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Oh, I was wondering if the crystal globe was still going to make an appearance. Good to know that it does :) This review, if you look all the way at the bottom in the comments, said the ice crystal ball was deleted which got me worried for a sec.

And they didn't remove XY waiting for him for 7 days?  That is nice to hear too. 

I don't know which script the reviewer read - perhaps it's a revised or different version? According to the one I read, the crystal globe was retained - her sparing no expense to forge it, as well as her waiting for him; him receiving it and saying to himself that he did not equip her to protect herself just for her to take things as they come; and finally him sealing it in the big-bellied doll with the additional figure of a man and his blessings, which he gave to her via A Nian.

gives context as to why Xiang Liu had closure after this since in Ep3, Xiang Liu had a conversation with the Lirong one-armed seller about the bug and Xiao Yao, which is more painful to read.

Oh? You have my interest! 

Incidentally, based on the script, we will get to hear Xiang Liu sing Chi Chen and A Heng's song

first to the Lirong one-armed seller, and later to Xiao Yao.

Oh! Is this in response to the song that the one-armed veteran sings in chapter 29?

The one-armed man stared at Xiao Yao and suddenly asked, “You are the daughter of the Xuan Yuan Princess?”

Xiao Yao turned to the old man “Yes.”

“Your dad is…..”

Li Jie Chang just called out that she was the Gao Xing Princess, didn’t the one-armed old man hear that? Xiao Yao quizzically answered, “The Gao Xing Grand Emperor.”

The one-armed old man stared intently at Xiao Yao before downing all the wine in his bowl and then launching into a song. His song was sad and plaintive, singing about the fallen Sheng Nong kingdom and the sorrow of the soldiers fighting.

Xiao Yao listened intently and suddenly remembered the blood red sunset when Xiang Liu was dressed all in white and walked towards her from a burning funeral pyre of dead Sheng Nong soldiers.

Li Jie Chang yelled, “Uncle, stop your drunken craziness!”

The old man kept singing so Li Jie Chang shoved him into the house and nervously said to Xiao Yao, “The old man has low tolerance but loves drinking. When he gets crazy he loves to sing songs he heard from places…..he only has one arm now and his legs can barely walk, he’s already useless…..”

Xiao Yao said, “I only came to eat. Once I walk out this door I’ll forget everything.”

Li Jie Chang was relieved and listened to the singing from inside the house and sadly added, “My Uncle isn’t a bad guy, in fact he’s too good of a guy which is why he….can’t forget.”

Xiao Yao suddenly realized that when Li Jie Chang was talking about Fang Feng Bei earlier, all the things he was saying were about Xiang Liu. Did he know Fang Feng Bei was Xiang Liu?

That meant Jing also knew now that Bei was Xiang Liu.


which he heard in Jade Mountain

This is pretty ironic, considering everything Sir Bi did in the novel was removed.

I still utterly hate that Sir Bi has been written out of the story. But perhaps we can read XL knowing this song from visiting Jade Mountain as a quiet acknowledgement to the novel readers that XL and Sir Bi are still friends and occasional drinking buddies in the drama version of the story. 

Oh that's right - thank you for reminding me!

No problem. The question of Gong Gong's appearance in the novel has come up in this thread before ^^

The man's cause was pretty much the iceberg that singlehandedly sunk our ship, and all he had to say for himself in 52 chapters was "怎么了 What is it?"

Whoops I was typing too quickly in transit and gave him too little credit. Three whole words.

That makes sense. Nonetheless, remember when Jing asked him to remove the bug from Xiao Yao in Ep13, that happened before the Xuan Yuan - Gao Xin war ended.  Jing offered him more provisions as payment but Xiang Liu flat out told him that the Shen Nong army do not have another additional 37 years left. Do you remember how long it had been after Feng Long's wedding up to the war against Gao Xin?

XL and XY spend a month together in QS town after the wedding, and it was winter. Then XY briefly visits TSJ and ZX separately before spending four months at Five Gods Mountain making the life-preserving pill for TSJ. Then she spends several months (from spring to summer) seducing TSH until the truth was finally revealed. The narrative said that it took half a year for everything to settle down, and TJS met up with XY during the first snow of the year on Xiao Yue Summit. XY meets XL in chapter 35 after the new year, but it is still winter. So about a year after their month in QS town.

In the spring, the Grand Emperor announced that XY would be struck from the Gao Xing family ledger, and she became Xiling Jiu Yao a few days later. FFYY faked her death near the end of spring. 

