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You make him look as if love was all that he cared about, which IMO is not accurate.

I'm not sure how you come to this conclusion, since I specifically said XL had enough back bone and pride not to be XY's leftovers choice or make the first step, no matter how much he loved her, so clearly love wasn't all he cared about.  If all he cared about was love, he'd be crying and begging with empty promises and waiting on XY hand and foot and abandoning every thing in his life like Jing's pathetic a$$.  How is wanting XY to declare her commitment to their love pathetic?  How is not settling for being XY's doormat pathetic?

Jing was the only one out of them 4 who's only purpose in life was love/XY.

Jing SAID that but he certainly let numerous other people come before XY -- until one by one it was taken from him.

The way I see it XL's loyalty to his soldiers equals CX's desire for power and XY's wish to find a forever companion.

 Equals how?  They are all different things with different reasons behind them.

I personally don't even believe XL ever tried to pursue XY, as FFB told her once, she shouldn't care what's deep in his heart, because they are just temporarily companions, seeking a bit of happiness togheter. I don't understand what makes you believe that he wanted more out of their relationship.

Because it was right there in black and white in the character description for the casting call.  Because there's no reason to accept the LOVERS Bug if XL didn't want a relationship with her.  Because he wouldn't have been crushed by her rejection on the beach and have the Lovers Bug try to turn into Heartbreak Bugs, if he hadn't wanted to have a relationship with her.

FFB also told XY not to forget him,  and told XY she should leave everything and come away with him, so that proves he was pursuing XY, doesn't it?  And when he encountered WXL as a woman, he asked when they were going HOME, i.e. the place they shared a relationship that he wanted to continue, or why bother asking for her to return?

I honestly do not understand how anyone can watch XY and XL look at each in the drama and not understand they are in love and are longing for more.  It's right there in the title.

Do you see him pursuing XY and make her give up everything, just so he can spend a few days each month with her? As FFB he sometimes dissapeared for months at a time, he was too busy being a general to tie XY up to him, he had other priorities in life than love and that's a fact.

Firstly, FFB spent months at a time with XY when they were playing in the Central Plains.   Secondly, why do you think XL would lead a separate life from XY?  He'd taken her to his camp and offered to do the same other times.  He also bought the house in Q Town next to her clinic which he took her to after the marriage robbery.  Thirdly, yes he had commitments to his resistance army, but that doesn't mean he couldn't do other things and have other commitments also, cause he most certainly did that when he went and played as FFB with XY and spent 37 years nursing her back to life.  He had nine lives.  It isn't like he couldn't have spared a life or 7 for XY, had they committed to each other, and still have been the last man standing with his resistance army.  Millions upon millions of soldiers survive battlefields across ages.

Again, to think the army wasn't his main interest is like saying the throne wasn't CX's main purpose, which I personally don't believe is true.

CX's main purpose wasn't the throne or power for it's own sake.  It was the misguided idea of having the power to protect himself and those he loved, i.e. XY.  XL had committed to help the resistance army to the bitter end, but he proved repeatedly that it wasn't his only interest, because he repeatedly let CX escape assassination, because he loved XY, even if she rejected a life together.  He honored both as best as he could.

You say XY wasn't clear enough with the crystal ball, I disagree. IMO XY was very straightforward with it and XL understood her message very well, that's why the novel ends with him sending it back to her.

I don't understand this.  Are you saying he understood she was confessing to him, but he didn't 'accept' it because according to you, he never pursued a love relationship with her, but he kept this "confession" for decades afterwards, just so he could secretly and unknown to her return her 'confession' -- and that proves he never wanted a love relationship with her?

I didn't say that XL didn't understand the crystal ball.  I said given the situation and how she had treated him, he was going to need more than that mess she sent him.  He was going to need an outright commitment.

