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I think when watching an adaptation of an existing novel/work, particularly if it's something that you dearly love, it's best to sees as an alternate version. Kind of like how comic books maybe of the same characters but in the hand  of different writers, they'll interpret things differently. 

This novel have existed for 10+ years, fan of the novel have their own interpretation of  it and this drama can't change that. So while I dearly., dearly hope the drama will stay true to the spirit of the novel (or at least my interpretation of it), if it doesn't, I'll always have the novel and that won't change. Hugely disappointed, of course.

Hi, I just want to share my thoughts, as I read someone found drama XL confusing. I can‘t quote such a long post, so I copy paste the pertinent part here:

‚This is how I viewed it as well based on my understanding of novel Xiang Liu: His fate was already set before he ever met her, so he did the best he could for her given that fate. He is at peace with his fate. It makes for a beautiful tragedy.

It's just that drama Xiang Liu has really muddled my understanding of the character. There's all that mess with his love seeming unrequited and looking like he's begging for crumbs. He seemed so genuinely happy and hopeful in the beginning (when they planted the Lover's Bug and had the underwater tour for example). There are many scenes where Xiang Liu seems sad, mopey or jealous because of Jing. And there was the Xiang Liu character casting sheet someone posted on twitter. I can't find it now, but it said something like:

He had no hopes for the future until he met her, who had a similar childhood experience as him. Unfortunately, all of his hopes were shattered when he found out about her true identity.

Which all in all makes it feel like there was a point in time where drama Xiang Liu didn't feel like his fate was entirely set in stone?‘

Well when I watched the drama, I havent‘t read the novel, so I have no idea about the story at all and how it panned out later. I don‘t find drama XL confusing though. As I understand it, at the time where XL met and fell in love with WXL, the war between Xuan Yuan and Chenrong has evolved  from upfront war since Chi Chen and Aheng death into something like guerilla war, which leveled the playing field for the smaller and weaker Chenrong ressistance army. I think XL acknowledge the posssibility that someday he‘s going to die in battle but at that time that must be seem like a distant possibility, as the war has been going on for 300 years and more or less status quo was established. The Xuan Yuan King didn‘t manage to defeat XL and Chenrong army and his -for all appearance at that time - successor (5th Princeg) was definitely not as intelligent as XL. I think if 5th Prince does ascend to the throne, XL will have no problem running him in circle forever. There‘s also Xuan Yuan-Haoling tension, so Xuan Yuan also need to guard themselves against Haoling. This all work in favor for Chenrong army. So I think that‘s why XL dared to hope that he finally find his soulmate and companion in WXL (which he knows from beginning is a female) and has his happy ending despite the ongoing war. 

So his frustation and anger when he found out that WXL is XY and even a Haoling-Xuan Yuan Princess who belongs to enemy’s family is very understandable for me. He’s already doing so muc for WXL, even taking the lovers bugs with their death risk. He’s showing a great restraint actually in my opinion, when he ‚kidnapped‚ XY and gave her chance to explain herself. XL is famous for his ruthlessnes and in other case I fully expect him to retaliate by killing the ‚traitor’ swiftly.  I like how he‘s actually respect XY choices and boundaries, like when he accept WXL refusal to stay by him but face Cuan Xuan head on after A Nian kidnapping, WXL refusal to escape Haoling with him after Cuan Xuan catch her, XY refusal to let him bite her neck (he even scoot farther away to skeep from her, that scene is killing me). He only pushing XY away after their beach scene where XY told him, she‘s afraid to let him into her dreams (this is another proof, that XL really respect XY choices and boundaries, 😭another great scene, oh who am I kidding, all of XL/FFB scenes are great scenes😄).

Love the discussion in this thread, I get a lot of new insight and perspective to the characters and story! I do think we analyse this drama more that the author herself 🤣🤣but that is the power of LOVE.

