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You guys are killing me with the Plushie pics.  Look at his hair!!!

We just need plor20 and nathsketh's to join in on the fun. A XL's plushies parade :-)

And he must also agree that an honest playboy who can make a woman happy is better for her than an incompetent husband with psychological problems.

Wait. Is this referring to Jing? Because, LOL.

Nonetheless, regardless of text being open to interpretation, ultimately, the reader's interpretation should either be in line with the author's vision or have the author's stamp of approval, since the author is the creator of that [part of the] universe, and would know best what was intended to be conveyed.

Authorial Intentionalism is the view that an author's intentions should constrain how a text is properly interpreted. However, some would argue against this view. With an author long dead, it's hard to agree on what their intentions were when they wrote the work. But for a contemporary author who gave interviews highlighting their beliefs etc., it's a different story. 

This reminds of an interview with David Fincher. When asked what he thinks about how the people of the Far Right misinterpreted Fight Club, he essentially said that their interpretations were not the message that he intended to convey, but he's not responsible for that. That people will see what they want to see.  Will TH ever pull a Fincher and come out with her clear view/intent on LYF? Highly doubtful.

It is quite mind-boggling when we see fans so entrenched in their own interpretations to the extent of actually accusing authors of not knowing their own works.

Yup. However you want to see the work, it's really uncouth to openly attack an author like that. Dude, just shit talk about them to your friends like the rest of us :-).

Most of the time, I don't pay attention to the author of any popular fiction that I read. I read the work, get whatever I want/need from it and call it a day. Reading is such a personal experience for me and I don't care much about how someone else sees the work - I'll continue to enjoy the work however I wish in the comfort of my mind :-). The exception is with highly philosophical works. Usually, these works will prompt an interest in the view of their authors, which may or may not be such a good thing. I remember when I read Atlas Shrugged and decided to read up on Ayn Rand. That pretty much confirmed to me why I was struggling to get into the book and hated the characters :-). 

With the rise of social media, creators are more accessible than ever to the readers/viewers which I don't think is always a good thing. I like to maintain my distance lest my view of them ends up tainting their creations. I was never into the Harry Potter series, but I know a few hardcore fans who also idolised J.K. Rowling. Unfortunately, some of this author's beliefs and conduct in the last few years were extremely disappointing and offensive to some of these fans. While a few could separate the work from the author, others couldn't and it tainted the way they view this series.

Can I Give Each of Your Heads a Name?

Part 3

Xiao Yao made a pot of tea by herself, poured a cup, and placed it in front of Xiang Liu on the bed.

"It's not convenient to ask Miao Pu to come in now. You can cool it down yourself, right?" She said.

Xiang Liu looked at her, then put several heads directly into the just boiled water and drank.

Xiao Yao was startled and quickly pushed his heads away. Unexpectedly, three other heads got into the cup again and started drinking. They seemed to have felt nothing at all.


Forget it, she has no idea about the world of nine-headed snake. As long as you are happy.

It seemed Xiang Liu was really thirsty. Nine heads gathered in a circle around the cup like a chrysanthemum, and his little cheeks puffed up with every sip.

Xiao Yao sat by the bed and watched him drink until the cup of water was almost finished. She suddenly thought that Xiang Liu was a sea beast. Although it seemed he could survive on land, it must be uncomfortable if he was not exposed to water for a long time.Then she remembered her promise to provide him with a luxurious fish tank.

She really should find him a decent place to live, at least not a storage box. Besides, how could she deceive a Baby Snake?

Thinking of this, she immediately raised her hand to cover Xiang Liu with her quilt and called out: "Miao Pu."

Miao Pu, who was waiting outside the door, immediately opened the door and walked in, saluting her, "Princess."

"Miao Pu," she sat upright, assuming the manner of a princess she should have, and ordered: "I'm going to do some medical experiments, and I need to use live sea fish. You go get a fish tank which is at least as big as a table, fill it with clean seawater, and get some sand, gravel, seaweed and the like. Oh, and there are also tools for cleaning and filtering water. Send someone to the city to ask the owners of the seafood restaurants, they will definitely have it. Also ask them to send me some live small fish and shrimps that can be used as feed every day. Convey my words to them. If they do well, they will be rewarded heavily."

Miao Pu did not suspect it, and said while saluting: "Yes." Then she carefully reminded: "Princess, what do you want to raise? Do you also need me to help you find it?"

Xiao Yao's mind froze for a moment, and then she said casually: "Yes, I want to raise mackerel, you may go and get one for me." An extra fish as big as a palm in the fish tank will not cause too much trouble to Xiang Liu.

But then she felt something sharp write a big "no" quickly on her back.

