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OMG!  We are truly sisters separated at birth!  THIS guy is why I started watching  Cdramas!!!  I fell in love with General Xiao Qi in the Rebel Princess.  I'm usually attracted to the more gray anti-heroes, but this Lawful Good General just floored me.  He was so awesome!

Yes darling, I think we are!

If you were a fictional magical dude, you’d be my Xiang Liu lolololol


The less that is said about BBJX 2, the better. That was a blatant money grab and was a disaster on every level. It's also an excellent illustration of your second point about the importance of a good script. A good script with strong, interesting characters and well-done character and relationship development is crucial for my enjoyment of a drama. No matter how much I like a particular actor, if the quality of the script is not there, I don't often finish watching. I shared your concerns about the second season. Changing the order of scenes alone, would change the feel of the story let alone leaving out/changing key events in the novel. There is only so much TJC's can do with his performance if  it's not supported by the script. We need a prayer circle.

There is a lot of arguments about who is the male lead in the story. This got me thinking about your comment earlier about typically preferring the considerate second male lead to the "bad boy" male lead. It's interesting because Xiang Liu and XL/XY fit more with the conventional male lead/end game set-up. The antagonistic relationship, the link from the Lover's Bugs, the physical intimacy (the blood sucking), right down to the "we are enemy so I can't be with you" trope all screamed end-game. Jing is the character that more closely resembled the devoted, kind and considerate 2nd male lead. Usually, XY and XL would have found a way to be together at the end, except Tong Hua decided to torture and ripped our hearts out. Would we have like XL as much if the story have not ended the way it did?

Yes, Head! Oh my gosh, that’s so true!! I keep living in my delusion that XL’s arc fits perfectly the endgame set-up! They’re the only ones who sing the duet together, and that’s always a big giveaway. Her dad was demon, there was that whole family drama and this would be the chance to correct that. 

So this “subverting the expectations” that Tong Hua decided to give us is more of a pulling of the rug, and not really refreshing to see. Jing just seems like a background character whose purpose is to be there at the end so XY is not left alone. Also, the fact that he’s a nine-tailed fox like the one who tortured XY when she was a child is such a bizarre parallel. 

I swear, for me, the perfect ending (if we absolutely can’t keep XL alive) would be to have XY go back to her medical practice and be surrounded by friends so she’ll never be alone. Jing for me is the one aspect that ruins it all.  I wouldn’t want him dead or anything, I just wish there was another end for him, or  another girl, I don’t know. Just be gone!

Lol, poor dude, I know I’m too cruel to him all the time, but I just can’t accept his presence in this story. His arc is too underdeveloped compared to Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu’s journey.  


Yours aversion to Jing is highly entertaining. You're really ride-or-die for out favourite 9 heads serpent :-). You know what the funny thing is? I don't really mind Jing in the novel. Probably because he's barely present and barely left an impression. Some of his actions got major side-eyed and eye-rolled from me, but overall all, I get that he's a good person and understand why XY is happy to be with him in the end (whether this is actually a happy ending for XY as a character is a different story). 

Jing in the drama, on the other hand - annoys the crap out of me. The visual of constant puppy-dog eyes, sadness and being on the brink of tears give is this air of matyrdom, woe-is-me to him. It's really off-putting to me. Every time he's on screen, the phrase that pops into my head is "get off the cross, someone else needs the wood". If the leak second season is true, they are making changes to the character so he isn't just XY's "boyfriend", but I don't think that will change how I sees him. It's too ingrained now (the DW's fans are going to kill me now. Lol. I really knows how to make friends around here).

My prefer ending for XY is similar to yours, but for different reason. Due to her past, XY's fears rejection and abandonment. Her way of dealing with the fear is to make sure that she's surrounds by people who can't or won't leave her. Jing fits both of these requirements. This is not a healthy way of dealing with her fear and it's not a healthy way to have relationships. Her relationship with Jing essentially accomodates her fears. This is all well and good as long as the status quo holds. What happened if Jing got sick of the role that he's expected to play? What happened if Jing dies? Because XY never actually learn to come to terms with her fears and learn more healthy ways of being, she's going to spiral. This is not to say that XY  can't be with Jing and have this sort of character development. It's just that, the end of the novel as is, XY as a character haven't really address this core issue. So I don't really sees it as a HE for XY.