In the summer, TSJ took XY to Gao Xing where she meets her mother and her father's spirit and then to Jiu Li to return their ashes to their proper home. The Yellow Emperor mentioned that it was fall when they returned to Sheng Nong Mountain. 

The first Xuan Yuan attack on Gao Xing happened when summer was approaching the next year. 

So about two and a half years pass between when XL took XY away from her wedding to FL and the beginning of Xuan Yuan's war with Gao Xing. 

him receiving it and saying to himself that he did not equip her to protect herself just for her to take things as they come

Does that mean they changed the scene where he holds the ice crystal ball by the river and places a finger on it so that, from the right angle, it looked like he was taking the mermaid's outstretched hand?


I don't know which script the reviewer read - perhaps it's a revised or different version? According to the one I read, the crystal globe was retained - her sparing no expense to forge it, as well as her waiting for him; him receiving it and saying to himself that he did not equip her to protect herself just for her to take things as they come; and finally him sealing it in the big-bellied doll with the additional figure of a man and his blessings, which he gave to her via A Nian.

Honestly, I hope the script you translated is the legit one because the one the other reviewer summarized sounded even worse ?

So they're keeping some of the epilogue too, nice :)

This is the scene with Fangfeng Bei and the old Lirong seller, where he first sings Chi Chen and A Heng's love song.

Leaked script Ep3 scene 10  (S2 Ep11)

[This takes place some time after Xiang Liu brought Xiao Yao to the Lirong one-armed seller's restaurant.]

Under a full moon, the old Lirong man was drinking by himself in the middle of the dilipated courtyard of the eatery. He then poured wine on the ground as a memorial for his dead comrades, sadness and desolation on his face.

LM: The mountains and rivers are still the same, but the friends from the past are no more.

Suddenly a song rang out.

Please cut out my eyes, So my blood splashes on your robes, Like peach blossoms on the branches, As long as I am in your eyes.
Please take out my heart, Let my blood spill in the wilderness. Like peach blossoms on the mountains, As long as you have me in your heart...

The old Lirong man froze in shock, and his eyes fixed on the entrance with wild joy and a disbelieving look. A strongly built man in red robes (Chi Chen) stepped into the courtyard, and the old man stood up in excitement.

LM: Great General!

As the song died away, the illusion cleared and what stood before him was the richly dressed Fangfeng Bei. His eyes dimmed.

LM (air of malaise): This was the love song Great General Chi Chen sang to his wife. From where did you hear it?

Fangfeng Bei sat opposite him.

FFB (calmly): Jade Mountain.

The old Lirong man suddenly thought of something and tightly gripped Fangfeng Bei's wrist.

LM (agitated): The girl you brought that day. Was she the one who planted the bug in you?

Fangfeng Bei studied the old man calmly.

FFB: So what if it was?
LM (pleading): Don't see her anymore. Go to Bai Li and ask the shaman king to help you both remove the bug!
FFB: The Bai Li tribe is eccentric and dislikes associating with outsiders. Why would the shaman king agree to help an outsider remove a bug?
LM (agitated): He will! Once he sees the girl, he will definitely agree to help. She happens to be...

The old Lirong man suddenly pursed his lips and refused to continue.

FFB: Happens to be?

The old Lirong man shook his head in grief.

LM: Don't ask any more.
FFB: What is the relationship between the oldest Gao Xin princess and Chi Chen?

Tears flowed down the old man's face but he did not answer. Seeing the old man thus, a flash of understanding crossed Fangfeng Bei's face.

LM (pleading): There is no future for you both. Let her go! Both of you have different stands. Don't be like... the Great General... loving each other devotedly, but forced to fight to the death in battle...

Looking at the tear-filled old man, Fangfeng Bei's eyes were grief-stricken as he recalled what happened not too long ago.


Lirong Chang and Xiang Liu were seated at a balcony of a tea house.

XL: This is not a place the Lirong clan leader should come to.
LRC: On the contrary, I feel that I am the most suitable person to come this time round.
XL (coldly): Speak! What do you want?

Lirong Chang held an unfamiliar serious air.

LRC: His Majesty commanded me to persuade you to surrender.
XL (coldly): Do you know what happened to the last person who came?
LRC (wry smile): Of course I do, yet here I am. As Xuan Yuan's envoy, I have come to persuade you to surrender to Xuan Yuan; as a friend, I am here to persuade you to set yourself free.
XL: Set myself free?
LRC: I know that you stay by Hong Jiang's side to repay his kindness, and asking you to switch sides to Xuan Yuan is impossible. However, you can take this opportunity to withdraw and retreat.

