Not really a quote but this was used a lot during the drama.

"What a coincidence!"

Ep 38:

Mi Ka: I have never heard you telling me you love me. Do you love me?


Kelei: You should ask me how much I love you. 

"I'm afraid that you will be under pressure and give up the opportunity to study abroad if I propose marriage. I love you and respect you. Before becoming my lover, you are yourself first. I will never tie you with love selfishly but I will wait for you."

                                                                                                 - Xing Ke Lei

You know am I'm a treasure now

Xing Ke Lei : Everytime I go on on a mission, no matter how dangerous it is, I can handle it calmly when I think about your smile.

Xing Ke Lei : "You told me that nothing good ever happened since we've been together. It turns out you are right about it. But for me,it's the happiest thing in this world to meet you. I want to make this happiness last. I wonder if this ring and a handsome me are enough to ask Dr Mi to let me be your husband. Let me spend the rest of your life with you. Will you marry me ? "

Mi Ka: "I do " 

"I am not the only one you are to protect. You are also to protect the whole city"                                                     - Mi Ka

"I wonder If this ring and a handsome me, are enough for Dr. Mi to let me be her husband?"

- Xing Kelei

“I saved you once. You saved me as well. Courtesy demands reciprocity.”

Mi Ka: Do you love me?

Xing Kelei:  You should ask how much I Love you

-Episode 38

My favorite is actually from Dr. Shao when he was talking to Ke Yao under the stars.

~Life is a journey with lots of branches. Each branch leads to different views. It’s not right or wrong to choose any branch. Different branches may lead to the same end.