Well when I watched the drama, I havent‘t read the novel, so I have no idea about the story at all and how it panned out later. I don‘t find drama XL confusing though. As I understand it, at the time where XL met and fell in love with WXL, the war between Xuan Yuan and Chenrong has evolved  from upfront war since Chi Chen and Aheng death into something like guerilla war, which leveled the playing field for the smaller and weaker Chenrong ressistance army. I think XL acknowledge the posssibility that someday he‘s going to die in battle but at that time that must be seem like a distant possibility, as the war has been going on for 300 years and more or less status quo was established. The Xuan Yuan King didn‘t manage to defeat XL and Chenrong army and his -for all appearance at that time - successor (5th Princeg) was definitely not as intelligent as XL. I think if 5th Prince does ascend to the throne, XL will have no problem running him in circle forever. There‘s also Xuan Yuan-Haoling tension, so Xuan Yuan also need to guard themselves against Haoling. This all work in favor for Chenrong army. So I think that‘s why XL dared to hope that he finally find his soulmate and companion in WXL (which he knows from beginning is a female) and has his happy ending despite the ongoing war.

"...the war between Xuan Yuan and Chenrong has evolved  from upfront war since Chi Chen and Aheng death into something like guerilla war, which leveled the playing field for the smaller and weaker Chenrong ressistance army."

Yep, the novel mentions specifically that the remnant army retreated to the mountains outside of QS town because the topography was perfect for defence. By holing up in that position, with XL's assistance they were able to hold on for hundreds of years. That's why Ru So has to burn them out of the mountains in the end in order to force the final battle to take place. 

Morning darlings! I see that there are new people arriving and that just makes me so happy! Welcome luv2bafangurl! <3


Morning darlings! I see that there are new people arriving and that just makes me so happy! Welcome luv2bafangurl! <3

Good morning @nathsketch! I am trying to catch up with the discussion. I went to peak at the other side and was curious about their conversation. I understand that we all have our perspectives about which ship we are choosing to sail with, but I could not last even a minute reading through their thread. I just got the hell out of that place. I still root for XL, no matter what. At this point, I go with the flow and enjoy the banter here. 


Good morning @nathsketch! I am trying to catch up with the discussion. I went to peak at the other side and was curious about their conversation. I understand that we all have our perspectives about which ship we are choosing to sail with, but I could not last even a minute reading through their thread. I just got the hell out of that place. I still root for XL, no matter what. At this point, I go with the flow and enjoy the banter here. 

Hello hello! Yeah, me too! It’s the first thing I do in the morning. I open this thread during breakfast as if I were reading the news hahaha

Ahh yes, sometimes I do that as well, even though I promised myself (and AH) that I wouldn’t. But I failed :( 

It’s migraine-inducing, especially  the part where they don’t understand why everyone isn’t particularly happy with the supposedly happy ending. Facebook comments, YouTube comments, Twitter comments, our comments, Chinese YaoLiu fans comments, the Tencent employee responsible for marketing the official bracelets…we’re all in the wrong, apparently. Alas, it is what it is. Going with the flow sounds preferable :)

Ditto @nathsketch. I read the other group's comments from time to time. I shouldn't, but my curiosity gets the better of me. I have nothing against the other MLs. Regardless of the heartbreaking ending, my heart chooses to be on XL's ship. I am not sure if someone has posed the question of what is the timeline for S2. Do we have a date? 



"Read Tolstoy? OMG. This reminds me of my high school days. Also, Dostoevsky. OMG. Please give me a math problem instead." 

A bit off topic, but I love Dostoievski to the core, I love everything he wrote, but especially his crime and punishment. Tolstoy not so much though, I never saw him on the same level as Dostoievski. 

I admire you for this! You're like several of my high school friends. They soaked in all of Crime and Punishment and analyzed it inside and out. They used it to ensure that they would score a 5 on the AP English exam (U. S. exam to get college credits). I went along for the ride, but could barely cling on, lol. English was always my weak subject. People see things in written works that I don't, which is partially why I'm glad to have been reading this thread. :D

I've just caught up to what has been written these last few pages, so fascinating to read! (I don't think that useful to comment further on the topics where my opinion doesn't bring anything new to the discussion)

A little input about XL not being suicidal and epicureanly enjoying life.

