He deserves that slap

Liuli: What will be the end result of Yu Sifeng and Chu Xuanji after the resurrection of the devil?

When watching "Liu Li", it is estimated that many people are looking forward to the scene after the resurrection of the evil spirit. In fact, it has been revealed in the plot that all the legends about the evil spirit are not necessarily reliable. Many people are saying that the resurrection of the evil star will bring devastating disasters to all beings in the Three Kingdoms. However, no one knows what the real situation is, so what was Chu Xuanji's result of saving Yu Sifeng and resurrecting the evil star? The specific situation, let's look at the details below.

Firstly, who the Devil's Star is and who can control it, first we need to find that point. After all, many memories of God of War were erased artificially, but when Xuanji and Wutong fell into the Wangchuan River, they seemed to have seen their own past, which means that God of War may have been Luo Hou Jidu before, because their hearts are connected and able to sympathize. From this point of view, even if the demonic star is resurrected, as well as the resurrection of the god of war, it can be controlled by Xuanji. Likewise, after the demon's resurrection, Yu Sifeng's true identity can also be exposed. After all, he is also from heaven and specializes in influencing the demon. For this, the emperor is still prepared.
Second, what is your purpose afterwards? The answer is very simple, that is, seek justice, eliminate the evil spirit from the evil spirit and make the three kingdoms back on track. This is mainly because Wuzhiqi, the God of War, and Yu Sifeng, who ascended to the skies of Kunlun Mountain to find the Emperor of the Skies to seek justice, to compensate for the mistakes made by the skies and some friends who would be taken along the way, such as the daughter by Liu Yihuan. Wait. It is estimated that the last obstinate enemy is Emperor Haochen. Once that person is brought to justice, all complaints will be cleared and all misunderstandings can be explained clearly.

In this way, everyone will be restored to their reputation and will not be tracked by the skies. Without support, hoping to live the life they want, Xuanji and Sifeng will also be together again and lead a life as a couple of gods.

(Source: https://k.sina.com.cn/article_7049182334_1a429fc7e00100u6cl.html?from=ent&subch=star)

So they are going to live as God in the end? Or as humans?  I am wondering if Sifeng is going to continue as the leader of Lize gong. 

I feel so bad for Luo Hou Ji Du. He basically got abducted and brutally tortured by HC and then his soul was split and he was sealed for being a “evil spirit”. 

Luo Hou Ji Di had it worst.... No wonder he wants revenge 

I hope we get more flashbacks of XJ and SF in the heavenly realm. The two brief flashbacks of their relationship in the heavenly realm (in ep 48) wasn’t enough. Did SF already fall in love with her in the heavenly realm and what made him decide to go along with her in her tribulations? 

“The answer is very simple, that is, seek justice, eliminate the evil spirit from the evil spirit and make the three kingdoms back on track. This is mainly because Wuzhiqi, the God of War, and Yu Sifeng, who ascended to the skies of Kunlun Mountain to find the Emperor of the Skies to seek justice, to compensate for the mistakes made by the skies and some friends who would be taken along the way, such as the daughter by Liu Yihuan. Wait. It is estimated that the last obstinate enemy is Emperor Haochen. Once that person is brought to justice, all complaints will be cleared and all misunderstandings can be explained clearly.”

The heavenly emperor (who gave way too much authority to HC) is finally going to appear and punish HC. The last 6 episodes are going to be fun to watch. 

Does everyone here speak mandarin?

"Xuanji and Sifeng will also be together again and will lead a life as a couple of gods." 

 I liked that part, , because all drama, the protagonists and end up as mere mortals> But in this drama, they are already almost gods and conclude the drama as powerful beings, gods).

(Apparently this ending will be interesting.).


"Xuanji and Sifeng will also be together again and will lead a life as a couple of gods." 

 I liked that part, , because all drama, the protagonists and end up as mere mortals> But in this drama, they are already almost gods and conclude the drama as powerful beings, gods).

(Apparently this ending will be interesting.). 

I oso want XJ and SF can collaborate again in next series..

 Kiki January:

I found this forum from the comment section. ‘Spoiler’s Club’?!! The most lovely name ever! I have watched Ep 50 to 53 with Chinese sub. The kiss and make up scene is in Ep 52 (I can’t remember). Trust me guys, totally worth it, even you don’t understand. The way XJ dominated XF while kissing and grasping his hands, is so natural and passionate. But too short, we, fans deserve more daring love scenes after enduring almost 10 episodes with tears. Damn. 

Lol, I am not the only one who enjoyed that kissing scene, can't understand why would they cut the kissing of the mole part in the episode. Sf was crying when they kiss each other passionately. 

I think a lot of us here speak Mando. 

I want more flashback of God of War and SF in heaven too. I still think she wanted to give the flower to SF and not HC. 

I can’t speak mandarin fluently... a bit can... hahahaha.. elementary Chinese... hahaha


I think a lot of us here speak Mando. 

I want more flashback of God of War and SF in heaven too. I still think she wanted to give the flower to SF and not HC. 

(I still think she wanted to give the flower to SF and not HC.  )

When in heaven ?


I think a lot of us here speak Mando. 

I want more flashback of God of War and SF in heaven too. I still think she wanted to give the flower to SF and not HC. 

I agree, it makes more sense that she wanted to give the flower to SF who she has a sweet friendship with unlike HC who is just plain cold towards her.