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Guuuuggggh! Ambushed by sexy awesome again!

I'm posting this everywhere I can. It's too good to be true.

nathsketch - Wow! You make a great case. Let me have some time to digest it all!


Thank you so much for your insight into the casting and TJC's journey in portraying this character. I heard that Yang Yang was courted previously, so I was confused when director 秦榛  Zoe Qin said he was the only choice for the role. Thankfully he was the one who was finally cast - I could not have imagined anyone else as Xiang Liu.  

I am glad he formed his own interpretation and stood his ground. I recalled him saying that he has come to appreciate and love the poignancy of a sad ending, even though it makes him cry.  Am curious that you mentioned him finding it hard to move on after filming. Were there any specifics that he mentioned about this? If I recall correctly, I read/heard somewhere that he struggled to act cheerful in his subsequent project after coming out of playing Xiang Liu. 

The thing about Xiang Liu is there is always an enigmatic air about him because Tong Hua gives so little insight into his character through Xiao Yao's eyes, except for those few times when we literally see what he has done for her, without her ever knowing. If the leaked script is to be believed, we will see more of Xiang Liu's inner thoughts and vulnerability in S2. I think there is a fine line to be tread between showing that side of him, and demystifying him to the extent of losing the essence of what makes his character so memorable. I trust TJC to give us the Xiang Liu he has come to understand, but there is only so much he can do within the confines of the script, so I fervently hope the script and direction does the character justice too.


   How much of your love for Xiang Liu is based on Tan Jian Ci's performance vs. based on the character himself?

Xiang Liu is the kind of character that I tend to gravitate towards, so as long as a half-way competent actor played him, I would have liked him. Tan Jian Ci's performance, though, really takes my liking for XL to another level. In the novel, we didn't get any insight into his thoughts and emotions so in the hand of someone who is "half-way competent" we would probably have gotten the aloof, emotionless XL. 

What TJC did with his performance is to give us a look at the emotions/thoughts underneath - the kind of insight that we might have got, if Tong Hua had chosen to provide them in the novel. In other words, he didn't just merely acted out XL as written, but he interpret and gives live to XL's inner world. How much of this is due to TJC own interpretation vs. in combination with script-writers intention, and director's vision? The final performance of an actor is probably a combination of all 3 aspects. A weak actor need a good character and relies on the vision and guidance of a strong director to give a good performance; whereas a strong actor will work better with a director who is willing to collaborate with them. Of course, if TJC wasn't able to convey subtle emotions, no amount of direction would have given us the performance that we got. 

I think we dodged a bullet with Yang Yang. My experience with Yang Yang's acting is that he's very pretty to look at, but he lacks a certain sensitivity and depth in his portrayal. I get the sense that he's far to conscious of his good looks and being Yang Yang, that he can't takes you into the inner world of the character that he's playing. I think we would have gotten the surface level performance.

In conclusion, XL as a character is a chocolate cake. TJC as Xiang Liu is a chocolate cake with extra icing and trimmings on top.

An example of a sweet and good guy through and through but a badass when it matters is General Xiao Qi in the Rebel Princess. That's an indisputable Good Guy™. He protects, he attacks, and he's a green flag greener than all the Shire. No time for moping around and crying like a baby. He gets the job done and is the ideal family man.

I couldn't agree more with everything you described about Xiao Qi, an awesome character, brought to life by the very talented Zhou Yiwei.  This is the kind of husband I want for my daughter!


I couldn't agree more with everything you described about Xiao Qi, an awesome character, brought to life by the very talented Zhou Yiwei.  This is the kind of husband I want for my daughter!

Yes, right?? This is the kind of guy I can support through it all, even compared to Xiang Liu.

~ LOL, stop lying, who am I kidding? ~

But no, Xiao Qi is perfect, he's simply perfect in every way. And he remains a Man™ man.

Xiang Liu, baby, don't be jealous lol.

But no, Xiao Qi is perfect, he's simply perfect in every way. And he remains a Man™ man.

Xiang Liu, baby, don't be jealous lol.

There are similarities between them though. Apart from being fiercely loyal to the men they lead and totally devoted to the woman they love, both of them are also poor as church mice, especially Xiang Liu who even needs to take on side jobs as an assassin to fund his army, unlike the rest of Xiao Yao's suitors who are pretty much rolling in gold. 


There are similarities between them though. Apart from being fiercely loyal to the men they lead and totally devoted to the woman they love, both of them are also poor as church mice, especially Xiang Liu who even needs to take on side jobs as an assassin to fund his army, unlike the rest of Xiao Yao's suitors who are pretty much rolling in gold. 

I love my poor babies.