Xiang Liu appeared to consider his words.

XL: Withdraw and retreat?
LRC: You have served loyally for several hundred years. Whatever debt you owed would have been fully repaid. Why not put down this heavy burden. From here on, you can choose to either live in seclusion or enjoy the world, be unfettered and free, doing as you please. (jokingly) You might even meet someone you love, marry, have children, and stay together to a ripe old age. That is also a happy life.

Xiang Liu looked out the window, to Hui Chun clinic directly opposite.

[He sees elderly Chuan zi and Sang Tian'er with their grandchildren, affectionate smiles on their faces]

From the balcony, Xiang Liu's face was placid, his eyes warm as he watched them. Seeing his expression, Lirong Chang thought that he had succeeded in persuading him.

LRC: Just voice out whatever you want. The Xuan Yuan king will do his best to fulfil it.

Xiang Liu pulled back his gaze and smiled lightly.

XL: There's no need. You may go.

Lirong Chang's shock turned to anger.

LRC: A nine-headed demon as yourself, what exactly do you want? Do you not know Chi Chen's fate? He gave his life for the Middle Plains, but who in the Middle Plains is grateful to him? Have you not seen the kind of life my oldest uncle leads? This is a road destined to fail, what are you still holding on for?

Xiang Liu was silent, a faraway, sorrowful gaze in his eyes.

[End flashback]

In sorrow, Fangfeng Bei looked at the old Lirong man who kept pleading despite being drunk and bleary-eyed.

LM: Both of you are on opposing ends, fated to have a tragic end, so it's better not to start! Just let her go, don't continue to be entangled...

Fangfeng Bei brushed away the old man's hand coldly.

FFB: You don't have to worry. She once said that I am not the type of person who should be allowed to enter dreams.

The Lirong old man was astonished.
Fangfeng Bei poured himself a drink, threw his head back and downed it.

FFB (seeming not to care): The person in her heart is not me.

That makes sense. Nonetheless, remember when Jing asked him to remove the bug from Xiao Yao in Ep13, that happened before the Xuan Yuan - Gao Xin war ended.  Jing offered him more provisions as payment but Xiang Liu flat out told him that the Shen Nong army do not have another additional 37 years left. Do you remember how long it had been after Feng Long's wedding up to the war against Gao Xin?

I'm looking at the novel again and trying to make sense of how the timelines changed in the drama.

In the novel, TSJ asks XL to remove the bug in chapter 38, 8 years after the ~10-year war between Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing began / 8 years after XY started working on the medical texts. 

43 years (working on medical texts) - 8 + 7 (the years that TSJ was dead) = 42. 

So, in the novel, TSJ asked XL to remove the bug (and XL rejected his "tempting offer") roughly 42 years before the Sheng Nong remnant army was wiped out.

 AH :
Oh! Is this in response to the song that the one-armed veteran sings in chapter 29?

No. Fangfeng Bei sang it when coming to visit the old man. He will sing it for Xiao Yao later in Ep4.

 AH :
I still utterly hate that Sir Bi has been written out of the story. But perhaps we can read XL knowing this song from visiting Jade Mountain as a quiet acknowledgement to the novel readers that XL and Sir Bi are still friends and occasional drinking buddies in the drama version of the story. 

Yes! While A Nian is a compelling and sympathetic replacement, we lose the insight that Xiang Liu's heart was so pure and upright that it could not be corrupted by Sir Bi's singing voice.

 AH :
Whoops I was typing too quickly in transit and gave him too little credit. Three whole words.

Oh, you really shouldn't take away that extra word from Hong Jiang!

 AH :
So about two and a half years pass between when XL took XY away from her wedding to FL and the beginning of Xuan Yuan's war with Gao Xing. 

2.5 years means that the Shen Nong army had less than 35 years of provisions left...

 AH :
Does that mean they changed the scene where he holds the ice crystal ball by the river and places a finger on it so that, from the right angle, it looked like he was taking the mermaid's outstretched hand

No. The script shows him touching the hand of the mermaid twice - the first time at Gourd Lake, when he first received it; the 2nd when he was on the boat headed towards Zhi Yi city, preparing to snatch her away on her wedding. It was during that 2nd time that he said: 

Fangfeng Bei gazed fixedly at the cystal globe as if under a trance, reaching out to touch the mermaid in it. Their fingers met, separated by the crystal. His eyes were tender, yet his words were icy cold.
FFB: I taught you how to protect yourself, yet now you want to take things as they come, drifting along in life. Have you asked whether I agree to it?

