
Watching this and another BTS with SF and WT hanging by wires made me respect them... didn't think that it was so tough until the BTS. SF was spinning so much in one of them that I felt dizzy watching him; of cos in the drama it looked "natural". If I were an actor I probably would just take on modern dramas.

This is the first drama (fantasy) I've see that has a lot of flying fight scenes since the very first episode. Its actually concerning how long they had  to be  hung on wires to get a perfect shot.  


(About the final preview) The interaction between Si Feng and LJDI is discreet and consistent. What is clear is that Si Feng's love is entirely for Chu Xuanji. 

yes... SF love entirely for XJ.. 

Even XJ transform to LHJD, SF willing to go to Demon... 

IF Baidi... he prepared his operation room and do operation.. LOL...


According to him, he was only angry that it took XJ so long to find him... what a contradictory handsome young man... lol

Probably the only thing that XJ perhaps went overboard abit is stabbing SF and plunging it deeper thereafter 

same i also interpret same as you... he was angry.. why XJ took long time to find him... hahahaha :D

deep inside he wants her but he also don't want to ruin her future. LOL...

but less he know that, without him, XJ will also cant live.. cos on the past 9 life after she killed SF. she killer herself once she realize how much she love him.. but it always too late.. 

hahahaha :D


What she means.. that because on the EP 53, XJ not allow SF to see others girl beside her..

so cadaver replied, since LHJD is a guy so it should be ok for XJ... wakakakakaa :D

Ohh... Thanks for explaining cos I thought it's the bottom part of the post on the phoenix that was misleading...

Anyway, I wanted to say this SF is a heartbreaker wherever he goes - XYH, Ah Lan, Fu Yu island etc. can be harem already.... now even dudes can apply...  no wonder XJ so worried LOL


This is the first drama (fantasy) I've see that has a lot of flying fight scenes since the very first episode. Its actually concerning how long they had  to be  hung on wires to get a perfect shot.  

Same concern felt when I saw the BTS. Not only fly, they have to do spins and somersaults, and the the scene with SF and WT have to coordinate on the fighting choreography while doing so. Then there is this that XJ flew up 20 metres, that is like extreme sports for some...


same i also interpret same as you... he was angry.. why XJ took long time to find him... hahahaha :D

deep inside he wants her but he also don't want to ruin her future. LOL...

but less he know that, without him, XJ will also cant live.. cos on the past 9 life after she killed SF. she killer herself once she realize how much she love him.. but it always too late.. 

hahahaha :D

That's why TS really pissed with how they function... 

Yes, I caught that part, just wished they they showed how she regretted instead of just XJ narrating it. Couldn't have added on to the regret factor that some people are finding lacking.

BTW, today is the duet OST that keeps on ringing in my head... lol

It’s no wonder Liu Xueyi would slip up on those wires in the bts. There was another bts with Cheng Yi where he was originally saying it’s alright then after flipping so many times he became so dizzy

Maybe this wire thing is why some actors and actresses take a break from xianxia or wuxia dramas then film something modern or palace historical (with maybe some fighting)

@caDAVEr :

the duet song "Lovers Curse" by Yisa Yu and Ayanga?

that one already ring on my head since i watch the first ep.. which is 6 aug.. omo... 1 month already... hahahaha :D

I do like TS boost up XJ confidence to chase SF back.. she almost lost confidence to chase SF cos SF said he will die if she near him.. she was so sad... luckily our TS is there to boost up XJ confidence... wakakakaka :D

PS: I think QL like TS.. hahahaha :D

Where did it say that she killed herself in the previous 9 lives? 


It’s no wonder Liu Xueyi would slip up on those wires in the bts. There was another bts with Cheng Yi where he was originally saying it’s alright then after flipping so many times he became so dizzy

Maybe this wire thing is why some actors and actresses take a break from xianxia or wuxia dramas then film something modern or palace historical (with maybe some fighting)

Yes I saw that BTS as well, heartache...

Think this is also the reason they can get the younger actors and actresses for dramas that are so physically demanding.


@caDAVEr :

the duet song "Lovers Curse" by Yisa Yu and Ayanga?

that one already ring on my head since i watch the first ep.. which is 6 aug.. omo... 1 month already... hahahaha :D

I do like TS boost up XJ confidence to chase SF back.. she almost lost confidence to chase SF cos SF said he will die if she near him.. she was so sad... luckily our TS is there to boost up XJ confidence... wakakakaka :D

PS: I think QL like TS.. hahahaha :D

Yes, and this "step cliff" by "Li Qi" as well:

TS is my favorite character after the leads, initially when he suddenly came into the drama I was like "who the hell'? But without him I think it would have dragged on....

Yeah, he kept the flower TS gave


Where did it say that she killed herself in the previous 9 lives? 

she never said she killed herself after she killed SF.. 

she only said that on the previous 9 life, she also love him but she realize it too late...

since each 9 life they always meet each other.. so i assume that XJ will kill herself after she regret then she and SF can reincarnation together..

on the ep 1, you can see on the rebirth portal... SF and XJ were there together... then reborn same day same timing on the 10 life.

on the 9 life, she was the killer and SF was the person she should kill.. why both of them were in the rebirth portal? so i assume.. after she killed him.. she realize he love him then she kill herself...

hahahahaa :D


Yes I saw that BTS as well, heartache...

Think this is also the reason they can get the younger actors and actresses for dramas that are so physically demanding.


It’s no wonder Liu Xueyi would slip up on those wires in the bts. There was another bts with Cheng Yi where he was originally saying it’s alright then after flipping so many times he became so dizzy

Maybe this wire thing is why some actors and actresses take a break from xianxia or wuxia dramas then film something modern or palace historical (with maybe some fighting)

It looks so tiring especially with having to memorize the choreography for the fight scenes too + with long hours of filming.  I hope the cast + crew continue to get more success + hard work paid off in the future.


Yes, and this "step cliff" by "Li Qi" as well:

TS is my favorite character after the leads, initially when he suddenly came into the drama I was like "who the hell'? But without him I think it would have dragged on....

Yeah, he kept the flower TS gave

i also like the Step cliff by Liqi.. v nice song..

QL also defend TS in front of Bai Di. QL said to forgive TS, because he is a spiritual pet of XJ..

QL also notice him before Bai Di come to him...  Only QL do.. the rest 3 heavenly Beast only tease QL that QL want to warn TS about Bai Di... 

so i think QL likes TS.. Lol... BL... gosh... why nowadays got so many BL...

Yeah I hope they get more success, every single one of them.

Major props to actor He Zhonghua (who plays Chu Lei, XF's father) because he's been acting for quite a long time and he's still doing both wuxia and xianxia dramas. 


It looks so tiring especially with having to memorize the choreography for the fight scenes too + with long hours of filming.  I hope the cast + crew continue to get more success + hard work paid off in the future. 

Hope there is a spin-off... focusing on the 9 lives or how they met in heaven etc..???

so can there be a 11th reincarnation? since both of them became mortals in the end right? So we can have a L&R 2 lol