Xiang Liu immediately rushed to her side and held her in his arms. While his face remained uncaring, his attention was solely fixed on her. The tears brimming in her eyes told him that her coldness was a front and his own cold mask finally shattered. Xiang Liu lifted her arm. Xiao Yao had not spared herself and while the blood had dried, the three terrible slash wounds remained. Unable to bear it, Xiang Liu kissed her wounds with love and tenderness, and the wounds healed as if it had never been. However, what stood between them now was an insurmountable gulf.

Beneath the moonlight amid the ripples of the lake, Xiang Liu cradled the unconscious Xiao Yao in his arms in desolation.

I don't like that Left Ear has been removed from the narrative, but this is a nice consequence. Left Ear isn't there to take Xiao Yao away after she falls unconscious. Only Xiang Liu can look after her at that point. 

I can imagine him calling Furball and then carrying Xiao Yao in his arms all the way from the lake to QS town. Maybe he would still be holding her in his arms while speaking with A Nian, or maybe he would lay her down in bed first before speaking with A Nian (is this the point where he gives her the big-bellied laughing doll and invokes her promise?). But whether it's before or after, I can picture him laying her down very gently on the bed. And maybe glancing back from the door before leaving. 

This isn't his last interaction with Xiao Yao, right? They cut most of chapter 48, but they still kept him breaking the bug connection, which is shown in the trailer. And I think you mentioned he uses the blood he took from Xiao Yao to heal her after breaking the bug connection? If Xiao Yao wakes up after this scene, how does she end up unconscious and with XL again later when he breaks the bug connection, if not as a result of poisoning herself?  


It is interesting to note that as each cast sign off on their last day of filming, the actors for the Xiyan and Haoling kings referred to themselves as Xuan Yuan king and Gao Xin Shao Hao, which meant that during filming, the 3 kingdoms retained the names from the books, and the new names were only used during post-production dubbing. For S2, a few of the cast mentioned how there were changes to the dialogue which they needed to dub. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that these changes encompass more than just name changes, and that by some miracle, the concerns about rendering Xiang Liu's efforts obsolete were also addressed. 

Very interesting and good to know. I thought maybe the different place names in the leaked script might be possible a sign that it wasn't legit. But now it seems like the opposite. 

It also seems like some scenes in S1 were dubbed more than once with different dialogue? Like the scene from the trailer where young Xiao Yao promises to marry Cang Xuan. In the version of that scene in the drama, she only declares that she will be his sister forever. 

Leaked script Ep19  scene 16-17 (Vol 3 Ch13 / Chapter 46)

Also, thanks for the translation! ^^

"XL (faint smile): You want to use the archery skills I taught you to kill me?
XY (hands shaking): Stop right there!"

"Xiao Yao gritted her teeth in fury, and a silver arrow flew out with a whoosh.

XL: Don't forget I am called Nine-Lives Xiang Liu! If you wish to kill me, you must shoot a few more arrows! Be more precise! Aim here! "

"XL (as if looking at an idiot with pity and ridicule): I have always been a cold-blooded demon. It is not that I am heartless, but rather you are too foolish!
XY: Yes, I am too much of a fool! "

"XY: I have repaid all your favours in blood. After tonight, you and I are strangers, and I do not wish to ever see you again in this life and this lifetime! "


Having said that, Xiao Yao turned to leave, staggering as she did so. As the cold front she had forcibly maintained dissipated, tears welled up in her eyes.
Expressionless, Xiang Liu watched Xiao Yao stagger, walking out of his life with each step.
As she continued to walk, her knees buckled beneath her and she collapsed in a faint.
Xiang Liu immediately rushed to her side and held her in his arms. While his face remained uncaring, his attention was solely fixed on her. The tears brimming in her eyes told him that her coldness was a front and his own cold mask finally shattered. Xiang Liu lifted her arm. Xiao Yao had not spared herself and while the blood had dried, the three terrible slash wounds remained. Unable to bear it, Xiang Liu kissed her wounds with love and tenderness, and the wounds healed as if it had never been. However, what stood between them now was an insurmountable gulf.
Beneath the moonlight amid the ripples of the lake, Xiang Liu cradled the unconscious Xiao Yao in his arms in desolation.

I actually like this part better than the novel. At least we get to see XL show affection to XY :')


It is interesting to note that as each cast sign off on their last day of filming, the actors for the Xiyan and Haoling kings referred to themselves as Xuan Yuan king and Gao Xin Shao Hao, which meant that during filming, the 3 kingdoms retained the names from the books, and the new names were only used during post-production dubbing. For S2, a few of the cast mentioned how there were changes to the dialogue which they needed to dub. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that these changes encompass more than just name changes, and that by some miracle, the concerns about rendering Xiang Liu's efforts obsolete were also addressed. 

Thanks so much for translating. I am a fan of your work.

In the leaked script, if XY doesn't poison herself, why is she at Jade mountain. What are the circumstances around the big removal scene? I don't understand how AN is involved.

I hope XL mentions the line where he was heart and soul willing to take the bug so it planted in him properly. It's  one of my favorite lines from the novel. It's the few times he actually verbally expresses his love even if she can't hear it. Not sure if we will get this line as in the show it doesn't mention anything about willingness to plant the bugs.

