
IIRC, it was that way in Alabama.  It may also depend on if they are on quarters or semesters.  But this is for college.  I'm not sure about K-12 now.  Though, I think they were moving toward giving the kids more time off during the year, and less time off in the summer.

But the vacation lengt is almost the same here. The only difference is that here they start August 1 and in south Florida the start almost at the end of that month and I think winter break is longer here because they had almost three weeks and there is only two weeks 


But the vacation lengt is almost the same here. The only difference is that here they start August 1 and in south Florida the start almost at the end of that month and I think winter break is longer here because they had almost three weeks and there is only two weeks 

Right.  In K-12 they want to shorten the time off in the summer and spread the time off throughout the year.  It's part of a move toward making the kids go all year around.  They aren't actually getting any more time off.

But what they are doing is screwing the teachers over.  Lots of teachers had summer jobs to supplement their paltry teaching salary -- cause they don't get paid in the summer.  But with the short summer, it's harder to do.  Also, they want teachers to go to school for continuing education credits, but again, the short summer break makes it harder for them to take a college summer quarter class.


Right.  In K-12 they want to shorten the time off in the summer and spread the time off throughout the year.  It's part of a move toward making the kids go all year around.  They aren't actually getting any more time off.

But what they are doing is screwing the teachers over.  Lots of teachers had summer jobs to supplement their paltry teaching salary -- cause they don't get paid in the summer.  But with the short summer, it's harder to do.  Also, they want teachers to go to school for continuing education credits, but again, the short summer break makes it harder for them to take a college summer quarter class.

But Kokuto. The length of the summer break here is the same as the one in Florida. Like I said  the only difference is when they start and end. They ended school here in may and started school in august 1. In south Florida they end up school the first week of June and start a new school year at the end of august, so they have the same amount of summer break and those three extra weeks during the scholar year and almost a week more during the winter break which means that they have a month more here and obviously my two teenagers are not complaining at all ????



It's Bazaar project! LYX also there !!!????

First thing I saw after waking up. Not a bad start to my week ??


Also video from Palladium photoshoots


Today is good day))))

Me and my husband half of our shoes from Palladium)) 

My husband very like their style 


I was taking a look at their website…and I want one of those big shoes he wears hahah the really big ones ?


Not me going to sleep now... Goodnight all, cya tomorrow

Oh no! Just when I’m waking up! ?

Good night!! ?

Look you guys. My To Be Watched List is about to roll out the front door and start circling the house, it's so long.


I live in an apartment, so mine is reaching the 5th floor now hahaha


???. Have you watched alchemy of souls?? It’s sooo goodhttps://youtu.be/ZpkX8OOFt4w?si=1AxC4yZgOm8PJ7Qq



I've made some art for Alchemy of Souls!

I'll see if I can post them here!


I've made some art for Alchemy of Souls!

I'll see if I can post them here!

Yeiii ❤️

I’m still awake ?


I’m still awake ?

OMG you need to sleep, don't make me go all the way to you and lock you in your room lol


OMG you need to sleep, don't make me go all the way to you and lock you in your room lol

I can’t ?


I can’t ?

That’s crazy! Remember you need good sleep for your health and beauty, it’s very very important ?


That’s crazy! Remember you need good sleep for your health and beauty, it’s very very important ?

I know Sasha but my sleep habits are pretty bad and the last year hasn’t been easy for me since I moved from south Florida ?


I know Sasha but my sleep habits are pretty bad and the last year hasn’t been easy for me since I moved from south Florida ?

Oh I see(((( I had some problems with sleep too , but even if it’s a bit you still need to sleep , lack of sleep also affected our mental health a lot((