Honestly, I hope the script you translated is the legit one because the one the other reviewer summarized sounded even worse ?

So they're keeping some of the epilogue too, nice :)

Yes, we get the epilogue but within the last episode, not at the end. The version I read is not all that great either, with trainwreck potential. I fervently hope that the aired version would be a pleasant surprise.

 AH :

I'm looking at the novel again and trying to make sense of how the timelines changed in the drama.

In the novel, TSJ asks XL to remove the bug in chapter 38, 8 years after the ~10-year war between Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing began / 8 years after XY started working on the medical texts. 

43 years (working on medical texts) - 8 + 7 (the years that TSJ was dead) = 42. 

So, in the novel, TSJ asked XL to remove the bug (and XL rejected his "tempting offer") roughly 42 years before the Sheng Nong remnant army was wiped out.

Hmm... Perhaps the provisions Jing provided are like lembas, one piece sufficient to keep a man full for a entire day...

In the script, Xiao Yao proposes to Jing after Cang Xuan married A Nian, after she completed the medical texts (beginning of Ep17). Jing asked Xiang Liu to remove the bug back in Ep13, during the Xuan Yuan-Gao Xin war. I still cannot wrap my mind around the drama timeline. This is one of the problems even in S1, with no clear indication of elapsed time except for the "300 years later" which propels the children to adulthood.

Leaked script Ep3  (S2 Ep11)

Thank you for translating! 

The old Lirong man froze in shock, and his eyes fixed on the entrance with wild joy and a disbelieving look. A strongly built man in red robes (Chi Chen) stepped into the courtyard, and the old man stood up in excitement.

LM: Great General!

As the song died away, the illusion cleared and what stood before him was the richly dressed Fangfeng Bei.

Wow they're really spelling out the parallel. But interestingly it's between Chi Chen and FFB, rather than between Chi Chen and XL. Even though FFB with the one-armed man is basically just XL with black hair. 

LM (air of malaise): This was the love song Great General Chi Chen sang to his wife. From where did you hear it?

Fangfeng Bei sat opposite him.

FFB (calmly): Jade Mountain.

Yep. I'm taking this as confirmation of XL and Sir Bi's friendship. 

Great General Chi Chen sang to his wife

Interesting that he refers to Ah Heng as Chi Chen's wife. My understanding was that they never married in the novels, even after Ah Heng divorced Shao Hao. I guess it's a respectful way of referring to her, especially since she's the mother of his child. 

Go to Bai Li and ask the shaman king

They changed the name from Jiu Li to Bai Li? I guess that makes sense since Jiu Li is associated with the mythical figure Chiyou and they changed that name. 

FFB: What is the relationship between the oldest Gao Xin princess and Chi Chen?

Interesting. I'm not sure when XL becomes aware of XY's parentage in the novel, but it seemed to me like it must have been before the first time he brings her to the one-armed veteran's donkey meat restaurant. In terms of the order of scenes in S2, does this scene come before the first time XL brings XY to the one-armed man's restaurant?

LRC (wry smile): Of course I do, yet here I am. As Xuan Yuan's envoy, I have come to persuade you to surrender to Xuan Yuan; as a friend, I am here to persuade you to set yourself free.

It's interesting that this leaked script uses "Gao Xin" and "Xuan Yuan" instead of "Haoling" and "Xiyan". 

[He sees elderly Chuan zi and Sang Tian'er with their grandchildren, affectionate smiles on their faces]

So this flashback scene took place before XL took XY away from her wedding with FL? You mentioned that the question scene comes later? Or was Chuan Zi (and not just Tian Er) still alive when XL took XY to QS town?

FFB: You don't have to worry. She once said that I am not the type of person who should be allowed to enter dreams.

FFB (seeming not to care): The person in her heart is not me.

How frustrating. He should know it's more complicated than that... if for no other reason than the fact that the bugs have not turned into Heartbreak Bugs.

But I can see why you said that the question scene would give XL some reassurance, by showing him that he is, in fact, in XY's heart. 