In the leaked script, if XY doesn't poison herself, why is she at Jade mountain. What are the circumstances around the big removal scene? I don't understand how AN is involved.

If I remember correctly, liddi mentioned before that Xiao Yao doesn't go to Jade Mountain at all in S2. We never see Sir Bi and nearly everything from chapter 48 is cut. 

 AH :

If I remember correctly, liddi mentioned before that Xiao Yao doesn't go to Jade Mountain at all in S2. We never see Sir Bi and nearly everything from chapter 48 is cut. 

Then when does XL remove the bug? I just thought they replaced Sir Bi with AN. It's a  real shame. 

I love the scene where he dives into the water and conjures the fish to protect them. The way it was written, it was very beautiful and romantic especially when it reveals them.

At least the book won't change!

I'd like to say I don't expect CRYING gifs when I read this thread, but that would not be true.

Whether this is actually what we see in the drama (my usual mantra to hold off freak out), I've noticed this in other places, where Tong Hua emphasizes words and themes.  After XY was lashed and agreed to become XL's man, she was STILL trying to joke around with XL, and he told her make sure to learn what kind of person he was.  It's a variation on his "Who do you want me to be?" line.

@AH @MengXiang

When Xiao Yao momentarily recovered consciousness in the next scene, she was in a cloud carriage with A Nian. A Nian told her that she followed Ru Shou who was rushing to Qingshui town to take over Feng Long's command, when they chanced upon her severely wounded, unconscious self. A Nian then requested to bring Xiao Yao back to recuperate. However, she was actually bringing Xiao Yao to Jade Mountain at Xiang Liu's request. What is different is Sir Bi never makes an appearance, his interactions with Xiang Liu being given to A Nian and the Royal Mother, who is also in the know of Xiang Liu's presence on Jade Mountain. As such, the scene of the fishes forming a protective circle around Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao is also removed.

I hope XL mentions the line where he was heart and soul willing to take the bug so it planted in him properly. It's  one of my favorite lines from the novel. It's the few times he actually verbally expresses his love even if she can't hear it. Not sure if we will get this line as in the show it doesn't mention anything about willingness to plant the bugs.

This line is retained in the leaked script, and hopefully stays that way in the finalised version.

After XY was lashed and agreed to become XL's man, she was STILL trying to joke around with XL, and he told her make sure to learn what kind of person he was.  It's a variation on his "Who do you want me to be?" line.

And she chose to believe he was the man she thought she knew, until that last time, when he called her a fool for believing he was anything but a heartless demon and showed her no mercy as he drained her blood. Yet, for all her being convinced she had been wrong all along, his death still shattered her even as she berates herself for being a fool in feeling that way..

Didn't Jing's brother personally physically torture him for years and then throw him out on the street and convince him everyone loved his title, not him, and he was dirt that everyone avoided?

I mean, how could Jing NOT be aware that Hou hated him with a passion?

Yes, the torture was when TSJ figured out that his bother hated him with a passion.

He's my second favorite (XL being first of course). I think he had a higher chance than the other guys at the beginning. It was CX that XY thought about when she was imprisoned by that nine-tailed fox and it was CX that she thought about when she was tortured by him.

IMO, CX and XY would've gotten married if she never left Jade Mountain. When they were kids, XY told him she'd marry him.

Great points!

Maybe I would like the idea of them being together if he didn't have a harem of nine wives and they weren't cousins. I see them as cousins since they have the same grandfather, the Yellow Emperor....

This is what I think too. He said that all he wanted was XY (if he didn't want to rule the world). It seems like it was okay to marry a first cousin in ancient times?


@AH @MengXiang

When Xiao Yao momentarily recovered consciousness in the next scene, she was in a cloud carriage with A Nian. A Nian told her that she followed Ru Shou who was rushing to Qingshui town to take over Feng Long's command, when they chanced upon her severely wounded, unconscious self. A Nian then requested to bring Xiao Yao back to recuperate. However, she was actually bringing Xiao Yao to Jade Mountain at Xiang Liu's request. What is different is Sir Bi never makes an appearance, his interactions with Xiang Liu being given to A Nian and the Royal Mother, who is also in the know of Xiang Liu's presence on Jade Mountain. As such, the scene of the fishes forming a protective circle around Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao is also removed.

Ah okay so XY does still end up going to Jade Mountain. And that's still where XL breaks the bug connection? 

Does the script include conversations between XL and A Nian / XL and the Royal Mother? Or does that all happen off screen?

This line is retained in the leaked script, and hopefully stays that way in the finalised version.


Glad they've kept that line in the script. 

 AH :
Does the script include conversations between XL and A Nian / XL and the Royal Mother? Or does that all happen off screen?

Yes, Xiang Liu breaks the bug connection there, and we are given his dialogue with both A Nian and the Royal Mother after that too.


Yes, Xiang Liu breaks the bug connection there, and we are given his dialogue with both A Nian and the Royal Mother after that too.

Thanks so much for the response! May I ask what your favorite scene in the book or drama is?

I have mentally prepared to do lots of crying when this scene comes out. I am very glad they kept my favorite line.