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Maybe they will make a 2nd season. Who knows.
Does anyone agree with what Yeon Hwa tells Hae Soo in ep 20? Hae Soo seems to agree with her (if I understood her reaction correctly), but I would totally disagree.

Yeon Hwa basically says that Hae Soo's warning to Wook to not go after the throne is the reason Wook actually goes for the throne. And Hae Soo is to blame for that.
The way I view it, Hae Soo did well in telling him not to go for the throne. It's Wook's own stupid mistake if he ended up like this when he doesn't listen to Hae Soo's words.

Did I miss something or is Yeon Hwa's/the show's logic not very logic?
@Nezumi- That was one part of the plot that I feel was not up to the original. In the original, Rou Xi eas a lot more specific about her warning and because of that, a domino effect occurred. Here, she wasn't very specific at all. It was really just a general warning, so it did not have the same effect I feel. Still, the way I make sense of that is that Wook sensed that she somehow knew something, based on how insistant and upset she was when she told him. It did keep showing it nag at him. So that is why he ends up focusing on 4th Prince and going after the throne, as well as his eventual jealousy and animosity.
Yes, in SHR Hae soo is warning Wook - not to go after So, stay away. It isnt not specific, it is clear. 

But this is first time when Wook feels clearly envy toward So, envy bc of his success and bit of jealousy bc HS helped So.
Wook's mother has constantly pushed him already before, same with sister. His family was focused to throne but until now he didnt have that trigger in himself. 
Hearing HS warning him triggered in him ambition bc he felt that HS warning was bit like saying that he isnt capable, it isnt possible for him but it is possible for So somehow. To hear it after your family and friends always have told you that you are smart and capable, worth to be CP.......was last push to make him focus on So, who was until then seen like someone who doesnt have any chance or hope.

Kinda childish but men are sometimes more kids than we think.

Yeon Hwa telling HS this made HS feel guilt, she is that kind person who takes up all guilt what can be picked. Yeon Hwa knew it and manipulated her intentionally to get her behave like she wants. But same time Yeon Hwa knows that biggest fault lies with her.....her try to poison CP was why he focused to throne.

Yeon Hwa, Wang Yo are persons who never admit that they were wrong, there must be  someone who fault is all what they do wrong.
People keep saying theres going to be another season true or false?
Chinese 2.season was big flop. And in Korea SHR wasnt success.

Still if success outside was by money vise big then it might happen. If they manage sell this drama to more countries and there is demand for reruns and fan meetings. You know - money talks.
For now - if we get third complete version of drama like fans are demanding with petition, we should be happy.

If SHR had great success in Korea....then they might think about it more favorably. 
thanks CherryBunny & Raincat for clearing that up!
it makes more sense if that's what happened in the original.

(still think it's a weak plot element in the Korean version though ^^')
What scandal did IU have that made ratings drop? Just wondering i cant find much
@jessica1022556 ... read the beginning of this thread ... It includes a few articles posted ... but basically she fought back against hypocrisy, offended powerful people who most likely set a netizen campaign against her.... once you have been a bit familiar w/ Korean scandals and their use of antifan netizen campaigns, u'll realize that most of these things are usually strongly organized... they shape, mislead and misrepresent public opinion.
About what Yeoh hwa said to IU. I haven't seen the original so I'' basing this on what actually played out in front of my eyes:  Yeon hwa is suggesting that she had a plan for Wook, and she drove him hard, and maybe in the long run that might have destroyed him (it might have made him king too, who knows - which is the whole point of the drama), but Hae Soo just strolled in and said things without thought and it changed everyone's paths.  She's not blaming Hae Soo for anything except being thoughtless and naive about ramifications, and she's right, which is why it has such a massive effect on Hae Soo. Yeon Hwa is a nasty piece of work, but she's a woman of her times and she needed to be just to stay alive.  As Hae Soo said in the early episodes "is it wrong to want to live?".
Yes she doesnt blame her directly but she manipulates her to feel guilt, Yeon Hwa plan was to cut off HS from Wang So to have more power over him. She was queen but everyone knew that she wasnt loved by king and she cant influece king in any way....it means she doent have full power of queen. She wanted full power, she hoped that when HS is gone, she can fill her place.
Later, when HS is dead and she has son, who is CP....her position in WS eyes still isnt higher and she still doesnt have power over him. Her emotional burst then shows how deeply she envied and still envies HS. 

