
Great points!

This is what I think too. He said that all he wanted was XY (if he didn't want to rule the world). It seems like it was okay to marry a first cousin in ancient times?

It seems like it might have been acceptable for royal cousins to marry in Dahuang. In the prologue to Once Promised (the novel prequel to Lost You Forever), Tong Hua draws on several characters from Chinese mythology to build her world. She says that the world of Dahuang was created by the god Pan Gu, who had three subordinates: Sheng Nong, Gao Xing and Hua Xu. Hua Xu had two children: Fu Yi and Nu Wa. Although they were siblings, they ended up being crowned Emperor and Empress and were husband and wife. So there is a precedent for royal deity siblings to marry and rule together in Dahuang. Presumably royal deity cousins marrying and ruling together wouldn't be impossible. 

ZX and Xing Yue are related. So are XY and Feng Long. XY and ZX's grandmother was a cousin of Feng Long and Xing Yue's paternal grandmother. And that seems to be perfectly fine.

But, on the other hand, after XY is struck from the Gao Xing family register, ZX argues with the Yellow Emperor in chapter 35 because he wants XY to take the name Xi Ling Jiu Yao and not the name Xuan Yuan Jiu Yao. In chapter 47, XY realizes that ZX might not have wanted XY to take on the Xuan Yuan name and become a princess of Xuan Yuan because of his feelings for her. So maybe her taking that name would have gotten in the way of ZX being able to marry XY one day.


Chapter 47:

But now she knew how Zhuan Xu felt about her, many things in the past took on a different meaning, so Xiao Yao went back through her memories and spent the entire night thinking of the past.

When her Dad issued a proclamation that Xiao Yao was no longer the Gao Xing Eldest Princess, her Grandfather wanted to give her the Xuan Yuan last name so she could be the Xuan Yuan Princess and had the most illustrious last name in the entire world. But Zhuan Xu insisted on giving Xiao Yao the Xi Ling last name, and for this the two argued over it. Back then Xiao Yao picked the Xi Ling last name so she was matched to Jing’s level, which is why she never thought about why Zhuan Xu wouldn’t let her become the Xuan Yuan Princess.


Yes, Xiang Liu breaks the bug connection there, and we are given his dialogue with both A Nian and the Royal Mother after that too.

Although I'd obviously prefer them to still be with Sir Bi, I'm glad they've at least kept those conversations on screen in some form. 

As such, would you be willing to elaborate the parallels you observed?

Sure! But, I’m only a thirtieth as articulate as you are. Also, the book translation for Once Promised only goes through the beginning of volume 1, chapter 12. So, my view of the story is a combination of this partial book translation and the drama. By the way, using the spoiler feature is a great idea!

Parallels Between Chi You and XL

When I said that there were a lot of parallels between Chi You (CY) and XL, I mostly meant the part of their lives that didn’t involve romance. CY didn’t seem to have any family. XL didn’t have any family. CY was a beast, who discovered that he had supernatural power. (He was so capable that he became the king of all beasts in Ruo Jiang and later became the King of Ruo Jiang and its people.) XL was a nine-headed snake demon. So, both CY and XL were essentially non-human. Both were greatly feared fighters.

Both were "taken in” by powerful people, who took advantage of a smaller, strategically advantageous area in ongoing warring (for different reasons). CY was taken in so-to-speak by the Sheng Nong Kingdom’s noble family (Yan emperor, his son Prince Yu Wang and his daughter Princess Yun Sang). XL was taken in by the Sheng Nong Kingdom's General Gong Gong. Both CY and XL became incredibly filial to them. (I was especially struck by this, because they were more filial than even most close family members.) They were willing to die for them, even when they didn’t have to (IMO). Because of this, both of them were headed towards a tragic ending in Tong Hua's storytelling. Both of them were the most powerful and most important leaders in their militaries’ battles.

As far as the romance part, CY and XL both fell in love with a Xuan Yuan princess when the princess was living freely as a non-princess. They both became devoted to them. After finding out that their non-princess was a princess from an enemy kingdom, they remained devoted. The princesses fell in love with them too. Both princesses understood men choosing to be filial over their women. It didn’t even need to be discussed, because that’s just the way it was in the world that Tong Hua wrote.

So, CY’s and XL’s starting points, trajectories, and tragic-ending points were kind of the same.

I actually think XL’s biggest “weakness” was being so completely filial (perhaps filial to a fault). He succumbed to the prevailing belief within his military to die with his fellow soldiers, even though their cause had already been won by CX (and CX was the one they were going to battle to the death against). But, welcome to Tong Hua’s tragic storytelling. I wish she would have made XL’s filialness easier to take, like she did CY. TSJ wasn’t nearly as filial as XL. But, Tong Hua wrote so much about certain times that he was that he comes across as weaker, not to me, but to so many others.