This got me thinking about your comment earlier about typically preferring the considerate second male lead to the "bad boy" male lead. It's interesting because Xiang Liu and XL/XY fit more with the conventional male lead/end game set-up. The antagonistic relationship, the link from the Lover's Bugs, the physical intimacy (the blood sucking), right down to the "we are enemy so I can't be with you" trope all screamed end-game. Jing is the character that more closely resembled the devoted, kind and considerate 2nd male lead. Usually, XY and XL would have found a way to be together at the end, except Tong Hua decided to torture and ripped our hearts out. Would we have like XL as much if the story have not ended the way it did?

That is an interesting point. I remember Tong Hua once saying that she tried to make Xiang Liu the endgame, but in the end, the characters wrote themselves as she got to know them more, and the story turned out the way it did. 

For starters, I never found Xiang Liu to be the typical bad boy type. He was a feared demon, but his characterisation was such that he was never immune from vulnerabilities, in no small part due to how Tong Hua describes Xiao Liu and later, Xiao Yao's interactions with him. The sauciness with which she gave him as good as she got, pushing him to the limits, telling him to his face that her goal is to successfully poison him, cursing him to the moon and back, daring to give him the infamous makeover (the same memory of which would make him laugh when he saw it once more before he erased it - which killed me because it gave him one last spark of mirth, knowing that he would never meet her again) - through them, we see layer upon layer peeled off the enigmatic persona he exudes, up to the moment we meet Fangfeng Bei, and later when we are allowed aching glimpses of how he feels in starkly simple descriptions. 

So, at the end of the day, I would still have gone for Xiang Liu because he is the embodiment of selflessness, integrity and unwavering loyalty - never promising what he could not give, respecting her wishes, enabling her to be strong even if it hurts him. The fact that Tong Hua gave us that tragic end simply served to cement the place he had already carved in my heart.

So am I the only one who thinks Xiao Zhan would have slayed the role too? He was great în the untamed, gray anti-hero roles suits him best and he also has this thing with smiling with the mouth while crying with his eyes. I can easily see him playing XL, really. 

About my perfect ending for LYF, I honestly would have prefered the whole tragedy package, as once promised. Anyone seen I'm sorry, I love you? Very old school korean drama, but it did have a perfect tragic ending, IMO. 


So am I the only one who thinks Xiao Zhan would have slayed the role too? He was great în the untamed, gray anti-hero roles suits him best and he also has this thing with smiling with the mouth while crying with his eyes. I can easily see him playing XL, really. 

Would you believe I have never completed any work of Xiao Zhan's? I did start The Untamed, but was never drawn to the story enough to finish it. Might give his works a try and see what it is I missed. Any recommendations apart from the Untamed?

About my perfect ending for LYF, I honestly would have prefered the whole tragedy package, as once promised.

Did you mean that you would have preferred a tragic ending for Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu, revisiting her parents' fate? Or that you liked the novel ending, as is?


"Did you mean that you would have preferred a tragic ending for Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu, revisiting her parents' fate? Or that you liked the novel ending, as is?" 

Tragic ending for both of them, definetely, but I have a thing for this types of endings, it is all or nothing for me. 


"Would you believe I have never completed any work of Xiao Zhan's? I did start The Untamed, but was never drawn to the story enough to finish it. Might give his works a try and see what it is I missed. Any recommendations apart from the Untamed" 

I have only seen the untamed, but belive me, it is worth watching. Have you seen past episode 13?  If not, than I would highly recommend to try again, you are really really missing out. 

Tragic ending for both of them, definetely, but I have a thing for this types of endings, it is all or nothing for me. 

There is something inherently beautiful about a fully tragic ending, but I can understand why Tong Hua would not go down that route, since it would just be history repeating itself. It is bittersweet too in Once Promised that while Chi Chen never shied away from announcing his love for A Heng, she only finally declared that she loved him to everyone on both sides of the divide on that last day. To me, it felt that theirs was a relationship that could never see the light of day, his was a love she could not admit to the world, and in that moment, my heart broke for him even though he had willingly accepted her decision for all those years:

Suddenly, A Heng made up her mind and frankly replied, "I am in a relationship with Chi Chen." Her voice was not loud, but those who heard her were stunned, wondering if they heard wrongly. Even Chi Chen thought he must be hallucinating because he had waited hundreds of years to hear it.

