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XY indeed did not like the idea that Jing had tied with Tushan Clan and became the clan leader. However, she still accepted that. She was willing to be with him, help his grandmother. Unmarried TSJ was not her ideal candidate but she still accept and willing to marry him because she knew that he was willing to die with her. Thus she compromised her requirement.

She only left him when FFYY got pregnant. Then Jing got married and became father. The main obstacle for her to answer the 2nd question if she was willing to marry Jing was he was married man with a kid.

Yes, I generally agree with this. 

XY initially only promised to wait for TSJ to return YSQ to her. But after TSJ's grandmother used her life as a means of blackmailing TSJ into staying with the Tushan clan, XY seemed to (passively) accept the idea of being with (and perhaps even one day marrying) TSJ while he still had ties to the Tushan Clan. Although, notably, she was not put in the position of having to decide whether or not to accept an offer of marriage from him until after TSJ's grandmother was dead and FFYY faked her death. And when she did accept his offer in chapter 38, she maintained the engagement / put off actually getting married for decades. 

So it does seem like she probably would have been able to say that she was willing to marry TSJ in chapter 32 (despite his ties to the Tushan Clan) if he hadn't gotten married to FFYY and had a kid with her. 

@ AH,

the logic is 

1.if she regarded XL and FFB 2 two distinct concepts as the case of Jing/YSQ,  she could have thought of being accompanied by FFB. She indeed dreamed  of swimming towards FFB, meaning she thought of him. And she could answer the question in similar way she said Yes to YSQ although Jing was married. XL asked her about her lifetime wish  (and FFB was gone just 1 month ) She refuse to answer the 4th questions because she never thought of that, because she did not want to think about that. It was long time of life, not only of 1 month life time since FFB”s death theoretically . 

2. XY used FFB side of XL to deceive herself and give her moral excuse to keep contact and hanging out with him (XL/FFB as a whole). Her dream, her words about FFB’s distant attitude implies that she did not have distinctive 2 concepts of FFB/XL as in the case of YSQ/jing. FFB/XL is 1 person with 2 outfit and made up. There is no way the XL could give her only FFB as Jing once promised her to return her YSQ.

And her wish of letting him beFFB implied that she would let him be free, no moral debt or tie, thus, no duty and responsibilities and he could have lived free for himself. There was no hint  that he would be or should be approachable and she could be with him

I found one of these comments. in a leaked script, in what episode does XL ask xy, who is the person she likes?

[ in the leaked script,Xiang Liu asks Xiaoyao, who is the person you like? Xiaoyao replied, “The person I like is the person I will spend my whole life with.” After the robbery, Xiang Liu asked, who do you want to be with for the rest of your life? Xiaoyao refused to answer, but both of their Lovers bug lit up.Xiang Liu became very gentle]

@liddi, @H19279 , @AH,

I finished revising the post on full moon events. I revised some descriptions, corrected the inaccurate association of one passage with the YaoLiu moon rise viewing, and added additional events associated with "一轮", "轮月" and "月轮". When you have the time, can you give the post another review to ensure your feedback was adequately incorporated? Thanks!

Here is the link to the post:


The crystal ball IMO wasn't a request from her for him to give up everything and run away to build a future togheter, because I believe XY loved XL as selfless as he loved her and she wouldn't make him pick (she made an attempt when she was WXL,  before having the whole picture), but more like she was willing to surrender herself to XL and give up everything for him.

I think we share similar, but not exactly the same interpretations on XY sending XL the crystal ball.