Yes, like you, I didn’t like that TSJ didn’t tell XY about Yi Ying’s pregnancy soon after he knew about it. It surprised me at the time. Also, like you, I didn’t like that he didn’t talk to his grandmother more. He had already repeatedly boldly told her about not marrying Yi Ying. For me, much worse was that for many decades, he didn’t tell XY his suspicions about being set up by his grandmother, his brother and Yi Ying. That was the one thing that I disliked the most about TSJ. He owed XY an explanation, and he knew it. He could have saved her (and himself) a lot of pain.

If the alleged leaked script for season 2 is trying to overcompensate for season 1 when it comes to TSJ, then I’m only okay with it if it doesn’t significantly take away from Tong Hua’s overall story. For example, I think the drama needs to stay true to all of the extraordinary things XL did for XY. For another example, I think the drama needs to leave in CX being the reason why TSJ’s brother was able to gravely injure TSJ towards the end of the book and XY’s reaction to CX. But, what do I know about big-money-drama decisions?

And she chose to believe he was the man she thought she knew, until that last time, when he called her a fool for believing he was anything but a heartless demon and showed her no mercy as he drained her blood. Yet, for all her being convinced she had been wrong all along, his death still shattered her even as she berates herself for being a fool in feeling that way..

But he didn't claim to be a heartless demon.  He said the opposite.   I am NOT heartless.  But you are foolish for not understanding that I am a demon, i.e. you did not learn (will not see) what kind of person I am.  She just doesn't listen or pay attention, or she'd realize he loves her and is loyal and selfless.

She's more than willing to sacrifice XL for CX. She's willing to kill to defend CX and herself.  She's used XL or FFB for her own purposes.  And it isn't like he's taking the blood for himself, but for her.  If he a heartless demon, so is she.

I do think XY gave XL the opportunity to experience romantic love, just as FFB's mother allowed him to experience parental love and filial devotion. But he's never lied about who he is and what he is.  I think this questioning of identity says something about XY, not XL.  They are soulmates and connected by the PLB, and still she lives in denial and wants to think the worst of him.  Sure, he plays into this to push her away, but I think he always leaves the opportunity for her to open her eyes.  That's why he answers her question with, "Who do you want me to be?"

What is different is Sir Bi never makes an appearance, his interactions with Xiang Liu being given to A Nian and the Royal Mother, who is also in the know of Xiang Liu's presence on Jade Mountain.

Who do I have to pay to kill off A Nian and replace her with Sir Bi???

Ru Shou who was rushing to Qingshui town to take over Feng Long's command,

WHAT???  Beloved Ru Shou becomes Cursed Ru Shou because of Feng Long's assassination?  XL is just setting up his own demise and doing everything possible to tear my heart into little bitty pieces.


 AH :
It also seems like some scenes in S1 were dubbed more than once with different dialogue? Like the scene from the trailer where young Xiao Yao promises to marry Cang Xuan. In the version of that scene in the drama, she only declares that she will be his sister forever. 

You are right - I forgot that they changed that part of the dialogue too, which seems to be in keeping with the overall move of the drama to keep Xiao Yao's loveline uncomplicated. Now I understand even more why Xiang Liu's scenes are butchered or given to others.

Thanks so much for the response! May I ask what your favorite scene in the book or drama is?

All things Xiang Liu? lol So many - their underwater stroll, the 37 years in the ocean, that beautiful description of her times with Fangfeng Bei and their attitude to life, when he comforts her after she finds out about her real father and he gives her a kiss on the forehead that she thinks is an illusion... the list goes on. But if I have to choose just one, it would be in Vol Ch10 (Chapter 43) when he reverted back to his true form to save her, and she clung on to him when he tried to leave in fury, later tenderly touching the trace of blood at the corner of his lips, calling him out that he was the one who was afraid for her to see him in his true form - the scene which does not look like we will get in S2.


WHAT???  Beloved Ru Shou becomes Cursed Ru Shou because of Feng Long's assassination?  XL is just setting up his own demise and doing everything possible to tear my heart into little bitty pieces.


ZX wanted to send Ru So to command his army in the first place, but Feng Long begged ZX to let him lead the army instead. He wanted to use war victories to gain standing to beg ZX to show Xing Yue mercy for trying to kill XY.


Chapter 46:

In the dog days of Summer, the Black Emperor issued an official proclamation to exterminate the Sheng Nong Resistance Army led by Gong Gong, sending soldiers North to battle.

