What pains me is not that Xiang Liu will die, and that Xiao Yao will never know. Rather, I am afraid that after a strong adaptation in S1, his sacrifices which made his fate that much more bearable, would be relegated to less than nothing, just because the script wanted to introduce a different narrative to differentiate it from the novel. I am fine with changes, but not changes that make no sense and makes his sacrifice meaningless. That would rob me of the closure I need.

"Lost You Forever" Season 1 is a strong adaptation to the novel. So I had been assuming S2 would go the same way. But of course I understand the limitations, so they have to squeeze down and change. Hopefully it still has essence. Even as a YaoJing fan, I am still a bit worry that it might not contains the memorable moments between them, such as meeting her mom, and the proposal. But oh well. We can just wait to see.

That is one thing I truly loved about how Tong Hua's characterisation of every character - no one character arc is solely driven by romance and love, but each has his/her own purpose and identity, be it lofty ambitions or a longing for a simple life, which is ironically a far greater luxury.

It applies to reality, even the stories are very fiction, it reflects to life. Mind and heart have to come together to lead life and choosing someone to spend your life with depends on the inner core purpose of two people.

From Yang Zi's past interviews, she felt S2 was even more heartbreaking and memorable than S1. I hope that whatever we are left with, lives up to the hype rather than leaving us with a bitter aftertaste.

Well, second part of novel is more intense so the drama should give some sort of the feelings too.

I have not read all of Tong Hua's novels (certainly not her modern ones), but of the ones I have read, 步步惊心 Scarlet Heart was my favourite for many years, until Lost You Forever came along, which is ironic since it meant I loved her 1st and last historical novels best. Just received my copy of 曾许诺 Once Promised, so will try to embark on it some time after I am able to tear myself away from Lost You Forever.

I came to watch Lost You Forever because it reminds me of Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Korean adaptation in 2016.I am not a fan of tragedy but Scarlet Heart is beautiful and remarkable drama especially in the second half. I haven't seen the original Chinese adaptation yet. But I have to say Lost You Forever got me more intrigued. I am happy somehow I got to read the novel. Koala has done good job translation. And now I wanting to read Once Promised. It's a pity it is not fully translated online. But it is available in the country I am living though, in resident language, so I may go get at bookshop soon . Unluckily Lost You Forever is sold out. ?

@Winny Aye

"I came to watch Lost You Forever because it reminds me of Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Korean adaptation in 2016" 

The korean adaptation îs quite different than the chinese one, I don't remember the exact specifics, since I have watched both dramas while they were still airing and I haven't rewatched them, so it's been years since, but the vibe I got from the kdrama was definetely different than the one I got from the cdrama. I am just curios though how come you are a Jing shipper since as far as I remember the main guy from SHR resembles more XL than Jing. 

Leaked script Ep13  excerpts (Ch38 equivalent) - differences highlighted in yellow

Ep13 scenes 3, 6-7  (S2 Ep21,  Vol 3 Ch5  / Ch38)

Cang Xuan has waged war on Gao Xin.

Xiang Liu received a message from Jing.
Hong Jiang noted that if Xuan Yuan wins the war against Gao Xin, they will be the next target.

HJ: You should know we have no chance of winning against the Xuan Yuan army.
XL (calmly): I know.
HJ (gently): We are Shen Nong citizens. Fighting to the last man is our duty, but you need not join us in facing certain death. Everything you have done for the Shen Nong remnant army has long made up for the kindness I showed you. You...
XL: Adoptive father.

Xiang Liu interrupted Hong Jiang's words and quietly looked at him. Hong Jiang locked eyes with him, and knowing that he could not persuade him to leave, patted his arm in gratitude and regret.

HJ: Alright then. It is only death, nothing to it.

Hong Jiang laughed and sang the desolate battle hymn.


Jing and Xiang Liu met up in the secret room of the Lirong gambling den.

Tushan Jing and Xiang Liu sat facing each other. Xiang Liu was dressed in fine robes like a young master from a noble family, with a jade coronet in his dark hair. Tushan Jing looked worried while Xiang Liu calmly drank his tea.

TSJ: The poisonous bug that you and Xiao Yao share. If you were wounded, she would feel the pain too?
XL: Do you want to find out? Just stab me and you'll know.

Xiang Liu conjured up an ice blade and directed it at his own chest.
In shock, Tushan Jing splashed his tea on the blade, evaporating both.