It's like I always say to Kokuto, I want to pay his bills. I'll pay for everything hahahah

With regards to which ship is more popular. I read somewhere that fan of the original novel skewed more towards XY/XL. With the release of the drama, there has been an influx of XY/Jing shippers from the drama. Another poster above mentioned that it could be due to Deng Wei's increasing popularity in the past year and this may potentially plays a role. Drama watchers isn't always watching because of script/story, but also because they like certain actor/actresses. In addition, if their introduction to LYF is through the drama, I think they may also be influence by what get touted as the official couple/ship. I'm pretty sure XY/Jing are being marketed as the FL/ML of the drama. I've watched plenty of drama adaptions of novel that I've never read, and I certain go in fully aboard the main ship. Once you board a ship, I don't tend to deviate.

I think they may also be influence by what get touted as the official couple/ship. I'm pretty sure XY/Jing are being marketed as the FL/ML of the drama.

Oh yikes, welp, bah, humbug!

Thank you so much for your insight into the casting and TJC's journey in portraying this character. I heard that Yang Yang was courted previously, so I was confused when director 秦榛 Zoe Qin said he was the only choice for the role. Thankfully he was the one who was finally cast - I could not have imagined anyone else as Xiang Liu.

These can both be true.  I had heard Yang Yang being Tong Hua's ideal image for Xiang Liu somewhere also.  But I think Zoe Qin's ideal and only choice was Tan Jian Ci, and Zoe would have more pull in casting, IMO.  But that's not to say she is the only person making the casting choice.  I'm sure the people paying the bills would have preferred a bigger name actor like Yang Yang or XZ.  They may have tried for Yang Yang, but didn't get him, as you said thankfully, because I just don't think he could have pulled XL off.

he didn't just merely acted out XL as written, but he interpret and gives live to XL's inner world. How much of this is due to TJC own interpretation vs. in combination with script-writers intention, and director's vision? The final performance of an actor is probably a combination of all 3 aspects. A weak actor need a good character and relies on the vision and guidance of a strong director to give a good performance; whereas a strong actor will work better with a director who is willing to collaborate with them. Of course, if TJC wasn't able to convey subtle emotions, no amount of direction would have given us the performance that we got. 

Very well said - thank you! I concur that it is a combination of script, direction and cast that determines a strong performance. Case in point - the 2011 very faithful adaptation of Tong Hua's 步步惊心 Scarlet Heart was a brilliant success, so much so that they did a modern day sequel 步步惊情 Scarlet Heart 2 with pretty much the same cast and crew, but different scriptwriters. It was a disaster, and made me want to poke my eyes out because of how much it went into makjang territory. 

In the case of Xiang Liu, I am glad to see collaborative efforts between TJC and the director in interpreting what how he should be portrayed, and the end result is proof how well it was done. My real concern is in the script for S2 - especially its departure from the novel, because as I have come to realise, no amount of great direction and acting can save a wreck of a script.

An example of a sweet and good guy through and through but a badass when it matters is General Xiao Qi in the Rebel Princess. That's an indisputable Good Guy™. He protects, he attacks, and he's a green flag greener than all the Shire. No time for moping around and crying like a baby. He gets the job done and is the ideal family man.

Look at him. He's like a Chinese Aragorn.

OMG!  We are truly sisters separated at birth!  THIS guy is why I started watching  Cdramas!!!  I fell in love with General Xiao Qi in the Rebel Princess.  I'm usually attracted to the more gray anti-heroes, but this Lawful Good General just floored me.  He was so awesome!


These can both be true.  I had heard Yang Yang being Tong Hua's ideal image for Xiang Liu somewhere also.  But I think Zoe Qin's ideal and only choice was Tan Jian Ci, and Zoe would have more pull in casting, IMO.  But that's not to say she is the only person making the casting choice.  I'm sure the people paying the bills would have preferred a bigger name actor like Yang Yang or XZ.  They may have tried for Yang Yang, but didn't get him, as you said thankfully, because I just don't think he could have pulled XL off.

Yang Yang was never what I envisioned Xiang Liu to be. To be honest, not many can pull off the white haired look despite it being done all over dramaland. Until TJC's Xiang Liu, the epitome of that look for me was Gao Wei Guang's 东华帝君 Dong Hua in Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. Now, everyone else who follow will have to live up to or exceed TJC's visuals of Xiang Liu in my eyes.

I think we were lucky the original intended cast didn't pan out. I still remember the actors originally courted for 4th and 8th princes in Scarlet Heart, and I cannot imagine what the production team was thinking.  


nathsketch - Wow! You make a great case. Let me have some time to digest it all!

Thank you!! Oh, and thanks again for the book! I already saved it in my computer and will start studying asap <3