  • I agree that her sending the crystal ball was a courageous and deliberate action where she was hoping to get a specific response rather than her usual self-deception/wait-for-the-other-person-to-choose-me modus operandi. 
  • I agree that at that point, she was willing to run away and give up everything for him. At that point, CX was already emperor and didn't need her protection anymore.
  • I agree that her love for him is as selfless as his love for her. But she wanted to save him and fundamentally didn't agree with his decision to die in battle. Some things that point to her selfless love for him:
    • She always showed concern for his safety first and foremost. 
    • I believe when she told XL she wishes she could have been born hundreds of years earlier so she could have saved him and only let him be FFB, that wasn't conditional on FFB choosing to be with her, it was to allow FFB to be free. Also if she was born hundreds of years earlier, she wouldn't be who she is. She might not even have been his soulmate. This is why XL was so moved and wanted to touch her face--XY wished she could give everything up just to save him. XL already knew that XY loved him, but he was moved because he sensed the selflessness of this particular declaration.
    • After Jade Mountain, despite him cutting off all ties with her and them having no chance to be together, XY pleads with CX to spare XL's life.
  • I don't agree that she would have been willing to run away to be with XL if he continued to serve in the Shen Nong Remnant Army under Hong Jiang. If he continued to do that, he'd still be against CX, who is her most important person and the person she vowed to her grandmother and mother to protect. The scene inside the crystal ball depicted a mermaid in a clam shell reaching out to a merman outside. The mermaid is pleading with the merman to choose her and come inside the clam shell. If she didn't expect him to give anything up, she could have depicted a scene with them in Qing Shui Town or something of that nature.

XY's biggest obstacles to being with XL has always been (1) that he is against CX and (2) that he was choosing to abandon her to die for loyalty and honor. Him running away with her would have removed both of these obstacles. I think XY sending the crystal ball was her declaration that she was willing to give everything up for him, and a plea for XL to do the same so that they could accompany each other.

 AH :
I generally avoid absolute statements unless I'm very confident in them.

In this case, it would be very hard to say with a high degree of certainty that XY never let herself dream of a future with XL. So I would not use those exact words.

However, I stand by the wording from my comment, which speaks to my interpretation of XY's mindset at one particular point in time. 

Thanks for the clarification. Agree that at that point in time, XY already knew the XL wouldn't choose her so wouldn't let herself even think of being with him.

 AH :
We know that after XY finalized the ice crystal ball in preparation for sending it to XL, she stared at it and said to herself, "This is the last time."

This is the last time she is going to send him poison, but this is also her last attempt to persuade him to choose her. At this point, XY had already made several attempts to hint to him that she wanted to be with him including:

  • During their date watching the moon rise from the ocean, when Xiao Yao said, “No matter how precious the scenery is, it becomes tiresome after seeing it too much, unless there's someone to accompany me, then it becomes meaningful. Scenery is always dead, only people can give it meaning,” she wanted him to reply that he would accompany her in viewing the scenery in the future.
  • Although the thought scared her, XY was serious when she seemingly jokingly agreed to give up being a princess and wander the world with FFB, provided he could let go of everything first. She takes promises seriously, so she wouldn't promise anything she had no intention of following through with.
  • Xiao Yao was confessing her love to XL when she made him the koi fish frolicking in lotus pond poison dish and told him that he is her soulmate. The koi fish symbolizes a boy. The lotus symbolizes a girl. Together, they represent love.
  • Xiao Yao was sincere when she expressed her wish to have been born hundreds of years earlier so she could save him and allow him to live freely. She wanted to change his fate. Although, her giving him his freedom wasn't conditional on him choosing to be with her, her willingness to do this for him is a testament to her feelings for him.
  • When Xiao Yao said, “I really want do go see,” referring to the uninhabited and uncharted islands, she was hinting, “I don't want to go back. I want to go with you.”
  • When Xiao Yao asked, “Bei, tell me...why is it so difficult to find someone to accompany you?” outside the donkey meat restaurant, she was hinting that she wanted him to accompany her.

XL rejected every single one of her overtures, but she still felt inclined to try one last time.

 AH :
In the scenario you considered, it sounds like XY would have been willing to think about the question and the answer to it, and to be honest with herself about the answer, and just refused to express the answer to XL for fear of burdening him. But if that were the case, then why did the text talk about something that XY usually refused to think about?

I don't think XY refused to think about being with XL, but she refused to think about being with a XL that was her brother's enemy and would abandon her in the name of honor and loyalty to his comrades.

Since XL's actions already told her he wouldn't choose her, the only option left was the option she usually refused to think about, which is why she couldn't answer the question by saying, "XL."

The other way she could have answered the last question is by saying, "FFB" (which represents the version of XL who had no ties to the army), but XL had already expressed his refusal to choose this path, so she didn't want to burden him further with the knowledge of her futile wishes. This logic of not wanting to burden XL is also applicable to other points in time. For example, to explain why XY wasn't more forthcoming in any of the above attempts to hint to XL that she wanted to be with him. 

