
The messy hair is matching however the clothes are still too nice :D

True true! But poor Xiang Liu already looks absolutely appalled at the indignity of his appearance... how could we bear to do further damage to his pristine outfit LOL


I don't know whether it is a new feature - my very first Taobao physical purchase was in Aug this year. When was the last time you tried to set up shipment from Taobao?

All my Taobao purchases are tracked by Cainiao 菜鸟 (which services Taobao and AliExpress), and Brazil is listed among the countries that they deliver to - it's even listed as among the popular countries:



Hopefully it means that you should have no problems buying from them now. 

Oh I checked and yes, now they ship to Brazil. But the price is absurd so T_T

There is an anime version on Youtube for the first 12 episodes, if anyone is curious



There is an anime version on Youtube for the first 12 episodes, if anyone is curious


Thank you for sharing! It's an iQiYi animation but seems to be available only for China accounts, and and not internationally, or at least not on my iQiYi account.

Not exactly the best production, unlike the animated series for Love between Fairy and Devil, also available on iQiYi, which is far superior. Important details are glossed over or even cut. One of the scenes that irk me is that when Xiao Liu first told Xiang Liu about her three have-nots, it is truncated to exclude "I have no ability to protect myself, no one to rely on", leaving only "I have nowhere to go", which would make Xiang Liu's final well wishes (the ability to protect yourself, someone to rely on, a place to go) incongruous.

"My Lord, perhaps I am not merely Wen Xiao Liu, but I never harboured any ill intentions towards General Hong Jiang. I do not belong to any power. I am merely... I am merely someone who has been discarded. I have nowhere to go, so I chose to become Wen Xiao Liu in Qingshui Town. If my Lord allows it, I hope that I can be Wen Xiao Liu for my entire life."

Not sure if it will be continued - it just ended with Xiao Liu hiding out at Cang Xuan's shop after drawing on Xiang Liu's face, and being found out, so it's early days yet in the scheme of the entire story. 

By the same token, the LYF manhwa's progress is at a snail's pace too, with her realising that Fangfeng Bei and Xiang Liu are one and the same. 


Oh I checked and yes, now they ship to Brazil. But the price is absurd so T_T

Oh no. Are shipping charges to Brazil extremely high? Thus far, the shipping fees for me are quite okay, and still work out to be far cheaper than if I got them from AliExpress, eBay, Shopee or Lazada.

There is a line în the drama (forgot which episode) that says that jing is responsabile for saving people, while XL for killing people. Same goes for XY's medicines (used to save people) versus XY's poisons (used to kill people) . I always believed that her poisons and medicines are a good marker for her feelings. She kept focusing on her poisons / her love for XL kept growing up till chapter 32, which culminated with her cristal ball, while she started to really change her priorities afterwards, focusing on her medicine, as a way of not only healing people, but also herself of her heartbreak over XL. I believed there is also a line în the book where she admits that she wants to save people now and let go of learning how to kill them. The moment she finished her medical books ( as a parallel to The crystal Ball) was the moment she agreed to marry jing, meaning the process of falling into him was completed. I know this topic has been discussed many times before and most of the people don't believe there is a paralel between poisons / medicine and XY's hidden feelings, but I personally  really believe TH  revealead XY's feelings and focus through that. Even when Jing used to send her the plum wine, iirc her room was described as being filled with poisons. Or when she asked him to draw 3 drawings for her. She kept playing along with jing, but her mind was always at XL. 

Anyone in for kill me love me? 

In the drama, XiaoYao really takes Xiang Liu as a friend??

Why Xiang Liu says that, the person she loves, I'm not the person ?


Xiang Liu after battling the maelstrom in Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43), which is also an apt reflection of my frazzled self in recent days.

(ಥ﹏ಥ) So cute even with his hair everywhere.

I saw this gifset and couldn't help but think of the LYF fandom and all of our discussions, especially today, one year on from posting my fic. Is it weird that I got a bit nostalgic? We had some very enjoyable discussions. ^^


Mini-FFB and mini-Mao Qiu are all available too.  Look at them - aren't they adorable??

So cute!


Xiang Liu after battling the maelstrom in Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43), which is also an apt reflection of my frazzled self in recent days.

The messy hair is matching however the clothes are still too nice :D

True true! But poor Xiang Liu already looks absolutely appalled at the indignity of his appearance... how could we bear to do further damage to his pristine outfit LOL

This makes me think of how XY described XL when he first appeared between her and the whirlpool in chapter 43, when his hair fanned out under water but he wasn't injured yet and his robes weren't torn yet. 


