Anybody know of any asian dramas or movies with private eyes as the lead character, preferaribly set in the 40's

I have seen the long goodbye.

That is a hard one.

Try River’s Edge it's present time but has noir elements.
Try Private Eye too. It's set in 1910 during the Japanese occupation in Korea.
here try this: Assassination and you can watch it here: Assassination 
@Mirai - Try Private Eye
It's already on irish list.
Thank's folk. Yep, saw private eye, and asssassination diesn't seem to have anything tt private detectives. 
Anyway just googled "asian movies about private detectives"
came up with The Accidental detective"-korea, and that's all. I guess it's not a big thing in asian cinema.
How about Detective K? It's set in the 18th century but is more of comedy than noir.
Hmm, I'm sure I saw that one. But for some reason I forgot to grade it. But In case I'm wrong, I;ll check it out again.
Than;s for suggesting it.