My personal opinion, but I find a bit strange to ship real people. Shipping characters is one thing, buuuut these are people with real lives. Not to mention that Yang Zi’s fans can be a bit intense

Ultimately, I think it best to just support their works and wish that they find happiness in all areas of their lives.

THIS.  I just want the actors to be happy in whatever relationship they are fortunate enough to find.


Really? Nah, you’re pulling my leg. That’s literally The North Face hahahahahahaha

No.  I'll have to find the pic.  It was hilarious.

Of course, I imagine FFB being the wind breaking coat I'd wrap around me, not a coat. ;ppp


"Okay, Jing is blinder than XY if he didn't realize CX was jealous as heck." 

"In the drama at least, I think the problem is that TSJ just doesn't pay attention to much around him, except XY. " 

I so agree with you on this. Also, it is kind of funny if you think about it, altough he didn't realize CX's jealousy, he was quite aware about XY-XL, since there were quite a few scenes where he's obvious jealous or/and scared of XL. As you said, all of his attention was towards XY, so he wasn't afraid of XL per se, more like of what XL meant to XY. 


My personal opinion, but I find a bit strange to ship real people. Shipping characters is one thing, buuuut these are people with real lives. Not to mention that Yang Zi’s fans can be a bit intense

It's common in Chinese fandom because culturally, Chinese people are communal and community-based, so everyone is all up in everyone else's business, we're not an individualistic, don't get into my private life or business society like Western cultures are.  And Chinese love to ship, it's practically a national pastime, the amount of dating shows and their popularity and the interest in celebrities' dating lives (as well as the dating lives of our friends, family members, everyone around us, we Chinese are in love with love and live to be nosy). Westerners may think it's weird, for Chinese it's quite normal. Sorry if me talking about it offends or makes anyone uncomfortable, sometimes when I engage with non-Chinese fans I have to remember what is normal to discuss in Chinese fandom can be unwelcome topics elsewhere.

Anyway, I don't care either way about who he dates although as his longtime fan, I would like TJC to have a good work-life balance. His 7 days a week filming schedule for Go East is quite taxing. He is supposed to have a day off on November 1, I hope that actually happens.


I'm with you in the not shipping real life people thing. I personally find it a bit odd being this invested in the romantic life of strangers. I keep my interest to fictional characters and ships, safer that way. However, I am a bit nosy and love some celebrity gossips ?


I don't think shipping  real life public figures is something that is exclusive to C-fandom. You get it across the board. And interest in celebrity dating and personal lives is also prevalent across the entertainment landscapes be it Hollywood, Bollywood, South Korea etc. Does anyone remembered Twilight and the insane Robert Patterson and Kristen Stewart shippers? When those pictures of her and that director was release, their meltdown was epic. And the Sherlock fandom also spawn crazy Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman shippers.  

And just because culturally, many Asian countries are communal that doesn't makes the more intrusive behaviour healthy or acceptable.  Everything within reason,. It's one thing to think so and so are cute together and would be nice if they are dating. It's another to engage in the unhinge behaviour that some of these real-life shippers does. 

I hope you won't take my comments as criticism. And please continue to share your knowledge and understanding of the C-fandom etc. There are a number of TJC fan here and I'm sure they appreciate the information about him from a long time fan like you. Ít's really nice to get insight into the industry since for people who don't speak Chinese, we don't get a whole lot outside of the little that's is available in English. 

Anyway, I don't care either way about who he dates although as his longtime fan, I would like TJC to have a good work-life balance. His 7 days a week filming schedule for Go East is quite taxing. He is supposed to have a day off on November 1, I hope that actually happens.

Agreed. It is nice if he dates someone the fans think is a good match. Even if it isn't, it is not really anyone's business except his own. What matters is whether he is happy or not. I am more concerned about the filming schedule though. Is this normal in the C-industry? Or is Go East simply on a more backbreaking schedule than most? Whatever the case is, definitely hope he gets to have the down time he needs and recuperate.

Seeing he is on such a tight filming schedule, has there been any news about him being a part of the rumoured Lost You Forever concert? 

It's common in Chinese fandom because culturally, Chinese people are communal and community-based, so everyone is all up in everyone else's business, we're not an individualistic, don't get into my private life or business society like Western cultures are.

Oh, I thought it was the complete opposite! I thought Chinese people were more reserved about those matters. Nice to have your perspective on this! I'm always complaining that we don't get to know many Chinese views here on our MDL forums :)

I don't think shipping real life public figures is something that is exclusive to C-fandom. You get it across the board. And interest in celebrity dating and personal lives is also prevalent across the entertainment landscapes be it Hollywood, Bollywood, South Korea etc. Does anyone remembered Twilight and the insane Robert Patterson and Kristen Stewart shippers?

