I'll go to the bank and get a bunch of dollar bills today. ;p

Are we having a Magic Mike conversation this early in the morning?

So how much money are we talking about?

Ah, yes! I read through the Vietnamese fan post. They objected to the fact that she only sees him as suitable, rather than the love of her life and fated love. To them, this is not true to the story because YaoJing is true wuv!

I'm developing a twitch.  lol

The other objection was that Jing listened to XY more than his family.

It's like they didn't watch the show or read the book. twitch twitch

Should I link you to my It's Not Jing's Fault lecture again, Ko?


LOL!  That was truly epic.  You could make a Flow Chart of Delusion out of it.  And discovered today, it extends to Deng Wei too.  There was big long thread that I missed, because I apparently had been blocked, that was the exact same thing -- it's not the poor baby's fault!!!

Look, whatever reasoning blah, blah, blah - none of it is reasonable ground to attack. That is some whack-ass behaviour. Obviously, none of us are privy to the entire story, but dragging in director, author and a giant platform is really not a good look or wise move.

Oh, I agree.  I'm just stunned that anyone thought this was a good idea.  There's getting attention with a firecracker, but this was more like the burning of Atlanta by Sherman in the Civil War.  Bridges were definitely burned here.

Yes. This act was designed to showed a united front with his team - that they are in sync and he's happy with them. I supposed he could have been held at knifepoint and forced to make that video and he secretly hates his team :-).

"Secretly Hates His Team" will fit nicely in the It's Not DW's Fault Flowchart.  lol 

Look.  He's a grown a$$ man ... I think he turns 30 this month.  This profession is too hard for him not to have made decisions to participate in his own career.  


Are we having a Magic Mike conversation this early in the morning?

So how much money are we talking about?

How much money do I need?  ;p

Magic Mike conversations are timeless.

He was told to behave otherwise he would be pinched in the butt ahahahahahaha ?

You see, in this house, Lord Xiang Liu is the one who obeys :D

LOL!  And you act like Magic Mike is inappropriate in the morning.

The Deng Wei issue is a very convoluted and messy situation, I have to admit I haven't followed it very closely mostly because I've been busy with work and then personal obligations over the Chinese new year holiday. Also, I'm not very knowledgeable about Deng Wei or Yang Zi as I don't follow either of them closely -- the only actor (or celebrity, for that matter) that I follow and would consider myself a part of their fandom would be TJC.

Well, he is worth following. :)

Thank you for sharing your take.  Lots of info to absorb!

Hope things slow down a bit for you.


LOL!  And you act like Magic Mike is inappropriate in the morning.

Can't argue with that.

Can't argue with that.


At least I'm not posting the pic of the plushie with a Little Charcoal Fire on his butt.  lol!

I doubt that Tan Jian Ci had anything to do with making or picking the image for the movie poster of I Miss You, but you know he's got to be confident about his image / looks, if he lets this be posted in theaters all over China.


LOL!  Look at the bottom photos, with his goofy face with a pencil stuck under his nose!  hahahaha  That's not even talking about the hair.

The first photo says 161,000 people have reserved / said they want to see the movie.  While the 200,000 tickets have been sold in pre-sales.  I don't know if that's great, but I assume it isn't bad.  Oh, and here's some of the seats Tan Jian Ci fans are buying.  Buy your seat to spell out messages!


No not yet, but that can be easily arranged :)

Ah yes, you can be vice-president ehehehe

Err... I am not quite sure I want to be vice president if physically falling down is a pre-requisite and ongoing renewal requirement. But if falling for Xiang Liu (and TJC) is the requirement, already there, done that, can't extricate myself however hard I try.

He was told to behave otherwise he would be pinched in the butt ahahahahahaha ?

That's a thought. Let's see if that works.


I think the posters are adorable! He appears to be very confident in his own skin, not afraid to look goofy or less than perfect - his stints on Hi!6 are perfect examples of that - and that just elevates him in my eyes all the more. I don't know either whether the interest level in the movie is a positive indication, but regardless, I root for it to do well. Certainly, I hope to be able to watch it some time. 


LOL!  And you act like Magic Mike is inappropriate in the morning.


Can't argue with that.

Magic Mike is always appropriate. I even watched the last movie at the cinema. Channing Tatum gyrating on the big screen :-)

Magic Mike is always appropriate. I even watched the last movie at the cinema. Channing Tatum gyrating on the big screen :-)

Sorry.  I was distracted by the gyrations.  ;p

My mind boggles at the thought of a Chinese Entertainment Magic Mike.


Sorry.  I was distracted by the gyrations.  ;p

My mind boggles at the thought of a Chinese Entertainment Magic Mike.

C-ent is not short of actors who can also dance. Just look at TJC :-). It won't be difficult to put a troupe of hot men who can dance together. The question is, would they be willing to strip while gyrating?? :-)


C-ent is not short of actors who can also dance. Just look at TJC :-). It won't be difficult to put a troupe of hot men who can dance together. The question is, would they be willing to strip while gyrating?? :-)

omgad... my brain just exploded. hahaha.

I think the posters are adorable! He appears to be very confident in his own skin, not afraid to look goofy or less than perfect - his stints on Hi!6 are perfect examples of that - and that just elevates him in my eyes all the more. I don't know either whether the interest level in the movie is a positive indication, but regardless, I root for it to do well. Certainly, I hope to be able to watch it some time.

I love that pic too!  And yes, I think that's true -- he's always been a performer, even if it was a clown.  But besides exposure, I think his Hi!6 time helped him gain confidence, hone his improv and public speaking skills, as well as gaining friends.

I do think it's a somewhat misleading pic, though, considering all the crying and angst we've seen in the preview so far.  Keeping my fingers crossed that it does well.


C-ent is not short of actors who can also dance. Just look at TJC :-). It won't be difficult to put a troupe of hot men who can dance together. The question is, would they be willing to strip while gyrating?? :-)

They could get the Creation of The Gods crew!


omgad... my brain just exploded. hahaha.