"I have been in love with Chi Chen for hundreds of years!" A Heng repeated in a loud voice, as if proclaiming for the whole world to hear.
Chi Chen burst into hearty, uninhibited laughter, not bothering to conceal the joy that burst from the bottom of his heart.

Everyone stared at him blankly. After some time, Chi Chen finally stopped laughing but continued to stare lovingly at A Heng without disguising the affection in his eyes.

Have you seen past episode 13?  If not, than I would highly recommend to try again, you are really really missing out. 

Will do so one day - thank you for the recommendation.


Once promise is for sure my cup of tea, I just love this type of romance stories where they make you guess and/or wait untill the very end and right before the tragedy strikes you finally get the answer you craved to hear all along. But the again, I do have a small dose of masochism and it is easier for me to see beauty în sadness sometimes, but I understand why this is not for everyone. On a side note, I am almost done reading ballad of desert and I did notice that the author doesn't shy away when it comes to go all the way regarding intimate stuff and that makes me apreciate her refusal of giving Jing the wedding night în lyf even more. 

Tragic ending for both of them, definetely, but I have a thing for this types of endings, it is all or nothing for me.

I'd have preferred that too. Full blown tragedy.

Just... no Jing, please.

Yours aversion to Jing is highly entertaining. You're really ride-or-die for out favourite 9 heads serpent :-).

LOL, I did it again. I can't with him. The more I think about him, the more I want to punch something or throw him off a bridge LOLOLOL

There, happy ending! YAY!!

Thank you all for your replies. So it is actually the total opposite from what I believe, that there are more Yaojing‘s shopper in asian fans and more Yaoliu‘s in international fans. I came to my false conclusion because I‘ve read that the most touted reason Jingers hate XL is his abusive behaviour to XY so I wondered if that‘s due to western perception and expectation on how women should be treated nowadays and the trend of woman ‚s empowerement, which @Nahtsketch very accurately pointed out here.

But then, even without taking Xiang Liu into consideration, Jing's behavior started bothering me. The fact that he's made to look like this super sweet and kind guy with his unwavering devotion should never be a reason for me to dislike his character, but it did back then and it does even more now.

Because when it matters the most, he's not able to protect anyone, not even himself. The Jingers often praise the fact that he endured all that torture at the hands of his brother, and he now carries all those scars (psychological and physical ones), but he remained good through it all and never sought revenge, so he's this ideal personification of forgiveness that should be endlessly revered. Okay, that's all fine and dandy, but this was not a mere spat between siblings and they were not living in 2023. His inability to stand up for himself keeps getting him into trouble. People (his own family) keep abusing him and he does nothing. His saintly personality is absurd and unrealistic, even more so than a 9-headed serpent demon. It's inhuman. So being extremely kind in this very cruel world, with that awful family of his, and in the midst of that internecine war is simply dangerous. If it wasn't for others doing the heavy lifting, he could never have gotten his happy ending. God forbid a new war breaks out. XY will have to do the protecting part. How modern, female empowerment, yay!

The novel says he's extremely intelligent and cunning as a fox lol, not to mention an excellent businessman, but do we see that being put to good use when it matters the most?

So it bothers me to have this kind of emasculated dude be considered the new ideal. It feels like women can only shine when the dude is turned into a eunuch. I think the loss of his tails is the most apt metaphor for this. I haven't even touched on his stalkerish behavior nor the "I can't even disentangle myself from this unwanted engagement". Others are literally fighting wars but he can't even fight his own darn family.‘

And also because I thought that westeners tends to use their 2023 sensibilities in judging the character more than asians (no offence meant, btw), whereas asian fans who are more familiar with xianxia‚s world would have better understanding on where XL is coming from. I come from a southeast asian country but live in Europe now. I grew up watching cdrama and have chinese ancestors,  but no one in my family can speak chinese sadly,  because my family has been living in my homecountry for generations and mixed with the locals. Such is the power of XL that he can touch everyone hearts despite cultural/language etc. differences 😄. 