As far as acknowledging to herself that she wanted XL to give up the army and be with her, her conversations about Xiang Liu with her father and grandfather suggest she did consider this option. She wouldn't have made and sent the crystal ball unless she acknowledged wanting to be with him on some level. Even after the wedding robbery, XY must have acknowledged this. Otherwise, she wouldn't have asked XL this question:

Xiao Yao was silent before suddenly asking “Xiang Liu, why did you pick Gong Gong? Because he’s your adoptive father?” Xiao Yao didn’t know how she had the guts to ask him this question, probably because Xiang Liu didn’t seem like Xiang Liu tonight!

-- Vol 3 Ch 2 (Chapter 35)

The unspoken part of her question is, "Why not pick me?"


"chapter 20 was the last time when she showed her interest in perfume. At some point after that, she fed up with playing with scent/essence and no longer using perfume. I wonder if the moment she stopped using perfume corresponds to the time she hang out with Jing in Little Zhurong's manson."

Interesting, but since chapter 20 is right next to chapter 21, I am more inclined to believe that she stopped playing with scenes because 37 years underwater happened. Up till then going back and forth with Jing was nothing new, they were still under their 15 years agreement, so it's not like she wasn't expecting some ups and downs. We can't know for sure when she got tired of it, but I don't believe her getting along with jing at that point in time was the driving force behind her loss of interest. Back there she thought that playing with medicinal herbs was better than nothing,  since what she really wanted to do was playing with her poisons. If we replace medicinal herbs with jing  and poisons with XL, it's not hard to figure out who she was longing for then. The word koala used was listless. Jing's scent is tied to the medicinal herbs, as far as I recall. That's also in line with her focus on medicine and no mention of poison after chapter 32, she needed 43 years to heal herself through Jing. 

Chapter 4

."The Summer breeze brought the scent of hops and it calmed Xiao Liu down. He stopped and turned around. Shi Qi stood behind him wearing the same old sack cloth robe which had been laundered and now smelled like fragrant incense.

Xiao Liu said, “I don’t like this scent on you.”

Shi Qi lowered his head and Xiao Liu smiled. “I liked the smell of medicinal herbs. Next time when you come see me, I’ll give you a satchel of medicinal herbs. 

Since the beginning she didn't like Jing, she only liked 17, because 17 has something she wants while Jing had nothing. 

Chapter 20

"After moving in, she could still practice archery since people thought she was learning just for amusement, but she couldn’t make poisons anymore and that made Xiao Yao feel listless. She could only read medicine books and make some medicinal pills which was better than doing nothing.

One day Xiao Yao was mixing medicine when Xing Yue came to find her “I have something to ask your opinion. Jing gege is coming to Zhi Yi and my brother learned with him when they were younger so they are very close. Even though Jing gege has his own residences in Zhi Yi, my brother will invite him to stay with us. I wanted to ask if you would mind?”

Xiao Yao carefully said “This residence is so big, of course the more the merrier.”

Xing Yue clapped “I knew you’d say this. I told my brother that you may seen very cold and aloof and hard to approach, but once you are comfortable with someone you are very easy to get along with.”

Xiao Yao looked at the herbs in her hand and suddenly forgot what she was thinking about just now."

Xl was tied to her poisons and their poisons smelt like her, not only that, but she put into them everything she felt and experienced on a day to day basis. She was basically sharing her life with him, viewing the same view. 

"Xiao Yao was confessing her love to XL when she made him the koi fish frolicking in lotus pond poison dish and told him that he is her soulmate. The koi fish symbolizes a boy. The lotus symbolizes a girl. Together, they represent love.

Exactly, and she made this poison right after she offended him when she asked him to pay for the bow. She obviously made it in order for him to forgive her and to reassure him that they are" love", that's what XY meant when she said that XL is not any man. Hence the "I am the only one in the entire world who can make poison taste this good and I am the only one in the entire world who can appreacite it" that followed. They always had their secret language, the different interpretations of these scenes are because some people read them with their cognitive eyes, while others with their emotional eyes. Much like yaojing versus yaolin. 

Xl's scent was the scent of her poisons and their poisons smelt like her, not only that, but she put into them everything she felt and experienced on a day to day basis. She was basically sharing her life with him, viewing the same view. 