And I've said this repeatedly.  Xiang Liu DID answer that XY's half a$$ed plea, even if it wasn't in the manner she expected.  He showed up and rescued her from the marriage and gave her a chance to commitment to him.  Instead she pitched a hissy fit when he showed up and when he gave her yet another chance to answer his direct question about what the heck she wanted, she refused to answer, and refused again to commit to him.

I sympathize with your perspective, but don't agree that XY changed her identity in order to avoid fulfilling her deal with XL.

I didn't say she changed into Haolin's princess TO ghost XL, but WITH the change, she planned to ghost him.  She told him she was going to pretend to not know him.

Whoa, "more pathetic than jing"....those are some strong words. Can't say that I disagree though ;)

I really don't understand what you think makes XL more pathetic than Jing.


I am trying but I still don't understand your view, kokuto. Maybe I have tunnel vision or I am not good in putting my thoughts into words, but I still believe your interpretation on the events paints XL into a victim and I personaly don't see him as pitiful as you make him look, on the contrary.  If you think he accepted the bug because he planned to save himself a life because of XY, but due to her rejectetion he said screw it, I am going to die with the rest of my comrades too because she was the only reason why I would have saved myself a life in the first place is pitiful to say the least. If you think he didn't plan a future with XY, yet he kept on expecting for a more intimate relationship with XY, who would lead her to turn her back on her family and give up everything for the sake of having a short term relationship is selfish and it definetely doesn't put him into a good light. I definetely don't think that that's what TH tried to portray here, there is that interview when she said that she wants people to know that love, even though can give us a lot of happiness, is not everything in life and there are more things that people should consider or something like this. Do you rreally believe she would have painted XL out of all as the one who would expect XY to give up everything in her life for love? 

Also I am not 100% sure, but I believe that during their 37 years it wasn't much of a war, because neither sides had any supply, since jing was in a coma? Again, I might be mistaken, but that's the inpression I have. 

And during their FFB's times they used to see eachother once every 5-6 days and there were tines when he was off for a few months too, iirc. 


-100 points for XY for not realizing that XL had already answered this -- at least in the drama.  He accepted the Lovers Bug while they were both sitting in his giant clam shell.

-100 points for being a passive lump!

-10000 points for involving FL in her messy ass romantic dealings. Not cool! Poor dude was like a roadkill on XY's highway of love :-)

XY was the first one who SAID, "I don't want a man like you." Waiting until the oh so 'suitable' Jing failed her utterly, made it clear XL wasn't her first choice, and then hedging her bets with the Dear John letter certainly would make any man have doubts about whatever she was trying to say with the crystal ball, much less a proud man like XL. He was a demon, not a doormat.

If XY was sincere she needed to say it openly, just like she said her rejection.


Some think that XY should have been more direct in her confession and plea. But the way I see it, XY is doing exactly what XL did for her. XL never openly confessed, nor did he try to force XY into anything; he subtly hinted at his intentions and allowed XY to choose for herself.

The issue here is that earlier on she was the one who said having a man like him walking into a girl's dream would be worse than death. She didn't want to give them a chance for that and other (valid) reasons but chose to give Jing a chance for the very reason that she didn't want to give XL a chance even though Jing was engaged and she might have to wait around for 15 years while he gets his shit together. She had obviously weighed up the gains and losses and chosen the option that she believes had a better return. Now that her investment turned out to be bad, and she wants to start something with XL, she's going to have to go all out to make up for the previous "rejection". Maybe hiring a band and a flash mob would do the trick :-). But it has to be clear and leave no doubt about her intentions. A crystal ball on the eve of her marriage to another man, ain't going to cut it. That just screamed, "I'm not quite sure and hedging my bet". I wouldn't take that bait. What if years down the track when the going gets tough, will she be resentful and blame him for making her life worse than death? Who wants to deal with that?