No. The script shows him touching the hand of the mermaid twice - the first time at Gourd Lake, when he first received it; the 2nd when he was on the boat headed towards Zhi Yi city, preparing to snatch her away on her wedding. It was during that 2nd time that he said:

Fangfeng Bei gazed fixedly at the cystal globe as if under a trance, reaching out to touch the mermaid in it. Their fingers met, separated by the crystal. His eyes were tender, yet his words were icy cold.

FFB: I taught you how to protect yourself, yet now you want to take things as they come, drifting along in life. Have you asked whether I agree to it?

Oh good! Although portraying it that way seems a little confusing. In the novel, he places his finger presumably because he wishes he could take XY's hand, but he has come to the conclusion that, just as the exterior of the ice crystal ball keeps him in a separate world from the mermaid inside, he and XY are in different worlds and fated not to be together. If he touches the mermaid's hand twice... it doesn't seem to convey the same message.

In the script, Xiao Yao proposes to Jing after Cang Xuan married A Nian, after she completed the medical texts (beginning of Ep17). Jing asked Xiang Liu to remove the bug back in Ep13, during the Xuan Yuan-Gao Xin war. I still cannot wrap my mind around the drama timeline. This is one of the problems even in S1, with no clear indication of elapsed time except for the "300 years later" which propels the children to adulthood.

Yes, that seems different from the novel where XY and TSJ get engaged before the war begins. TSJ and XY each ask XL to remove the bug 8 years later (while the war is ongoing). And XY and TSJ finally set a wedding date after XY completes the medical texts 43 years after they first got engaged. 


The old man knows Fangfeng Bei is Xiang Liu, as do his nephew Lirong Chang. My thinking is that the script refers to him as Fangfeng Bei here because he was dressed as him during this time.

In the novel and the script, the names of the 3 kingdoms remained as Xuan Yuan, Gao Xin and Shen Nong while renaming other places e.g. Jiu Li was renamed to Bai Li. It is only in the drama that even the kingdoms were renamed. 

All these events take place in Ep3. Fangfeng Bei sang the song sometime after bringing Xiao Yao to visit the old man for the first time. By the wedding in Ep7, Chuan Zi and everyone else Xiao Yao knew were already dead, with the exception of Tian'er.

I too was surprised that Xiang Liu was seemingly unaware of Xiao Yao's parentage until this subsequent visit to the old man. I would have thought he would be clued in by now, if not anything but the way Xiao Yao was assassinated in Plum Forest so many years prior. I just wonder why he was singing the song in the first place, if it wasn't out of its connection to Xiao Yao...

 AH :
If he touches the mermaid's hand twice... it doesn't seem to convey the same message.

It could convey his innermost longing that he could be free to take her hand, which he knows could never happen.

All these events take place in Ep3. Fangfeng Bei sang the song sometime after bringing Xiao Yao to visit the old man for the first time. By the wedding in Ep7, Chuan Zi and everyone else Xiao Yao knew were already dead, with the exception of Tian'er.

I too was surprised that Xiang Liu was seemingly unaware of Xiao Yao's parentage until this subsequent visit to the old man. I would have thought he would be clued in by now, if not anything but the way Xiao Yao was assassinated in Plum Forest so many years prior. I just wonder why he was singing the song in the first place, if it wasn't out of its connection to Xiao Yao...

Good catch about XL singing the song before learning about the connection between XY and Chi Chen.

So XL brings XY to the old man's restaurant, but he wasn't intentionally bringing her there to meet a person who knew Chi Chen, because he didn't know about the connection between XY and Chi Chen yet. And he sang that song, still not knowing about their connection. 

I guess that doesn't directly contradict anything in the novel... but the first part contradicts my interpretation of XL's intentions in the novel. 

Ep4 is the section when Xiang Liu sings Chi Chen's love song for Xiao Yao. This happened long before Xiao Yao realises her true parentage.

Leaked script Ep4  (S2 Ep12, scene 18)

[Xiao Yao left for Gao Xin with a 13 month leave of absence from Cang Xuan after Xingyue was crowned empress]

During her time in Gao Xin, Xiao Yao spent time treating patients in a small clinic in Ying province.
She sat alone at the stone table, on which was a zither. After staring at the instrument for a while, she lifted her hand to pluck the strings. Her eyes were desolate as she recalled how Tushan Jing used to teach her how to play. Her lips curved into a smile when she came to her senses and realised that it was just a memory. Her smile faded and she pulled her hands away from the zither.
Suddenly Xiang Liu's voice rang through the door.

