
New trailer!


Definitely looking forward to its broadcast. The way things are, a comedic drama sounds like what the doctor ordered! 


Definitely looking forward to its broadcast. The way things are, a comedic drama sounds like what the doctor ordered! 

Definitely!  Need some laughter after LYF.

Another BtS video!  Yuan Mo impressing the ladies with his spinning moves.  lol
Also, surprised by a ... rooster?


Another BtS video!  Yuan Mo impressing the ladies with his spinning moves.  lol
Also, surprised by a ... rooster?

Director: Start!

[Yuan Mo doing his spinning moves] [Cool]

A Shu: You hit two yuan!
Yu Chi Hua: So handsome!

[TJC embarrassed]

YCH: How come you get embarrassed when we say "handsome"?

Director: Get ready. 3,2,1 start!


YCH: So handsome!

[Four-Square Pavillion cheerleading squad makes its appearance]
[YM keeping his composure]

Director: Cut! All good!
YCH: So handsome! Look over here!

[YM - unable to hide his happiness]

[AS being attracted to becoming Yuan Mo's fan]

AS: Someone like Yuan Mo is very adorable in reality. Adorable, confident and responsible.
Director: That's right, that's right. His character is very well set up.
AS: And not dumb.

[cut to Yuan Mo appearing from trapdoor and coming face to face with the rooster]
[Who's talking about me?]

Director: Sometimes when he is being silly, he is very adorable.
AS: That's right. That is, he is very intelligent.
Director: He is an intelligent person being silly, so he is very adorable. Simple-minded. He is smart yet simple-minded.

[YM: Is this praising me or insulting me?]

AS: Kind-hearted

[A man who is cool, adorable and intelligent all in one]

AS: Someone like Yuan Mo is very adorable in reality. Adorable, confident and responsible.
Director: That's right, that's right. His character is very well set up.
AS: And not dumb.

[cut to Yuan Mo appearing from trapdoor and coming face to face with the rooster]
[Who's talking about me?]

LOL!  Thank you liddi for the translation!  Yuan Mo does sound adorable... and not dumb.  hahahah

Really looking forward to seeing this.  Just watching the videos lightens my heart.

New character posters posted in the gallery!

New trailer!



New character posters posted in the gallery!

New trailer!


Yuan Mo looks so badass here! (followed by adorably not-dumb LOL). Please air soon!


Yuan Mo looks so badass here! (followed by adorably not-dumb LOL). Please air soon!

Yes!  I knew there was going to be adventure, but they didn't show us much in the trailers.  Seeing Yuan Mo show his more serious side ... as well as kicking butt ... is a welcome addition.

LOL!  Adorably not dumb.  hahahahahah  Somehow, I can see Yuan Mo saying this about himself.

Didn't know that this thread exist.

The new rumor date is 25/8. Take it with some salt.

I did read that apparently the storyline focused on detective/case solving with political/power elements rather than the comedy that was shown in the first trailer. The second trailer did show the more serious stuff. Hopefully, it will be a nice balance and we'll get a solid plot and sweet relationship lines. 

I just want something with a happy ending for XL's re-incarnated life :-).


Didn't know that this thread exist.

The new rumor date is 25/8. Take it with some salt.

I did read that apparently the storyline focused on detective/case solving with political/power elements rather than the comedy that was shown in the first trailer. The second trailer did show the more serious stuff. Hopefully, it will be a nice balance and we'll get a solid plot and sweet relationship lines. 

I just want something with a happy ending for XL's re-incarnated life :-).

I was trying to spruce it up a bit, before announcing it. :)

LOL!  That airing date just keeps on moving.  iQiYi did a press conference today with 3 out of 4 of the main cast, so I was expecting an announcement ... but apparently they didn't say.  So annoying.

I think it is an adventure in other countries or along the Silk Road, with comedic elements to it, more like the second trailer.  It also appears that it may start off with more comedy and Yuan Mo clowning around at the beginning, but get more serious as his character grows.  Given that even in the first trailer, we saw the leads almost blown up, I figured it was also going to be more than just comedy.

But YES.  This should definitely be a happy ending for Tan Jian Ci's character.  Not seeing any love rivals or angst, and I'd rather they keep it that way.  People trying to kill, however, is perfectly acceptable.  lol

Yes!  I knew there was going to be adventure, but they didn't show us much in the trailers.  Seeing Yuan Mo show his more serious side ... as well as kicking butt ... is a welcome addition.

I did read that apparently the storyline focused on detective/case solving with political/power elements rather than the comedy that was shown in the first trailer. The second trailer did show the more serious stuff. Hopefully, it will be a nice balance and we'll get a solid plot and sweet relationship lines. 

Yes - the 2nd trailer definitely looks like it's more than just a comedy through and through, which is truly welcome, though what little we've seen of Go East is convincing me that it may very well be what I need right now to get out of this cloud of sadness.

LOL!  Adorably not dumb.  hahahahahah  Somehow, I can see Yuan Mo saying this about himself.

LOL! If not himself, then at least from his Sifang Pavilion cheerleading squad!

Yes - the 2nd trailer definitely looks like it's more than just a comedy through and through, which is truly welcome, though what little we've seen of Go East is convincing me that it may very well be what I need right now to get out of this cloud of sadness.


Well, this IS the recovery lounge. ;p

Maybe I've missed them, but I'm surprised that there aren't more Cdramas that are set on the Silk Road.  It looks like Strange Tales of the Tang Dynasty 2 may have that setting, though I haven't watched it yet.  Regardless, I think it is a great setting for adventure stories, and I hope it works out well for Go East.

LOL! If not himself, then at least from his Sifang Pavilion cheerleading squad!

Heh ... that looks like a tough love sort of cheer leading squad.  I can't wait for the ear pulling when Yuan Mo gets out of hand. lol

Go East may indeed be dropping on 8/23.  Apparently a date has shown up on Douban?  or Mayoran?



Go East may indeed be dropping on 8/23.  Apparently a date has shown up on Douban?  or Mayoran?


Wow that's fast! My iQiYi still says "Coming soon" with no specific date. Can't wait for Sifang Pavillion shenanigans to show up on our screen!


Wow that's fast! My iQiYi still says "Coming soon" with no specific date. Can't wait for Sifang Pavillion shenanigans to show up on our screen!

I don't know where that brown pic on the right, with the date is from.  It looks look like Douban or Mayoran, but I don't know for sure.  I don't know why they are keeping it such a big secret.  smh

Okay, Douban has the premiere date as 8/23 ... so tonite.

Sifang Pavilion (Douban)