I love XL because TJC portrayal and I can’t imagine anyone else playing him. But I also don’t really watch Cdramas so I don‘t really know, who good chinese actors in these age range nowadays are.  From some Cdrama I watched, only Deng Lun moved me in AoL with his performance there and now TJC. I’ve tried watched some Yang Yang’s drama because he’s very popular and handsome, but his acting bored me and I dropped his dramas after a couple of episodes. I find him to emote better through his dance actually, cos I saw his Dandelion dance and like it very much. Mark Chao in the famous Eternal Love was also good but I don‘t connect with the story emotionally because I don‘t like the FL. I only cheering for HE because the ML loves her so much🤷‍♀️.  Other hot handsome actors like Xu Kai, Dylan Wang etc was serviceable enough in their popular role but doesn‘t left me with deep impression and made me interested in watching them acting in other dramas.


XL is not a "bad boy" in the mold of petulant, "I'm so misunderstood,  therefore I act like an asshole" (cant stand this type). He's a "bad boy" in the sense that, unlike the Jings of the world, he isn't the nice, amiable to everyone type. He follows his own code and isn't trying to conform to expectations. And it's also because he is seen as the wrong/unsuitable choice for the female lead. 

All the qualities that you listed in your last paragraph are things that makes us XL fans like him so much. I particularly like the not making promises that he can't keep. Words are cheap, it's the action that shows you the true measures of the person.

Other things that I like about him are that despite the cruelty that he'd experience, he hadn't turn cruel and  the prejudice and discrimination he faced hasn't turned him bitter. There is something rather Zen about his approach to life. Instead of feeling self-pity and hopeless when things doesn't go his way, he takes action as necessary and accept things when needed . There's a line that he said to XY about how she cares too much about gains and losses. This line is a good insight into his character/outlook and probably one of the biggest differences between him and XY. 

My re-reading of the novel and watching TJC's XL makes me like this character even more. So male lead or not, he's definitely the male lead of my choice . And I would pick a XL over a Jing any day.



"It's interesting because Xiang Liu and XL/XY fit more with the conventional male lead/end game set-up. The antagonistic relationship, the link from the Lover's Bugs, the physical intimacy (the blood sucking), right down to the "we are enemy so I can't be with you" trope all screamed end-game. Jing is the character that more closely resembled the devoted, kind and considerate 2nd male lead."

This is spot on. Everything about XL and his relationship with XY screams main lead/s to me. Jing always gave me second lead vibe, still does, even now, long after I finished reading the novel. I swear beside a few scenes here and there I can't remember much about his doings, he was always în the background for me, and that îs definetely not because I wasn't paying attention to him, but I am convinced that that was the author intention. There was more talk about Jing în the novel then he was actually present,  my view on Jing is build on XY view on him, the author IMO didn't made him a memorabile independent character who shines on his own on purpose. XL on the other hand was built to shine and there is no doubt în my mind about that. There was a line în the novel about short term happiness and companionship and I firmly belive that was what the author chose to narrate în lyf, while also setting the grounds for the long happily ever after, but that was not what this story was about. IMO XL is the main, lyf starts with XY, but it ends with XL. 

I think we dodged a bullet with Yang Yang. My experience with Yang Yang's acting is that he's very pretty to look at, but he lacks a certain sensitivity and depth in his portrayal. I get the sense that he's far to conscious of his good looks and being Yang Yang, that he can't takes you into the inner world of the character that he's playing. I think we would have gotten the surface level performance.

This is the best description of Yang Yang's acting that I've read. Every time I see him, I can't help but think someone else would have done a much better job. I know the following is an exaggeration, but three cardboard cutouts of him might accomplish almost the same thing, lol. Believe it or not, I don't exactly dislike him. But, he takes me out of a drama a lot and I have to keep hitting my "I believe" push button to stay with the drama. (My husband likes him fine and is in charge of the remote.)

I'm flabbergasted that anyone would seriously consider him for a role like XL. I know he's been on the Forbes China Celebrity 100 list for many years. For me, he's probably the main example of a celebrity (idol?) being chosen over a much better actor.