I wanted to add that it’s even worse, I think. Honouring his word and doing his duty are a real pain in the neck for him. As XY pointed it out loud, "They do these things willingly […] Unlike you, who despise it while doing it" XL doesn’t reject her observation. We know that XL is a man of his word, but that doesn’t implies that he finds comfort and gratification in his sacrifice. Dying for Shen Nong’s army is far from being a conviction for him. And when you watch him carefully, it’s almost funny just how much it bores him : he always looks totally dejected in Chenrong. And it’s not only because he has to appear as a mighty general or because he is reluctant to leave XY’s side. XY said also : "The say that demons are naturally slacking off and undisciplined.". I know war is not all fun and glitters but still, look at XL each time an officer comes to him ! He looks like his soul is gone. Very far from the cdramas generals we’ve been accustomed to watch. Usually these type of characters are ready and adaptable for any challenge, even in the most desperate situations. I remember when XY tried to make it up to XL and pleaded for him to come back and give him her archery lessons. He looked so pitiful and disenchanted at the idea of returning to his alter-life ! Chenrong isn't his cause. And here's echoes in my mind: "Sir Bi’s voice was magically powerful and could enchant and corrupt men’s souls. […] Xiang Liu wasn’t afraid of Sir Bi’s voice and asked him to sing.". XL is different, he comes out pure from all human's desires.

And later, when XY made that great speech about wanting to save him because he was born to be free, to be carefree. It was one of the only instance when XL was taken aback and when his heart spoke before his mind. Trying to touch the inaccessible: his beloved XY and a life free from duty/morality/responsibilities. It’s because XY understands XL, his true nature and his most heartfelt wish that this moment of vulnerability slipped in.

XY added in another moment : "I never thought this arrogant nine-headed demon would even stay in the deep mountain and do things he despises every day.". Xiang Liu is a hydra, a sea demon. His home is a huge clam shell under the vast ocean and he masters water in all its forms. So what the unnatural hell is he doing in narrow temporary military camps in the heart of mountain forests ? 

By the way, to return to the moment when XY tried to be forgiven because of the bow thing: I like the fact that XY made poisons unconsciously representing XL and her as two koi fishes swimming in fragrant water. I unroll the thread of my thought with one thing leading to another: it reminds me of XY's nightgown with flying birds embroidered. I wonder what the costume designers wanted to convey? It occurs to me that maybe, just as XL is a sea creature (OK, he flies too and has a big ill-tempered condor as a mount), XY is kind of a bird... Two free souls belonging to the wild vastness, one the sky, the other the sea...two differents worlds unreachable from one another...

Edit: I'd like to clarify that I'm on the "XL is not suicidal" team.

I came to this conclusion as well, answering another post elsewhere, with that quote.  That XL wasn't suicidal at all.

I think if one were to look up the formal definition of suicidal, they would quickly eliminate it as a possibility. (Sorry, I don’t feel like trying to describe it. It’s too sad.) It’s a very serious psychological problem that doesn’t fit XL. Something else is going on with XL.

It reminds me of the word “narcissist” and how casually it’s tossed around these days. When it’s used in a casual context, it seems to mean very selfish and very self-absorbed. But, its real definition is far more than this. It’s one of the most serious psychological problems. No normal person should be with a true narcissist. It’s a problem for a good, professional therapist.

I’m not saying that the words “suicidal” and “narcissist” can’t continue to be used in casual contexts. But, their true definitions are far more than their casual uses.

I think if one were to look up the formal definition of suicidal, they would quickly eliminate it as a possibility. (Sorry, I don’t feel like trying to describe it. It’s too sad.) It’s a very serious psychological problem that doesn’t fit XL. Something else is going on with XL.

Yeah, I agree. It's not applicable to him. 

I just wish he could stay alive somehow!! Tong Hua, help!!

It’s a problem for a good, professional therapist.

Some of us are in need of a good, professional therapist. This story is driving us nuts lol

What I really meant to say was that he expected her to hate him, without any more lingering tenderness or hope on her part.

Don’t worry, we’re on a safe space here and actually I think we’re all taking more or less wild guesses based on our own perceptions of the world, takes on life, cultural representations or whatever... on what Tong Hua actually really means. I guess we'll never have the final word, so let's continue having fun!

If we look at it from XL's point of view, there is some relevance in the fact, as @liddi and @AH pointed out, that "XL extreme methods were not for naught and spared XY the intensity of pain", in order as you said to "sets XY free to be able to totally cut him out of her life".  