Well, it looks like mackerel isn't nine-headed snake's best friend.

"Wrong, it's lobster." She immediately corrected herself. Miao Pu looked at her with a confused expression, but before she could explain, Xiao Yao felt a sudden bite from something on her back. Although the bite was not severe and the skin should not have been broken, it still hurt, and the shock came from the fangs of the demon king in the sea still cannot be underestimated: Xiao Yao immediately felt a layer of goosebumps instinctively rising on her back.

Well, it seems that Xiang Liu doesn’t favor lobster even more.

While she was thinking this, there was a violent rolling sound from the quilt behind her that made her heart palpitate. Xiao Yao immediately said quickly: "No, I remembered it wrong. It's a king crab, an adult king crab. Get it ready before noon tomorrow. Go!" She waved to Miao Pu and almost got up and pushed her out herself.

Miao Pu agreed repeatedly while retreating in confusion. Seeing her close the door, Xiao Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief and lifted the quilt—

"Xiang Liu!"

The nine heads that were fighting in a ball stopped, stretching their necks a little guiltily, not daring to look at her.

Xiao Yao pointed to the nose of one of them and said, "What if you are discovered? Take care of your heads from now on!"

Nine pairs of eyes looked at her with hurt and resentment, and their expression was even a bit like the day she didn't allow him to bite on her neck.

Xiao Yao relented and said: "I ordered a king crab for you. Whether you like it or not, that's it. Are you hungry now? What do you want to eat? I'll go to bed after feeding you."

Xiang Liu didn't answer, but moved back into his box a little aggrievedly. His back looked a bit angry. After entering, he closed the door with his tail to show "do not disturb".

Xiao Yao finally fell on the bed. Seems angry? she thought, then she fell asleep before she could think of the second sentence.

Miao Pu worked very quickly, and everything arrived the next morning. Seeing that Xiang Liu (probably pretending) was still sleeping, Xiao Yao simply locked his box and started working in the room with Miao Pu and Shan Hu. In a short time they had finished it: a fish tank as big as a round table, filled with half a tank of sea water, with a small sand slope paved with milky white sand in one corner. The bottom of the tank is covered with beautiful pebbles and planted with feather-like seaweed. Miao Pu, who is careful, even put a few flower-like sea anemones in it. It doesn’t look like an experimental device, but rather something for viewing. Xiang Liu's new roommate, a plump dark red male king crab, was lying on the bottom of the tank, concentrating on chewing seaweed, completely unaware of his fate.

After everything was done, Shan Hu and Miao Pu retreated. Xiao Yao looked at the fish tank, then climbed onto the bed and opened Xiang Liu's box.

"Lord Xiang Liu, are you awake?" Xiao Yao said, "The fish tank I promised you is here, come out and see if you like it?"

Xiang Liu seemed to have planned to continue pretending to sleep, but maybe he smelled the smell of sea water. After a while, one of his little heads stood up curiously, and immediately saw the conspicuous large fish tank in the room. Before Xiao Yao could say another word of advice, he suddenly turned into a gust of wind and "blew" into the fish tank.

Xiao Yao snickered and stood up, walked to the fish tank, and saw that Xiang Liu was already in the water inspecting his territory like a flash of lightning. The swimming speed only made her feel that such a big fish tank was still wronging him. The king crab in the tank let go of the seaweed and moved his eyes rapidly, cautiously observing this strange creature he had never seen before, but Xiang Liu didn't seem to show much interest in him.

Only then did Xiao Yao discover that Xiang Liu's tail actually had a thin layer of fin supported by cartilage. When on land, they were rolled up and clinging to the scales so as not to hinder movement, so they were difficult to detect. When in the water, it can unfold into a thin and powerful leaf-shaped tail fin, allowing him to move quickly in the water.

How amazing, Xiao Yao thought to herself, she wanted to take a closer look at that fin later. She turned around and scooped out some small fish she asked Miao Pu to prepare from the bowl next to her, and put them into the tank. In the morning, she specially sent someone to the library at Qianqiu Peak to get some books to confirm that the sea snake's main food was fish.

But Xiang Liu seemed to have no intention of eating now. After swimming a few laps in the water, he climbed up to the "beach" contentedly, coiled himself into a circle and entered meditation, and began to cultivate.

It’s really boring to cultivate right after getting up. I've been working so hard for your new home, and you can't even write me a "thank you"! Xiao Yao complained in her heart, but she didn't bother him and went to have lunch.

When she came back, Xiang Liu seemed to have completed schedule for the day and was rubbing one of his small horns on a conch shell on the beach. Seeing Xiao Yao observing him, he stopped rubbing and turned his back, leaving her with nine backs of little heads.

