Hi there!

 Im currently following a class on Chinese history and I thought it would be fun to watch a good Chinese drama that is based on true history. However, there are so many good history dramas out there, I don't know which are fantasy history and which aren't. The time period doesn't matter much, as long as it's based on pre-1900s history. Ideally I'm looking for a drama that is both super good and has as much accurate history in it as possible!

I hope you guys have some good recommendations for me!

Proper Chinese historicals that are based on history tend to be serious, complex, deep and heavily weighted on politics and war. These proper heavy shows aren't my cup of tea but I can recommend a few romance-related historical C-dramas which are actual-historical-based (i.e. they feature actual historical characters and also depict actual key historic events of that era) but these shows also employ some literary license to tell the story (i.e. there will be some fiction or made-up bits too). In any case, they are good and interesting shows to watch, some of them are quite faithful to the time period in which the show is set, and the shows' depiction of the historic figures and events may even lead you to find out more about the actual history behind them.

1) 'Bu Bu Jing Xin' i.e. 'Startling By Every Step' aka 'Scarlet Heart': https://mydramalist.com/2969-scarlet-heart

Set during Qing dynasty later-part of Kangxi Emperor reign, this is one of the most famous and well-known Chinese historical periods. The Kangxi-Yongzheng-Qianlong period is well-known in history for being the golden era of the Qing dynasty and the prince fight for Kangxi's throne was infamous. This drama is about a modern-day woman being transported into the body of a young noble girl during Kangxi's reign just before the throne-fight of the princes started so, with her prior knowledge of how events will play out and with her trying to navigate her way through that turbulent period, this drama is one of the best and gripping depictions of the events in that time-period. Highly recommended as a historical & romance drama.

2) Rule The World: https://mydramalist.com/21733-rule-the-world

Set during the transition period from Ming to Qing, and has the founding fathers/ emperors of the Qing dynasty here (i.e. Nurhaci & Huang Taiji). The show has a modern-day writer writing about a heroine's exploits in this era. While this show is more focused on the heroine's romances, it does give you a good idea of the history behind the era and the key characters in this show are based on actual historical figures and some of the key events are also historical-based so worth watching too. It's not as well-written or well-plotted as 'Bu Bu Jing Xin', but it's a nice watch nonetheless.

3) Virtuous Queen of Han: https://mydramalist.com/7925-the-virtuous-queen-of-han

Set during Han dynasty period, it's meant to be a drama on one of the most famous empresses of that period. Characterisation of the key characters in this show is iffy though, and I personally consider this show to be pretty weak and relatively uninspiring to watch and its historical accuracy is suspect, but it's technically a historical-based show so I'm just putting it out there for your consideration. 

4) The Empress of China: https://mydramalist.com/9215-the-empress-of-china

Set during Tang dynasty and features the only female 'Emperor' in Chinese history - Wu Ze Tian, this is a very loose and fictional account of this famous 'Emperor'. The historical events here are highly fictionalised and not very accurate but again, am putting this out there for your consideration.

5) A Step Into The Past: https://mydramalist.com/4606-a-step-into-the-past

Set during the Warring States Period in China, this is an oldie but well-written and quite good depictions of the events and key characters of that time period. The show features a modern-day man who is transported back into the past and he has to then navigate this way through that time and eventually getting very involved in the historical events and happenings of that era. It's an old-school Hong Kong drama so the video quality and production might not be as polished and bright as your other newer shows above but from a story/ plot, event-accuracy and character portrayal perspective, this show is quite outstanding. It's a famous Hong Kong classic drama and the show was one of the most popular and talked-about during its time. Not a show to be sniffed at if you're interested in actual historical stuff. 

These are my few contributions. Hope it helps. But if there's ever 1 show which I say is a MUST WATCH amongst these lot, please watch 'Bu Bu Jing Xin'. It's an outstanding show, is significantly historically accurate, is extremely famous in China, and it spawned the K-drama remake 'Scarlet Heart Ryeo'. 

The heavily-weighted historicals which are too heavy for me, but which you might want to also consider are here. I've not seen all of them but they have a strong reputation as a historical show.

1) Three Kingdoms: https://mydramalist.com/2036-three-kingdoms

2) Red Cliff: https://mydramalist.com/533-red-cliff

3) Red Cliff 2: https://mydramalist.com/534-red-cliff-2

4) The Last Emperor: https://mydramalist.com/6817-the-last-emperor

5) Han Wu Da Di: https://mydramalist.com/3011-han-wu-da-di

Aww thanks for the recommendations!! :D I'm sure it will be a great source of reference while studying!

I actually already started Bu Bu Jing Xin but it didn't really grab my interest much yet (I'm at episode 6), perhaps because I already watched the Korean one...?


Well, the Korean one is loosely based on Korean history while the Chinese one closely follows Chinese history. Since you're interested in Chinese history depictions, suggest you stick with it because they are quite different. In addition, the show is subtle in crafting the story. You have to listen to the dialogue and read in between the lines to understand the current dynamic between the various relationships and see how they evolve. The Korean show is nothing compared to the substance in BBJX. 

On top of Three Kingdoms, Advisor Alliance is great too (same period, different point of view and focus). Qin Empire is apparently great, but I think only the second one? is on netflix. I THINK you can watch it without the prequel.

Second the rec of Han Wu Da Di, idk if you can find subs? That's the issue with these dramas, they are much more serious and drier and usually older, so subs are hard to find. 

https://mydramalist.com/12471-da-ming-wang-chao-1566 Ming Dynasty, I this this one gets toted around the most on c!net.

https://mydramalist.com/15061-kang-xi-wang-chao QIng's Kangxi

https://mydramalist.com/16965-the-yong-zheng-dynasty Qing's Yongzheng

Can't find some of the dramas on here LOL, oh well. 



Well, the Korean one is loosely based on Korean history while the Chinese one closely follows Chinese history. Since you're interested in Chinese history depictions, suggest you stick with it because they are quite different. In addition, the show is subtle in crafting the story. You have to listen to the dialogue and read in between the lines to understand the current dynamic between the various relationships and see how they evolve. The Korean show is nothing compared to the substance in BBJX. 

Ah I see! I will continue to watch it then, thanks! The Kangxi emperor is a very important historically as well.

My class was about Wu Ze Tian this week, so now I really feel like watching that drama. But what  you said about it doesn't sound too good, i'm mostly here for the history part after all...


On top of Three Kingdoms, Advisor Alliance is great too (same period, different point of view and focus). Qin Empire is apparently great, but I think only the second one? is on netflix. I THINK you can watch it without the prequel.

Second the rec of Han Wu Da Di, idk if you can find subs? That's the issue with these dramas, they are much more serious and drier and usually older, so subs are hard to find. 

https://mydramalist.com/12471-da-ming-wang-chao-1566 Ming Dynasty, I this this one gets toted around the most on c!net.

https://mydramalist.com/15061-kang-xi-wang-chao QIng's Kangxi

https://mydramalist.com/16965-the-yong-zheng-dynasty Qing's Yongzheng

Can't find some of the dramas on here LOL, oh well. 

Thanks for the recommendations! 

Yeh, unfortunately my Chinese is still rubbish so for now I will have to stick with the subbed ones, but I can always add  it to my list for later. ;) 

Not everyone likes the story, someone considers its study boring and meaningless. What is the point of studying the names of figures of the past and the dates of long-standing events? Typically, most people who find a story boring and worthless don't know it. But a lack of interest is not a problem of science itself.  A history essay online is capable of teaching and giving food for thought.

So, suppose you are a novice writer, salesperson, politician or just a person who needs to speak convincingly. The story will come in handy for you to make messages more compelling and credible.