I would like to add that her accepting Jing's proposition is totally fine. With her issues, it makes sense why she would be reluctance to explore things with XL. Although, getting involved with an engaged man ain't a good look and speaks to her impaired judgement and moral standards. And I'm also not saying that if she has been less passive that would mean a happy ending for her and XL. XL would also need to do his part. It's about her decision making process, what action she took and how that comes across. Does that makes sense?

blabla100  and  Kokuto 

I may have misunderstood both of you guys completely, but it seems to me that what you're fundamentally disagreeing with is each other's views about whether Xiang Liu did or did not initially plan to pursue a relationship with Xiao Yao. Is that correct? I think it all comes down to pre-Xiao Yao and post-Xiao Yao.

Kokuto has always interpreted his willingness to be the host of the Lovers' Bugs as yes, he was in a very Foreigner mood and he wanted to know what love is because, in his life, there's been heartache and pain.


There's also that casting description. That's pretty suspicious. It seemed to indicate he may have really wanted to talk about love. :D

Now, Blabla is of the opinion that no, upstanding cool dude, career-focused Xiang Liu has no time for these mortal shenanigans. Never did. So not even a sniff of wanting to know what love is.

Anyhoo, having not read the novel in its entirety (only the countless paragraphs you guys have been posting here for months), I do believe that Xiang Liu wasn't totally averse to pursuing some more serious frolicking, as in, eh, maybe something good will come out of this. Especially when she was still Wen Xiao Liu and did not have all the family baggage that would put them on opposite sides of the war.

Otherwise, it would be sad to think that he was always determined to eventually die on the battlefield, with no other fate left for him. The possibility of dying an untimely death was certainly bigger for him, but it wasn't set in stone that he would die for sure. I get the impression that he is a character who appreciates life. People keep telling me he wasn't suicidal, and I agree, so this contradicts it a little bit. Also, why is it that the fact that he is a soldier automatically makes it impossible to believe that he may have wanted a normal life? These things are not mutually exclusive.

Now, as for that whole nonsense at the beach, I see it as XY doing what she usually does. Lying to herself and thinking she's oh-so-smart. Yes, I don't like her. I don't sympathize with her and I don't see her selfishness as some free pass card for bad decisions. It all became a mess when she reverted to her true form and it only went downhill from there.

I am still more inclined to believe that his laugher after she told him that she's afraid of him walking into her dreams was not because he got offended and took her reply as a rejection (can that even be considered a rejection?), but because he knew that that's already too late, because he had already fallen into her dreams.

I agree with you on this. But I also think she fumbled things up to the point he decided to not try anything further. Also the family/enemy stuff. That was hard.

What I am trying to say is not that XL didn't want a relationship with XY, but that he already got the relationship he planned with her. I do not believe he wanted or tried to get more out of it

This part I don't fully agree with because who's to say what exactly was the kind of relationship he planned with her? At first, he wasn't even aware that she was the lost princess, so why would he want something only temporary? If it's the thing with him knowing he was doomed to die, again, I refuse to believe he was suicidal.

I know that the scene of him throwing the bottle in anger after discovering who she really was wasn't in the novel, but why did they add that if not to show he was not pleased with this discovery? And if he wasn't pleased, what could possibly be the reason for this anger? 

After she became a princess, I'm quite sure he wouldn't try to "get more out of it" as you said, but I do think he wanted it. It's difficult to be certain because we never get to read his POV.

In short, I think they're both to blame, they're both stubborn and they both missed precious opportunities and left so many things unsaid to the point we keep engaging in these endless analyses. However, I know that I tend to criticize Xiao Yao more because, the way I see it, she's not the only person in this story who has suffered physically and psychologically and experienced loss, yet it's like her sob story is the only one that makes her level of selfishness seem justified. I remember someone here saying that they can relate to her wanting stability and a family and the whole nine yards. That's great. Except she doesn't want just that. She had a family back in Qingshui Town. What she wants is a doormat. A person who only lives and dies for her, who never abandons her, who has absolutely no other goal in life except accompanying her for all eternity. That's sick. It never gets addressed, not by her, and not by anyone around her, but it is. Jing is, of course, the perfect doormat because he virtually has no personality other than attaching his value to her. That's also sick. It's a sick relationship. 