Zhuan Xu took into consideration that Gong Gong was a member of the Sheng Nong royal family so he didn’t want to send Ying Long and Li Yuan, those old time Xuan Yuan generals, and risk reanimating the bitter antagonism between Xuan Yuan and Sheng Nong. He also didn’t want to send Feng Long and Xian, the Middle Plains new guards, and have them take on the big challenge at hand. He decided to send Ru So as the Great General with Yu Jiang and Ju Mang as the supporting generals. Even if Gong Gong and Xiang Liu were notoriously stubborn and fierce, with those three leading the charge and endless supplies and support behind them, Zhuan Xu was certain Gong Gong would lose in the end.

Just as Zhuan Xu was about to issue the decree, Feng Long came to personally beg to be allowed to lead the army, or even go and report to Ru So.

Zhuan Xu always treated Feng Long well so explained “Feng Long, it’s not that I think Ru So is better than you, I actually think sending you is even more certain of success. But your identity is special, even with the Chi Sui last name but you also carry the bloodline of the Sheng Nong royal family. If I send you to attack Gong Gong, then it means even the Sheng Nong tribe doesn’t agree with what he is doing. We’re going to win this battle no matter what so there is no need for you to be saddled with the anger of the world. I’m trying to protect you which is why I’m not sending you into battle!”

Feng Long knew Zhuan Xu’s words were sincere and it made him even more loyal to him. Not just because Zhuan Xu had the vast heart of a true ruler, but because as the ruler he still remained true to just being a man. He valued friendship and loyalty, even when he achieved his goal he never betrayed those who were good to him, especially when it was friendship.

Feng Long said “I know what Your Majesty is thinking, but years ago as we planned the goal was always the entire world! I knew this day would come and we are one final step away from our dream. How many men have dreams, and how many can make it come true? Not every man with a dream can lead an army of tens of thousands to help carve out a kingdom. I don’t care about getting a bad name with the world, I know what I am doing and this is the right thing to do. I don’t want to sit out the last battle, so will Your Majesty consent to let me go!”

The scene from so long ago when Feng Long came to see him in Xuan Yuan Castle flashed before Zhuan Xu. People were split thinking of what the Black Emperor’s greatest moment in his rise to power, the Yellow Emperor abdicating or the merging of Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing after the White Emperor named him as successor. In truth it was neither, the greatest moment happened in a simple room with no one around the catalogue it for the history books. It was his conversation with Feng Long, a meeting of the minds, an agreement without a blood oath even. Feng Long came and went in such a hurry, they didn’t even drink wine and instead toasted with water. But in that moment the two men both made the same decision and to this day that decision never wavered.

Zhuan Xu ordered “A new proclamation – Chi Sui Feng Long will be the Great General, Yu Jiang and Xian as your second-in-commands.”

Feng Long smiled and bowed low “Thank Your Majesty!”

 AH :
Back then Xiao Yao picked the Xi Ling last name so she was matched to Jing’s level, which is why she never thought about why Zhuan Xu wouldn’t let her become the Xuan Yuan Princess.

First, thank you for all the information! The quote above makes me lol at XY.


First, thank you for all the information! The quote above makes me lol at XY.

You're welcome. ^^ 

In XY's defence, ZX's argument at the time did make sense.


Chapter 35:

Zhuan Xu greeted them with a smile before going to see the Yellow Emperor. Soon the sound of arguing reached them and Xiao Yao was stunned as she whispered to Jing, “This is the first time ever!”

Xiao Yao listened in and the argument was over her. The Yellow Emperor wanted to give her the Xuan Yuan last name to make her officially the Xuan Yuan Princess and have the most powerful last name in the world. But Zhuan Xu wanted to give her the Xi Ling last name because the world would know she was the Xuan Yuan family blood anyways. The Xuan Yuan people would not dare touch Xiao Yao since she was the bloodline of the Yellow Emperor and Empress Lei Zhu. But the Middle Plains folks didn’t necessarily fear and idolize the Xuan Yuan last name as much, whereas the Xi Ling clan was one of the Four Great Clans and had greater influence over the Middle Plains. Only with the Xi Ling last name could Xiao Yao be safe from the ire of the Middle Plains.

The pair of grandfather-grandson was actually getting into a raging argument over whether she should be called Xuan Yuan Jiu Yao or Xi Ling Jiu Yao and finally Xiao Yao had enough and ran to their room “Did you guys ask me what I want?”

Both looked over at Xiao Yao and realized they hadn’t asked her opinion yet. Zhaun Xu said “Grandfather, I can’t convince you, so let Xiao Yao decide.”

