I think even accounting for the differences, MQC would still be at least in his early 30s. The problem is that the author/drama has been overly greedy in portraying him as a cardiac surgeon. Surgery is one of the longest specialties to complete - it's around 7 or so years. Particularly if he's experienced enough to be a lead surgeon. 

Yeah, that's one of the criticisms people (including me) had with the novel. Mo Qing Cheng is portrayed as the "perfect" man - a handsome voice actor, singer, chef, and doctor. He's never dated anyone before but somehow still manages to be good at kissing, flirting, and.... other stuff LOL. It's totally not unrealistic. This is also why some readers viewed Gu Sheng as a self-insert character.

But this is just fiction anyway. I'm only here to see Tan Jianci and (temporarily) relieve my pain for my beloved Xiang Liu :D


Bring on the Tan!!! Hahahahahahaha


Okay,  luv2bafangurl it looks like we'll at least get a flash of shirtless in one of these episodes.



Flex, baby, flex!

Lmao how am I supposed to sleep tonight that’s just mean 

I’m all caught up on the main comment section, and here.

Now I need to check all the other threads. Hahahaha it’s like my second job lol

But for real, people complaining about his voice hahahahahah


But for real, people complaining about his voice hahahahahah

lol ridiculous. Of all the things to complain about with this drama, people choose his voice. That's one of the best things about this.


lol ridiculous. Of all the things to complain about with this drama, people choose his voice. That's one of the best things about this.

Jingers at work. Yet again. Lolololol


Yeah, that's one of the criticisms people (including me) had with the novel. Mo Qing Cheng is portrayed as the "perfect" man - a handsome voice actor, singer, chef, and doctor. He's never dated anyone before but somehow still manages to be good at kissing, flirting, and.... other stuff LOL. It's totally not unrealistic. This is also why some readers viewed Gu Sheng as a self-insert character.

But this is just fiction anyway. I'm only here to see Tan Jianci and (temporarily) relieve my pain for my beloved Xiang Liu :D

Just discovered this…thanks for the contributors and sharing. So interesting to see so much going on here. 

So agreed that Mo Qing Cheng/Qiang QingChi is so perfect!!! And TJC just make it come alive to real world. My interpretation is that MQC is so perfect that he literally live in his own world until he found Sheng Sheng Man. He is such as introvert that he chooses his own way to keep a distance from others. However GS’s voice warm him and ignite that passionate part of him, I like how TJC’s portrayal of being direct, yet polite,  He is caring but not really a lover yet. It’s subtle to see that he is also learning to love the girl he fancy. Can’t wait to see how they will warm up more as Ep. progresses.



Bring on the Tan!!! Hahahahahahaha

Yay!!!  She's free!!


Yeah, that's one of the criticisms people (including me) had with the novel. Mo Qing Cheng is portrayed as the "perfect" man - a handsome voice actor, singer, chef, and doctor. He's never dated anyone before but somehow still manages to be good at kissing, flirting, and.... other stuff LOL. It's totally not unrealistic. This is also why some readers viewed Gu Sheng as a self-insert character.

But this is just fiction anyway. I'm only here to see Tan Jianci and (temporarily) relieve my pain for my beloved Xiang Liu :D

Yeah, he sounds like a god that everyone just can't stop admiring.......I'm rolling my eyes alot as I'm reading the novel

And it looks like the FL is eating out of his palms....just following his every word and command with wide eye astonishment....it's cute for a while but it looks like he has so much power over her

I hope her character develops a bit more assertive 

His friends are a whole mood, how do they go off teasing her like that?, I would have died

It's so funny how she was spying him after he escorted her to school.....I would have done the same thing lol

Xiang Liu is redeemed in this drama. I’ll be watching both dramas in tandem.  He deserves love the most.  Jing can go play the pipa.  


Xiang Liu is redeemed in this drama. I’ll be watching both dramas in tandem.  He deserves love the most.  Jing can go play the pipa.  

Another Jing burn LOL. Keep them coming!

Yes novel MQC is too godlike, that‘s why I like drama MQC better, where TJC also portrayed his uncertainty subtly and that he is actually also an introvert (at least that‘s my take from the drama). I like that the drama explained why MQC was talking recipes with GS when then began chatting/talking online (because he didn‘t really know what to talk with her but doesn‘t want to lose the momentum of their budding relationship). Some watchers complained that their relationship progress really quick but they actually haven‘t had any deeper conversation  with each other and thus not really know each other but already becoming bf/gf. I don‘t find this jarring or strange actually because every relationship starts differently, some people want to really know the other first before starting a relationship but for some others gut feeling and mutual attraction is enough. Although I‘m not an introvert, I also can imagine that for two introverts to start chatting and open up will take more time, but MQC did succinctly told GS what kind of man he is and his demanding job as doctor which GS immediately can relate to and understand. I think he‘s more of the type that shows and not tell (he doesn‘t talk much even with his friends, mostly he‘s giving them the look to shut them up or just smile to block their questions). Actually in comparison drama GS, although also an introvert, is the one who is more lively in the circle of people she‘s comfortable with like friends and family.  

MQC really planned carefully how to connect further with GS and how smooth he was in getting her personal contact one by one from wechat to phone number but when they really getting  physically close, he‘s getting flustered as well.  My brain is shutting down anyway from all that sugar so I‘ll buy the premise that he‘s a 30 y.o. brainy prodigy cardiac surgeon who never date before, but somehow know how to kiss a girl senselessly (maybe he is also reading bodice ripper novels in his free time for research like us *snickers*). I‘m not complaining as finally I can see TJC ‚life experience‘ put into good use LOL

@nathsketch: Welcome back! Tan is waiting for you!

A cut of  the bedroom scene in Ep. 11.

A cut of the bedroom scene in Ep. 11.

This was a great episode!  Room mate really bad timing!  And dad!!  lol

Off to watch Episode 12.