As for Xiang Liu, he could never be pathetic, much less "more pathetic than Jing", because (1) that's impossible aheueheuhe, and (2) despite his love for her and yes, his wishes for something more, he also has responsibilities. They all do. Even Jing. The thing with Jing is that his lack of attitude makes him inept in dealing with anything. He can't deal with his family, he can't tend to his responsibilities, and he most definitely can't keep his promises. I'm not sure what he effectively can do other than throw money around. Please let me know when you find out. 

XY is the problem. People often say she didn't know, that there was no way for her to know how much he loved her. That he hid everything behind the excuse of a transaction. This is extremely debatable. Xiang Liu is like that boy in school who keeps pushing you away, saying mean things, and pulling your hair. PULEASE. Be for real. For someone who considers herself the smartest cookie in town, she must be the blindest, most stupid person in Dahuang. I thought those powerful beings were supposed to be clever.

I honestly do not understand how anyone can watch XY and XL look at each in the drama and not understand they are in love and are longing for more. It's right there in the title.

I don't either, which is quite something considering how much of their relationship has been diluted in the drama in order to push the "official pairing". It never worked for me. I was convinced XL was the endgame. Everything about their relationship screams endgame. As someone who went in knowing nothing about this story, I never, not once, had the impression that Xiang Liu was only there chilling and waiting to die. For me, it's so clear that there was a time when he wanted a relationship for real, but things got derailed and by then it was too late.

As with any character-driven story, since XY was unable to make a decision to be with XL, we will never know what XL would have done. Would he have fought harder to stay alive? Would he have thought of a way for them to be together? The demon has nine heads, as conflicted as he is, I'm sure if TH had wanted to write it this way, there would have been a way to write it without compromising XL's integrity.

100% this. The saddest thing is that we will never know for sure what he would have done. 

I dislike so much the interpretation that if Xiang Liu were to, FOR ONCE, think about his own survival, and his interests, it would compromise the character that we all know and love. It's like it's imperative for him to be dead and blown to pieces to show how selfless and loyal to his comrades he is. I love his character, but I would love him even more if he ended up alive.

Rant over. Back to Foreigner.

The Air Kiss Refusal

Xiao Yao refused to kiss Xiang Liu for air the first time they met after she regained her identity as Gao Xin's eldest princess. When Xiang Liu asked her why she refused, she replied:

My brother is Cang Xuan. One night while we were talking, he teased me, saying that I'm still a girl who dreams. Even though it's just... just... I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, you'll walk into my dreams, and you…” Xiao Yao shook her head, “You're absolutely unsuitable to appear in a girl's dreamsthat might be even scarier than death.”

— Vol 1 Ch 13 (Chapter 13)

Upon close examination of Xiao Yao's words, we discover that she touches four reasons for her refusal to kiss Xiang Liu.

(1) My Brother Is Cang Xuan

At that time, Cang Xuan was the most important person to Xiao Yao. It was Cang Xuan whom she thought about when she was locked in a cage by the nine-tailed fox. Ironically, it was Cang Xuan whom she thought about while being tortured by Xuan’s men. It was Cang Xuan whom she saw as her life flashed before her eyes when Xiang Liu almost killed her for foiling his assassination attempt on Cang Xuan. Xiao Yao valued Cang Xuan more than her own life.

In Xiao Yao's heart, she and Cang Xuan were extremely close, inseparable from each other. Whatever Cang Xuan wanted, she would spare no effort to help him get it. So, from Five Gods Mountain to Xuan Yuan Mountain, and from Xuan Yuan Mountain to Shen Nong Mountain, anything she had was at Cang Xuan's disposal, including her life.

— Vol 3 Ch 14 (Chapter 47)

When their grandmother died, Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan vowed in front of their family to always take care of each other. Xiao Yao took that promise to heart and did everything in her power to protect him.