TSJ (displeased): Xiang Liu, you have strong spiritual powers and nine lives, but Xiao Yao doesn't.
XL (smirking): The two people linked by the bug not only can feel each other's pain, but each other's emotions too.
TSJ (guardedly): What do you mean?
XL: Any intense emotions can be felt by the other person. For example joy, grief, and even more so... passion.
TSJ (furious): You... (restrained himself) Is what you're saying true?
XL (deliberately): What? Passion?

Tushan Jing glared at Xiang Liu and pursed his lips.

XL (baiting): Tushan clan leader, shall we put it to the test?

Tushan Jing did not rise to his bait, and looked to have recovered his composure.

TSJ: I just want to confirm one thing. If your life was in danger, will Xiao Yao be implicated?
XL (detachedly): It will be obvious the day I die.
TSJ (earnestly): I don't want to wait for that day. Please help to remove the bug from Xiao Yao. Just name your price.
XL: I can't remove it.
TSJ (in disbelief): You could remove it from Cang Xuan then, why can't you do it for Xiao Yao?
XL: Cang Xuan is Cang Xuan, I am me. If it cannot be removed, it cannot be removed.
TSJ (cajoling): As long as you help Xiao Yao remove the bug, I can give you as much provisions as you need.
XL (detachedly): The 37 years of provisions you paid previously is already sufficient. Even if you were willing to continue to pay, the Shen Nong remnant army does not have another 37 years left.

Stunned, Tushan Jing's expression was a mixture of respect and sorrow. Xiang Liu seemed to sense his respect, and his cold attitude thawed a little.
Both men were silent.

TSJ: Is there really no other way to remove the bug?
XL: No.

Xiang Liu got up and left, leaving a dejected Tushan Jing.


Xiao Yao and Miao Pu were aimlessly wandering in the gambling den when she spotted a richly dressed man pass by her. In surprise, Xiao Yao quickly chased after him, colliding with several gamblers, and spilling wine as she did. She finally caught up with him in a quiet corner and grabbed hold of his sleeve.

XY: Xiang Liu.

The richly dressed man turned, but it was an unfamiliar face.

Man (laughing): You have chased me for so long. What is it you want?

Xiao Yao was stunned but did not let go. The man was about to leave but Xiao Yao gripped his wrist. The man whistled with a warm, ambiguous expression.

Man: You keep clinging on to me, could it be that you are interested in me?
XY: Xiang Liu, I know it's you. Stop pretending.

The richly dressed man wanted to shake her off but she held on to him with both hands. The man was somewhat annoyed when he failed to disentangle himself from her.

Man: Do you not understand decorum? Don't blame me if you still won't let go.

Xiao Yao stared at him with a determined expression.

XY: Go ahead then. After all, if I am hurt, you won't feel good either.

The richly dressed man fixed his gaze on Xiao Yao for a long while, but Xiao Yao remained unmoved, not budging an inch.
His face slowly transformed into another unfamiliar face. Xiao Yao was stunned. After transforming, his features began to change again into one face after another, as Xiao Yao watched dumbstruck. After the 5th face, it finally morphed into Xiang Liu's features.
As Xiang Liu looked at Xiao Yao, smiling but not quite smiling, Xiao Yao finally recovered herself.

XY (amazed): So many faces. Which one is your real face?
XL (coolly): Since I'm Nine Lives Xiang Liu, naturally all of them are real.

Xiao Yao laughed with a satisfied look in her eyes.

XY: So what if you have so many faces? Even if you had 81 faces, I am still able to recognise you at a glance.

Xiang Liu looked at her with a helpless expression.

XL: Miss Xiling, now that you've recognised me, what do you want?
XY: I... I... (tongued tied, then suddenly remembered something) I want you to help me remove the bug. Just name your price.
XL (mocking laugh): Tushan Jing just said the exact same thing to me earlier.

Xiao Yao was shocked.

XL: Tushan Jing's offer was very enticing, and I really wanted to accept. However, it is not that I don't want to remove it, but I really can't!
XY: You're lying! Back then, you removed it from Cang Xuan, why can't you do the same for me?
XL: The poisonous bugs are living creatures. Times have changed! Does being able to kill a newly born tiger, mean that you can destroy a thousand year old tiger demon?
XY (resentful): I definitely can't, but not even you?
XL: Why ask me if you don't believe me?

