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Now the copyright is in Huanrui, so the actor should be one of Huanrui's four sons. 

Who are Huanrui's four sons by the way? Is Cheng Yi considered one of them?

its funny that they said the director gave them a lot of direction because he is experienced, haha.

 Amanda Ainsworth:


Now the copyright is in Huanrui, so the actor should be one of Huanrui's four sons. 

Who are Huanrui's four sons by the way? Is Cheng Yi considered one of them?

4 big star..

Yang zi and Allen Ren

Cheng yi and YBY

I think... cos I use google translate to read their Chinese news version. Hahaha


For me 52 only 1 kiss which is the lover curse kiss break thru.. hahahaha..

Well the kiss quite long abt 2min?... but they have 2 version.. 

1st is release version where in the end they make the audience stop to think that they have intimate cos SF is upright person, he was sick and going to die so he has no right to intimate with her. 

2nd is unrelease version the naughty kissed by XJ one.. the one that XJ want to tie him and make the audience think that SF and XJ intimate together.


The kiss I am talking about, is in the drama that was released (official), I will speak clearly (the tongue kiss that Si Feng gave Chu Xuanji, while he was lying in bed.). That kiss! (I thought here (Si Feng loves her very much. But I thought: does the actor love Cristal Yuan?). Because he was real and passionate. I'm talking about this kiss (he hasn't been cut. He's in the drama, with all the colors) .
 Amanda Ainsworth:


Now the copyright is in Huanrui, so the actor should be one of Huanrui's four sons. 

Who are Huanrui's four sons by the way? Is Cheng Yi considered one of them?

Cheng Yi, Allen Ren (I think he is leaving the company soon),  Junjie Qin (seem like he is also leavin the company) and I don't know who is the fourth person.

Which copyright?


its funny that they said the director gave them a lot of direction because he is experienced, haha.

Yea.. during fans live meeting at Youku.. the MC ask whether the kissing scene taught by director..

All says yes.... wakakakaka

That one very funny... YBY also said that the ep 52 kiss the director told her that she kiss CY not soft not gentle enuf... LOL... then they need to retake and retake.. hahaha


I ship them real couple too but ya CY definitely has no time to date XD

I agree with you. But in their interviews (they never miss a chance to be affectionate to each other.). And those sidelong glances they give each other (in interviews), Cheng yi likes to duck his head shy.

The kiss I am talking about, is in the drama that was released (official), I will speak clearly (the tongue kiss that Si Feng gave Chu Xuanji, while he was lying in bed.). That kiss! (I thought here (Si Feng loves her very much. But I thought: does the actor love Cristal Yuan?). Because he was real and passionate. I'm talking about this kiss (he hasn't been cut. He's in the drama, with all the colors) .

SF kissed her back after she said the feather(lover curse life up) tattoo in his chest gone the one that glowing in his chest represents the lover curse tattoo ? Hahahaha

Well I can’t found the BTS.. the ep 52, intimate kiss well done directed.. dunno whether CY lover her or not.. but the director did comment they need to do the kiss with passion... hahahahaha... 

and.. big applauses for CY and YBY... their kiss showing passion enough.. hahahaha


its funny that they said the director gave them a lot of direction because he is experienced, haha.

They wanted to say (that the director has experience in making these scenes.). It is. (But this director is funny, as there are so many moments that Cheng Yi laughs out loud at the director's explanations / guidance.)

CY has filmed with every top female actress as FL in H&R except for Yang Zi and Xuan Lu: Ying Er, Crystal, Zhao Yingzi, Zhang Yuxi, 

 I want to know to how they filmed the kiss scene for 8 hours!


 I want to know to how they filmed the kiss scene for 8 hours!

Hahaha.. if found the BTS 8 hours.. share hoh... I oso want to see.. hahahaha.. must be v v v v v funny one... 

then their lips how ah? Hahahaha


SF kissed her back after she said the feather gone? Hahahaha

Well I can’t found the BTS.. the ep 52, intimate kiss well done directed.. dunno whether CY lover her or not.. but the director did comment they need to do the kiss with passion... hahahahaha... 

and.. big applauses for CY and YBY... their kiss showing passion enough.. hahahaha

"SF kissed her back after she said the feather gone? Hahahaha"

Yes, yes, he kissed her back. (This kiss), after pulling her neck. (I was clear, but I didn't want to be so clear.)


Well I can’t found the BTS.. the ep 52, intimate kiss well done directed.. dunno whether CY lover her or not.. but the director did comment they need to do the kiss with passion... hahahahaha...  

(It is clear that they will never release BTS from this scene. Never. (but there's a BTS that a couple of the director's assistants, men stage a kiss for them (And Cheng Yi with the script's papers in his mouth, as if he's scared, screams in surprise when he sees their kiss.). I don't know if this orientation / staging for the kiss (it's for the kiss scene in episode 52). They said it was the night (which was the scene in episode 52). 


"SF kissed her back after she said the feather gone? Hahahaha"

Yes, yes, he kissed her back. (This kiss), after pulling her neck. (I was clear, but I didn't want to be so clear.)

I assume SF kiss her back with passion cos the lover curse tatto gone that means XJ did love him.. 

so he kiss her back out of happiness.. overjoy.... cos the lover curse lift up.... hahahaha..

Haiya..director directed them lar...

If they did fall in love on set... that is a bonus and happy news for us.. but I dun hope much cos CY is  a rising star.. his schedule must be v v v v busy and he is being pair with a lot pretty actress.. hmmm...