on. But for the most of it, the story makes sense. 


i second the vote for the fanfic. Unfortunately im still on hsk4 and not enough knowledge to read a novel yet but the novel provided the closure i need. 

i wish someone here does a proper translation of it as i had to use machine translation to read (which translates xiangliu’s form into a sardines/mackarel 😂) and in some parts i dont really understand what was going on. But for the most of it, the story makes sense. 

And today, September 27, was the day I discovered I love a mackerel. 

We truly learn something new everyday.


Does anybody remember why yaoliu is also called jianbingguozi? its something to do with a porcupine and purple but i cant remember what it was. 


i second the vote for the fanfic. Unfortunately im still on hsk4 and not enough knowledge to read a novel yet but the novel provided the closure i need. 

i wish someone here does a proper translation of it as i had to use machine translation to read (which translates xiangliu’s form into a sardines/mackarel 😂) and in some parts i dont really understand what was going on. But for the most of it, the story makes sense. 

some of the google translation for that AU fanfic were questionable lmao 🤣 and used the wrong pronouns at times but I understood it for the most part.

The novel didn't provide me closure but that AU fic did. I'm just going to pretend that AU is canon if the yaoliu special isn't real.

@bugei @nathsketch @Elise

There is another YaoLiu fanfic 相思日月长 A Longlasting Yearning which is highly recommended among the Chinese fans. I have not finished it yet, but in keeping with @nathsketch's past comment, this one uses the trope where Xiao Yao manages to revive Xiang Liu using a remnant of his soul which Gong Gong managed to preserve over 100 years later.

Thanks for another fanfic recommendation. I'm looking forward to reading it!!

Oh, and Furball kept faithful vigil and finally died at the site where Xiang Liu perished, and Xiao Yao managed to reincarnate it as Miao Pu and Left Ear's child, A Liu.

That's so sad. That reminds me of Hachiko waiting for his master at the train station 😭 That 2009 film that was based on the dog is the only film that made me cry as a kid. Good to know Furball comes back :')


It's obvious that if that is the final script, XL's fans are at loss.  YaoJing ship îs still sailling hard and it doesn's seem as if they made to many changes to their arcs / flow of the story, and CX  îs another story, but chances are that many of CX shippers will actually find the changes  better rather than worse. Honestly, if that is the final script (and I am already convinced that it is) I won't even mind to have this whole thing cut at 21 episodes.  I even regret starting this or spending time reading the novel because I don't feel like I have any closure whatsoever. I love tragedies when done right, but I don't see anything right with this ending, it just left me frustrate. I have yet to watch goodbye, my princess, but for all I know that's an tragic ending done right. 

Yep, it seems like CX fans benefited the most from these changes while XL fans got the short end of the stick....

Goodbye, My Princess ended tragically but it was also satisfying too. It was the only ending suitable for the female lead plus the male lead got to suffer for all the wrong things he did to her by living in despair for the rest of his life.


Any chance for a link? went to zhihu but i can see several matches, dont know if its the right one. 


 AH :
And those episodes cover the ice crystal ball, her wedding, the interruption, the aftermath, reconciling with TSJ, CX getting married, XY’s identity being revealed, XY meeting her mother, the war with Haoling, and XY getting engaged to TSJ?

I assume the script does not include XL comforting XY in chapter 35, and kissing her quickly on her forehead before he leaves? Also, quite importantly, the scene where he talks about burying and remembering all of his dead comrades.  

I don't know yet whether she gets to meet her mother - someone mentioned that Yang Zi fought to have that scene included. Will share once I do get around to that part. And no, with the exclusion of Ch43, I am not as certain we will get Ch35 after she finds out about her true parentage either. What I do know is that we get additional scenes that show how Xiang Liu copes with the lover's bug, especially when he can feel Xiao Yao being intimate with Jing.


I don't know yet whether she gets to meet her mother - someone mentioned that Yang Zi fought to have that scene included. Will share once I do get around to that part. And no, with the exclusion of Ch43, I am not as certain we will get Ch35 after she finds out about her true parentage either. What I do know is that we get additional scenes that show how Xiang Liu copes with the lover's bug, especially when he can feel Xiao Yao being intimate with Jing.

Oh no poor  XL ..why do they put such a scene in having him feel XL intimate with Jing?  Stupid ..


Oh no poor  XL ..why do they put such a scene in having him feel XL intimate with Jing?  Stupid ..

Yikes, everything about this is stomach-churning.



Any chance for a link? went to zhihu but i can see several matches, dont know if its the right one. 


Are you asking for second fanfic link? It's here :) https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/647853829