XL: You have not practised archery for a long time.

Xiao Yao looked up in a daze, astonished. She had no idea when Xiang Liu showed up at the door. Xiang Liu entered and walked up to her.

XY (puzzled): What are you doing here?
XL (icy faced): I came for the medicine.
XY (apologetically): Lately I have not been in the mood to make poisons. Can you please give me a few more days?
XL: What happened (paused, pretending) that you would even dare renege on your debt to me?
XY: Nothing, am just in a bad mood. Is General Xiang Liu not busy these days?
XL: I was just passing by so dropped by to collect on my debt. (sized Xiao Yao up). You have grown bold, to dare make my trip a wasted one.
XY: Please spare me this time, General Xiang Liu. In future, I will make your things the utmost priority, and won't dare to delay.

Xiao Yao strummed the zither as she spoke. The sounds she produced were awful but she didn't seem to care. Xiang Liu suddenly swiped away her hand.

XL (coldly): Don't play if you can't play.
XY (dissatisfied): Are you implying you can play better than me?

Xiang Liu took over the zither, his posture relaxed and free, and with a wave of a hand, played an impassioned song. Xiao Yao was taken by surprise and stared at Xiang Liu in astonishment.

XL (singing): Oh hey oh hey, Please cut out my eyes, So my blood splashes on your robes, Like peach blossoms on the branches, As long as I am in your eyes. Oh hey oh hey, Please take out my heart, Let my blood spill in the wilderness. Like peach blossoms on the mountains, As long as you have me in your heart...

After hearing the song, Xiao Yao finally came to her senses.

XY (shocked): This song is too gory.
XL (calmly): Chi Chen's song.
XY (lamenting): A bloodthirsty man singing a bloodthirsty song.

Xiang Liu looked at Xiao Yao with a complex expression.

XL: The Gao Xin king treats you very well.
XY (pleased smile): But of course, my royal father is the best father in the world.

Xiang Liu cast down his eyes to hide his mixed emotions.

XY: How does the song end? It feels like it is incomplete.
XL: I have forgotten.
XY (scoffs): Even nine heads have things they cannot remember?

With a cold laugh, Xiang Liu raise his hand and whacked Xiao Yao at the back of her head unceremoniously.
Xiao Yao gritted her teeth in pain but her earlier melancholy was already dispelled.

XY: If I end up an idiot from your beating, see who else would make poisons for you!

Hi all. After years of reading My Drama List, I finally registered to join this discussion. Such is the power of XL. I'm going to need all the emotional support I can get for the finale ?.

I have so many conflicting emotions from the leak script. I was concerned that they were pushing for Jing as XY only love interested, downplaying XY's feeling for XL and thus, making XL's love for her an unrequited one. This would really changed the novel (or at least how I interpreted the novel). Hopefully, the inclusion of the crystal ball and XY's struggle to answer the question means that I worries are unfounded. Otherwise, I'm going to be so sad for XL.

What I find interesting is how they chose to explain XL's decision. We don't get his perspective in the novel so his thoughts and feelings are opaque,  the readers can only speculate on why he did what he did. My interpretation is that he knows XY loves , but their deferring loyalties and his commitment to his adoptive father and comrades means that there can't be a happy ending for them, so it's better to never express their feelings and to never let the relationship develops at all. 

The leak script seems to implied that he didn't think that XY has him in her heart  and maybe this influenced his decision at least at the beginning. Did the crystal ball and her inability to answer changed his mind? Was it all too late by that point? Or does he still thinks that he's not in her heart. If that's the case then the author is so cruel to both XL and XY. It's one thing to die knowing that the person you love does love you and that you've done your best to ensure her happiness. It's another to believe that she has never love you at all. 

I'm interested in hearing all of yours thoughts on XL and XY's perception of their relationship and XL's reasons for his decision.


welcome to the club. join the fun in season 2 chat as well… we need to make traffic for xiang liu … lol

yang zi and tian jian ci had interviews explaining their character decisions. ill try to find links to those interviews, 

in one interview, about the scene where tan jian ci was reaching out to touch yang zi’s cheek, i think they were discussing something like how could they not know at that point 

but i think the lots of whatifs that this book/drama left the readers/viewers is what made the book unforgettable. a lot of the dramas we see, (including tong huas dramas) the female lead chooses based on the facts laid out. here though, its just sad that both characters refused to acknowledge the depth of their feelings for each other.  i think they both know but when one steps forward the other takes a step back.