“When Grandmother passed away, we vowed before my mother, eldest aunt, and Aunt Zhu Yu that we would take care of each other, never leaving or abandoning one another. I kept my promise, but you didn't! Brother, you didn't keep your promise!”

— Vol 3 Ch 14 (Chapter 47)

The statement, “My brother is Cang Xuan,” touches on the fact that Xiang Liu is on opposing sides with her family, especially Cang Xuan. Xiao Yao valued Cang Xuan more than her own life, and she adamantly refused to even consider betraying him.

(2) I’m Still a Girl Who Dreams

What do little girls typically dream about? Before they even know what true love is, little girls dream about marrying a handsome prince and living happily ever after. Xiao Yao was not a little girl anymore, but the instability and fear she suffered during her formative years, along with her insecurities about being unwanted, caused her to overvalue security and undervalue matters of the heart. What Xiao Yao wanted most was a lifelong companion who would put her first and ease her loneliness.

Cang Xuan asked: “What kind of man do you want?”

“Someone to keep me company and pass the days, to alleviate my loneliness. Nothing else matters much, but the key is he definitely cannot have another woman, otherwise I will definitely castrate him!”

— Vol 2 Ch 9 (Chapter 26)

The promise of a quiet life with Shi Qi was appealing to Xiao Yao. Shi Qi took care of her and promised to put her first. Jing understood Xiao Yao’s deepest desire and used it to extract a fifteen-year promise from her.

“Xiao Liu, I... I... I know I am engaged and have no right to say this to you... I've never dared to think... but... but... I will call off the engagement, I will definitely call off the engagement! Wait for me for twenty years... no, no... fifteen years, fifteen years, you give Tu Shan Jing fifteen years, after fifteen years, Tu Shan Jing will give you back a Ye Shi Qi.”

— Vol 1 Ch 8 (Chapter 8)

So, the statement “I’m still a girl who dreams” communicates Xiao Yao’s desire for a lifelong companion who would put her first. This is a role that Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu was unwilling to play due to his loyalty to Hong Jiang and the Shen Nong Remnant Army. Moreover, this statement also encompasses Xiao Yao’s fifteen-year promise to Jing, who vowed to fulfill her dreams for a lifelong companion in exchange for not letting another man into her heart.

(3) I’m Afraid You’ll Walk into My Dreams; That Might Be Even Scarier Than Death

Xiao Yao mistrusted and was afraid of love. She was afraid of falling in love only to have her lover abandon her. To her, that situation would be scarier than death. In a conversation with King Xuan Yuan, Xiao Yao voiced this fear and explained how she defended against it.

“Perhaps I've been alone for too long. I've always wanted to find someone to accompany me, not necessarily in marriage, just to live together, share joys and sorrows, even if we argue, at least I wouldn't have to talk to myself. But I lack courage. Think about it, my own grandfather, father, and mother could abandon me for this or that reason. Who can I trust not to abandon me? I stayed with lonely and needy elders with no one to rely on, I adopted orphans; they needed me and wouldn't abandon me.”

— Vol 1 Ch 16 (Chapter 16)

Xiao Yao was well aware of the fate of the Shen Nong Remnant Army. After watching the moon rise from the surface of the ocean, she said to Xiang Liu:

“Since Xiao Yan Zhuan took charge of the Central Plains, I heard that the Central Plains have gradually stabilized. King Xuan Yuan will sooner or later deal with General Hong Jiang. The general trend of the world is irreversible and cannot be stopped by one person. I think it's better for you to escape as soon as possible.”

— Vol 1 Ch 4 (Chapter 4)

Now let’s reexamine the statement, “I’m afraid you’ll walk into my dreams; that might be even scarier than death.”Whether or not Xiao Yao realized she loved Xiang Liu at this point, she knew she had strong feelings for him. Xiao Yao was well aware that Xiang Liu’s loyalty to his adoptive father and his men would mean he would likely die on the battlefield one day and leave her behind. To her, the fear of being abandoned by her lover was even scarier than death.

