
LOL!  Seriously?  She gets wasted on their wedding night?

Yeah right? I indeed was 100% sobre on my wedding night. My husband would for sure file for a divorce.


Yeah right? I indeed was 100% sobre on my wedding night. My husband would for sure file for a divorce.

Hahahaha any husband would. Except for the “endgame”.

Lol I hate this word so much now, can’t even be watching Avengers anymore lololol


LOL!  Seriously?  She gets wasted on their wedding night?


Chapter 51:

It was dawn and Jing sat on the side of the pallet and called “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao……”

Xiao Yao drowsily flopped over and murmured “Let me sleep a bit more.”

Jing said “Last time you promised Lie Yang and Ah Bi that today we would go to mother-in-law and father-in-law’s tombs to pay our respects.”

Xiao Yao rubbed her eyes and woke up.

Last night after sending off the Yellow Emperor and Zhuan Xu, they returned to the pavilion court and continued drinking.

After hundreds of years, Ah Bi and Lie Yang finally returned to Cao Yun Pavilion. They attended Ah Heng’s daughter’s wedding and reunited with a familiar person in the Grand Emperor. But so many more close people were no longer there and everyone had so many bittersweet feelings so drank wine like water.

Xiao Yao drank a lot with them but even with her high tolerance she got drunk by the end. She recalled talking about her mom and hugging Lie Yang as the two bawled their eyes out. Finally it was Jing who picked her up and carried her to bed…..

Xiao Yao suddenly bolted upright. “We got married?”

Jing rubbed Xiao Yao’s forehead and pretended to be perplexed “I never heard that getting drunk led to memory loss.”

Xiao Yao stuttered. “Last night…..last night I…..you……we…..”

Jing laughed. “Last night you were passed-out drunk so I let you sleep. Don’t worry, our days together are long and I’m not in a rush. What? Are you in a rush?”

Xiao Yao glared at Jing and rushed off red faced to wash up.

After getting dressed, Xiao Yao and Jing went to look for Lie Yang and Ah Bi. After breakfast the four of them went to pay their respects to Xiao Yao’s family members.

Even though Jing knew that Xiao Yao’s family were all buried in this place, it was still a shock to see six tombs side by side.

Hahahaha any husband would. Except for the “endgame”.

He's a patient man.

AH, I think this is the first time your excerpts got me laughing.

Xiao Yao suddenly bolted upright. “We got married?”

Jing rubbed Xiao Yao’s forehead and pretended to be perplexed “I never heard that getting drunk led to memory loss.”

Imagine not remembering that you got married ahahahahahahahahahah that’s some happy ending indeed

AH, I think this is the first time your excerpts got me laughing.

Who'd have thought that your favourite excerpts would be TSJ excerpts? Perhaps I should post more ^^

Imagine not remembering that you got married

Poor girl got wasted. It was a pretty weird two days...

The morning before her wedding, she visits her family members' tombs with ZX. Their relationship was a little bit on the rocks at that point. She'd poisoned him and tried to commit suicide. When that failed, she tried to escape him by becoming the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain (a person who can never marry, and a place where weapons have no power and men cannot stay for more than three days). Only TSJ's return changes her plans. 

She agrees to go back to being brother and sister with ZX and accepts his flower... which has a lot of connotations. It was supposed to be worn by the tribe leader or the tribe leader's wife. ZX's mother wore it, and told ZX to give it to the right woman. ZX insists that XY wear it every day for the rest of her life, and that she not take it off even at her wedding. Then they go right to the wedding.

After the wedding, XY asks ZX to spare XL's life before he leaves. That's the last time she speaks to him.

Then she gets wasted with Sir Bi and Lie Yang, cries her eyes out, and passes out drunk. 

When TSJ wakes her up in the morning, they go straight back to XY's family members' tombs. 

Not a super typical wedding day and morning after.


Are you asking for second fanfic link? It's here :) https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/647853829

thank you ?

Thank you for the translation, liddi. 

I see the resemblance to the novel to some extent, but the feeling îs not there. I got a different feeling while reading the novel than I get from reading the script. Also I don't remember Jing having that conversation with her after XL left.