The scent is different from the poison. During her stay in Little Zhurong's manson, she kept practicing archery but she could not refine/make poison. The original text said she did not used to it (小夭有些不习惯). Thus she only could read medical book and make some pill. Then Xing Yue came with the news Jing was coming while she was playing with the herb (as an alternative for making poison). She was confused and looking at the herb, she could not remember what she wanted to do with it. Herb can be used for making poison, a way to relate to XL. However it also linked to Jing as she liked the medicinal herb smell and gave it to him. And later Xing Yue told her that FFYY did not like and care for Jing. A woman when she did not love the man, she would ignore and paid no attention to the man. XY seemed to review herself and later in the party at night she drank a lot and kissed Jing. 

I don't think XL's scent (from himself) is the smell of poison. The only clue to his scent is the scent of the hair dyeing agent that FFB used. It is likely the smell of hibicus (XL told her that he used medicine herb to dye his hair, and in chapter 16, XY came up with the idea of using hibicus leaves to wash Jing hair then drying in the sun then his hair would smell like sunshine and green leaves. 

The perfume that she made reflect her percetion, her sensation about the person whom she longed. 

Going back to chapter 16, she bought a lot of flower essence but what stood out for her is 


enchanting and secluded lotus,  proud/unyielding plum fragance, ethereal orchid fragance...

(Vol 1 Chapter 16)

They were all characteristics linked to XL and mixing them could result in the "dream"  perfume which feel vague, distance but itmate/close, like a glorious starry sky in mid summer night. 

Miao Pu started working for Xiao Yao since chapter 20. Thus, seeing XY making perfume for Xing Yue was her first experience with perfume making. Probably she would show interest and express her preference (that she liked XY's smell of " Dream" ). Combining these 2 events (one about she reminded herself to pay more attention to Jing and Miao Fu's appearence in her life) could give the hint that she gave Miao Fu the perfume and stopped using the perfume before the Merlin assasination. 


Your interpretation makes sense too, but actually it points to the same thing, XY longing for XL.

 I personally do believe that medicine is tied to Jing, while poison is tied to XL. I can believe that XY replaced her poisons with medicine as a way of keeping the habit that reminds her of XL, thus the reaction she had when Xing Yue reminded her of Jing, but I am not certain if that's the case here.

 I believe the medicinal herbs are hinted to Jing and the reason why she was distracted and forgot what she wanted to do with them was because of what Xing Yue told her afterwards " I told my brother that you may seen very cold and aloof and hard to approach, but once you are comfortable with someone you are very easy to get along with.”  That's what rang the bell, because otherwise it's kinda hard for me to believe that she have forgotten about Jing and all of a sudden Xing Yue reminded her of him. If that's the case than what's here to feel guilty about, if she was spending too much time thinking of XL and redeemed herself by being lovey dovey with Jing I view this as actually making the effort, be it fake attention or not.

 I think that when Jing came, she started to be warm towards him mostly because of pity, but also because of her own interests, hence why she was both sad and happy that FFY treated him like this. XY thought of what Xing Yue told her the other day about looking cold and what she told her earlier about FFY looking warm on the outside, while being cold on the inside. XY didn't want to treat Jing the same way, because she cares about what jing thinks of her. If Xing Yue saw her as being cold, Jing might start to see her the same, since we know that back then she didn't trust him that much.  I believe she acted out because she  genuinly cared about jing well being, but also because she didn't want him to let go of her, since that's not convenient for her interests.
But regardless of how one interprets this scene, I believe the message is more or less the same, the one XY was longing for was XL and personally I also believe that it's quite likely that the song she sang while drunk that night was a reflection of her longing for XL. In fact this is where the guild towards Jing and hate towards herself lays, not on the sudden realisation that she's not trying hard enough and needing Xin Yue to remind her of this, but on the contrary, it lays on the fact that she was very aware that she wasn't genuinly planting the seeds into herself by actually believing into this relationship and she was pretty much play acting and using Jing, expecting him to do all the work, while she kept holding onto XL.

Just a little parentheses, but I found a Jinger on Reddit this morning. It's always the same. It never fails. 

So I took the bait. How could I not? Got a bunch of nonsense as a reply (XL is cheating her with the bugs, it's a manipulation device, etc.), which is nothing new, but the cherry on top was "this is not mdl btw". Ahahahahahahaha of course it's one of the MDL's usual suspects. 