Exactly, that's why I assumed this was something more prevalent in other cultures, but not with the Chinese, considering celebrities usually keep things very hush-hush about their personal lives :)

LOL the Twilight era was epic indeed.

And please continue to share your knowledge and understanding of the C-fandom etc. There are a number of TJC fan here and I'm sure they appreciate the information about him from a long time fan like you. Ít's really nice to get insight into the industry since for people who don't speak Chinese, we don't get a whole lot outside of the little that's is available in English.


Sorry if me talking about it offends or makes anyone uncomfortable, sometimes when I engage with non-Chinese fans I have to remember what is normal to discuss in Chinese fandom can be unwelcome topics elsewhere.

No, not at all. You can talk about whatever you like. No unwelcome topics here. After all those horrid photos of Xiang Liu's ending, what could possibly be worse lol! I'm getting quite thick-skinned ? 

Well, not really. But I digress haha

Seeing he is on such a tight filming schedule, has there been any news about him being a part of the rumoured Lost You Forever concert?

Nothing new yet, but hoping that he'll be present! <3

(as well as the dating lives of our friends, family members, everyone around us, we Chinese are in love with love and live to be nosy).

And finally, my aunts (no, most of my family) would like to have a word with you. I guess we're more similar than I thought ?


To everyone who is against TSJ as a love rival, what do you think about CX as a love rival?

He's my second favorite (XL being first of course). I think he had a higher chance than the other guys at the beginning. It was CX that XY thought about when she was imprisoned by that nine-tailed fox and it was CX that she thought about when she was tortured by him. 

IMO, CX and XY would've gotten married if she never left Jade Mountain. When they were kids, XY told him she'd marry him.

Chapter 38:

When he met Xiao Yao for the first time, they didn’t get along at all. He was a boy but he couldn’t beat the rough and tumble Xiao Yao in a fight. He even tried to be sly and find a way to get rid of her. But gradually the two of them played together and when his parents both died it was Xiao Yao who kept him company every night. When he had nightmares it was Xiao Yao who kissed him on the forehead and vowed “I will be with you forever.” He didn’t believe her “You’ll get married eventually and leave me.” She hurriedly said “I won’t marry anyone else, I will marry you and never leave you.”

Maybe I would like the idea of them being together if he didn't have a harem of nine wives and they weren't cousins. I see them as cousins since they have the same grandfather, the Yellow Emperor....

He's my second favorite (XL being first of course). I think he had a higher chance than the other guys at the beginning. It was CX that XY thought about when she was imprisoned by that nine-tailed fox and it was CX that she thought about when she was tortured by him.



Thank you very much for your in-depth analysis into Jing, and your observation of parallels between Xiang Liu and Chi Chen. I find the latter interesting because I do not really see them as similar, apart from their total devotion to the woman they love, and the conflict knowing that they are fated to stand on opposing sides. Chi Chen never shied away from declaring his love for A Heng - he was bold, in your face, without guile, resolute and decisive, and they both accepted their fate while continuing to embrace their love. On the other hand, Xiang Liu never revealed his love, much less the extent of it, be it to Xiao Yao or anyone else, apart from Sir Bi, whom he swore to silence. He refused to subject Xiao Yao to the pain of loving and losing someone who was destined to be their sworn enemy, even before she was born, and he did everything in his power to ensure it.  As such, would you be willing to elaborate the parallels you observed?

Putting the rest of what I have to say in spoilers, since this is a Xiang Liu thread after all.

I am glad you brought up filial piety, because that definitely played a huge part in the reason Jing could get nothing done as far as his engagement went. I agree that Jing was blindsided by those he love - first Hou, whom he never expected to hate him to the extent of subjecting him to the years of torture and degradation; then by his own grandmother whom he never thought would trap him. You are right - his hands were effectively tied when he could not go against his grandmother because of deeply ingrained filial piety. I said this on another platform before, but while it was ironic then that such an exceptional mind would be entrapped into a position and marriage he did not want, what was even more frustrating was that he would not come clean to Xiao Yao, allowing her instead to find out for herself with Yi Ying's pregnancy. I can understand his fears, knowing that it meant losing her, but how long did he honestly think he could have kept it from her? The other part that I had problems with in terms of Jing's predicament was why he never tried to tell his grandmother that the woman he wanted to marry was the Gao Xin princess, which would have made her understand why he refused to make the woman he loved the concubine, and Yi Ying his principal wife. Coming back from the brink of death after 37 years, his grandmother railed about having no more time left, and having trained the Tushan clan leader's wife-to-be for 60 years. However, when he first returned, only 10 years had passed. Would his grandmother have been more inclined to listen then? I don't know, but I feel that his decision not to be upfront contributed to the escalation of events that followed. 