I too want to read the scene with Jing and XY kissing, when you have the time ofc. 


Thank you for the translation, liddi. 

I see the resemblance to the novel to some extent, but the feeling îs not there. I got a different feeling while reading the novel than I get from reading the script. Also I don't remember Jing having that conversation with her after XL left. 

No indeed. There was no lantern, no Jing to point out the changed details on the lantern and comfort her as she vented her sorrow.  Similarly, we lost many pertinent YaoLiu moments even during her interaction with Xiang Liu.


No indeed. There was no lantern, no Jing to point out the changed details on the lantern and comfort her as she vented her sorrow.  Similarly, we lost many pertinent YaoLiu moments even during her interaction with Xiang Liu.

The novel made it look as if it was XL who managed to cheer her up, the script, on the other hand, gives this credit to Jing. I feel like they want to turn this into a love triangle gone bad / one sided love. 


The novel made it look as if it was XL who managed to cheer her up, the script, on the other hand, gives this credit to Jing. I feel like they want to turn this into a love triangle gone bad / one sided love. 

The way the scene is rewritten, it gives Xiang Liu part of the credit by enabling Xiao Yao to understand what truly happened with her parents, but takes away all of Xiao Yao's tender behaviour towards Xiang Liu. Instead, it shows Jing being the one to point out what Xiang Liu transcribed on the lantern to her and comforting her in the end. 


The way the scene is rewritten, it gives Xiang Liu part of the credit by enabling Xiao Yao to understand what truly happened with her parents, but takes away all of Xiao Yao's tender behaviour towards Xiang Liu. Instead, it shows Jing being the one to point out what Xiang Liu transcribed on the lantern to her and comforting her in the end. 

"Xiao Yao didn’t know if she ought to cry or to laugh but the pain in her heart really had lessened a lot." 

Right, all of XY's tender behaviour towards XL is lost and by making Jing look as if he is the one able to comfort her is honestly a hit below belt. 

Hi again
lol I am reading back....

Yeah right? I indeed was 100% sobre on my wedding night. My husband would for sure file for a divorce.

Hahahaha any husband would. Except for the “endgame”.

Hehhehe I know how you frenemies are feeling....because not every couple could have that on  their first wedding night. ...after all drained from setting parties and meeting friends ...You are right Nathsketch..."endgame" don't have to worry. ..
But it's good to have a spouse who will give you space and time and understanding. Besides, I am sure my fox know exactly when to get her.

Sure, XL love for XY is pure and selfless but don't forget that XL is a general and a strategist, highly qualified and shrewd at that. He definitely knows what he is doing and he's several moves ahead. As we often see in the novel, XL never fails to take advantage of a situation, even if it's under the guise of being more indifferent than he is (the wedding snatching is one good example). The epilogue is literally XL confessing his long term plan scheme for XY's happiness. XL/FFB and TSJ are the same type of people: in the end, the get what they want.

That's exactly my thoughts. That's why I am very satisfied with the novel ending. Some are disappointed that XL true motives are not known. Well he actually didn't want it. I somehow think XY know his caring subconsciously. Besides that Tong Hua purposely made it like that for readers to be hanging emotionlly like that. She's truely empress in it. It is successful.❤️

XY: If TSJ dies I'm okay with someone else murdering me*, except that would mean leaving ZX behind so maybe not. But if ZX is partly responsible for killing TSJ I'll kill him. I'll also forget my promise to XL to live (even if TSJ is dead) and kill myself*. If TSJ comes back from the dead, I'll make up with ZX and ask him to spare XL. If ZX ends up being partly responsible for killing XL anyway, I'll leave with TSJ and not say goodbye to ZX.

Hahhaha..? That's exactly my take on XY.

I'll still be a fan of the novel, no matter how they handle S2. If you're not a fan of XL's end in the novel, it sounds like the fanfic liddi posted might give you closure.

Novel ending is perfect. It will exists as it is. The drama is adaptation and we will see what we will get in S2 and how the whole thing is again after it is done. And yep We are fans of the show and story, sometimes we can take it into our imagination and make it the way we want too in fanfic.