Xiao Yao went silent for a moment.

XY: Are you in Zhi Yi to see Jing? When are you leaving?
XL: If not for you holding on to me, I would have already left.

Xiao Yao then realised that she had been holding on to Xiang Liu's wrist all this while and hurriedly let go in embarrassment.

XY: Where is Jing? Is he still at the gambling den?

Xiang Liu cast a glance over Xiao Yao's shoulder with a smirk.

XL: He has been behind you all this time.

Xiao Yao looked behind her and saw Tushan Jing walking over. He took her hand in his, gave her a smile and turned to look at Xiang Liu.

TSJ: I have distracted the spies. You can leave by the side door.
XL (smirking): Thank you. If you hadn't come, I really would not have been able to extract myself.

Xiang Liu glanced at Tushan Jing and Xiao Yao's joined hands, then turned and left. They watched him until he disappeared.

TSJ (gently): Let us leave too.


@Winny Aye

"I came to watch Lost You Forever because it reminds me of Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Korean adaptation in 2016" 

The korean adaptation îs quite different than the chinese one, I don't remember the exact specifics, since I have watched both dramas while they were still airing and I haven't rewatched them, so it's been years since, but the vibe I got from the kdrama was definetely different than the one I got from the cdrama. I am just curios though how come you are a Jing shipper since as far as I remember the main guy from SHR resembles more XL than Jing. 

Yep I Chinese one is longer ..Kdrama only has 20 eps. I am sure there will be a lot of differences. And I think Kdrama version still keep the essence of original. Yep, I was all drooling on 4th prince back then. (Lee Jun Ki?), and I hate Haesoo for leaving him at end. Lol even though it makes sense. Hmm Wang So most likely similar to XL&CX combined and a little bit of TSJ too. As for whom I cheer for or which ship I am on, depends on how I feel about the plot, the characters are acting towards it while I am watching. It's subjective still. But yep I am not disliking the idea of bad boys in all novels, (I like Wang So and I also like XL), it depends on plot. I think I feel romance between XY and TSJ I guess and it's representation something refreshing. In general I prefer gentler guys too. 


His face slowly transformed into another unfamiliar face. Xiao Yao was stunned. After transforming, his features began to change again into one face after another, as Xiao Yao watched dumbstruck. After the 5th face, it finally transformed into Xiang Liu's features.
As Xiang Liu looked at Xiao Yao, smiling but not quite smiling, Xiao Yao finally recovered herself.

XY (amazed): So many faces. Which one is your real face?

This scene is interesting .? I will be looking forward to see many faces of XL.?❤️


Thank you again, liddi, for all the translations, I think we all are so lucky to have someone who understand chinese.

The scene between XL and XY covers quite well the novel,  it captures the same feeling. The difference îs that XY is already în the gambling den when she spots him and not on the street. I wonder what was she doing there to begin with,  maybe she was purposely  hoping to meet him?

The XL- HJ and XL-Jing discussion I don't remember being în the novel, but maybe I am wrong. Also, I am curious about this part:

"XL: Any intense emotions can be felt by the other person. For example joy, grief, and even more so... passion.

TSJ (furious): You... (restrained himself) Is what you're saying true?
XL (deliberately): What? Passion?

Tushan Jing glared at Xiang Liu and pursed his lips.

XL (baiting): Tushan clan leader, shall we put it to the test?

Tushan Jing did not rise to his bait, and looked to have recovered his composure."

About the passion thing, I don't really get if it's about Jing or about XL.  This scene comes first or after the scene with XY and Jing kissing and XL feeling it? 

 AH :

I was checking something and was reminded that the first time we see XL with black hair in the drama isn't when he transforms into a woman or when he attends XY's presentation ceremony as the princess of Haoling. It's when he takes on a job as an assassin in episode 9 so that he can get medicine to help heal XY after she used her body to shield CX. 

Yes, that's true. I was sad the silver hair was gone, but it was just momentarily. And he has to dye it every time, right?

TSJ (earnestly): I don't want to wait for that day. Please help to remove the bug from Xiao Yao. Just name your price.
XL: I can't remove it.
TSJ (in disbelief): You could remove it from Cang Xuan then, why can't you do it for Xiao Yao?
XL: Cang Xuan is Cang Xuan, I am me. If it cannot be removed, it cannot be removed.