Xiao Yao lay on the edge of the tank and counted the small fish in the water, and found that there were no less fish. She couldn't help but said worriedly: "Xiang Liu, why don't you eat? Aren't you hungry? Or is it not to your liking? Then what do you want to eat, write it on the sand for me to see?"

Seeing that Xiang Liu didn't move, Xiao Yao poked him with her finger and continued: "Xiang Liu, chat with me, please. Don't you feel bored? I prepared such a big tank for you, but you don't go into the water. I want to watch you swim."

As she spoke, she pinched Xiang Liu's tail and pulled him toward the water. However, before he could touch the water, Xiang Liu stretched his necks and ran away from Xiao Yao's evil claw like a cat that refused to take a bath. He fled to the corner, with all nine of his heads standing up warily.

Xiao Yao was confused: Wasn't he swimming happily just now?

Xiang Liu used his tail to quickly write on the sand -  "There is crab shit in the water".

(To be continued)


My mother has not watched LYF. She usually watches realistic dramas, and I'm not sure if she will like gods and spiritual powers... But she likes love stories, so I think she'll probably enjoy it :-). And although my gut tells me she'll probably love Feng Long most, I'm still going to try my best to sell Baby Snake to her! By the way, I think Tencent should launch more LYF peripherals, such as female Xiang Liu's hairpins and the like. It’s hard to imagine how many pieces they can sell... Anyway, I will definitely buy them, including her dress, earrings, etc. Also, thank you for re-reading the previous chapter for me, your suggestions were great and very helpful! =3=


Wuming still fell into a deep sleep. Is it because of the injury she suffered? Maoqiu, you must not repeat the old path your master had taken (falling in love with a weak woman)! Although he has obviously already fallen in love... Fortunately, I think Wuming and Xiaoyao's personalities are not very similar :-). Is the fourth princess Cang Xuan’s daughter? Is she born to A nian? Will she appear? Is there really no soul-calling ceremony? I really want to see the details of the ceremony...


Wait. Is this referring to Jing? Because, LOL.

Yes, it is him, you know, I know, we all know...TvT

Xiang Liu used his tail to quickly write on the sand - "There is crab shit in the water".

LOL!  Things I never thought to hear from XL.


So many cute baby XL moments in today chapter that I don't even know which one to react to. He's adorbs. 

Xiang Liu used his tail to quickly write on the sand - "There is crab shit in the water".


LOL!  Things I never thought to hear from XL.

This one is so him, though. Our 9-headed serpent likes to be pristine like a white lotus, remembered. How does XY expect him to swim in water that has been shit in?

The nine heads that were fighting in a ball stopped, stretching their necks a little guiltily, not daring to look at her.

Is he fighting with himself? Is there a main head that is in charge of all the other heads? Which one is the baby of the group? This is the image that I had in my head when I read this scene. He's too cute!


Yes, it is him, you know, I know, we all know...TvT

It seems that everyone knows except for TY. Or maybe TY knows but just doesn't care since it benefits her. Which one is worse? Terrible judgement or knowing, but not caring? 

Besides she has psychological problems herself, so they are well suited :-). 

Xiang Liu looked at her, then put several heads directly into the just boiled water and drank.

Xiao Yao was startled and quickly pushed his heads away. Unexpectedly, three other heads got into the cup again and started drinking. They seemed to have felt nothing at all.

Even though this mini-XL is a sea snake, I can't help but be reminded of an earlier conversation about AU scenarios where XL is a sea dragon. 

"Fire cannot burn a dragon." ^^

Only then did Xiao Yao discover that Xiang Liu's tail actually had a thin layer of fin supported by cartilage. When on land, they were rolled up and clinging to the scales so as not to hinder movement, so they were difficult to detect. When in the water, it can unfold into a thin and powerful leaf-shaped tail fin, allowing him to move quickly in the water.

!! Another tick in my dragon-XL AU box!

And I may have just gone down a bit of a rabbit hole to learn more about sea snakes to find out that true sea snakes (a category that doesn't include sea kraits or land snakes) cannot leave the ocean and give birth to live young. And since XL told XY in chapter 35 that he was born from an egg and insisted that he wasn't lying about that, there's another bit of species-based evidence that his true form was not a true sea snake in canon. At least not the kind that exist in our world IRL. Although our sea snakes also don't have nine-heads... 

The nine heads that were fighting in a ball stopped, stretching their necks a little guiltily, not daring to look at her.