But I'm even much more inclined to agree with:

It's been really interesting reading everyone's opinions on how Xiang Liu's behavior affected the impact of his death on Xiaoyao. Personally, I feel like it didn't necessarily lessen the impact of his death, but it certainly changed the impact. One might think that his attempts to obfuscate their relationship would lessen the impact on her. But I think that when things are unclear or unresolved, people often become more obsessed with those things, not less. It's the same reason that we keep talking about this story forever LMAO. Not getting proper closure can make it really hard to move on from something.

Her confusion about what she meant to him, doubting her own perceptions and sanity because his words and actions are inconsistent, getting the impression that he loves/loved her but also him saying that she was always just a chess piece to him. Now the reason she can't forget him is not only that she loved him and that he was really special to her because he resonated with her in ways no one else can, but also that she keeps wondering about what actually happened between her and that very special person. What was real? Either way, it's a mess.

By thinking he could "poison" XY's perception of him, XL is partly delusional and really not versed in psychological sciences. But in his defense, he was blinded by his low self-estime derived from his own traumas and he was unaware of a crucial element that gave XY so much hope in him: the fact that she witnessed his devotion and his tenderness during the 37 years in the clam shell. But "gaslighting" is no-no method: it never leads to a good outcome. It just leave people more confused and hardly able to overcome grief.


I think if one were to look up the formal definition of suicidal, they would quickly eliminate it as a possibility. (Sorry, I don’t feel like trying to describe it. It’s too sad.) It’s a very serious psychological problem that doesn’t fit XL. Something else is going on with XL.

It reminds me of the word “narcissist” and how casually it’s tossed around these days. When it’s used in a casual context, it seems to mean very selfish and very self-absorbed. But, its real definition is far more than this. It’s one of the most serious psychological problems. No normal person should be with a true narcissist. It’s a problem for a good, professional therapist.

I’m not saying that the words “suicidal” and “narcissist” can’t continue to be used in casual contexts. But, their true definitions are far more than their casual uses.

This I agree with. Which is why I asked what each commenter meant by not suicidal and not seeking death. Because I don’t think he was worn down or depressed, but I do think his ending was still something he intentionally chose. Not an accident or an unhappy and unavoidable consequence of other choices. 

Some of us are in need of a good, professional therapist. This story is driving us nuts lol

I walked right into that response! You're so funny!



That line really hits differently, doesn't it. 

Exactly. Left Ear is a constant reminder of the person Xiang Liu started out as, Xiang Liu's proxy in Xiao Yao 's eyes. By taking Left Ear out of the picture, they are removing everything that represents Xiao Yao's regrets for Xiang Liu, her attempts to give Left Ear everything she wished she could have been in the position to give Xiang Liu a reflection of how deeply she wished things could have been different for him and by extension, for them.

I can't imagine that by scrapping out Left Ear from season 2 the scriptwritters thought that it would be the lesser of two evils - no matter what the other evil was. 

Giving that they've mercilessly dropped out chapter 43, I guess they scrapped out these deeply meaningful passages:

"Back then she often went to the flower demon shops to play with Xiang Liu, and tried many different essences. She thought it fun to combine essences into unique scents and made some which she gave to Ah Nian and Xing Yue. She kept one for herself that she named “dream”, and later Miao Pu liked it so Xiao Yao gave it all to her after getting bored with using it herself. [...] He didn’t know what Xiao Yao was thinking but he forever memorized her unique smell. It was a scent that was present yet drifting, distant yet close, like a starry sky in a summer’s night."

I was already very sad that the scriptwritters didn't include FFB+XY dates while shopping for cosmetics, perfumes and makeup and wandering on bucolic walks in the mountains (apart from being mentionned in a TSJ stalking report). I know they probably thought that there was too many romantic XiaoLiu moments already. But the scent motif is so on par with the lingering yearning feeling that I think it's a great loss for us. I know that delicacy is the prerogative of TSJ but showing this openly delicate and attentive side of XL would have tempered his fierce adventurous side and it would have represented even more fully the extent of his love for XY.

I really feel like we've lost something with this, but I can't pinpoint what it is.