Hessa Volunteer Staff
I don't know where to report this, so...

Please remove this picture: http://mydramalist.com/albums/image/32833
It is not from the first episode (Just watched the episode, so I know) it is from episode 2, so it is a spoiler.
Hessa Volunteer Staff
Dream High

Dream High 2 (has something written in the corner)
Hessa Volunteer Staff
pandabear wrote: http://www.uppic.org/image-0C23_52A9CFCD.jpg

Official poster for 'You Who Came From The Stars'

This is better. This is a poster instead of the widescreen.
crookedsmile wrote: @Skye: you uploaded the wrong picture here... not that I mind seeing Rain^^

Fixed =/ Sorry
Hessa Volunteer Staff
Thank Skye.

Hua Kai Ban Xia