The quarrelsome nine strikes again! But over what? Did they disagree on which sea creature they wouldn't mind taking up part of their tank? Still, isn't Xiang Liu supposed to merely have shrunk in size due to the 雄黄 realgar? Had he actually reverted back to a (petulant) child state as well?

Anyway, what does he have against mackerel or lobster? And all the complaints about crab dung. I don't see how he could have avoided excrement swimming around in the ocean. Xiang Liu, you're just a snob because this king crab interloper is taking up the home she prepared for you. Xiao Yao had better think of a good reason for getting rid of the king crab - perhaps a nice seafood meal for Cang Xuan to mollify him and his increasing suspicions?

Thank you very much for yet another adorable, fun-filled chapter!

My mother has not watched LYF. She usually watches realistic dramas, and I'm not sure if she will like gods and spiritual powers... But she likes love stories, so I think she'll probably enjoy it :-). And although my gut tells me she'll probably love Feng Long most, I'm still going to try my best to sell Baby Snake to her!

Do let us know how your mother finds LYF if she does watch. My mum was hooked (she started watching first) and convinced me to join her every day during the live broadcast. She loves Xiang Liu most too. followed by Cang Xuan.

By the way, I think Tencent should launch more LYF peripherals, such as female Xiang Liu's hairpins and the like. It’s hard to imagine how many pieces they can sell... Anyway, I will definitely buy them, including her dress, earrings, etc.

Do other dramas release costumes as part of their merchandise? There are not a lot of LYF official merchandise, but apart from the plushies. they do have the FEO x 长相思 bracelets for each character as well as each pairing. Love the inscription that comes with the official YaoLiu bracelet which outright states that they both love each other but kept it in their hearts:

A secret love on both sides, Loving each other
What is lovesickness? A yearning that can never be realised, is the greatest yearning.

Anyway, hopefully they will come out with more interesting merchandise when S2 airs. 

Also, thank you for re-reading the previous chapter for me, your suggestions were great and very helpful! =3=

You're welcome. Thank you for sharing your work!



So many cute baby XL moments in today chapter that I don't even know which one to react to. He's adorbs. 

This one is so him, though. Our 9-headed serpent likes to be pristine like a white lotus, remembered. How does XY expect him to swim in water that has been shit in?

Is he fighting with himself? Is there a main head that is in charge of all the other heads? Which one is the baby of the group? This is the image that I had in my head when I read this scene. He's too cute!

Awwww.  So cute!

This and the story reminds me of the video where they made Tan Jianci draw the 'expressions' on the various heads.  And he drew one as female, and one was hungry and one was sleepy .... I'll have to see if I can find it again.

Heh ... Good point.  The first thing he says to XY is "Don't get my clothes dirty, or I'll cut your hands off."

This reminds of an interview with David Fincher. When asked what he thinks about how the people of the Far Right misinterpreted Fight Club, he essentially said that their interpretations were not the message that he intended to convey, but he's not responsible for that. That people will see what they want to see.  Will TH ever pull a Fincher and come out with her clear view/intent on LYF? Highly doubtful.

I agree. While it is there for those who are able to read between the lines, I truly doubt Tong Hua would ever clearly state whom Xiao Yao truly loved, and wanted most to spend the rest of her life with. Perhaps, as you once said, in 20 years' time, when all the rabid fanwars have cooled off. 

Most of the time, I don't pay attention to the author of any popular fiction that I read. I read the work, get whatever I want/need from it and call it a day. Reading is such a personal experience for me and I don't care much about how someone else sees the work - I'll continue to enjoy the work however I wish in the comfort of my mind :-).

Yes, especially the highlighted section. Everyone is entitled to their individual opinions and we should all be allowed to enjoy a work in whatever capacity we like. What frustrates me is seeing entitled individuals touting their opinions as canon and abusing others whose theories do not align with theirs.

With the rise of social media, creators are more accessible than ever to the readers/viewers which I don't think is always a good thing. I like to maintain my distance lest my view of them ends up tainting their creations.

I am personally grateful that I got to interact with one of my favourite fantasy authors on her messageboard before she passed away - during that time, she had been nothing but warm, gracious and witty. I don't feel that such accessibility is a bad thing, since it is an avenue to better understand the intent behind the works, and perhaps even better appreciate it as a result. I remember once, when asked if she would ever consider continuing a particular series, she shared that she wrote the series during a dark period in her life, and she felt that at present, she could no longer recreate the same frame of mind that drove the creation of those books anymore. These are details we would never have been privy to had she not been interacting with us.

I guess it would help to try and distance the person from their works, though I can understand how outrage over the person's viewpoints or behaviour could make it difficult to be able to view their works in the same way. Nonetheless, I think that such conundrums would occur with or without access to the person in question.