I really want to get back into TW dramas, but I don't know where to start. So many of them are over 50 episodes long, and although that isn't a problem, I don't want to spend 20 hours or more on a boring show. Please take a look at my list before adding suggestions. Thanks in advance :)
Just You :) (I was also going to rec Down With Love but I noticed you've already seen it! It's one of my favourites ^.^)
MARS is the one I like a lot, Romance will be there little comedy , something serious as well. OST of MARS is the awesome song, singer Alan Ko is best singer too. Miss rose and office girls, were good best Romance , Roy is always great Devil besides you most of the ppl liked it a lot , just romance , Mike will be good , but it didnt make watch again.
The Clue Collector-It's one of my favorite Taiwanese dramas. It has comedy, suspense & romance(it's balenced really well). The leads have great chemistry in my opinion. Fabulous Boys-The Taiwanese version of You're Beautiful that came out last year. I actually kind of like it better than the original! Has comedy & romance & great singing! Chocolat-Currently Airing, 2 episodes are out on Viki & 7 episodes are out in maplestage (with chinese subs no eng subs). It's really good! Comedy, romance & music! If you want to know what any of these are about or why I like them, then you can pm me or send a comment!
Ring Ring Bell! It's a romance and family drama that I really enjoyed. ^^ It has 15 episodes.
I've already watched MARS, Miss Rose and Devil Beside You. Please look at my list before making suggestions.
I second Just You! That was so sweet and fun. Even though it has a lot of clichès and it certainly doesn't reinvent the wheel, I don't regret one minute of watching this :)
The Fierce Wife - both a family drama and a rom-com, worth a watch just for the lovable & complex characters
De ja Vu - rom-com with a time-travelling heroine
pineandclover wrote: The Fierce Wife - both a family drama and a rom-com, worth a watch just for the lovable & complex characters
De ja Vu - rom-com with a time-travelling heroine

I would say don't watch Deja Vu. I know it looks appealing at first because it is a time traveling drama and the leads seem very sweet but don't be mislead. It gets VERY melodramatic towards the ending and the sister Yu Xi is one of the meanest characters ever to be created in T-drama history.

Do watch the Fierce Wife though. The Fierce Wife has to be one of my favorite T-dramas. You get so in wrapped in the story. I HIGHLY recommend that drama.
I recently complete My Queen and found it entertaining so why don't you try it.
Try "In a Good Way." :)