Novel, Chapter 48:

"Xiang Liu picked up Xiao Yao’s hand and used his finger as a knife to slice into the flesh of her palm and his palm back and forth until he drew a blood spell “I cannot remove the bug, but I can kill the bug!” 

 Xiang Liu smiled before joining his b.l.o.o.d.y palm to Xiao Yao’s bloody palm, so tightly that the blood flowing wasn’t clear whether it was his or hers. “Don’t blame me for not telling you this before, blame yourself for being useless!” 

I wonder when XL came up with this idea to get rid of the poisonous bugs. Maybe he could already kill the bugs long ago, even at the time of this discussion above...?

 AH :
Who'd have thought that your favourite excerpts would be TSJ excerpts? Perhaps I should post more ^^

Hahahah I'm good, thank you ?

Let's go back to the suffering hehehe

I wonder when XL came up with this idea to get rid of the poisonous bugs. Maybe he could already kill the bugs long ago, even at the time of this discussion above...?

I wouldn't be surprised. Especially with the way the last line sounds.

The scene between XL and XY covers quite well the novel,  it captures the same feeling. The difference îs that XY is already în the gambling den when she spots him and not on the street. I wonder what was she doing there to begin with,  maybe she was purposely  hoping to meet him?

No. Xiang Liu was not even supposed to be in the city. She was waiting for Jing.

The XL- HJ and XL-Jing discussion I don't remember being în the novel, but maybe I am wrong.

We never see Hong Jiang's interactions with Xiang Liu in the novel. Jing's discussion with Xiang Liu regarding the bug was mentioned in passing in the novel, but not fleshed out. 

About the passion thing, I don't really get if it's about Jing or about XL.  This scene comes first or after the scene with XY and Jing kissing and XL feeling it? 

It refers to the passion the one with the bug experiences, which in turn, is also felt by the other person. In this case, Xiang Liu means that he is aware of every passionate interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing.

From what Xiang Liu described, it is now obvious that Xiao Yao should have been able to feel everything Xiang Liu felt as well, but doesn't because he actively shields her from it.

I wonder when XL came up with this idea to get rid of the poisonous bugs. Maybe he could already kill the bugs long ago, even at the time of this discussion above...?

I think he probably figured out how to get rid of it, but never did it because their connection enabled him to protect her, despite how difficult it was for him, being able to sense every single thing she felt, including her romantic moments with another man. The only reason he finally made the extreme decision to destroy the bug at the cost of his own life was because he knew that his end was near, and that was the last thing he could do to protect her from his death.


"Don’t blame me for not telling you this before, blame yourself for being useless!" 

Now I wonder what does he mean by "blame your self for being useless. Useless for not asking the right question (as in the bugs can't be removed, but they can be killed),  or useless because maybe she, as the one who grew the bugs, also had the ability to kill them if she knew / wanted, without resulting în heartbreak, thus killing her? I keep thinking at these bugs as a synonym for love, if she had to fall out of love, wouldn't that also kill the bugs, wouldn't the heartbreak be only on XL part and not on both hosts? I know he has 9 lifes and 1 heart, but he lost a life and not really his heart (sort of) when he killed them. 


I wouldn't be surprised. Especially with the way the last line sounds.


I think he probably figured out how to get rid of it, but never did it because their connection enabled him to protect her, despite how difficult it was for him, being able to sense every single thing she felt, including her romantic moments with another man. The only reason he finally made the extreme decision to destroy the bug at the cost of his own life was because he knew that his end was near, and that was the last thing he could do to protect her from his death.

What a fool (in love)! That's unconditional love at its finest.

Novel, chapter 37:

"Xiang Liu smiled until his eyes were slits “I don’t want to know!” " > So, he certainly knew...

 Xiao Yao: "“The Voodoo King said ‘the doves don’t fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water die together’. If I die then how can you live?”"

Sometimes, I wonder if XL really couldn't bear to live in a world without her and what would he have done...

Now I wonder what does he mean by "blame your self for being useless.

When I read that I though that that was some pretty harsh words, especially unnecessary considering XY couldn't hear him and also considering that she did see through him and his suspicious word plays and never really believed that he couldn't get rid of the bugs.


"It refers to the passion the one with the bug experiences, which in turn, is also felt by the other person. In this case, Xiang Liu means that he is aware of every passionate interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing."

 Yes, I wasn't sure if he was hitting at XY and Jing's interactions or if he was implying that XY feels some passion for XL.