(4) You’re Unsuitable to Appear in a Girl’s Dreams

What types of boys do parents warn their daughters to stay away from? Bad boys. Boys who don't treat the girl well, don't have the girl's best interests at heart, or don't truly love the girl. Xiang Liu had a temper and often had cruel punishments in store for Xiao Yao when angered. He had her whipped to force her to work for him, forcibly drank her blood the first time she teased him about his nine heads, caused her to fall from a tree when he became jealous, and considered killing her on several occasions, including earlier during this very encounter because he felt betrayed by her deception. Perhaps the most heart-breaking incident was when Xiang Liu became enraged after she suggested that he betray Hong Jiang and change his loyalty to King Xuan Yuan.

Xiang Liu opened his eyes, revealing a pair of demonic pupils glowing with a bloodthirsty red light. Xiao Liu was enveloped by his gaze, his body crushed by an invisible force, completely immobilized. Blood trickled from his nose, and blood seeped from beneath his fingernails.

“I was wrong...wrong…”

Xiang Liu closed his eyes, and Xiao Liu's body was thrown forward, feebly lying on the condor’s back, like a lifeless used rag. It wasn't until they were close to Qing Shui Town that Mao Qiu slowly descended, and Xiao Liu managed to sit up, wiping the blood from his nose and mouth. Without a word, he jumped off and fell into the river.

— Vol 1 Ch 4 (Chapter 4)

Xiang Liu’s sometimes cruel and indifferent treatment of Xiao Yao caused her to be insecure about his feelings for her. In Qing Shui Town, Xiao Yao had sincerely opened her heart to Xiang Liu. However, in her eyes, Xiang Liu didn’t appreciate her sincere affections. When she hinted to him that she wanted someone beside her to give meaning to dead scenery, Xiang Liu didn’t respond. After they transferred the voodoo bug into Xiang Liu’s body and Xiao Yao hesitantly reached out to touch his chest, feeling their hearts beating together in harmony, Xiang Liu did nothing to reciprocate her vulnerable gesture. Inside Dragon Bone Prison, Jing, who knows Xiao Yao’s heart well, expressed her perspective:

“I know you won't give yourself hope, won't trust first, won't invest first. Sang Tian'er is willing to gamble her life using false affection, but you, even if you are sincere in your affection, if the other person doesn't appreciate it, you will give up on him.”

— Vol 1 Ch 8 (Chapter 8)

Not only did Xiang Liu’s cruelty and indifference cause Xiao Yao to be uncertain about his feelings towards her, but it also caused her to question whether he would be a good choice for a lifelong companion. Even if Xiang Liu did have feelings for her, she did not believe that a ruthless person could be good to her for her entire life.

“A lifetime is very long, with too many unforeseen events happening. I believe that only those who are inherently kind-hearted can treat me kindly my entire life. Even if I make a mistake, he will still accept me. I don't believe that someone who is ruthless to everyone else would make an exception just for me. I’m neither that confident nor that self-absorbed yet.”

— Vol 2 Ch 7 (Chapter 24)

Let’s revisit the statement, “You’re unsuitable to appear in a girl’s dreams.” In Xiao Yao’s mind, Xiang Liu had demonstrated the capacity to be cruel towards her, did not reciprocate her sincere affection for him, and would not forgive her in the future if she ever made a mistake. Clearly, he was not suitable to appear in her dreams.

For these reasons, Xiao Yao resolved to cut Xiang Liu out of her life and refused to kiss him. Xiao Yao agreed to the 15-year promise proposed by Jing, in part because she wanted to preemptively curtail her feelings for Xiang Liu. She didn’t realize at the time that she couldn’t control matters of the heart with willpower. After Jing got married and was unavailable to help Xiao Yao cope with her overwhelming feelings of love and longing for Xiang Liu, Xiao Yao admitted to Cang Xuan:

“I thought everything was under my control, but it turns out, emotions cannot be controlled.”