As the water churned faster and faster, the power of the whirlpool increased and in a resounding crack the coffin shattered. Xiao Yao screamed and closed her eyes, but then didn’t experience the pain of being smashed to smithereens.

Xiao Yao slowly opened her eyes and in the whirling inferno she saw Xiang Liu, white hair white robe, standing right in front of her. His hair was fanned out like the wings of a bird and was protecting Xiao Yao by forming a barrier between her and the whirlpool.

Xiao Yao felt like this was a dream and stared dumbfounded at Xiang Liu. He furrowed his brows, clearly he was being affected by the whirlpool. They were also being carried closer and closer to the center, and by then even Xiang Liu would be crushed.

He moved his hands over Xiao Yao’s face and closed her eyes. She heard his voice “I need to revert to my demon form so that we can escape from here. Don’t look!”

Xiao Yao nodded and felt this humongous impact, like something ripped a hole in the whirlpool. She felt they were far away and the danger was gone. That made her curious and she wanted to open her eyes to see Xiang Liu’s demon form. She hesitated and told herself “just one peek” before opening her eyes.

In the thundering around, she could see a pure white nine-headed sea demon battling with the ocean, with the ocean trying to destroy it but the sea demon taking every hit and bracing for more. This was a battle as powerful as the earth and the sky fighting, without any flowery moves or clever techniques, just brute force against brute force, shaking the world around it.

In the heat of battle, Xiang Liu actually sensed Xiao Yao’s tiny move and one head turned to look at her. Xiao Yao immediately closed her eyes and her heart was racing uncontrollably, not because she was scared of him but because she was so awestruck. It was like someone who had never seen the ocean seeing it for the first time, someone who had never seen the mountain seeing it for the first time. It wasn’t about beauty or ugly, it was about being in awe of such power.

“I told you not to open your eyes.” Xiang Liu’s icy cold voice rang out.

Xiao Yao opened her eyes and saw that they were now on a deserted island. Xiang Liu’s clothes were torn and messy, and his face and neck were covered in injuries.


"I view the fact that they changed drama to make it seem like the crystal ball was a last minute idea" 

I believe the drama too did try to make it look as if it took her some years to make the crystal ball, iirc they showed us a tree that kept changing his leaves (spring, summer, autumn, winter)  in between? Something like this anyway, I don't recall exactly. 

In the novel, right after CX takes the throne, XY used her position to have precious treasures from around the vast wilderness collected and brought to her, including extremely rare poisonous ice essence from the northeast peak of Snow Mountain, ice crystals from the far north, and bone essence from Jade Mountain. Then she used those ingredients to create the elements of the scene (e.g., the poisonous ice essence became the clam shell that the mermaid sits on). Then she asked an expert to hollow out the ice crystals so that she could place the elements of the scene inside. Then she mixed up the bone essence with poison to create a poisonous blue liquid suspension that looked like water to fill the ice crystal ball. Then XY used her own low spiritual power to temporarily seal the ice crystal ball. At that point she realized she needed the help of a powerful goddess with ice-based powers and thought of Chishui Xian. She asked CX for help, and he asked Yu Jiang to ask Chishui Xian. At XY's request, Chishui Xian took the ice crystal ball to the ice mountains in the far north and created a spiritual maze around it there so that the ice crystal ball could be permanently sealed. XY knew that step would require two or three years to be completed. 

Four years later, XY agrees to Feng Long's request to set a wedding date and sends a letter to her father about it. He sends a letter back shortly after that confirming that he agreed with Feng Long's grandfather to set the wedding date for two months hence. XY writes back that she will return to GX after she handles a personal matter. She uses Yu Jiang to send a message to Chishui Xian asking her to retrieve the ice crystal ball from the far north. At that point, the ice crystal was permanently sealed, but needed to be re-shaped back into a ball. XY asked a master carver to do the re-shaping, which took three days and three nightsXY then sent the finalized ice crystal ball to XL with a letter stating that she would be getting married in two months.

XY returns to GX and Shao Hao asks her to take a week to consider whether she really wants to proceed with the wedding. She does so, and spends the week on the beach staring out at the ocean. At the end of the week she confirms that she still wants to proceed with the wedding, and Shao Hao announces the wedding date to the world. 

In the drama, XY sends a letter to her father informing him that she has agreed to Feng Long's request to proceed with their wedding. Later, she wonders what to make as the last poison creation that she will send to XL. Her maid, Shan Hu, of all people, is the one who apparently gives XY the idea that "the last time has to be special" and then XY comes up with a list of precious ingredients. She asks Shan Hu to ask CX to provide those ingredients, and to get two high-power deities with water and fire based powers to help her create the ice crystal ball. 