Xiao Yao was about to talk when the Yellow Emperor warmly asked, “Aren’t you going to discuss this with Jing first?”

Zhuan Xu immediately piped up “Grandfather, what does Jing have to do with this?”

The Yellow Emperor chuckled like a sly fox and stared at Zhuan Xu, “What do you think he has to do with this?”

Zhuan Xu’s eyes flashed a bit of embarrassed guilt as he grumbled like a kid. “I’ve never seen a grandfather like you who won’t help your own grandson! Are you still my grandfather or not?”

Seeing they were about to argue again, Xiao Yao quickly spoke up, “When did I ever say I wanted a last name? Can’t I just have a first name and no last name?”

The Yellow Emperor and Zhuan Xu spoke in unison “NO!” Their tone of voice was firm, the authority of Emperors making a stand.

Xiao Yao burst out laughing and said to Zhuan Xu. “See, Grandfather is still helping you!”

Xiao Yao thought about it, with no intention of asking Jing’s opinion. Zhuan Xu and the Yellow Emperor were her family and she could upset them all she wanted but to Jing they were Emperors and she didn’t want to risk him getting on one of their bad sides.

Xiao Yao said after much thought, “I pick the Xi Ling last name.” The Xi Ling and Tu Shan clans were exactly the same level with each other, the Xuan Yuan last name was too illustrious and came with too much baggage.

A few days later, the Xi Ling clan leader announced to the world that Xiao Yao would be added to their clan ledger and she officially became the eldest daughter of the Xi Ling clan.

 AH :
ZX wanted to send Ru So to command his army in the first place, but Feng Long begged ZX to let him lead the army instead. He wanted to use war victories to gain standing to beg ZX to show Xing Yue mercy for trying to kill XY.

Thank you for that excerpt.  But it appears fate and XL conspire against my divided feelings.  sniff.

I know Ru Shou is supposed to be super competent, and Feng Long is young, but does Ru Shou actually have more more military experience than Feng Long?  I need to go back and watch that episode where the Haolin Emperor is talking to him, and calls him nephew and a member of some Squad.  They never really give him an official title in the drama, though he's something of a personal advisor / aid de camp.

She's more than willing to sacrifice XL for CX. She's willing to kill to defend CX and herself.  She's used XL or FFB for her own purposes.  And it isn't like he's taking the blood for himself, but for her.  If he a heartless demon, so is she.

Very interesting observation. She has told Jing several times that she is cruel to others as well as herself, and that how could she not be, with a bloodline like hers and Cang Xuan's. However, she does not know the blood he took was for her (or Jing, if based on the book) - he told her outright he wanted to stock up on healing pills because of the intensifying war. 

Who do I have to pay to kill off A Nian and replace her with Sir Bi???

LOL! Dai Lu Wa described how star struck she was when she first met TJC, so think of it as her living the fangirl's dream with all the extra scenes, courtesy of Sir Bi! Based on the script, A Nian will be the only one who knows everything he did for her, and she grieves for him when she gives Xiao Yao the big-bellied doll, and asks her to bring it with her wherever she goes.

Based on the script, A Nian will be the only one who knows everything he did for her, and she grieves for him when she gives Xiao Yao the big-bellied doll, and asks her to bring it with her wherever she goes.

Well, at least that's something, I suppose.

I have read many times that lots of XL stuff was removed due to censorship reasons. CX crazy arc was also removed due to censorship etc BTW I absolutely love the crazy CX parts especially when XY shot at him in full view of everyone.

My question is, what exactly are the censorship guidelines? I have seen lots of bad characters do bad things or people cheating in cdrama so I don't really understand why things have to be removed. Apologies I don't live in China so this is pretty new to me.


I have read many times that lots of XL stuff was removed due to censorship reasons. CX crazy arc was also removed due to censorship etc BTW I absolutely love the crazy CX parts especially when XY shot at him in full view of everyone.

My question is, what exactly are the censorship guidelines? I have seen lots of bad characters do bad things or people cheating in cdrama so I don't really understand why things have to be removed. Apologies I don't live in China so this is pretty new to me.

I think anything that makes Jing look bad and makes the other guys look their normal awesome selves is too much for the censorship. Can’t have The Endgame™ be too pathetic so they need to tone down XL and CX’s character traits. Also God forbid the Loveline™ is not too clearly defined for the audience. How dare people not love the dull one and instead fall head over heels for the big bad dude?  Can’t be having any of that. Also, CX can’t be doing too many terrible things because he won’t be the one shredded to pieces when it’s all over so let’s water down the craziness a bit as well. Yay!

Sorry, I’m pissed off as usual.