That being said, I am of the opinion that judging Jing based on what is seen in the drama so far is doing him a disservice, because he does reveal the brilliance and compassion he is known for down the road - systematically clipping Hou's wings, exposing the traitorous couple, protecting Yi Ying and her child. However, not for the first time, I still find myself questioning how Jing is portrayed in the drama, and feel that his characterisation suffered due to being seen as indecisive and solely wallowing in romantic love, when the Jing of the novel is far far more than that. If the leaked script is to be believed, there will be far more Jing-centric scenes in S2, which would hopefully flesh out the character better. 

How come I never thought of coming here


How come I never thought of coming here

Hey Fei Fei!

Oh wow, yeah, I don't know. We have so many Liu Liu threads!

Seeing Yang Zi's voice break during her 入戏 interview (1;52-54min mark) when she talked about the last time Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu met, I went back to look at the leaked script for that scene.  As expected, Left Ear is not in the scene. 

Leaked script Ep19  scene 16-17 (Vol 3 Ch13 / Chapter 46)

[This scene takes place after Feng Long's death. Xiao Yao realised that the bug inside her must have clued Xiang Liu in that she, and by extension, Cang Xuan was at Qingshui town, resulting in the attack]

Beneath the bright, clear moon, the ripples on Gourd Lake shimmered. A white-haired Xiao Yao came alone to the bank of the lake, and shouted in a loud voice.

XY: Xiang Liu, I know you can sense me. Get out here and see me! Xiang Liu--

Dressed in white robes, Xiang Liu appeared on the surface of the lake, treading the waves as he walked towards Xiao Yao.

XY (demanding to know): Do you understand? If you kill Cang Xuan, you are not only causing his death alone but that of the people of the world, countless lives!
XL  (cold expression, unmoved in the slightest): What of it?

Xiao Yao raised her hand and the bow appeared in her grasp, which she aimed straight at Xiang Liu.

XY: Hong Jiang cherishes his homeland, resolutely refusing to surrender. That is definitely worthy of respect. However, people cannot fight against the momentum of the world. Now Xuan Yuan, Shen Nong and Gao Xin have united. If you kill Cang Xuan, the Great Wilderness will fall apart, and war will break out again. Sacrificing the good of the world for the sake of personal righteousness. Is this what Hong Jiang's loyalty amounts to?

Xiang Liu broke into a careless smile.

XL: If Cang Xuan dies by my hand, that would mean that the world is not yet united, so how can one be fighting against the momentum of the world?
XY: You know in your heart whether what I said is right or not!
XL (faint smile): You want to use the archery skills I taught you to kill me?
XY (hands shaking): Stop right there!

Xiang Liu continued to walk towards Xiao Yao.

XL: Who would have thought you would avenge Chishui Feng Long. Since you cared so deeply for him, why didn't you marry him? After all, Tushan Jing is already dead...

Xiao Yao gritted her teeth in fury, and a silver arrow flew out with a whoosh.
The distance between them was not far and in a blink of an eye, the arrow embedded itself in Xiang Liu's chest. Xiang Liu's body shook slightly but he continued walking towards her, pulling out the arrow and flinging it aside as he did so.

XL: Don't forget I am called Nine-Lives Xiang Liu! If you wish to kill me, you must shoot a few more arrows! Be more precise! Aim here!

Xiang Liu pointed at his heart, dashing and unrestrained, his sleeves billowing in the wind.

XY: Do you think I won't dare to?

Xiao Yao endured her hurt as she nocked another arrow and drew the bow. However... dark red blood like peach blossoms in full bloom was spreading across his white robes. Unable to bear it, Xiao Yao closed her eyes, and the aim of the arrow that flew forth was off, grazing his arm as it flew by. Xiang Liu stopped in his tracks and gave her an insouciant smile as if in mockery, hiding a sliver of joy.
Her murderous urge exhausted at last, Xiao Yao lowered her hands in dejection.

XY: It is true that I can't kill you to avenge Feng Long. However, take note! If you dare to do anything to Cang Xuan, I will kill Hong Jiang! My archery skills were taught by you, and you taught me how to kill. My poisons, you have sampled countless. Those may be useless against you, but killing Hong Jiang will be child's play!

Xiao Yao turned to leave.