If I had a yuan for each time I encountered the same recycled arguments, I could buy myself a real Xiang Liu.

I wonder what version of the book they're reading/analyzing. It must be The Jingers' Cut.

End of parentheses.

Haha...I didn't know forbidden magic was manipulation devices...I thought LYF was a xianxia not sci-fi. Maybe they are reading a jingers cut, in the alternative distant past version. Perhaps they could rewrite the story and ask XY to not play with fire, if she can't handle the heat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Xiang Liu fed Xiao Yao his soul blood every full moon night during their 37 years at sea. He woke her up on a full moon night.

Xiang Liu said, “Tonight is the first crescent moon, like a bow. Every full moon, I have to heal your injuries, so I can’t bring you to the surface of the sea. I haven't seen a full moon in many years."
Xiao Yao thought to herself, "So I didn't guess wrong; he really does heal me once a month. I heard that during the full moon, the demonic power of the demon clan is strongest. It's probably because of this that Xiang Liu chooses to heal me during the full moon.”

上玄月 is not the first crescent moon, but the first quarter moon. Similarly, 下玄月 would be the third quarter moon.

Xing Chen glanced at the full moon in the sky, then began reciting the sacrificial incantation. Her voice started out calm, gradually speeding up. A little mountain of flames shimmered brightly, casting a red glow over the entire sky.

Unrelated to the moon, but 火焰小山 should be described as the flaming hill, which was already mentioned earlier on in the passage. 

Xiao Yao went to avenge Feng Long’s assassination at the gourd-shaped lake on a night with a round moon. Although she couldn’t bring herself to kill Xiang Liu, she told him she never wanted to see him again in this life. The following passage describes Xiang Liu after this encounter.

The dark clouds obscured the round moon, and what Xiang Liu's eyes reflected was a sky devoid of stars, boundless darkness, and boundless loneliness.

Xiao Yao poisoned herself and Cang Xuan on a night with a round moon.

It was another night with a round moon, Xiao Yao carried a white jade lotus cup, humming old folk songs as she walked slowly along the mountain path. The guards, seeing her heading towards the Phoenix Forest, did not stop her but followed her discreetly.

I would translate these as full moon in both situations here. In particular, the night Xiao Yao poisoned Cang Xuan and herself, the text used is 月圆 would refer to a full moon, The reason I included the night Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao severed their relationship, was because of the use "又“ which means "it was yet another night of the full moon", which implies that the last time a round moon was mentioned, was also a full moon. 

I found one of these comments. in a leaked script, in what episode does XL ask xy, who is the person she likes?

[ in the leaked script,Xiang Liu asks Xiaoyao, who is the person you like? Xiaoyao replied, “The person I like is the person I will spend my whole life with.” After the robbery, Xiang Liu asked, who do you want to be with for the rest of your life? Xiaoyao refused to answer, but both of their Lovers bug lit up.Xiang Liu became very gentle]

The S2 episode is just an estimate based on what the original poster of the script structured out - and this should be different with the final cut, because we only covered 20 episodes by the end of the script.

S2 Ep2 scene 20 (originally S2 Ep10, at the Lirong gambling den)

Xiao Yao and Fangfeng Bei took up the dice cup and waved it. Fangfeng Bei obtained 6,6,5 while Xiao Yao first got 2 6s and a still spinning 3rd dice, which ended up on a 4. Xiao Yao's face changed amid the boos from the gamblers present.

FFB (unrestrained smile): Who... do you like?

Xiao Yao was stunned.
Tushan Jing anxiously stared at the Xiao Yao in the water mirror, hope in his eyes.
Xiao Yao felt that Fangfeng Bei was deliberately embarrassing her, and glared at him,

XY: What kind of rubbish question is that? Change to another one.
FFB: I will ask what I want to ask. All you need to do is answer. If you don't, that means you lose.
XY (sly smile): Fine I'll answer! The one I like is... the one I want to spend my whole life together with.

The hope in Tushan Jing's eyes faded, and his eyes dimmed.
Fangfeng Bei stared at Xiao Yao.

FFB: Whom do you wish to spend your whole life together with?

Xiao Yao avoided Fangfeng Bei's eyes and picked up the dice.

XY: That is the next question. You can ask it after you win.

