All I have to say is, this wig on Mean looks better than Ja's wig did in the other show he was in. Still bad, but an improvement. Of course ZERO WIGS would be best. Unless it looked real, then maybe. ?


All I have to say is, this wig on Mean looks better than Ja's wig did in the other show he was in. Still bad, but an improvement. Of course ZERO WIGS would be best. Unless it looked real, then maybe. ?

You're right as we understand why the wig is necessary here whereas Ja Wig had absolutely NO reason to wear one in UWMA . It was wig overkill. Reckless wigging.. A wig too far 

 Chelsea Black:

You're right as we understand why the wig is necessary here whereas Ja Wig had absolutely NO reason to wear one in UWMA . It was wig overkill. Reckless wigging.. A wig too far 

reckless wigging ?????


reckless wigging ?????

I'm going to watch today's episode and hope we've moved the wigs on a bit 

 Chelsea Black:

I'm going to watch today's episode and hope we've moved the wigs on a bit 

nope they were all.out in full force ??? maybe by the next ep they will retire I think except for the one Meen is wearing ???

 Chelsea Black:

You're right as we understand why the wig is necessary here whereas Ja Wig had absolutely NO reason to wear one in UWMA . It was wig overkill. Reckless wigging.. A wig too far 

I just hope the wig is only for an episode or two, then he gets a "haircut" and looks normal again. Wishful thinking. lol


I just hope the wig is only for an episode or two, then he gets a "haircut" and looks normal again. Wishful thinking. lol

Yeah the way they committed to First's acne has me thinking that they're going to have to justify the wig spend with maximum exposure 

 Chelsea Black:

Yeah the way they committed to First's acne has me thinking that they're going to have to justify the wig spend with maximum exposure 

I love how that terrible acne left him with zero scarring. ?


I love how that terrible acne left him with zero scarring. ?

Right? I thought they were going to product placement us to death but then remembered this wasn't GMMTV 

 Chelsea Black:

Right? I thought they were going to product placement us to death but then remembered this wasn't GMMTV 

Lol. I can just see it now. They could have done so much product placement for acne cures and acne scar repair. ?


Lol. I can just see it now. They could have done so much product placement for acne cures and acne scar repair. ?

First would be applying product whilst waiting for Ja Wig to MSN. A whole routine, carefully angled so we could see 'Acne Free' bottles all over his desk 

 Chelsea Black:

These are worse than KDrama 30 years ago wigs. That said, Ja has priors. Remember that awful wig in UWMA? I reckon he called up the same person and asked for a group discount :D 

I completely forgot that he was in UWMA and his wig, I had to look it up. That was definitely horrible, but Mean's looks like a rat died on his head.

I don't know what year Mean's wig is meant to represent but someone clearly hates him.  And then to make as if ALL the women were after him with that thing on his head? Purlease! 


I completely forgot that he was in UWMA and his wig, I had to look it up. That was definitely horrible, but Mean's looks like a rat died on his head.

rat died on his head ?????????


rat died on his head ?????????

As in the wig he is wearig. It's all scraggly and stuff.