XL (coldly): Did I say you could go?
XY (stopped in her tracks and turned): What do you want?
XL: Over the years, you have received many favours from me. Have you ever truly repaid me?

Xiao Yao stared at Xiang Liu in disbelief.

XY (trying hard to appear calm): How do you want me to repay you?
XL (coldly): Your blood.

Shrouded in moonlight, Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao faced each other on the rippling surface of the lake. With a wave of the hand, Xiang Liu used his powers to shape a delicate container.

XL: Your blood has excellent healing properties. The war will only intensify, so there is no harm in making some healing pills.
XY: Fine, I'll give you!

Xiao Yao viciously sliced her wrist with the string of the bow, and her blood gushed out.

XY: How much do you want?
XL (coldly): As long as you don't end up dead, the more the better.

Xiao Yao slashed her wrist viciously again and again, ending up with three bleeding wounds while Xiang Liu looked on, appearing not to care. Her expression was resolute, as if without any trace of hesitation or weakness, but her eyes betrayed her desolation.

XY: Apart from Hong Jiang, is everyone else but a chess piece to you? They have no worth apart from whether they can be of use to you or not? In the past, everyone said that Nine Lives Xiang Liu is cold and cruel but I never believed them... now I do!
XL (as if looking at an idiot with pity and ridicule): I have always been a cold-blooded demon. It is not that I am heartless, but rather you are too foolish!
XY: Yes, I am too much of a fool!

As her blood continued to flow, scenes from the past flash past, stained in red.

Xiang Liu and her watching the moon rise on the surface of the ocean; Xiang Liu bringing her to stroll in the ocean depths; Fangfeng Bei putting his hand on hers to teach her archery; Fangfeng Bei bringing her to eat grilled meat; Fangfeng Bei eating her poisons like delicious delicacies; Xiang Liu accompanying her in the cold dark water for 37 years.  

Xiao Yao's face turned pale from too much loss of blood, and her body swayed, but Xiang Liu  remained stony faced and stared at her coldly.

XY (devastated inside, stubbornly remaining calm outwardly): Is it enough?

Xiang Liu was silent but did not refute her words. Casting a spell with a raised hand, Xiao Yao's blood was transformed into glowing blood droplets before finally merging and solidifying into a blood red pill the size of a longan which landed on his palm.
Xiao Yao gave Xiang Liu an indifferent stare.

XY: I have repaid all your favours in blood. After tonight, you and I are strangers, and I do not wish to ever see you again in this life and this lifetime!

Having said that, Xiao Yao turned to leave, staggering as she did so. As the cold front she had forcibly maintained dissipated, tears welled up in her eyes.
Expressionless, Xiang Liu watched Xiao Yao stagger, walking out of his life with each step.
As she continued to walk, her knees buckled beneath her and she collapsed in a faint.
Xiang Liu immediately rushed to her side and held her in his arms. While his face remained uncaring, his attention was solely fixed on her. The tears brimming in her eyes told him that her coldness was a front and his own cold mask finally shattered. Xiang Liu lifted her arm. Xiao Yao had not spared herself and while the blood had dried, the three terrible slash wounds remained. Unable to bear it, Xiang Liu kissed her wounds with love and tenderness, and the wounds healed as if it had never been. However, what stood between them now was an insurmountable gulf.
Beneath the moonlight amid the ripples of the lake, Xiang Liu cradled the unconscious Xiao Yao in his arms in desolation.


[Miao Pu who was looking for Xiao Yao who gave her the slip previously, came upon her, unconscious from loss of blood. Now that Xiao Yao knew what Xin Yue had done, Cang Xuan dared not bring her back to Shen Nong mountain. Since A Nian happened to be in Qingshui town with Ru Shou who was taking over the command of the army, Cang Xuan arranged for A Nian to bring Xiao Yao back to Xuan Yuan mountain.

In the cloud carriage, Xiao Yao woke up only to find she was with A Nian, who told her she volunteered to bring Xiao Yao back to recuperate from her injuries. As Xiao Yao lapsed into unconsciousness once more, a shadow passed over A Nian's face, as if hiding some secret.]

It is interesting to note that as each cast sign off on their last day of filming, the actors for the Xiyan and Haoling kings referred to themselves as Xuan Yuan king and Gao Xin Shao Hao, which meant that during filming, the 3 kingdoms retained the names from the books, and the new names were only used during post-production dubbing. For S2, a few of the cast mentioned how there were changes to the dialogue which they needed to dub. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that these changes encompass more than just name changes, and that by some miracle, the concerns about rendering Xiang Liu's efforts obsolete were also addressed.