Xiao Yao and Fangfeng Bei rolled the dice once more. This time there were no mishaps and Xiao Yao won this round.
Xiao Yao looked at Fangfeng Bei.

XY: If given the chance, would you still choose this path?
FFB (silent momentarily): I would!
XY: Why?

Fangfeng Bei quietly stared at Xiao Yao. Just when Xiao Yao thought he would refuse to answer, he laughed.

FFB: Because on this path, I met a very important person. If I had chosen another path, I might have never met her.

Xiao Yao did not understand that the person he referred to was a "she" 她, not "he" 他 (both are pronounced the same - tā )

XY: You are really loyal to your adoptive father!

Xiao Yao lost interest and got up to leave without even taking her winnings.

S2 Ep7 scene 9  (originally S2 Ep15) - at Qingshui Town after being taken away from the wedding

Xiao Yao looked at Xiang Liu's eyes, which emitted a strange red glow. As she looked, the tipsiness on her face dissipated, and she fell into a trance.

XL (spellbinding): Are you willing to marry Chishui Feng Long?

Xiao Yao's expression grew slack, and her voice was soft.

XY: I don't want to.
XL: Are you willing to marry Tushan Jing?

Xiao Yao's dull expression suddenly had a moment of clarity and she struggled to wake up. The red glow in Xiang Liu's eyes intensified, his voice even gentler.

XL: Are you willing to marry Ye Shiqi?
XY: I am willing.
XL (momentarily hesitant): With whom do you most wish to spend your life with?

Xiao Yao opened her mouth as if to answer, but her expression showed extreme resistance, and she struggled to snap out of the trance. Xiang Liu firmly focused his eyes on her and intensified the spell.

XL (tense): Tell me, with whom do you most wish to spend your life with?

Xiao Yao gripped her head violently, in such pain that her body was shaking.

XY: Ah! It hurts, hurts...

Xiang Liu quickly dispersed the spell, and Xiao Yao collapsed into his arms in pain.

XL: I won't ask anymore, won't ask anymore...

Xiao Yao closed her eyes wearily, her tightly knit brows slowly relaxing.

XY (murmuring): Why...
XL: Because...

Xiang Liu did not continue. His eyes were tender, as if everything he had kept deeply buried inside would finally overflow.
The poisonous bugs in both their hearts emitted a glow in unison with their heartbeats.
Xiang Liu stared at the unconscious Xiao Yao, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.

XL: Have a good sleep. You will forget everything after you wake.

Maybe it's it's just different way of writing scripts? but when I was learning to write scripts, we were told NEVER to write the emotion of the character but to only to describe the actions, and details of the actions and environment. And instead of words like "dull" to describe how dull would look like...this way it provides a roadmap for the actor to interpret what dull would look like. 

For example, in this line:

 Fangfeng Bei quietly stared at Xiao Yao. Just when Xiao Yao thought he would refuse to answer, he laughed.

How I would have written this:

FFB looks at XY, without saying a word. There is quietness between them. After a split moment,  XY opens her mouth, but stops herself. FFB stares at her, and a slight smirk curls up. She breaks away from his stare, when he laughs out loud.

If the leaked script is how TH writes her screenplays, I can see why her original scripts were not well recieved, and the stories we're not interesting. It's much easier to have actors and directors interpret actions than emotions and hypothetical thoughts. I mean how would you act out "thought he would refuse"? I am amazed that JCT was able to interpret this... because he probably read the novel, and filled in the gaps that TH herself lacked.


Thank you for thoroughly reviewing the post on "Events Occurring During a Full Moon." I applied almost all your corrections to the original post

The only comment I did not apply was this one:

> The reason I included the night Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao severed their relationship, was because of the use "又“ which means "it was yet another night of the full moon", which implies that the last time a round moon was mentioned, was also a full moon.

I'm not certain that "又“ from the poisoning passage necessarily references back to the last time the a round moon was mentioned in the text (the YaoLiu relationship severing passage). "It was yet another night of the full moon...." could be similar to saying "It was yet another dark and stormy night..." and not reference any particular event from the novel, but just mean "it's a full moon again." Because of the ambiguity, I decided to keep the translation as "The dark clouds obscured the round moon" instead of "The dark clouds obscured the full moon."

Thanks again for reviewing. Your feedback was much appreciated!