The next scene shows Shao Hao telling Ru Shou that XY has sent him a letter to say that she will be marrying Feng Long. Shao Hao instructs Ru Shou to bring XY back to GX (Haoling) to prepare for the wedding, but tells him that this is not an urgent matter and does not need to be rushed. Ru Shou understands that he is being instructed to stall and delay the process so that XY has lots of time to change her mind (this is emphasized by Shan Hu's comment later in the episode). 

The camera then shows a time lapse of a scene to convey the passage of time. The scene includes a tree with red leaves and the rustic roof of XY's clinic in the foreground as well as a hill of trees with green leaves in the background. In the time lapse, the sky starts out blue, then turns golden / red for sunset, then we see stars, and then we see the sun return. The leaves do not change colours or fall from the trees' branches. There is no rain or snow. No flowers appear. So it seems that this time lapse only conveys that at least one day has passed since the previous scene and does not seem to make a point of conveying that enough time has passed for seasons to change. There are other time lapses (e.g., in S1 episode 2) that show a change of seasons (from spring/summer to fall to winter back to spring/summer) to convey a significant passage of time. 

In the next scene, we see Ru Shou greet XY in her clinic while Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian use their powers to finalize the ice crystal ball. Ru Shou tells XY that he is weary from his journey and needs a few days to rest. XY then took the finalized ice crystal ball to the Tushan messenger shop and told the clerk to deliver it quickly. XY then met TSJ and told him about her upcoming wedding. Finally, XY had a farewell dinner with CX. CX's drunken confession caused the Yellow Emperor (the former King of Xiyan) to order that a public announcement be made about XY and Feng Long's upcoming wedding. 

The next scene shows XY arriving in GX (Haoling). Shao Hao comments that she arrived earlier than he expected, and Ru Shou looks a little bit contrite. Shao Hao notes that although the Yellow Emperor (former King of Xiyan) made a public announcement about the upcoming wedding, Shao Hao and Feng Long's grandfather still had not picked a date for the wedding. Which means that XY could not have mentioned a specific timeframe regarding when her wedding would take place when she sent the ice crystal ball to XL. When we later see XL open the box containing the ice crystal ball, we see that XY did not include any letter with it. 

Shao Hao convinces XY to take a week to consider whether she wants to marry Feng Long. She does so, and spends the week on the beach in a wedding dress staring out at the ocean and reacting when she sees snow fall over the ocean. We don't see XY speak to Shao Hao again to confirm that she wants to proceed with the wedding, and we don't hear anything about him choosing a wedding date and announcing that date to the world. We just see XY on her wedding barge heading to Chishui. 


There is an anime version on Youtube for the first 12 episodes, if anyone is curious


Thank you for sharing! It's an iQiYi animation but seems to be available only for China accounts, and and not internationally, or at least not on my iQiYi account.

Not exactly the best production, unlike the animated series for Love between Fairy and Devil, also available on iQiYi, which is far superior. Important details are glossed over or even cut.

By the same token, the LYF manhwa's progress is at a snail's pace too, with her realising that Fangfeng Bei and Xiang Liu are one and the same. 

Thank you for sharing blabla100! Too bad about the quality. I wasn't able to get very far before giving up on it.

Would've been nice if LYF could've gotten an english translation, a drama adaptation, an anime adaptation and manhwa adaptation that were at least as good as the ones we got for MDZS. 


Anyone in for kill me love me? 

I'll probably be giving it a try soon. 

My MDL notifications are on the fizz!!!!

Here's my fluff ball. He's a little chub :-)> Finally reunited with his grumpy master :-)

Oooh can't wait for you to meet him! It's incredible how therapeutic his presence has been. My daughter sleeps with him and I hug him whenever I get the chance. Even her brothers who never watched LYF and don't know Mao Qiu from Adam, find him adorable LOL.

He is super soft and adorable! I would sleep with him except I'm afraid I'll squashed him :-).

My mini Chubby had also arrived!!

And, the little family with mini FFB!

Just waiting for mini XL to arrive!


Xiang Liu after battling the maelstrom in Vol 3 Ch10 (Chapter 43), which is also an apt reflection of my frazzled self in recent days.

OMG! What happened to his beautifully coiffed hair from the last picture that you posted? 

He's embracing the electrocuted troll look :-). 

He's a cutie regardless of what's going on with his hair.

I hope things eased up for you liddi. I'm just hanging on for dear life the Xmas break :-)