Rio Shuri:

i dropped it . i kinda dont even remeber why i dropped this. most probably because of the delay and huge number of eps. is it good? if yes then maybe ill start again

I also dropped it, and weird enough it was not cause I find him ugly, the story started getting a bit cliche plus, I can't deal with pacient-doctor relationships.

Looks is something none of us can control. Not everyone is born attractive. I understand your opinion, but the question from me is: Why feel the need to state it? You find him Ugly? Okay, find another Drama. Imagine me saying "I dont like your voice, I don't like your sexuality, I don't like your skin color". They aren't changeable traits. Spread positivity, not negativity :)

Is there a possibility to get deleted from this conversation? The attitude and latest comments aren’t suitable. I don’t want to here more from this stupid and insulting  question. Daydreamer, I hope you had a blast. I’ll stay away in the future from your threads. Thanks for showing your level. 

 Carli Sun:

Is there a possibility to get deleted from this conversation? The attitude and latest comments aren’t suitable. I don’t want to here more from this stupid and insulting  question. Daydreamer, I hope you had a blast. I’ll stay away in the future from your threads. Thanks for showing your level. 

If you don't want to get notifications from this you can click on a "green eye" on the top right and click unsubscribe.

 Carli Sun:

Is there a possibility to get deleted from this conversation? The attitude and latest comments aren’t suitable. I don’t want to here more from this stupid and insulting  question. Daydreamer, I hope you had a blast. I’ll stay away in the future from your threads. Thanks for showing your level. 

You're probably one of those girls/guys who'd stop everything they're doing and start screaming and wasting their time at somebody who said "kpop is gay".

Calm your self down. He is an actor. An actors job is to entertain ppl and amaze ppl. Maybe he is a great actor but his looks aren't that great at all. And the combination of both failed to entertain @daydream1 . DD1 made an opinion, if you don't like it, then don't comment. I hope the mods don't delete this thread

 Rio Shuri:

You're probably one of those girls/guys who'd stop everything they're doing and start screaming and wasting their time at somebody who said "kpop is gay".

Calm your self down. He is an actor. An actors job is to entertain ppl and amaze ppl. Maybe he is a great actor but his looks aren't that great at all. And the combination of both failed to entertain @daydream1 . DD1 made an opinion, if you don't like it, then don't comment. I hope the mods don't delete this thread

She/he gives me Karen vibes. I like your attitude, I don't get why people are so offended by it, I just wanted to know if there was someone who finds him ugly like I do, I'm not saying if it's cause of his age or he's a bad actor, I just don't find him appealing, why can't I want to know if someone thinks the same? and If people don't like this they can just pass by it, by commenting and giving it attention they are just making what they don't like bigger. 

 Carli Sun:

Is there a possibility to get deleted from this conversation? The attitude and latest comments aren’t suitable. I don’t want to here more from this stupid and insulting  question. Daydreamer, I hope you had a blast. I’ll stay away in the future from your threads. Thanks for showing your level. 

I actually had a blast, thank you. Take care. 

 Rio Shuri:

You're probably one of those girls/guys who'd stop everything they're doing and start screaming and wasting their time at somebody who said "kpop is gay".

Calm your self down. He is an actor. An actors job is to entertain ppl and amaze ppl. Maybe he is a great actor but his looks aren't that great at all. And the combination of both failed to entertain @daydream1 . DD1 made an opinion, if you don't like it, then don't comment. I hope the mods don't delete this thread

Your misinterpreted my post. I never said that she can’t express her opinion. I think it doesn’t lead to something. I didn’t know how to deactivate the notifications. That annoyed me. I’m not emotional hyped through the topic itself. The written word can be interpreted in several ways. You’re interpretation shows me that you don’t me at all. It’s understandable because we are strangers. When I read my former post again I see where the misunderstanding comes from. I apologize that I sounded to harsh, to all who felt insulted. To that time I asked for a delete because I thought the thread creator lost interest. But she mentioned afterwards that she has fun reading the comments. If that’s her goal, then everybody is happy. I understand the Karen reference as an insult. But I’ve got no idea who that is. Therefore...?! Let’s part ways in peace and please don’t judge people you don’t know. Have fun! :)

 Carli Sun:
I understand the Karen reference as an insult. But I’ve got no idea who that is. Therefore...?! Let’s part ways in peace and please don’t judge people you don’t know. Have fun! :)

you've got to be kidding me , you dont know what a karen is?

 Carli Sun:
You’re interpretation shows me that you don’t me at all.

Even though i understand its a typo, but please trust me, i would not " do" someone like you ever !

The term “Karen” isn’t used all around the world. Are you American? 

To your second part: I can live with that. It’s mutual. 

OP seems like a total Karen

Think you should have said something similar to this... "I don't find this actor all that attractive, what do you think?"  Even that is kind rude... Also ugly is a very strong word.

 Egi Toko:

how would someome know what karen is ?? its just name for us. 

join reddit

I know everybody is entitled to there own opinion but calling someone "Ugly" is not morally    okay . there is much nicer way of saying this instead of just labeling the guy as "Ugly"

To put it in perspective take this as an example you walk up to someone and say this to them "i am sorry i don't mean to offend you but you are Ugly" just think about how that person would feel do you think that just adding "i am sorry" in the beginning makes every thing alright.