What she talks to HS in this scene is very multi layered  - she actually isnt displeased that Wook didnt become king bc she herself wanted to become queen. She tried already play with Yo but Yo rejected her bc he knew how powerhungry she is. IF Yo wouldnt rejected her -she happily agreed to marry him and forgot all about her brother. And then she doesnt thought that something is wrong with Wook and that moment Yo was in still in strong position, no so weak like he was in the end.
So her words for HS about Wook are just hypocrisy and target HS personality, who already felt some guilt toward Wook bc she left him and broke promise, even if this was Wook's fault. Make her feel guilty about something what wasnt her fault.
Like i said, HS warned Wook but he didnt listen her. But YH convinces her that all what happened is her fault, that she only made things worse and it would have be better for everyone if she is gone before she messes up again aka she should take responsibility.
Actual reason is - before WS makes her official concubine or consort and.... before she gets pregnant and gives him child, who might be boy and can be rival to YH  kid whom she plans to have. She wants to be mother of future king, HS is obstacle to it. She must do something to prevent it.
Last layer is her envy toward HS and her love, her personality a.s.o.
1. To get power over So
2. to prevent HS have kid
3. envy and jealousy.

Yes, she doesnt blame her...she manipulates her, to get what she wants. Why this has so big impact on HS? Bc she really pics up that guilt what is handed to her, she thinks that her words were triggers for Wook, her helping So cover up scar was trigger to Yo, her being too trusting killed Eun, her being not trustwothy and strong enough killed CR, her not being careful enough killed Lady Oh a.s.o. She blames herself that she wasnt able to rescue and protect them all.she has martyr complex. But was this all her fault? No, it wasnt.

Btw. when she descides leave palace this guilt and wish to protect So ( leaving him bc she is his weakness) , her emotional burn out state, her illness wasnt only reasons....she knew that she is pregnant and she descided to protect her and WS child at ANY cost. Only way was to get out from palace, far way all chemes and manipulations. She wasnt stupid, she got all 3 reasons in YH  talk.

When WS saw that little girl and understood tha HS had his kid and learned about HS last wish ....he got why HS left him and he couldnt blame her anymore. This and his wish to at least hear from jung about his daugther are reasons why he lifted exile from Jung. He got ower his last piece of jelousy toward Jung and felt that they want both protect something very dear.

Thru this drama  people say
- I just want/ed / to survive
- is it wrong to want to live?

It isnt wrong to want survive, want to live BUT ....how you do this is important, what is cost of your wish to be fullfilled...and what this makes your life to be and what you make your life to be after prize is paid. 

Ok. this is how I see and understood it. People see things differently and think differently.
I think your explanation is excellent. I really enjoyed reading that :)
I have finished the two last episode and two little things remain strange after for me. 

First I wasn't sure if So understood that Hae Soo's daughter is his, but after reading Raincat's post this problem is solved.

But the other thing is Wook's daughter, we don't know that Wook had a new wife (or I wasn't awake at this moment) and the little girl is named Bok Soon. Maybe it's just a coincidence to make Baek Ah think about Woo Hee but if it's just for the coincidence the girl could just have been a girl like that, why Wook's daughter ? I find this weird, also Bok Soon seems to be around the same age as WS&HS's daughter and we never know about Wook's new marriage... Lastly after meeting Wook's daughter, Baek Ah talk with Wook and I think it's strange he doesn't say a word about this child... Or maybe it's just a scene like that without signification and it muddles my mind ....
@Heiluri- So knew it was his daughter when he saw the hairpin in her hair. That is why he first ordered Jung to leave her there with him. 

Wook's daughter could have been a year or two younger. We don't know how old she was, so it can fit that he was married right after Soo died. It just wasn't shown. The scene of Baek Ah and the child was quite obviously to show the notion of Woo Hee having been reincarnated.
For the hairpin I wasn't so sure, he could just have guessed she was Soo's daughter, not obviously his. Actually I was just hoping so much that he understood that she was his daughter but I still have a doubt it wasn't the case !

I've not think about reincarnation, it's seems more logical now but it's still strange that it should be Wook's daughter...