— Vol 2 Ch 9 (Chapter 26)

For better or worse, Xiao Yao’s words during this fateful encounter, where she refused to kiss Xiang Liu, would set the course of their relationship. Xiang Liu would remember and replay Xiao Yao’s words until he understood their meaning. When he realized how important Cang Xuan was to Xiao Yao, he let her know that he would stop his attempts on Cang Xuan’s life. Because Xiao Yao told him she was worried about him appearing in her dreams, he presented himself as an unreliable, never-do-well playboy who was unsuitable to be a lifelong companion. Additionally, because Xiao Yao had previously mentioned outside of Dragon Bone Prison that she didn’t want to owe him too much, going forward, he would try to hide or disguise everything he did for her as transactions.

When Xiang Liu understood why Xiao Yao thought he was unsuitable to appear in a girl’s dreams, he set out to make up for his past mistakes. As Fang Feng Bei, Xiang Liu would be good to Xiao Yao, attentively accompanying her, considerately taking care of her, patiently teaching her archery, graciously forgiving her mistakes, and uninhibitedly declaring his attraction to her. Unlike his indifferent attitude when Xiao Yao first discovered their hearts beating together after the voodoo bug transfer, when Xiao Yao placed her hand on Fang Feng Bei’s heart outside the slave death match arena and noticed how their hearts beating as one, Fang Feng Bei closed his hand around hers, smiled, and said:

“Yes, it seems like they’re really beating together.”

— Vol 1 Ch 16 (Chapter 16)

Sadly, as Xiao Liu once said to Xiang Liu under the moonlight:

“Harmonious moments are always ephemeral, just like the happiness in the world is always fleeting. Flowers in bloom fade, the full moon wanes, but this is the nature of all beautiful things in the world.”

— Vol 1 Ch 7 (Chapter 7)

When Xiao Yao nearly died during the Plum Forest assassination, Xiang Liu finally understood the depth of despair that Xiao Yao would feel when he left her behind. During 37 years at sea, he resolved to let her go and help her prepare to live without him. When he understood Xiao Yao’s wish for a lifelong companion, he did what was in his power to grant her wish, even though that lifelong companion wouldn’t be him. Xiang Liu loved Xiao Yao selflessly and took her words to heart, striving to give her the safe, happy, and worry-free life he believed she wanted.

can anyone tell me where this is coming from?

can anyone tell me where this is coming from?

From weibo.  The weibo address is on the bottom right hand corner.

Picture of the Wilderness

can anyone tell me where this is coming from?

It is originally from Baidu, a Chinese wiki equivalent, where users can go in and edit the entries.

高辛玖瑶 Gao Xin Jiu Yao

Another entry is Xiao Yao's, which refers to the drama version.

小夭 Xiao Yao

In both Baidu pages, Xiang Liu is described as 挚爱, meaning true love.

Picture of the Wilderness

Awesome! Thank you so much!

The Air Kiss Refusal

I can't say I agree with much of this in specific.  And #4 I strongly disagree with from the characterization of both XL and XY.  But thank you for the step by step breakdown.


From weibo.  The weibo address is on the bottom right hand corner.


It is originally from Baidu, a Chinese wiki equivalent, where users can go in and edit the entries.

高辛玖瑶 Gao Xin Jiu Yao

Another entry is Xiao Yao's, which refers to the drama version.

小夭 Xiao Yao

In both Baidu pages, Xiang Liu is described as 挚爱, meaning true love.

Thank you..^^


It is originally from Baidu, a Chinese wiki equivalent, where users can go in and edit the entries.

高辛玖瑶 Gao Xin Jiu Yao

Another entry is Xiao Yao's, which refers to the drama version.

小夭 Xiao Yao

In both Baidu pages, Xiang Liu is described as 挚爱, meaning true love.

IOW, it's like a table I could make up and post?

I'm surprised there aren't more editing fights over it. ;p


Picture of the Wilderness


Awesome! Thank you so much!

What liddi said.  Thank you!