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Okay :) So you're talking about a similar feature that Goodreads has? There you have a few deafult lists/statuses (plan to read, currently reading) but you can also create your own lists and set them as exclusive/default.

exactly that's what i meant


exactly that's what i meant

Can you create a separate thread in the suggestion for that?

in the mean time, can we have a plan not to watch, or not interested in list added to the list tables?


in the mean time, can we have a plan not to watch, or not interested in list added to the list tables?

We will definitely be considering it.

Added "Not Interested". 

Thank you very much <3

wow!  you guys are the best!  thank you so much! :D


Added "Not Interested". 


Skye-N-Rain locked this Nov 17, 2017 02:17 am