Any drama about bet or game of love...

Where guy fakes love for some ulterior motive...but girls gets to know and is hurt...also now guy has fallen hard fpr her...

Like tempted

Autumn's Concerto - bet + jerk kind ML, not weak but misfortunate FL

Last Cinderella - not bet but favor for someone  (someone asks ML to seduce FL) and one of most beautiful sexy ML ever (10 sec look:

Pride starts with bet but it's not issue, not lie or something like tempted, but really great drama, rare feel with watching, plus great bromance-friendships. 

not bet but seduce FL for revenge or something like that, FL revels hidden reason when already in love:

The Innocent Man revenge (develops in true love)

That Winter, The Wind Blows for money (ML is conman) (develops in true love)

Perfect Crime for other woman ML loved (complicated but interesting story)

A Love to Kill revenge (develops in true love)

Bad Guy revenge

Money Flower revenge 

guy fakes love for some ulterior motive...but girls gets to know and is hurt...also now guy has fallen hard fpr her

Madame Antoine